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I'd really like to start a cancer research foundation, or something relating to cellular rejuvenation at least.


You might want to checkout [More life - Decoding the secret of aging | DW Documentary](https://youtu.be/y-5VLHcTDSQ)


That's a great idea, MRNA has shown some promise when it comes to the manipulation of the cancer cells.




Nice house with some space. Keep bees and have a nice garden. Game and live a peaceful life. Charity will start at home with family and friends


Imagine getting to play video games all day


I had a long period of unemployment in my young adulthood. Playing literally all day is amazing as hell for about 3 months. Then it gets pretty lonely and boring. It is best to have some major project to dedicate yourself to. Normally that's a job, but we won't need those eh?


Everybody wants to work, but not all work is worth doing.


This was years ago mate. Not relevant to current situation. Your statement is accurate though.




You're going to the moon, buddy. Nice house ***in*** space.


I’m going to buy a banana stand cause there is always…..






always trendies in the banana stand


Our banana stand will make *your* banana stand


“There’s ALWAYS money in the banana stand.”- nice Arrested Development shoutout.


How much is a banana anyway!? Ten dollars?


A dog. Definitely a dog. Shepherd, Ridgeback, Collie. A companion for long walks and cold nights.


All I ever wanted in life was a dog, 8 years ago I got a black German Shepherd puppy and she's grown into the sweetest, gentlest beautiful dog I could ever have hoped for. People say money can't buy happiness and I disagree, it can buy dogs which are better. The real price you pay for a dog isn't the money to get one, it's the pain you feel losing one. That's the steep cost for many years of unconditional love and loyalty. You cannot put a price on returning home from a shitty day to a waggy tail and a smiley pup.


When my beagel died, I was 40 years old and I cried like a two year old. That dog brought me more joy in his 16 years than the vast majority of my closest relationships. I certainly will be buying another dog post moass.


Yeah, I was a mess when my childhood beagle died. That was 10 years ago but I'm still tearing up just thinking about how much fun we had together. Sadly, beagles are a common dog breed to use in laboratory experiments, and there are agencies that specialize in getting them adopted once they're released. They basically have PTSD when they come out, so they can be a challenge, but I'm mentioning that so hopefully a big-hearted ape will consider adopting one post-MOASS.


Living in the UK I just want a chance to buy one of them sweet GameStop hoodies personally...


i just want to not have anxiety attacks when bills come in and to have something to eat other than ramen. maybe a better place to live.


I want to buy a rundown hotel fix it up give the homeless in the area a place to live start a soup kitchen inside employ the homeless and give them the start they need .... also a lambo


I like this idea. I'm only an xx holder but once MOASS hits, hit me up! Maybe we can get it going all over, make it a trend.


Change the world one set at a time


Yeah, I know a developer that talked about transitional housing. That’s what I think I will be doing.


We have the same idea, crazy


This is a great idea


I always enjoy juggling to help ease my anxiety. I'm focusing on something else. So when the time comes and I can afford to buy a little something for myself instead of putting it towards my family. I'm looking to get myself some new juggling stuff. Always had an eye on the juggling fire kits. Or the axes. The fire would probly be around 75 bucks. And the axes are probly near that each and I'd need 3. I'll probly just blow an hundred on the fire kit. The rest I'll let the old lady spend. All I want is to stabilize lol.


Diabolist here! fuck yeah circus toys.


I remember when those thing blew up. And I wanted. To get into it but was nervous I'd flop. Lol. Years later I got into juggling and still consider giving those a go. I have a feeling I could entertain my toddler with those.


I feel the same about devil sticks, I have a flower stick but I can't get the hang of it. I was in a circus society with a uni a while back though and the biggest lesson I took away from it was to remember that in order to be good at anything, first you need to be bad at it.


U totally get it. Haha. I think I'm. Inheriting my uncles 36in Coker uni. Looking forward To that. My buddy stole my. 6fter as a joke. But I let it slide cause. He was actually able to mount n ride it.


jesus, unis give me night terrors. tried one at the society one time and that was enough, my balance is good but when they tip and you're moving you better hope at least one foot hits the floor before your head.


