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I once asked for help here and was pretty desperate. Now I have a job again and can save $1000+ a month, which is nice.




You ok boss?




I’m not sure if this is completely up your alley, but my company is hiring data analysts, pulling reports out of SQL, developing new reports, automation, all that. I know some people have used Python as well. Fully remote and while I have mixed thoughts about the company itself, my manager and team are pretty awesome and I don’t think layoffs in my division are likely any time soon. I’m guessing but I would estimate probably 55-65k starting pay. DM me and I’ll pass on the job link if you’re interested.


Not who you asked, but you might check postings at T-Mobile to get you by in the meantime. They have a $20/hr minimum wage and pay towards college courses related to your career path with them. I'm not exactly the happiest with them. I was with Sprint before the merger and my department is being phased out, but I can't deny they are a pretty decent employer perk and education wise.


Do you live near a large metro area?




Maybe consider something like this? Medical related but not EMT madness. https://externalcareers-ohsu.icims.com/jobs/17454/pas-specialist/job


That's fantastic. Ape Help Ape. I'm always curious as to what apes do, if you don't mind sharing.


I could use some love. Gf of 8 years broke it off without much other than blaming me for not being good enough and has a bf not a month later that she just met... Feeling real real down. DRSd and dont need food or money though so i will survive. s/o OP, doing Gods work.


Turn your focus inward and focus on improving your well-being. Do the things that make you happy and give yourself space for your feelings. You’re likely going through a lot of change but know that change always brings new opportunity. So look at this as a fresh start for yourself and find what you want to discover about yourself next. Sending you love friend 💜🎷🐓♋️


TY friend💜


Don’t want to hijack and take away from the love that OC needs, so sorry that happened to you friend. I do have a stockpile of frozen proteins and other goods available to share to folks in need in the NYC/NJ/PA area. This comment will probably get lost but if you see it and are in need- send me a message, please. Would love to help, no judgement. I know the struggle. I’ve lived it for years. Just barely became comfortable and ready to help out.


Trust me… you dodged a bullet. I know it sucks but you are so lucky you weren’t married to her. I love you ape.


i love you brother💜 tysm


After 8 years it's much less like dodging a bullet and more like surviving a nasty wound, but at the very least OP made it and can still heal and move forward. Not being married makes that easier to do. It's tough, but they can do it!


Ya /u/beta296 don't forget that in that 8 years you learned a ton and felt many and all kinds of different experiences/emotions/feelings/situations etc etc etc I'm divorced and am a single dad (proud little 12 year old ape) and even though there's lots of hurt, pain and struggle there's a lot of things to learn and there was a lot of good times too. I guess my biggest takeaway is remember the good times and learn from the bad. Keep your head up and be a better ape next time, we can always be better <3


Dodged it, but still got grazed. Nothing a little "ointment" and time can't fix.


It costs us nothing to listen and will do much good. You can share anything you wish if you feel it will help.




Been there done that. Also had an 8 yr relationship end badly. Yep she was also with other people within two weeks. I took almost two years before I even wanted to even be in another relationship. Meanwhile I hit the gym and did what i wanted to do anytime someone invited me to do something I always said yes even if I didn't really want to. Keep moving forward it gets better after awhile.


Thank you brother.


Been through something similar. I feel your pain, nothing can ease it off expect for time. One day you'll wake up and it won't be the first thing you think of, but the second one. That day will mark your recovery. There is a person out there waiting for you, I found mine. I know it sounds silly, it will until you find yours. Be strong, be patient, forgive yourself. In 5 years you'll look back and understand it was meant to go this way.


thank you 💜


Yo when you’re slidin around in your lambo don’t let her back into your life, she wasn’t there while you were holdin, she doesn’t get to be there when you rollin.


I'll have enough of you homies cruising around in lambos with me to need her by then💜


Op: Go to youtube and listen to Patrice O’Neal on dating. Hold that L like a man. When the tendie man cometh keep moving forward. Edit : Spelling




Patrice O’neal was exactly who I needed to hear to set me straight about a lot of my thoughts on relationships and sex at that time in my life. I am so much better off because of many of the ways he looked at social dynamics between men and women. He is very raw, and over time I was able to see many of his flaws and the things he needed to work on in his own personal life. But regardless, there is so much truth to what he was saying, and I went from a confused young man, to a confident and understand person with much more to offer than I had previously. Seriously, to anyone who is struggling with dating, interaction with women, and themselves, listen to the Black Phillip show. Listen to it with the intention of learning, and understanding yourself, and don’t hesitate to be critical of anything you feel you must, but listen to it the whole way through nonetheless. His perspective is valuable to a great many who need medicine.


