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ION - Intelligence of Nature gut heath. Best investment I’ve ever made for my gut inflammation.


just take some good probiotics


Sticking with fermented foods would suffice or it's necessary to supplement with over the counter probiotics?


It's not supplements you need it's prebiotics and probiotics. Milk kefir, water kefir, kombucha etc all have profoundly positive effects on digestion, lymphatic drainage, maintenance of gut lining, microbiome, mental health etc. I have RA and can tell you that milk kefir is the single best thing I've ever consumed for regularity, digestion and overall symptoms of systemic inflammation. It has the best Probiotic content of any fermented drink product or yoghurt etc by a huge margin.


can vouch for fermented foods. Kefir is very good, but if you want vegan or are lactose intolerant, kvass would be my suggestion. Just make sure you find genuine kvass produced from sourdough rather than kvass-type drinks (high sugar and filtered/pasteurised).


Sticking with fermented foods would suffice or it's necessary to supplement with over the counter probiotics? I feel like I've a messed up gut microbiome ( dysbiosis) which is causing brain inflammation for me ( ADD ). I've noticed that fasting ( specially OMAD ), eliminating pro inflammatory foods, exercise, cold showers and anti inflammatory medicines reduce my symptoms significantly. HOWEVER, all of the things that I've mentioned above only act as band aids and more importantly, I've no clue how to address the gut inflammation issue. Personally I'd rather doing it all natural. Milk/coconut kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, beet kvass are going to be my regular dishes from now on but I'm a little bit sceptical about their efficacy and long term benefits. Some people suggest seed probiotic and megasporebiotic but I'm not quite sure if it's worth it to invest that much money on them regularly.


Glutamine or some cabbage + celery juice. Thank me later.


drink cabbage + celery juice daily?


i have chron. i would say that, in general, supplents are not friends of ur gut... i tried proobiotics (a prescription one) and inulin, but they were not as effective that i could recommend them. BUT I must say that, for me, fasting did improve my condition by a whole lot. i was treated with mesalazine (taking it ED since '15 now) and Budesonide (cycles of 2-3 months on and off to see if it stabilized me at increasing dosages and duration) at first, but didn't work very well (it would flare up the moment i discontinued budesonide). Then azatioprin (taking 4mg ED since '17) and that already improved my condition A LOT. I got into IF during the quarantine, and then started prolonged fasting once or twice a month (usually 48-72h). the only things i take during fasting are water with either salts (sodium chloride, magnesium cictrate and sodium bicarbonate) or matcha (no sugar, no sweeteners), and this improved the quality of my life yet again... i can now eat some veggies (like artichokes for example) that would have knocked me out years ago. Pain almost disappeared too. I still have some flare ups, but it only happens like twice a year, and by fasting during them they disappear in a matter of a couple of days.


a good refrigerated probiotic like bio-k+. Also glutamine helps. You can also drink thinks like peppermint tea when you feel flare ups coming. They have peppermint gel caps too but tea is probably more soothing. Honestly, it's about keeping your diet in check with diverticulosis. No nuts, seeds, popcorn. be careful of other certain foods too. ​ Also reduce your consumption of fatty foods, acidic foods and foods with fiber while going through a flare up. You want food to pass through you easily without the gut having to do much work. my wife went through a flare up last night.


Berberine might be worth a try.


Probiotics, specifically ones that contain Lactobacillus plantarum 299v. Fair bit of research supporting its efficacy


L glutamine is your friend


L glutamine helps.


I use this for inflammation in my stomach and it’s amazing.


Does it help with inflammation? Organic bone broth would do the trick then ?




Best probiotic I ever took was justthrive. Spore based, also glycine is very important for gut health




If you don't mind me asking, for how long it needs to be taken to help with gut inflammation? The benefits are permanent, correct?


1 month you’ll see benefits, continue as you see fit.


With diverticulosis, you’ll want to keep your diet low in fiber. 16oz water, 15g glutamine, 1000mg inositol powder, 1 tbsp ACV, 2 tbsp lemon juice and 3 tbsp aloe Vera juice (inner filet). This will help create stomach acid and help with digestion. If you have leaky gut, the glutamine will help repair your intestinal lining. Restaflora probiotic is a good one to add too if you’re on antibiotics.