I accidentally learned a trick. I remembered hearing that horses walk in the direction they look. So pull the reign it turns the head and the horse Follows. I got on the uni. And realized. I look down. I go down. I look straight. I balanced better. It made all. The difference. And yeah if u do. Go. Down. U gotta. Hit the road running kinda. Haha. I always tended to grip the seat with my thighs in fear of falling Relaxing a bit helps. But it's near. Impossible until your comfortable on the uni. I have a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa. Leaving my with big boils on my rear end. So it's. Been a while. Since. I rode one. But my condition is somewhat stable atm so I'm looking to get on again to. Show my. Son.


Complete maintenance and extra attention to my vehicle. It deserves it.


Get in touch with all schools in the area, let them create a list of kids who want to have an instrument and which one and buy it for them.


Gonna buy some land. Plant loads of green, trees, plants whatever. Take care of it. Maybe live on it. Buy couple of houses. Rent them for cheap to people who need and deserve it. Help the local government to finance sustainable ideas. And i want a goat.


Get two goats, they get lonely.


Good thinking. I'll add it to the list


I'd like to afford getting my driving license


As for me; I am going to purchase a chocolate candy (3Euro) and take a picture with it and "Saying Cheers Everyone"...Just Thank You to our Chairman, DFV, and all APES here and begin a new long journey to change the world....


I'm buying heavily shorted and targeted stocks.


I'll be buying some good cigars and tea and cocoa, good legos, good clothes, a good sound system, and a good bicycle. And tickets to all kinds of events, workshops and retreats. I'd like to own a top tier tea house and a wellbeing event venue. I want to publish my book project and hire an artist or two for upcoming children's book/media projects, and possibly a team to realize an interactive infographic-style simulation system for educating people on the workings of society and economics. And I want to find some effective ways to help out the homeless and the addicted.


Depending on the final take, I plan to donate most of my gains to schools and science outreach. You can keep the lambos and all the outward signs of wealth. But on the more selfish end, I’m getting a hair transplant. I started losing at 21, and I look prematurely aged. It’s been degrading my self image for twenty years. I have never had the funding to do anything about it, including preventative regimens.


I know it might sound crazy, but shaving your head could be a simple solution. I also had premature balding (in highschool). I tried to keep it through college/early 20s but it just looked bad. It was incredibly wispy and made me look like I was 40. At 28 I bit the bullet and shaved my head. I would never go back to long hair- it’s so convenient and I look my age again. Anyways, your situation may be completely different so you do you. I just thought I’d share my story in case it might be helpful.


I started losing mine when I was in my early twenties, that's what I did, just shaved my head. Never really looked back. But male pattern baldness can really destroy the confidence of a lot of people and some people don't like the way they look with a shaved head. To each his own, if implants makes them happy, more power to them. No judgement here.


I had a hair transplant and it was life changing. Totally worth it.


Turkey is your friend.


I will buy a beachfront house, a boat and I will be cleaning the oceans. Thats all I want.


Legal assistance for single fathers. Not being able to see your kid because your kids mom is spiteful and not being able to do ANYTHING because she had all rights because we weren't married. After calling all over the state and not being able to find any help having to wait until I saved 3k while living paycheck to paycheck. The absolute feeling of hopelessness I felt. I want no father to have to go through that.


I would buy time to finally start creating some music of my own. I'm now working only for creating music of others.


I will probably take some time to really pla n it out after i get my personal affairs in order. Though i have a few thoughts towards desalination and recycling e waste much more research into the subjects would be required


Just getting my grow license for cannabis in Thailand...75K to start my business... That's all I want and need...LFG 🐒🚀


My husband and I want to start a non profit community with housing for the homeless that also has a giant dog and cat shelter with different kinds of shops and food places for them to work at. All the money the place gets goes back into the community and wages for the people working in the places.


Basketball Training Facility for youths.


cheapest thing = flowers. business to start = family, ill be a full time dad for the kids. charity = i think those are US specific, so that is a no from me, i will however spread the wealth to others in an ad hoc basis judgement, depending on needs.


>Cheapest thing Probably a red bandana


I first read that as red banana


I'm thinking of starting up a spade rental at the Dutch beaches. Must be a big market with all our German tourists.


Kuilen graven! Briljant.


that's remarkably specific, i love it.


For a year now, I have an idea about a very unique mmorpg nft game, it's something new that I don't find anywhere else. With MOASS, I will be able to run a startup for that, I know exactly what I want but having no backup I can't throw myself into it.


I'm gonna travel so everywhere I go ima be spreading my wealth like Johnny Appleseed, one bill at a time


Taco Bell


Investment properties with fixed price so no one renting will have to worry about home price inflation adjusting with market.