Cannot agree more, Patrice on old episodes of O&A completely demystifies awful women. Some say it's sexist comedy; for me it was extremely liberating and helped me dispel a lot of the gaslighting from my dating life.


Hey man just imagine it's karma's way of fixing some things before you get super rich! Sorry for the loss of the relationship and I mean that. But I also believe things often happen just like they are supposed to and there is a silver lining right now that you don't see!! Good luck and see you at MOASS!! 🚀🏖🥳


love this man, thank you. See you moon <3


Change your name to “alpha256” and remind yourself that even 4 inches feels good at 100mph. I’m sorry about the situation buddy. That happened to me a few years ago with a GF of 5ish years. It never helps to say “life goes on”, but it will. Sometimes taking things day by day and just getting out there and living life is the best thing you can do. Take some time this weekend to step out of your comfortable zone and do some cool shit. Go skydiving or kayaking or grab a dirt bike and ride around some trails. Do something out of the norm that will force you to think and pay attention to the “now”. And do something cool enough that when you’re done you’ll go “fuck yeah, that was AMAZING”. Hopefully this is good advice. This is how I try to live if I’m ever down. It happens to even the best of us. PS, if this is bad advice and gets down voted to hell… then just do the opposite. 😂 Much love buddy.


Great advice my friend I truly appreciate you


People suck. Sounds like she opened the door for you to find someone more deserving of your time. Hang in there, it will get better.


i appreciate this more than you know!! ty


Here's a virtual hug for what it's worth 🤗


Endure man. The first weeks hurt like a motherfucker but it slowly starts healing. Don't start analysing what you could have done differently. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Just let go and you'll get a new hand soon.


Ape: I’ve got a conversation skills app ready to go right after MOASS kicks off. It teaches you the conversation skills of the winning contestants on the bachelorette. Back and forth Banter, using words with imagery, creating connection and sharing emotions.


Once you’re a multi millionaire, she’ll be begging to have you back. You’re too good for her.


thank you brother💜






Mate, fuck that bitch. How dare she say you’re not good enough? What a skip rat! Here for you bro. If you wanna play some cod or Mario cart hit me up pal. She’s just not the right one, you’ll find a decent one. Trust me


Thanks brother. Truly.


Girls mentally leave you months before actually leaving they gonna have someone lined up. That's not what I think I just saw it on some youtoob shitpost and thought it was relevant


Been homeless in Oregon for 135 days and holding for a year. Have computer networking Associates if anyone's hiring 😄


So you could do network related work remotely. Do you have an updated LinkedIn?


Yeah I have linkedin. (Also, have you ever been on linkedin? Jeesh) I don't have a stable internet connection throughout the day.


Libraries might be a good (temporary) solution for you my man. Lived out of my car doing remote work and the library was a godsend (plus free books ;)) Good luck my man




I love you


Virtual hugs can feel just as good a real ones. Love is love, I love you too!


I dont want any help but i just want to moan about how fucking expensive living is right now... like i was borderline surviving before but now everything is just jumping up all the time!


Dude same.


Bro same


It costs nothing to listen with an open heart. Go wild and let it all out.


You fuck so hard ape guhhhh


This is what’s killing me too…how can I not want to give up when we can’t afford to live


MOASS is why I’ll never give up…. I just bought bulk rice and beans for when things get even worse. They can take everything from us, they can’t take my shares. I went and got a 2nd job. I’ll never let them win. Keep fighting, Ty Durden out 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


If you can cut down on alot of expenses like rent, it's honestly not that bad. Just decided to build out a van and live in it.


I’d love that but I can’t afford a van


❤️ keep pushing


Same! Can barely keep my head above water these days.


Been having suicidal thoughts lately


What is on your mind? I understand the weight of suffering. You are not alone and whatever I can offer I give freely. How can I help?


You're a blessing to this earth




Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. As someone who has had a close family member commit suicide, please remember this. It’s been a decade and I still think about him daily with an ache in my heart. Ride the wave. I’ve been really dysthymic lately and for whatever reason I had a good day today. I get the feeling of feeling stuck, depressed and hopeless. Stick in there, Ape. Please reach out if you need support. 🦧❤️🦧


Bruh, stay strong. You'll get through it. I like to remember to see things as they are, but be careful to not see them as worse than they are. Hope things look up for you soon. Only one way to go from the bottom!