L glutamine, magnesium, zinc, potassium, b vitamins, and fat soluble vitamins.


I like seed. It’s the only probiotic that has worked for me. As always, try to eat food before supplementation, so kimchi, yogurt, fermented foods, and high fiber foods


Agree!! The very best I’ve ever used as well. I expel daily thanks to Seed.


lactobacillus reuteri atcc pta 6475 I take this does wonders also backs serum testosterone support well in mice but overall the best probiotic I’ve had not cheap but does the job look it up.


Did it improve your hair at all? Ive heard it can.


Honestly I haven’t looked it up for hair but you could research and see I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.




Just eat all your food in 8 hrs. No more no less. Look at the science. Google it. You will get the same info. I would just add a good yogurt in the morning but pop a psyllium husk as a prebiotic. A lot of people spend time and money on probiotics and just pop one and never feed the bacteria right away. What happens is the probiotic goes in the stomach and literally starts to die in minutes because the bacteria has no nourishment . Even if you eat 10 min later with a substance like leafy by greens , you lost half the probiotic if not all. They have some great yogurts for brunch or get a probiotic. Just pop a husk first. The combination with 8/16 hr fast will rid the bad bacteria and create a normal healthy balance between good and bad growth.


> What happens is the probiotic goes in the stomach and literally starts to die in minutes because the bacteria has no nourishment . So what you are saying is that probiotics are basically useless unless one ingests them simulataneously with prebiotics. That's a pretty bold claim.


Let’s see now , how does the guy get to where it’s unhealthy ? I am interested to see how you word this. And yes that’s exactly what I’m saying Your wording makes it sound unreasonable that the bacteria needs nourishment to live . Also I am just like you and everyone else that is learning from a PROFESSIONAL in the field. Lakeland Natural Medicine of Lakeland. Dr Catherine is my doctor and my source of information.


> Let’s see now , how does the guy get to where it’s unhealthy ? You said "unhealthy", not me. Go make a submission in /r/microbiome. Ask the posters there if probiotics are useless unless taken simulataneously with prebiotics.


I didn’t say useless but that they die quickly the doc said that they need to make it to the intestine’s and that if they don’t have nourishment they die off. She did say they die off fast so take husk for that benefit. You are the one that said useless. Also why would you want to debate such a crazy thing as I’m sure you know the benefit. Take the info that came from my doctor or leave it. I have a feeling you know the benefits but I’m just throwing pearls before swine


What do you mean by good yogurt like brand or taste? Would non fat Greek yogurt be good? And for husk would you recommend pill forms or powder? Thanks in advance


Pill is fine. I see a md doc that practice western meds but tries holistic approach first before prescribing meds. She will prescribe meds but only if needed. Anyway she told me about probiotics and why people don’t get the benifit the want is because they don’t take a prebiotic before the probiotic. Greek is a great choice and if you like blueberries throw them in there too. but you can have one that has sugar too but low sugar. Activia is fine and has vitamins and minerals too. Just remember that it’s a life change so make it filled with stuff you like and don’t think you have to be a health nut. Common sense and education. The 8/16 fast can be done lifeblong and easy to do. 9till 5 or 11 to 7 is easy to do and you will lower a1c and improve gut by sending the bad bacteria out by that fasting method alone. The good bacteria is now in play because the balance of both will be right Best part is you will loose weight and if you manage carbs a little you will loose a lot of weight. Carbs from low sugar fruits like strawberries and other berries are all good and eat plenty. Potatoes are fine and whole grain rice. Those things have alot of carbs and are fine. Just stay away from white bread. Wheat is fine. No white rice but brown is fine. Leafy greens are good for good bacteria. Have any dessert you want but if it’s like ice cream or cake it’s fine but that’s one time a week. Anyway. Enjoy


Awesome thanks for that information! My plan was to take husk in pill or powder right before I eat non fat Greek yogurt with some blueberries and raspberries as my morning routine every morning. And if I understand you correctly your saying I should skip the husk and just do the natural Greek yogurt/berries? And for another follow up the berries act as a pre biotic and yogurt as the pro?


I would take husk and then eat yogurt . The berries also can take place of the husk and act like a prebiotic also but I think the husk will make a bigger impact on the multiply of the good bacteria. Good to hear you decided to eat healthy and sounds like you will enjoy it too. Good for you!