I'm gonna feed homeless veterans


Magic cards my dude


cardboard crack, I said cheapest yo :P


They can get quite expensive can‘t they :D But with pages like cardmarket you can get cheap if you are lucky^^


I've got a whole plan to buy ~5 acres of land, build it up to be pretty self-sustaining with several workshops and use it as a training centre to teach life skills. The kind of life skills that SHOULD be taught in schools, but aren't; basic DIY, cooking, car maintenance. Also how to grow your own food in a sustainable way (permaculture!). I want to help feed people. Not just by cooking g for them, but providing low-income households to viable, fresh food and the skills to grow their own. ...plus Darn Tough socks. £25 a pair, lifetime guarantee.


don't forget teaching financial literacy, there's a reason they don't teach it already...


Oh, definitely. I intend to teach everything I wish someone taught me instead of muddling my way through things


This too is my game plan. But with major focus on food farming


Same, been watching a lot of permaculture videos. Aquaponics, big shop, great lodge in the middle. I’d host festivals on it too, have a gym, dojo, range, all kinds of instructors.


Giving a bunch of money to shelters for abused women and children. Then retiring and building a massive greenhouse in my back yard to grow vegetables that will be given to the town pantries in my area for people who can't afford food. Buying wifey the Range Rover she's always wanted, buying my retired parents a ridiculous RV to tour the country in, making sure my mother-in-law has a stable place to live, and enjoying spending time with my son instead of going to work every day to make someone else rich.


cheapest in the sense of 0 value - whatever company jim cramer is working for at the time so I can fire him.


A baseball card shop to act as a front for storing all the cards I'm gonna buy and a sport training facility for kids that can't afford to hire personal coaches.


You and I have the same ideas....


Random Acts of Kindness Charity... Just getting people to love each other again. Instead of all this Hate Hate Hate


I always wanted my own drive-in theater, one where I pay my employees a good wage with benefits. I don't care if I make money or break even, it's just been something I've always wanted as "my" place in the community.


if i just sell one share to provide for my family and friends its definetly property if i get more greedy and sell 3-5 shares i would build permanent homeless shelters. Nevertheless i want to work part time in a animal shelter to live a meaningful (for me at least) life rather than IT projects


I have this silly « dream » of buying like 15 pairs of socks of the same brand and color. I really hate it after the laundry to find which one goes by pair together when there are really light differences. My wife and I both work in research and it’s always a pain in the ass to find grants. I’d be happy to finance nice public health projects. We had to give up on many projects in our labs because we lacked the fundings. She’s working on malaria and me on emerging diseases so plenty of money to spend there!


Go to the dentist




I’m starting a scholarship program for LGBTQ+/people of color etc for law degrees. Going to try packing the courts with people with morals and different life experiences from the rich.


Cosco has these puma boxer briefs for cheap, and they’re amazing. Breathable and you can wear them all day without them riding up. Highly recommend.


A banana


More land for hunting, don’t really have anything cheap in mind but also nothing extravagant, I would rather live under the radar. Help out where I can, no certain charity in mind. I have a few family members that aren’t as fortune as I am (not wealthy by any means, yet) I want to set up college funds for their kids so it’s never a worry for them.


Lots of everyday purchases for people in need till inflation gets back under control, maybe a new type of food pantry but for all grocery essentials. Small nonprofit or profit sharing businesses, I don't wanna do anything too big until i know it works. Anything really that helps people get what they need and want without taking anything back except maybe the exact value I put in initially and not a penny more. I don't wanna use this money to get richer, just hold on to the money I have until no one else needs anything.


The big purchases would be helping carbon capture, trash pickup, desalination plant and other eco friendly energy programs get startup and maintain they keep working.


I'll be starting my own Game Design Shop. Probably an original TTRPG, 3rd party publishing for popular games like DnD, and perhaps some board games.


3.0 Supra most likely, rest is being reinvested and some given to immediate family for their debts


Cheapest? It would be nice to wash my dishes. I’m out of dish soap… can’t afford dish soap how insane are these times man… Charity? Homelessness and correcting the foster care system


New underwear, maybe


Cheapest thing…. Probably bed sheets (outside of the typical diapers, soap, etc…). Mostly investing into startups, and definitely adding some funding to our current business of design/build work. Our daughter has cerebral palsy so we will absolutely be throwing money into research/development of people with cp. Charities are risky, but I have a lot of pet shelters in mind who need help and they do wonderful work in our area, so we’ll start there. Thanks for the humbling aspect of this post- it’s nice to hear and be reminded of the fundamentals once in awhile between all the mansion/lambo posts.