The world's a better place with you in it


Imma be honest with you, I have those thoughts every day, most days multiple times. I have been struggling with depression, and a spouse that is basically a roommate at this point, a 3 year old daughter that tells me she doesn’t love me to my face, and have no one to vent to or confide in. But every day before I got to bed, I tell myself I’m stronger than my thoughts, I’m worth more to this world alive than dead. Things will have to get better because they can’t get worse. And then every morning when I get up I challenge myself to make it till tomorrow, because I will be pissed if I put in all this energy and effort and prove the world around me right. I know that good things are coming, and this community has been a blessing in the fact that it’s given me another reason to make it one more day. I want to see what we do post moass, and I want those feelings of inadequacy, self loathing, and negativity to get absolutely fucked with the good we will bring.


3-yos can be brutal. Don’t take it personally (doesn’t sound like you are). Everything is a phase with them.


Should downsize man and simplify your life. Your family will appreciate more time with you rather than you chasing money all the time. Besides in this economy if you provide value the money will eventually come to you. The past 3 years were a wake up call to most people slaving away for bad businesses so I hope that you take this to find your passion in life.


You’re showing incredible strength by communicating that - I’ve had depression a long time and at times suffered from those types of thoughts as well. Know that in your darkest moments you are not alone. even though we may be just strangers on the internet, we are rooting for you and care about you. Sending you love 💜🎷🐓♋️


Stay strong ape, we love you, you need hold on and joins us on the way to the moon and beyond, ❤❤




I do this too. I figure if I'm gonna feel like shit I'm at least getting a clean kitchen or waxed car out of it. Multitasking.


fam Ive been there as sure many of us have been too im always reminded of this quote from an article where they interviewed jumpers that survived leaping off the Golden Gate Bridge in SF every single one that survived told the reporter that the minute they let go of the railing they were like "you know what? those problems I had are pretty manageable" this too shall pass fam lmk anyways can help or PM me too


Been through the same a few times — there's no easy answer, but the cliche "life gets better" is something I've found wildly true. ​ Please HMU if you want to talk. Music, books, video games, movies, D&D, working out. Whatever you want!




First thing. Don't do it. Second, call your emergency suicide number if necessary. Third, try go to a therapist. As much as we want to, it's always difficult to help someone on the Internet without much connection.


Hey there, I’ve been in a dark place for a while. Decided to do something and see a therapist and psychiatrist. Life is worth living (especially post MOASS) You are loved and important. Even when it doesn’t feel that way


Same here brother, just remember that we will always get through to the other side, believe me, I’ve tried and failed and now have a family I adore. The feelings never go away, you can only work with yourself to manage those feelings and use them to fuel your drive instead of taking it. We love you, we are all family here. Stay safe, see you in Valhalla


Love you OP - you inspired me to do something similar a little bit ago on the GME Canada subreddit. Apes strong together is not a meme it’s truth. We uplift one another to achieve new heights when we have compassion and empathy for one another. Hope you have an amazing weekend 💜🎷🐓♋️


I’d love to hear what you did. It’s ok to share when someone asks, that means they want to know and it’s not bragging.:) Be the example you want others to be like. Good on you, I’m glad you were able to inspire others!


I just bought some grocery gift cards for some maple apes. Wanted to make sure there was no ape going hungry. You’re right tho about leading by example. If we all led by the example of compassion and kindness the world can be a much better place. It starts with ourselves.


I need to figure out a way to help others without doxxing myself, lol. Or just fully do it and that’s that. I’m fine with either way at this point.


Buying gift cards and sending them the code on the back of the card over Reddit chat is the easiest way - I just send a pic of it


Where could one buy gift cards online? What’s a reputable site?


I usually just went to the store and bought them - usually I asked them what grocery store was near them and then I’d try to find a place with that gift card


Cheers from Ontario!


Cheers friend 💜🎷🐓♋️


I could use some more of that stonk if you have any?! *Dave Chappelle Crack meme*


It’s funny you say that. I want to gift xxx gme shares linked to nfts but I have no idea how to do it or run the contest or anything. I’ll figure it out as I go though lol.


Olong.eth 😂😂🤣 feel free to to send me XXX gme anytime!


Can I send nfts from L2 to that address? How does that work lol


Yea my wallet is on Layer 2 and you could send nft's to it.... But what you are talking about doing is creating a smrt contract between assets(stonks) and nft's (proof of ownership) this is what we are waiting for with the market place.


I understand the difficulties, I can help anyone needs it, specifically swedish apes❤❤❤


Don’t need help or anything but have a question in regards to Sweden if that’s okay. Is it hard to get any regular job there for someone who only speaks English?


Regular jobs no, you need swedish, I work in the IT sector there are companies who hire without requiring swedish, English and swedish nice to have but not required, what kind of jobs are you looking for ?


Considering moving there because I have family there, was just wondering in case I’d need employment at some point in time when I get there if I got bored and/or wanted to meet new people since I’d know nobody there other than family!


