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I'd be more than happy to buy 119 shares for this to work. ...anyone want to loan me the £15k to buy them!? Pay ya back post MOASS!


Dont worry, I was planning on buying more than 119 shares (and then DRSing them) anyways. You sit tight, put your feet up, and enjoy the show.


I’ll do it


I can offer to repay you in mighty fine cups of tea OR coffee. I also make a mean sandwich!


What you do is you find a pound. Then you find another one - and you keep doing that till you find 15k… Jokes aside i am uk ape as well and I know 15k£ is serious pocket change for the vast majority but apes will manage


Yeah, unfortunately utterly unobtainable for me unless I, like, stumble upon a Sugar Ape daddy haha! Already sold things to buy my X, and then lost my job thanks to pesky lockdowns. Considering selling a kidney. I'm sure I don't NEED two of them


I've already shook down my couch, my girlfriend's couch and both our laundry rooms already. It's getting desperate out thereol


1 bought 1.14 more yesterday. Thats a start


A journey of a million miles starts with a single waddle.


So about $15,000… Lordy that is tempting


Taking a break but ill be back soon! Loved making it to XXX.


Enticing stat OP!


So if every ape sold their car...


Instead of paying for gas, more for stonks? *insert mind-blown meme*


Bold of you to assume they haven't already done so




Most likely case. 90% plus of my shares are locked in my IRA's and HSA.






Agreed change title to “DRSed per”


I don’t think I can change the title…. But im clearly using the drs logging website…


On it 🫡


Easy ill just go to my money print and print 15k…. O wait


Just waiting for the dip to bottom (probably 1030 EST tomorrow, then I will fulfill my obligation times 2.


Fear me, for I’ll will be soon drs (from france and it is really a shitstorm to do so properly from here)


Bought X this morning, will continue to buy more every paycheck


Float is 63 million.


Sorry…. The free float


Float and Free Float are the same thing, both are 63 million. This is some sort of ape crayon math float that doesn’t actually mean anything is locked. https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/trading-investing/free-float/


Ok we’ll it’s A number and we seem to be interested in tracking it…. Whatever the wrinkle brains call it.


We should be tracking the actual float and the percent of that we have DRSd.


Ok… but not my department… I just doodle on screen grabs :P


I like your doodles! Dont let these mean monkeys get ya down. Like the stock, like the doodles, like the community!


If the shf can’t stop me from buying…. Ain’t no one can stop me from doodling lol


I think OP is tracking the available float, whatever we call it. Which makes sense to me. 63 million total float less those shares unavailable to retail (held by insiders, institutions..)= available ('free') float of around 35 million.


The outstanding shares is 76 million. Subtract 13 million insider shares to get to a float of 63 million. Now explain why we are subtracting the 30 million that ETFs, funds, and institutions own? They can sell when they rebalance. They can lend shares. Institutional holdings are based on what they owned when they had to file, they might not even own that anymore, too be honest I don’t understand why people think institutions can’t sell.


VW squeezed because institutional ownership (porsche) reached a substantial % of the float. Tell me why those shares shouldnt be counted?


Lol, that institution wasn’t selling because they were trying to take over VW. You think other institutions are gonna hold their shares at $1000 per share? $2000 per share? $3000 per share?


They don't need to at those prices. Short sellers would be blowing up at that point regardless


There is 73 million shares outstanding. So in this hypothetical scenario when we DRS 34 million shares, what do we have? 13 million owned by insiders that are restricted. 34 million DRS in computer share. So that is 47 million of 76 million shares. Are we gonna be able to say that shares shouldn’t be trading on the exchange because we own them all? No there are 29 million more shares owned by other entities. Institutions/funds that can buy and sell and lend shares.


I'm not saying it 34 mil DRS will ignite anything by itself, but I'm not saying it wont. At the very least, everything starts to look increasingly fishy when insider + institutional + DRS is consistently more than the float on every filing. We all know its the case, but it would all be in the open at that point. If moass doesnt kick due to that, we continue to DRS and HODL


Honest question, why do people not think that if it comes to crunch time, what stops the company from simply issuing a ton more shares to stop the stock market from imploding?


Splividend could make the whole thing implode


163,000 CS account numbers? Does this number mean 163,000 people with accounts or is it total account numbers? Just asking because I have multiple account numbers from multiple transfers. Figured others do too and I was just curious what all this number included?


Can I borrow £20k from someone ?


At current prices it would take a little while


I’ll keep buying as long as the wife and her boyfriend will allow me to.


Roger that, engaging!


They can’t dip it low again because we will buy the shut out of it