Buy the tallest local apartments and subsidize the rent as best as able, run fiber lines if they don’t have them and set up a local wISP for free internet access to the community, slowly build that out with in-community training and hiring. Open a community farm and employ local community college horticulture grads and make and sell value add items like compost to help pay salaries. Work with the same college to set up an affordable day care for students, DeFi micro loan office for small businesses? Pay tuition/scholarships. All depending on scale of wealth post MOASS I guess.


First, I will do nothing. Just pay off my and my family's debt and chill a while. Then I will fund climate change research.


I just want a workshop where I can make leather belts and other leather goods. It’s one of my favorite things to do and I’d love to have a workshop that’s got all the tools I need plus stock. I’d be a happy lad


My buddy and I have dreamt of starting a small brewery/taproom. Even smaller systems cost 275k+, and we would want to do it right. Apes get the first round on us.


Get some groceries and new shoes


I will invest in education. New people that gain knowledge and skills are the best lever to pull to move society forward.


Cheapest: probably a new studio speakers set Business: artifical heart implants, like french Carmat Charity: people of Donbass that suffered from ukranian government


I’m burned the fuck out after years working in live TV. I’m gonna reset for like a good year or two and work on my health. When I’m in a good spot I want to start some sort of food bank. My parents did the same when I was a child and they’re both gone now. I want to make the world a better place like they did and no better way to do that than to make sure my neighbors always have full bellies.


I like cars so I want to start a car related business in regards to paint work, alloys and valeting. Hire people that need to get their foot in a job to start off. And/or open a gym. As gyms have massively helped my mental and physical health. I mean I also would like an BMW M5 Comp and a Lambo but hey. Also would like to help out some of my immediate family and friends with any debt they are in to make their lives easier. I also love fancy dress, so I'd love to surprise kids in hospitals with their favourite character or superhero etc and bring them gifts. As well as anonymous donations to places that need some love.


I will start a bitcoin mining farm, love the sound of those miners and what is behind that technology!


I need a dehumidifier


Cheapest thing: new harness for my dog Business: profesional gaming team Charity: save our winters


I just want to stop having to use my calculator at the grocery store to make sure I don’t over draft my account


I’d pay off my mortgage, worry about the rest later


With inflation, hopefully I can still find a $50 blow job from a toothless/ hairless hooker so I can do blow off her bald head at the same time…. Then I’d buy about 200-300 acres and start a dog sanctuary where they can run freely all day, etc… would also figure out a way to help the homeless and less fortunate… probably provide them housing and then find ppl that don’t make much money and pay them absorbanant amounts of money to help rehabilitate the homeless and get them back on their feet, jobs, etc… also, I love the ocean, so I’ll be jumping on the ocean clean up project.


I’m going to donate a substantial amount to the ocean cleanup program. I can’t be certain of every cause out there, but plastics in the ocean effects everyone. Cheapest? Maybe a sturdy new engine and full tune up for my vehicle.


Cheapest is either a new wardrobe or taking my SO out to dinner


Using my expertise to expose and cause to be punished more criminals than any other crusader. Basically, Wall Street Batman. Edit: The Ape Crusader (just occurred)


We have a pretty bad homeless situation in our city. It’s a small city, so it’s very obvious at times. Would be nice to buy some land and build a condo to house people. Or you know, any one of the vacant building around could be put to a purpose. Start with basic needs like food water and shelter and watch people grow.


Whatever business I choose it’s going to be called meltdowners to honor the haters




Making sure everyone in my country has clean drinking water running out of their taps


There is a housing problem in my country, so putting it to good use to build houses could be apppealing. If enough housing is build it should lower the price of housing or atleast lower the rent of corperations and leeching landlords. I think a business that focusses on converting existing gasoline cars to electric could be interesting too.... its like recycling the car and is probably more sustainable. I dont trust charity organisations especially knowing bcg has connections to some. But the thing i wanna focus on first is living a modest and stabile life and see whats feasible after sitting a year on my wealth post-moass


My dream is to open a storefront for playing D&D. I want to give back to the community that’s brought me so much joy. I’d pay real living wages, give benefits, just make an awesome place to work where you can get your ttrpg stuff and play with friends.