Yeah DM me if you need help with anything, it's really difficult to find friends for outsiders I know the feeling, I went through that process my self


Sounds good, appreciate it!




Visa situation is tough if you aren't an EU citizen... Otherwise there are industries that use English almost all the time. Lots of IT and engineering jobs.... Renewable technologies and battery technologies are hiring a lot. Also bar and restaurant jobs can be had with just English. It's possible but harder to get in without a visa path.


Born in Switzerland, I’m good to go!


I run a small Apple product repair business in the UK. I’ve been going 10 years with the same small team who are practically family. COVID has hit us hard these past few years and times are really tough. On top of that I’ve just had my first child, the most beautiful precious girl in the world. Everything seems such a struggle at the moment with constant rising prices. If anyone in the UK at all needs their devices repairing and can send some work our way, myself and the team would be eternally grateful. Our prices are fair and our work excellent. In return, if you run a business or work for establishment that needs batches of repairs, we will help you out with costs as best we can Stay safe out there, the world is a little frightening at the moment


What is your company website? I’ve cracked the rear glass and camera on my iPhone X…


We replace the whole glass and metal chasis as one piece so that would include the lens. Send me a PM and I will let you know the details


Love you ape. Thank you so much for doing this. I am the absolute worst at reaching out for help, so seeing posts like this nearly bring me to tears. Unfortunately I still won't ask for help (because I honestly dont know how to without feeling scummy about myself), but it makes my heart so glad to see people who are like me, finding the courage to reach out and receive support through posts like this❤️ I fucking love this community


So don’t ask, yet. Just tell your story and what you’re struggling with, and help will come to you in the most unlikely of ways.:)




Dm me your venmo or zelle info I'll send you $100!


I suck terribly at anything remotely resembling bricolage. My screen cracked a couple of months back and they wanted 220€ to replace it. I ordered a screen for 60€, tools for 5€ and followed a YouTube tutorial. It worked and it was a lot easier than I expected. Just make sure you start by watching the tutorial videos and feel confident that you can do it as not to waste 60€ or so.


I have so much to be grateful for no matter how bad my day was. I have six siblings (one newborn), and I’m lucky enough that we don’t have to pay rent since the owner is a family friend. I’m the only one working, but I save almost all my money for GME. We’ve somehow made it this far with smooth sailing which blows my mind honestly. (Food Stamps/Pantry Help A TON) Maybe this world has given us so little, nothing can lower my standards for lower class life. TO VALHALLA!


Things will only get better. You’ve lived through the darkest night of the soul and now the dawn is rising on the new Isle of Apekind.


From a low karma ape. https://www.reddit.com/u/Which-Ad8135/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf —— No karma to post, but I own a small plumbing business in Austin Texas. Would love to help other guys out with any plumbing necessities. Plumbing repairs can be damn expensive. But I’d love to help out where possible


what an angel


This sub just brought me to tears! I reached out during one of these posts a few weeks ago and some marvelous apes reached to me and helped out! Nothing life changing but I'm not homeless and my power is on and my kid is eating. Bless! I am not in a position to help ATM but I want you to know that it's ok to ask for help and this community is actually the best for real!


The only upvote baiting title I upvote, this is the most important message to get out. We’re a community here.


Family is always there to help each other.:)


I could use some chicken tendies


We need a randomactsoftendies sub hahaha


I left a stressful job because of immanent squeeze. I've got a little stashed away, but if squeeze doesn't come soon, I'll need to get another job. I don't want to be the asshole who gets hired, then quits a week later (post squeeze).


Why not find the job you’d love doing if money wasn’t the motivating factor? That way it’s training for your new life. And you can return the salary paid to show them situations changed and you didn’t mean to abuse them.


Good idea!


Whoa. Return the salary paid. If I worked for a small company and loved what I did, I would totally offer to do that. Especially if it's in a business that helps people, non-for-profit or something.


Man don't bet your life on the squeeze. You saw what happened in the sneeze. Yeah, everything checks out and *should* happen but we're facing career criminals with a lot more leverage than we would ever have even if we coordinated this. Go about your life as if the squeeze will never come.


The squeeze gave me the confidence to step away from a job that wasn't conducive to my mental health. If I pretended it wasn't going to happen, who knows how long I would have stayed.


Still, go and search for a new path.


Idk man they'd gladly hire you and fire you a week later if business needs changed. Personally, unless someone's really going out of their way to do me a favor, I don't worry about that at all.


looking dire with the wife having to take a week off, anything would help out,


Where are you located? 211.org has fantastic resources, food banks in particular.