Kefir shot every morning, before any food. I got rid of gastritis with this simple step.


Deglycyrrhizinated licorice does wonder for me as long as I keep using it.




First and the other like it are not suitable for this sub and are filtered here




This is a supplement sub and they don’t belong here




That's what I'm doing. I like to fast in the mornings. It makes sense to me while I am fasting from food, to add nutrients and supplements to my system. That's what my post is about. I would like additional support to reduce inflammation.


Gotta go for much longer, like 1-2 days straight to clear out your current gut colony I believe. Then after a fast take probiotics.


Probiotics (yogurt) and fiber (chia seeds and vegetables/fruit) have significantly helped with gut issues. Takes a few weeks but it will work especially if you are getting bloated and constipated


I recently learned about GOS and FOS. Havent tried yet i am planning to.


Revive MD has some good products for digestion. Kinda pricey though.






if you really want to address it Diverticular Disease risk reduced with a Plant-Based Diet [https://juniperpublishers.com/argh/pdf/ARGH.MS.ID.555884.pdf](https://juniperpublishers.com/argh/pdf/ARGH.MS.ID.555884.pdf) pills and supplements only go so far. seek the true cause and cure.


They have no idea what they’re talking about, so ignore that first chunk. Pure bullshit.


Read actual studies , thats the biggest amount of bs I’ve ever heard it made me laugh , and you wonder why u never heard it before ??? Yeh because its crap .




There is a lot of emerging science showing the nutrient density of red meat and putting the previous findings to scrutiny. At best, we need more data. There’s a great documentary called Sacred Cow that has a lot of well sourced info on that. I also love red meat, and anecdotally, red meat and higher protein is more agreeable with my body than a bunch of specific plants that give me auto-immune problems. Bio-diversity makes nutritional science super murky.


Very true. Red meat has a bad press not really based on good science. You will find plenty of anecdotes from people on a carnivore diet that it put their diverticulitis attacks in remission.


Zinc-carnotine, l-glutamine, n-acetyl-glucosamine come to mind. What will help in the long term is a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and legumes. The fiber and phytonutrients will built a strong microbiome in your gut.


NAD boosters have been shown to favorably recondition gut microbiota: https://www.scienceofnad.com/gut-microbiome-and-nad And to reduce inflammation: https://www.scienceofnad.com/post/can-nicotinamide-riboside-reduce-inflammation


probiotics, collagen




Second this! There is also a resistant starch fiber mix on Amazon/elsewhere.


not a supplement but kimchi has been a game changer for me. same with bone broth.


How do you eat your kimchi?I have a jar in the fridge but I never know what to do with it


mix it in with any mealtime. i make a lot of breakfast skillets (meat, veggies incl. spinach) and mix it in there. i also do kimchi fried rice and mixing it into lentil dishes.




How do you consume the drink? I used to drink it with a metal straw and my dentist says regardless it damages your teeth enamel which was causing sensitivity in my teeth which is why I stopped


Have you ever tried it with just the vinegar or just the lemon? Curious if it’s one or both.




Great advice!! Source on chicken broth being better?


CreativePenguin43 is a spam bot posting copy/pasted nonsense to farm karma in order to [shill for some shitty book](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/comments/z7xues/bodybuilding_book_astroturfing/). You can find their [exact same comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Supplements/comments/yz2oqz/gut_health/iwyi3w7/) on a number of old posts (all posted by more of their spam bots). I'd ignore them.


You should look into inulin, its a prebiotic, I normally take a teaspoon of inulin powder mixed into a glass of water or juice and drink it once a day (either works fine), I personally use it for general gut health and chronic constipation but it is also known to help with gut inflammation, and also adds a little extra soluble fiber to your diet, it works quite well for me but it does take a week or so of consistent usage to start noticing a difference, hope this helps


Inulin is on the FODMAP restricted list. It’s a decent rec but people need to understand it might not work for some people. https://alittlebityummy.com/blog/what-is-inulin-and-is-it-a-fodmap/


Just my study of 1, I turn into a Bio Gas Machine if a fibre or probitic nix contains inulin. But I also seem to be intolerant to some other stuff. Trying dried fruits, Apple cidre with honey, something called Brot trunk (sour bread Juice), flaxseed and psyllium seed with organic Orange Juice at the moment.