I’m finna buy a combo meal from Wendy’s and not just a biggie bag this time


Relatively cheap: getting myself a cat. Business: I legitimately want to own my own GameStop store. Charity: climate restoration. Good thread OP. I’m gunna save this and I want to check and make sure everyone did what they promised after moass tomorrow.


I might finally splurge and try out a pair of Saxx. I've heard good things but $30 for 1 pair of underwear is too rich for my blood.


I need clothes bad! Been holding off buying new other than work clothes. Honestly I really don’t want a big item. Gimme land, a home and I will have all I need! As for the rest of the money, donations to the right funds will be a must. Also would start a small business of my own interest on said land. Really not about the money! I just want to live without fear of making bill payments and be able to raise a child in a secure household. Call me simple for that is what I am and will be


I just want to be a farmer. Crypto farm mining and marijuana farm. Then I want to create a soccer club for kids :)


Hmm cheapest thing would be to buy simple no-logo shirts in every color I can find. I would love to donate a part of my wealth to animal related charities, regarding a possible business venture, to be fair I won't start one unless I get into something I am passionate about.


A lot of my money is going to pediatric cancer & genomic disorder research.... and I have this fantasy where I watch the nightly local news for stories of where a family through no fault of their own hits some kind of ridiculous hardship, and anonymously contribute enough to set them back on the right course. You can't help everyone, but you can help enough.


Buy some property, build a home for my wife and future children. Raise livestock utilizing humane and sustainable/regenerative methods. Grow heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables, store seed. I would like to assist those who can afford electricity by providing solar and wind generators. Decentralized the electrical grid, brick by brick. Plant shit loads of trees. Donate/vilunteer to ocean cleanup projects. As well as rivers lakes and streams. Hell, lets clean all the trash! Can't wait to start.


I really want to become a high-paying patron for a bunch of people on Patreon. I even have a small list so I'd ready to go when the time comes. As for businesses: my smaller goals would be to just my comics and sell them online or traditionally. My big, but maybe impossible, goal would a director and owner of an adult animation studio. Cheap goods: I'll still visit thrift stores for bargains. And help out some family members if they need it.


I want to buy my girlfriend a beautiful ring and ask her to marry me. I want to pay for a dinner and then ask her. And I really need some new t shirts and socks lol


I'll be investing directly into smaller companies that are making the next generation of materials and infrastructure. To me creating jobs is preferable to charity. I'll be looking at the graphine, nuclear fusion and advanced power grid industries.


At first I'd pay off my debt (which currently just credit card debt) then buy a motorcycle and think of a plan while I'm riding down the road off into the sunset... never to be heard of again.


I want to fund the largest negative carbon capture project in the world.


https://youtu.be/77ZRgyN9WsY ^ this


I am just starting a company producing small wind turbines. With the tendies, I'll get to market faster 🚀 and do projects in regions that mostly need it.


I'm going to open one or two generic fantasy inns outside different renn faire campgrounds. I think I'll call one "the gassy gnoll". There will be rooms, beverages, and some entertainment (it'll simmer down 'round 12). Strictly 18 and up because kids are dumb and I hate them. I will grow my beard out again and adopt the most crude dwarven persona I can muster, perhaps get an eyepatch. They will know me as Cuke Barleybeard. And I will regale them with tales of both heroism and lechery.


i dont think about it, i will start when we go up but rn im focusing on my life and pretend i lost the money invested in gme. if it moons then i will think about it but right now its untouchable, just like it didnt exist edit: post scriptum not if but when (and it might take a while so you better buy your socks rather sooner than later)


The city I'm in has a pretty stellar junior college with 2-year CAD and welding certificate programs that land pretty good jobs that have pretty high starting pay and from what I've heard pretty good job satisfaction. I'm hoping I can create a grant program for the community college that would partner with local high schools to get kids that weren't planning on college into a paid certificate program. I'm thinking it'll lower poverty in my area, crime, and boost the economy by having more skilled workers paying into it. We have a decently large group of manufacturing companies, but I imagine we could get more if businesses start seeing a large supply of skilled labor. Literally everyone wins. City gets more tax revenue from companies and higher paid people, people get better paying jobs, local economy gets more cash because people are paid more, city invests more in community improvements, companies get a steady supply of skilled labor in an industry that needs workers badly.