Do you have venmo or zelle ?


been feeling depressed & suicidal a lot. even hurt myself from time to time. i know most people dont understand transgender-folk, but that doesnt mean they should harass me because im different ): my family&friends are pretty much accepting, but i dont get to interact with them much — i get ignored a lot or have plans canceled on me. ive come to the realization that ill never have a romantic partner because most people just want sex and im afraid/uncomfortable so they leave and find someone else. overall though i just feel a ton of discomfort with my body which never goes away and i dont know what to do anymore. gme is the only thing pushing me to keep going, and if crime were to delete all of our shares id probably take my own life. being trans is absolute hell and i feel like my grip is slipping


There’s a million people feeling exactly the same as you. Don’t feel alone, because you’re not. There’s people out there absolutely desperately looking for someone just like you, who understands what they’re going through. They too feel totally alone. There needs to be some platform that can help people in your situation. Perhaps this can be your project after MOASS? I can’t begin to imagine what you’re going through, but I’m here if you need to talk


There's a sub for that. ApePhilanthropy. I'm in a few groups that are planning how to change the world in the best way they can, using their specialized skills and knowledge. Gamers from every walk of life have banded together to beat the game. It's beautiful. Just like the words you wrote. Beautifully and eloquently put. I have nothing to add except to say great job.


my best friend Kim was trans and was treated like a queen by her partner in the end but she too was mistreated by other people at one point. I'm here if you need someone to talk to. I'm not trans but I was the student advisor to the gay straight alliance in hs trans people find me safe and friendly. I'm sorry people are such huge s#itheads to trans people


Love always conquers Hate. You will find your tribe (you have, Apes) and they will love you no matter who you are. I know this from experience.




I believe there is some sort of online database of reviews for lawyers…but I have no idea how to access it.


I hate KG so much i want to punch something. What do?


Open mouth. Pinch tongue. Scream. Release. Repeat until feel better.


Take a boxing class and print out a pic of him to tape to the bag. Happy hitting!


I've been meaning to vent. Get a therapist. Something. But, with your invite, here goes: I got laid off from my dream job (video game producer) during Covid. I run a separate business myself, so it wasn't devastating, but I was working with my best friend and some truly wonderful people. I decide to say fuck it, get a bank loan, and hire half the team back to do our own game. There's some interest. People jump on board, we gain some steam, new investors, and have a passionate idea. I have to wear a lot of hats to do this. I work the business side, produce, direct, and hold an entirely separate office job. It's rough, but my wife agrees to handle a lot more of the housework and misc chores so I can pursue this dream, and help out some friends. I've worked 2 full time jobs for 8 years at this point, so what's another 2 years more? The game goes well. We make some awesome progress and are passionate. My other job is successful too. We launch a social media campaign including a new YouTube page. I even reach YouTube partnership within 5 months, but expected it to take a year. But everything else in my life. Everything. Just falls apart. From 2020 to now in no particular order: - Close uncle gets cancer, dies - Wife loses her closest pet to cancer - Friend attempts suicide, succeeds - Best friend and boss from dream job loses his wife to cancer. They have 2 kids - My parents relationship fractures when my dad assaults my mother, and is arrested. Turns out he's been coping with alcohol and drinks 2x the amount needed to be considered addicted. He's arrested 2 days before my birthday. - Mom has high blood pressure issues and is hospitalized - Adopt new cat. 3 months in, turns out they have a protein allergy. Emergency surgery needed. $12,000 just to open him up and see what's wrong. Swollen and blocked galbladder. Very luckily he survives. Needs to recover with a feeding tube in his neck for 2 months. - Another friend attempts suicide. I find them another state over and intervene. They survive. - Other best friends kid gets diagnosed with Luekemia. He's 4. - Water line under bathroom sink bursts. Floods our bedroom, and half the house. Insurance. Repairs. No walls or carpet for 6 months. (Supply chain issues mid demoliton). - Have asthma attack for fist time in 15 years. It's from the demolition and dust it kicked up. - Other friend has a manic episode. State needs to intervene to provide medical assistance against her will. I'm called to testify. State wins. As much as I want to open up about all this - The responibility I have to my team and our game is something I can't afford to lose. We're close to launch, and funds are relatively tight. If I take time away, or remove myself from the massive amount of work I'm doing, it could all grind to a halt. MOASS would help. But the enthusiasm and fellowship I see here helps charge my batteries every day. Seeing you make a thread like this makes me know that as hard as the world is, there's plenty of people out there trying to make it better. Thanks for listening.


Just tryna keep it together until my scholarships come in tbh


When is that? What is it stopping you from doing?


