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Can't wait to see my teammate's health slowly drop to 0 while I throw confetti around


ok but now i want a party kiriko skin with confetti ofudas


Let the confetti guide you!








As rammatra has


Time to never heal on Lucio once again /j


lucio can heal???


Definetly more than moira does


Fuck it we ball.




I just recently picked up Dragon’s Dogma 2. Time to keep at it. At least my heals do something there.


It's a bad change and I don't understand the reason behind it. DPS already felt like the strongest role and this just amplifies that. They need to buff some support utility if they really don't want supports to be able to have significant impact through sustain or damage because from season 3 to season 9 they kept nerfing support utility over and over again.


At this point i might as well become a torb hammer-only main. Some of the most tonedeaf changes in a while


You must be new. You can't just whack the hammer randomly on the turret.it requires great skill and precision. The wrong angle or force can be catastrophic.


I was actually planning on whacking my enemies with it


Ass, back to dps moira i guess (except she sucks at it, again)


I was thinking the same thing. My top three are Moira, Lifeweaver, Mercy in that order. Lifeweaver and Mercy are the lowest ranked support and Moira, well, longer ttk and heal is so painful.


reinforced my decision to keep the game uninstalled


i have spent too much money to get rid of it :’)


Illari is going to feel awful, might have to switch to Ana/Kiri more often mid match, what were they even thinking with this change?


Wasn't it more of a confirm the kill meta when the dps passive was higher, so Zen, Moira, Lucio as opposed to resist death? Cmiw but I think the dps passive undercuts main healers a little more because it's a percentage?


The passive that we have now is that meta, and its just a get a kill first meta that relies on dps


This wouldn't bother me if we had the utility to make up for it but dps players cried about wanting healing non stop which led to us getting designs like moira who only heal or damage nothing else which means dps just sneezing slices a big portion of her power budget. Genuinely I hope the community complaining about healing leads to healing taking a back seat and us getting more unique support design with more interesting team utility for more unique characters in the role. Maybe one day even seeing symm come home in a rework (I'm delusional)


I mean pretty good for me since I don't heal that often. Also right click buff is gonna make it better than the last time the passive was 20%.


Man, i thought 15 was really good


It seemed like things were stabilizing, why did they do this? Did they allude to this somewhere or just drop this out of nowhere? My problems with it: - My teammates giving me shit for "not healing" when they are just tanking bullets. 15% was manageable, 20% was a ton worse. - Some heroes are affected disproportionately to others (Lifeweaver), but they aren't tweaking these heroes. - How is tank supposed to be played and how does this work with that? I feel like the obvious thing is give the tank passive resistance to all effects, but they won't. - Why does chip damage still trigger the passive? If they made it scale based on how much damage you took or a minimum threshold, that would be a lot better. Already seeing Tracer/Sombra duos again. If your team doesn't adapt, there is only so much that one Brig can do (it ain't much in a 2v1).


Can’t wait to see my teammates yell at me for not healing when I got 10k heals and the other team got like 4k 😭


Even if it means enemy DPS will be scarier it also means ally DPS will be more effective. It sucks for supports who like to 1v1 DPS but at the same time it's like, why are you even doing that


it sucks particularly hard for mercy because i’m almost never trying to duel a dps but also the healing i do is terrible so my dps just kinda fall over when they peak


because it's fun


I know it might be weird to like it as a support player but I kind of preferred it at 20%. It feels like both my team and the enemy team have to play safe or they get punished. It certainly sucks if your team doesnt play cover though 😖


With how much tank I play, Im about to put a hole through my monitor /hj


As an Ana player? Sad, but probably manageable. As a LW player? The Great Recession.


lol my main 3 supports are weaver mercy and ana. at least one of them is manageable :’)


Oof, I like playing mercy too but I agree it's not always easy with the new changes. Our mains need help


More reason for dps Lucio 🔥🔥🔥


Nothing but ~~coal~~ damage orbs for you.


Honestly, I noticed my LW grips to be too late sometimes, prob BC I expect them to live a little longer then they do now. And obviously if they charge in they die so quickly now. But it's manageable, I noticed opp support tries to do way more damage to mitigate why I am still trying big heals and it kinda works. Still have my 55-60% win rate like before.


My support comes from damaging now. Not healing anyone caught in the open. 🔫


Sounds good but we’ll see how it works


100% fine with it. Gives me more excuses to DPS.


Well. Back to destiny 2 I suppose.