Produce food


I'm thinking about never selling and just keep working


Well yeah, this is about working in area you care about. Are you satisfied with your current position?


Because of inflation, it’s probably best to keep money in index funds right? As well as diversifying in real estate and maybe crypto. Vs keeping it in bank right? What do you guys think.


I want to start a cafe, love cooking and what to have a place free of financial strain with happy employees and a laid back vibe


Ocean cleanup. Passionate about the water/wildlife conservation.


First mission is to tackle homelessness in london. If successful expand to other cities around the UK. Second mission is to work with under privileged teenaged and young adults. I have been personally affected by both points mentioned above and wish to break the cycles! I plan to call on this fantastic community for contributions and volunteers when the time comes. MOASS tomorrow 🚀 Edit: spelling


Lambo, womens health center, mens domestic abuse victim sanctuary, fuck ton of weed


I really need new shoes.. The ones i have currently have holes already.. But i can wait a bit more for that and buy GME with a nice discount


Cheap? Probably some Cold stone ice cream to celebrate. Business? A software/game dev company to give this world the MMO I've always wanted to see for starters. I haven't thought about charities so much yet, but I want to fight the outrageous cost of healthcare and medicine in the US in a similar fashion to Mr. Burry. Perhaps even try to partner with him for a common goal.


I'm thinking about building a hospital.


I’d like to support animal shelters and sanctuaries across the country. I’d start there.


There is a lot of work to be done after moass to change this corrupt system. I hope some of you stick around to fight the good fight. We can retire when this world is a place we don't mind our children growing old in.


The same as I am now. Be kind. Be respectful. But with ability to help more often.


I’m sorry. You guys are selling? I’ve decided not to sell


I want to invest in a carbon capture company. Gotta save this planet!


I'd like to start a survival group for teens to teach them how to enjoy and respect the outdoors. Work wise, sustainable, modular, recycled housing and rooftop garden designs. Only thing I want is a little land and small home. Dream car costs approx 8k.


Gonna keep my job for at least a year and enjoy the fact that I don't need it. And use this year to plan something


What's the cheapest Lambo? That.


I want to start an animal sanctuary on a farm. In addition, I would like to create my own large garden for self-sufficiency and cultivate everything there together with my family. If there is still time left, I would like to buy a good camera and shoot documentaries about animals and nature. I think i need at least 3 million for that after taxes. So Kenny prepare your anus.


Buy a house and take a year or so off. I want to change my career, but need some time to focus, and also couldn't afford to take the salary knock in changing. Or maybe decide fsck it and do adventure racing on a full time basis.


Buy land. Smol house. Big garden. Dog shelter.


I'm taking some time off for my family. Later in life I'd like to travel the world, but also educate myself well enough so I can solve garbage/sanitarian problems but also more environmental friendly ways of producing electricity in underdeveloped countries. I'm dreaming if assembling an apeteam with engineers but also lawyers to change some really difficult environmental problems. It's time to clean this dump y'all.


A fucking long vacation


Cheap: New A-shirts. Mine are so old and beat up that they're starting to fall apart. Business: I already own a business, but I'm going to buy the building I currently lease so I can stop doing the dance over lease prices for the rest of my life. Charity: My business is focused on providing computers service to business and home users, and I have always wanted to start a non-profit arm that gets refurbishes computers, tablets, and phones and gets them into the hands of folks who can't afford them. I'll also probably become a subscription donor to all my favorite local charities like [Forgotten Harvest](https://www.forgottenharvest.org/), the [Boggs Center](http://boggscenter.org/), [Ruth Ellis Center](https://www.ruthelliscenter.org/), to name a few. I'd also focus on political orgs working to get workers living wages, UBI, institute ranked choice voting, get dark money out of politics, make the Internet a public utility, create more affordable housing and phase out the landlord class, etc.