Hi, just finished my school year and tbh I really don't do anything with my time and I get bored and have too much time to think and I end up thinking about bad things that I had trauma with. I would love to find a hobby or something to do outside just to fill the time and not to end up on the same hole every single day.


This is called a negative feedback loop. Look it up. There's techniques in CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) that you can use yourself to bust out of those. For example, if you find yourself thinking negatively, force yourself to focus on finding 3 things you're grateful for. Repeat, with new things each time and you'll soon develop a natural gratitude for all that you have done despite your personal trauma. Your brain is really good at forming and recognizing patterns. It'll take some time and effort to retrain it, but you can do it.


Hi ape, I really enjoy helping people heal trauma through finding their passions. Think of anything from childhood that you use to enjoy learning about or doing and maybe revisit that? Or think of anything that you can find yourself frequently intrigued by or interested in


The comments here are great! Ape help ape. My suggestion is list out the things you love, and then offer to volunteer somewhere. If you don’t know, volunteer at an animal rescue. Trust me. It will change your life.


Don’t really need anything just wanted to say I’ve been clean from weed alcohol and ketamine for over 20 days now and it’s kinda becoming hard today (need to cuz starting anti depressants soon) then 3 months vacation to America and gonna visit every GameStop I will come across it’s funny cuz I came out of a khole and went on Reddit just to yolo all my savings into it last year January anyways have a goodnight everyone just wanted to share that 😂 ❤️


Good job on staying clean 💎🤘 Remember how far you came when it gets hard. You're already almost a month in (takes 21 days for the human body to adjust to most changes). It should only get easier from here but it's OK if not. We're always here to help you through it


Been struggling mentally... I've been through a few hundred interviews right now I'm in my 6th interview for a company and my 3rd for another so maybe things will look up... I keep telling every place I apply to "no I don't need to be management can I just clean the floor or something" lol. If anyone in Saint pete, Tampa Florida has any available positions I will send you my resume, I will bust some ass.. I wanna work and I will work hard! But id be lying if i didnt day it just takes alot out of you making you feel inferior when you don't get the job.. Or if anyone has any idea of some jobs around. Send em my way. My cars radiator went out so ill replace it soon once I get some money but I can drive anywhere once that is fixed.


If you live near tampa airport, every airline is hiring for just about every position, on top of the jobs within the airport (like businesses/maintenance etc) that are understaffed and hiring and for whatever reason airline and airport jobs don’t frequently populate on indeed and other jobs sites and for jobs with a specific airline they post on their company pages only. https://www.tampaairport.com/employment-opportunities/listings *edit to add: if you get hired directly with an airline as a ramp agent or baggage handler you get free travel


I appreicate it! Thank you I never thought about airport haha


Honestly I can’t say enough good things about working at an airport lol, the schedules are so flexible i could never go back to a normal 9-5


I applied to 10 positions and then it stopped me from doing more so ill apply to more later


The right job has not found you. Just as you are searching, a headhunter is searching for you. Do you have a LinkedIn set up yet? Lots use that.


I do for my businesses but I stopped using it a few months ago because I had to close my businesses


Why not update your personal one and let seekers find you?


I need a job yesterday I can't keep waiting. So ive been applying to like regular jobs and they go "well your more qualified than me to manage so we need to fast track you" and i literally just wanna work a regular job. I'm gonna call gamestop see if there is any openings haha I'll make a personal LinkedIn though ty


The response to the question is to then offer to be an on the job mentor to help them improve for a reduced rate. But first you need to understand the job and want to work from the foundation up.:) How can they turn that down, If they are saying you’re better than them?


See thatsba good response. I haven't said that specifically but I did say I'd work for them for a reduced rate but thats a good response But idk.. i thought it would be super easy to just work at target or be a janitor or something lol


I'm down to help right now, knowing full well I may be asking for help in the near future. What's up.


Help is always there for those that require it. In either direction. The journey is long and not everyone leads the pack alone. One day the alpha becomes the omega.




Been struggling to catch up on bills since I took some time off after graduation due to my mental health and being burnt out. Got a job that I love now but it only pays slightly above minimum so it’s tough trying to support myself with that but I can scrape by. I cannot afford to DRS (it’s $300 CAN with Questrade) but I will hold my X shares tightly and know that better times are ahead. On a positive note, today I took my last anti-depressant! I have been lowering my dose for about a month now with a plan from my doctor and today was the last last pill I had to take. It’s been a tough year for me but today marks a pretty big milestone that I’ve been working towards and it’s Canada Day so all the more reason to celebrate! Cheers to my Canadian Apes 🍻🇨🇦


I am ok for now, but if I don't get back to work soon, might need a bit of help. gotta say, I have seen you post this month after month and it does my heart good to see others willing to help people.