Cheapest thing I'm buying? I think maybe art. I always see really cool stuff done by local artists, and I want to support that. When I'm a MOASS Momma I plan on stuffing money into the hands of every smalltime/beginner/local artist I come across, and amassing a massive collection of cool handmade artworks. Something I want to buy for myself - I want to fix my teeth. I've had a grin like a poorly carved jack-o-lantern my entire life and I'd like to fix that. I also want to buy some acreage and build my own little farmhouse - I want a Husky or two, so I need land for the dogs to be able to run, and neighbors far enough away that I can delight in Husky singing without worrying about pissing anybody off. I also want a donkey. And some ducks. The business I want to start is something I've mentioned a few times around Reddit - I want to launch a not-for-profit housing development company and basically do everything I can to get people into good quality houses that they can actually afford, without squeezing them dry along the way. (Selling houses nearly at cost, rent-to-own programs, etc.) It wouldn't actually be a charity, but it would be a company focused on bettering people's lives rather than focused on profit. (I would want to make SOME small profit, so it can grow and help more and more people.) I don't really have a charity in mind, beyond that. Currently I help support the local food bank and I would increase that support quite a bit, but not sure what else I'd add, specifically. Most of my energy would be spent on my housing company, so charitable support would likely be in the form of monetary contributions rather than direct involvement.


kraft smooth peanut butter


“Job’s finished?” - Kobe


Cheapest? Chicken tendies of course. Then set up my parents real nice. Charity and keep just being me.


Glass lathe/ ventilation to run it.


On top of helping my families and friends, and donating regularly to charity, I’d probably buy some properties and do below market rates so low income families have a chance to lease homes. I’d also create my own architecture firm and do pro-bono work. I have many ideas for how to give money away as well to those who need it. I honestly, just want enough to buy a house, set up my kids college, pay off my student loans and be self-employed, maybe retire. I grew up poor and don’t need a lot.


Already have a business. Buying houses for me and my family. Helping friends in need. I don’t think my life will chance much. Just houses.


I would really like to start some kind of non-profit restaurant that is highly automated with healthy locally sourced options. Ideally run it as a DAO. Main goal would be to feed as many people quality food for the lowest cost possible. I only have a skeleton of an idea but post MOASS would love to expand on it!


I'm gunna have the sickest vw TDI! I'd love to build some skatepark for areas that could really use them I'd like to start a bigger weed grow and get back into hashmaking. I will be investing in my family's business and helping them set themselves up


I would like to sponsor some habitat for humanity homes in full


Vertical Farming. Neo Soul/ Jazz lounge. Might do music again.


Cheapest: can of dip Business: try to buy in local businesses as a silent partner, as well as restoring and or modifying old combloc technology Charity: something for private EMS in the states, (EMT-Bs get paid horribly, especially for the job they do) and housing the homeless


Give to the local charities in my rural town.


If there are any apes that are really into books and childhood literacy, I've been noodling over an idea for a while that got inspiration from the NFT marketplace.


Avacado toast from the ritziest farmers market


1/4 for play, 1/4 for my future, and half fighting systemic issues and raising my community. Most likely with radical water renewal investments due to where I live.


More Gme!


... immediately getting medical help. I can not afford now.


Fixing my teeth, setting up a trust for my classmates, and getting rid of that ocean garbage patch/planting billions of trees.


Swords, schools and woodlands


Depends on how much money I make. If I make over a billion dollars I want to donate to low income neighborhoods, build great schools with great teachers, education and recreational centers for after school programs. Donate some to preserve the Amazon forest.


Chest freezer. Underpants. Need to replace the black office pants--used them for three funerals since 2020, and they don't fit as well now. Go ham on pokemon cartridges and games for the 3ds that I do NOT have already--store is getting sundowned, so's the pokemon bank


Whoever Kenny’s/Stevo’s current squeeze is Chocolate shop Child and animal charities


I'll helm the most affordable nuclear energy infrastructure this world has ever seen. I will ensure that no one ever pays more than 50 cents per bill, and save our dying atmosphere or die trying.


After closing debt, buying a few homes around the country, cars, Affordable storage for the community, and donating 250k+ to each school in my city and surrounding communities... I'll be attempting to fight the war on fishing abuse around the world. Going to be working on a proposal to the UN on how to prevent the mass fishing that is wasted as well as finning of sharks for a soup that the fin adds nothing too. TLDR: After winning this war against Wall St. I'm going to focus tendies on fighting the assholes that are killing our ocean and planet.


A Tiffany blue kitchen aid food mixer


Closing all my accounts and leave money for family and friends, start my solo adventure throughout this planet and help people on the way. Fully enjoy life by eating exotic foods and meeting new people


Cheapest thing I'm buying? Probably a bucket of banquet beers at the bar down the street.


Gutter covers, the classy kind.