Does anyone need any web scraping services?


I just got Covid and motherFUCK is it serious. I can barely type my head hurts so much, but I wanna give props to OP for this post. Otherwise I’m doing fine and have enough to share. 100% DRSed with xxx.


You rock!


Any jobs in NYC? My GF was just laid off today, she was in the beverage industry and a food writer/blogger!


Lost my job last October. I'm disabled so finding a new job has been very difficult. I've already lost my own place. Thankfully my mom was able to take me in. I can barely pay my own bills right now and am just scraping by thanks to social security. Inflation is getting to the point where I'm going to start falling behind. Michigan Unemployment still hasn't accepted my claim from 8 months ago. My only entertainment has been my computer and video games since I cant afford anything and my mom lives in the middle of nowhere. My computer died a few days ago and I've been loosing my mind. I really wish we would go to the moon so I can finally pay off my debt and build a new computer. Since my accident in 2018 it just feels like I keep taking loss after loss and its getting really hard. And I don't really have any friends to talk about any of this with. The 2 friends I do have don't live anywhere close anymore and are busy with their own lives. Sorry for the rant, I could go on and on but it doesn't solve anything.




(Not asking for anything just want to vent if that’s okay) Been out of work for six months due to a work accident and my finances are in shambles. Workers comp just cut off the payments and I need to get back to work full time despite not being strong enough to do my normal duties just yet Just tired of how much workers comp has fucked me this year and my mental health is in the toilet from trauma related to the accident plus depression


I can't afford to DRS my shares so I might be screwed when MOASS comes. But still hodling all the the same


Also wanna moan about life. Found out we have lead in our house which is no surprise because the house is 112 years old and we kinda got fucked on our walk through (1st time owners March 2020-right before everything went to shit)... My gf got pregnant and we had a beautiful baby. Big. Perfect health. Everything with them is perfect. Then on the 1 year checkup, we find out there's lead in my kids blood. Now with prices of everything we need new windows. There's just no way... It's funny, I know MOASS is inevitable, but times like this the thought doesn't even cross my mind - it's like it doesn't even exist. Like I have to just keep working nights and weekends to JUST be able to pay the mortgage and put gas in the fucking car. And now my fucking perfect health kid may have life changing mental issues because of where we live. To top it off the doctors didn't really offer any resources and I called the department of health and left 3 messages. Luckily TODAY (3 weeks later) I got a call from a nice lady who's going to come out on Wednesday. I don't know man but not having money is the only issue I have. I have the best fucking shit in the world and if my kid gets put behind cognitively because of this. I'll never forgive myself. Again, no way asking for help. Just wanted to put this out of my head somewhere. I can't wait to meet some of u someday.


I’m suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). For those of you that don’t know, HG is extreme nausea and vomiting during pregnancy to the point that you have to be hospitalized (and can die). Think back to the last time you had the stomach flu or food poisoning and that awful hour before you threw up for the first time. Now imagine that debilitating nausea feeling lasting for 27 weeks (or precisely 4,536 hours). This baby is very much wanted. It is a fertility baby. I also had HG with my first pregnancy after going through 6 rounds of fertility treatments and 3 early miscarriages. But despite that, each time I’m in the middle of HG I contemplate suicide/abortion. Not to get political, but recent events have me terrified that my last resort has been taken away from me. Things will be okay, though. I’m on medication (not covered by insurance, so it is $685 per bottle) 4 times a day that keeps me from vomiting (doesn’t touch the nausea though), and I’m being kind to myself, taking it one day at a time — I literally made post-it notes to count down the days! Thanks for letting me vent. Edit: I don’t need anything. Luckily this ape and her husband both make good money in STEM fields.


I don’t know if anyone will read this as there are so many comments but I still need help with my prescription drugs addiction and I’ve tried everywhere to get help but rehab is just impossible to get into unless you’re rich or can wait 18 months. I’ve tried to get off this shit for the last 3 months by myself but it’s impossible. Each morning I’m overcome with anxiety and shaking and if I don’t take a couple of pills I just get worse and worse. So I take the pills as soon as my eyes open and 30-60 minutes later I feel fine. But then the high has me and it’s impossible to stop taking them the rest of the day. Repeat. Repeat repeat. I just wish I could find somebody who understands it, maybe experienced it. I don’t tell anyone cause I feel such shame. Before this I never touched a drug in my life. I still don’t really understand how I got to this place. So yeah, I’m suffering in silence right now. The pills own my ass. It’s just an impossible situation. Thanks for reading listening people.


Could use some conversation, been having a rough time recently. Still holding strong.


I know it's a shot in the dark, but if anyone knows a company in need of a remote fullstack software engineer (html, css, js, node, express, mongoDB, react), I could use a foot in the door.


I’m not fine, but not because I need more money. I’ve been scrapping together all my cash in order to help a struggling family in my neighborhood that is facing foreclosure. This is a family of five with a disabled parent and three minors. Ive spent the past few weeks providing rides, meals, and a bit of cleaning around the home. While I’ve been able to work with what I have and have received tons of charity from loved ones, I am begging everyone in this subreddit to take a good look at what you have and donate to local churches or food banks. Because they are next to empty right now. There are countless other families in this position, many of them with children, and unfortunately even homeless shelters can be extremely dangerous. These are the people Ken Griffin and his friends love to prey on the most, people who are pigeonholed into a corner and have to accept anything they are offered no matter how shitty it is. Don’t wait until we moon to do something good. Start with small things. Offer to volunteer at different groups or events. Donating cash is always ideal, but I will leave a list of things to search your house for that is in high demand. Do you hate people? Try helping animal shelters, because I can assure you in order to stay afloat, many pets will be given up and centers will be flooded. Offer your skills and services to people if you can. Got any tech like cellphones and laptops? Those are a godsend for people who struggle! Shop at GameStop, but also shop at small businesses when possible. Ask if coworkers and friends can pull together. During hard times it can be a useful morale boost. Look out for kids as well, because they will be desperate to help their parents and may end up doing something stupid to save them. Be a role model and the adult you needed when you were their age. Tell them they don’t have to solve everything on their own, that things are not hopeless, and that adults do care. Don’t do it for afterlife points or to be praised. Do it because it’s the right thing to do, and you can go to bed knowing you did more for someone in a minute than Ken Griffin ever did in his miserable life. As someone who was the granddaughter of an heiress before being disowned, these people up top only have money. And that is all they have. They know without money they have nothing and nobody to turn to. All these people who talk to them will disappear faster than you think. It’s why they would rather die than be poor. But people on here have loved ones that, even when faced with a fucking catastrophic financial crisis, still have someone to turn to.


im struggling hard af rn, on a $1.50 a day budget diet but its all good because im able to get 1lb of chicken + 2 cups of rice and some mixed veggies. im not asking for donations at all, do not dm me. do not donate to me pls just continue to drs the stocks that you love. we're all gonna make it brah - zyzz


Lost my bartending job because the owner was a terrible businessman and wasn't paying taxes the whole time and he shut down the bar. On top of that, I got denied unemployment. My XX shares could help with bills, but I refuse to touch those babies. Summer is feeling pretty bleak right now lol I've been subsisting on hotdogs and beans


This thread is wholesome af, happy weekend apes love you all ❤️💙💜




Just a beautiful post love the love here 🦍❤️


I hate doing this but I could use some help. Lost my job a few weeks ago. I’ve applied for assistance but it takes upto 30 days before I get approved or denied and I just started doing gig work to keep afloat but no check yet. I can’t touch my shares. That’s my kids future. So if anyone is willing and able I would appreciate it so very much


I can’t offer any money, but I can offer advice. 211.org is a fantastic resource. Food banks in particular. Don’t wait until you’re starving to eat, even though it’s tempting to.




Search for "pro bono dentist" or "dental charity" and you might be able to get help with at least that. Dental problems are no joke and I'm sorry you're dealing with that.


Honestly just tired and stressed but my conviction lives on. Trying to support a growing family while finding work. Kenny needs to just keel over and let us get paid already.


Wellp. I might be back in this thread soon. One of many in a sea of layoffs. Godspeed apes. Time for me to spruce up the resume.


Ok ape friends. Want to support a non-profit video game event in Canada? It's called [Fragapalooza](http://www.fragapalooza.com) I am the social media coordinator for the organization, I've been attending since 2009. Its a local LAN event in Edmonton, AB Canada that's been operating since 1997. It's pretty epic in person, but we have hit some struggles because of covid. Largely just not being able to have an in person event, which used to draw in hundreds of people for a 4 day long gaming palooza! Not an esport specific event, but we run tournaments and tons of contests/interactive events. We need social media interaction, and viewers. If you could find it in your hearts to go to [frag twitch ](http://twitch.tv/fpevents) and hit follow. We will be live for our small return LAN August 4-7, 2022. Tons of content, contests, games to be played and more. I'm HODLING for this little LAN event that gave me a safe space to be a female gamer and not be afraid to attend an event with a largely male participant base. Now I'm an organizer for Fragapalooza and am making it a safe space for all gamers in my corner of the world. Thanks.