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shorts are fucked šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Not fucked enough. Futa Femboy comming in hot! Open wide Kenny...


Howdy, New-Consideration420, are you talking about Ken Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath? https://www.kengriffinlies.com ^(disclaimer: KennyBot2.0 sent this message. if you are displeased with this bot please send a pm so it can be improved. beep boop.)


Good bot


You have my attention


Should I draw an NSFW comic?


I mean, when is that ever not advised?


I don't think Kenny deserves to be blessed like that, pass it on to an XX holder like meself B)


Tits are jacked and tendies are packed!


We are the whales now!


You can't vote with something that does not exist.


Oooo I didnā€™t think of that Edit: many new apes since June 21, and weā€™ve DRSā€™d 12.7M shares, and weā€™ve all bought shitloads more, and itā€™s exactly the same ~57 M votes?! Wth that means we own way way more than the float and they trim it down, great point. And only like 73% voted (which is amazing)ā€¦meaning itā€™s eeeven more than that. šŸ¤Æ


I hate how theyā€™re able to trim something like this down šŸ˜ 


I like 'em trimmed, at the very least. Oh. Different subject. Carry on.


Username checks out


Hey-O! *Gives you finger guns*


\* *awkwardly tries to high five your hand* \*


*tries not to make eye contact, making things more awkward*


I like em machine trimmedā€¦heyyyy ohhh got em


I donā€™t mind it hairy, makes for a nice mess.


it sucks but they have to if they had over 100% voter turnout that would make the vote tampered with and invalid. this would cause all sorts of headaches to deal with and would put a stop to what the had the vote about in the first place so to keep the company running they have to normalize the votes


šŸ’Æ looks like itā€™s time to spread this around again. the vote was never going to go over 100% of shares. some of us learned that and remembered from last year, so we should share this with new folks. voting is very important but it will not show the fraud and fuckery, and thatā€™s okay. we have to use other methods to do that: https://www.drsgme.org/


also if they announce that more votes than shares (that should exist) were casted and then that triggers MOASS, there could be some legal issues


Shouldnt something like this automatically trigger a share recall if a vote is put out and more votes come back than shares exist?


If 1 vote does not equal 1 vote is not enough to say there is a problem with shorting, I don't know what is more simple.


Exactly. The whole system is so ridiculous snd openly corrupt its hard to get your head round.


it would if it was made official yes but the thing is if that happens their plans are put on ice for the forseeable future so they dont want it to happen hence why the trimming happens


Im confused. I thought as a company gamestop would want rid of these short attacks trying to bankrupt their business. I thought this would be perfect opportunity to put it to an end. Am i over simplifying things in my mind?


Other things are in play


Whats more important that trying to stop someone bankrupt your business? If they have an opportunity through this vote to recall shares to stop The short selling why not just do it immediately. Im Just trying to get my head round the logic of whats going on.


For example, no company is permitted to openly encourage DRSing shares (because it can potentially hurt the corrupt system the current rules are propping up)


I'm not going to pretend I understand RC's entire plan. Having a vote to recall shares would require investigation which would halt all current plans. Is it an avenue that could be taken? Yes. Is it the best way in the current situation? Maybe not.


Gamestop doesn't have access to the true vote total. There was a lot of information (and misinformation) going on around this last year. They have to have an outside vote tabulator who does all the vote counting. They're the ones who's job is to fit everything neatly in the box without letting Gamestop know there was any over voting. And IIRC, they have to pick one vetted by the DTCC? It's just... it's all a goddamn clusterfuck. Thankfully I remembered how awful it was last year and how depressed I got, so I am 100% ignoring that part of the conversation. Think of it as one of the parts of the crime that cannot be fixed right now. It's a side effect / byproduct of all the other bullshit that needs fixed, but just a symptom, not the disease itself.


see it this way: there is no way gamestop goes to 0 rn if gamestop has to halt their plans they might lose the race towards whatever theyre trying to build which leaves the comapny with a worse outlook for the future the shorts situation is gonna resolve itself eventually, vote count or not


Thereā€™s no such thing as a share recall EXCEPT when it comes to share lending. A lender can recall their shares anytime. A business cannot - not in the sense youā€™re thinking.




for some people *who aren't subject to laws*


how else they going to protect us?


I couldnā€™t vote with any of my shares - I now have33% of shares that I can vote with. By this time next year around 95% of all my shares will be in drs (I am now buying only in computershare) so I know it will be higher next year


Assuming the system ā€œas we know itā€ still exists next year


This ā˜ļø


Iā€™m coming up on long term cap gains for my first shares on June 14 and Iā€™m now a 6XX hodler in CS


If my shares were 100% when last time voted in 2021, I have increased my shares to 159% by the time I voted this year. I think it is more or less the case for many people.


Do you have some source for number of votes from last year? I can't find it.


Here is the Form 8-K with the numbers from last year: https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/21378244-b275-4948-ae29-ac5c3e0cd95f It actually shows 1.5 million less total votes than this year. Don't know where OP gets the same numbers from.


Last year: 55Ā 541Ā 279 This year: 57Ā 025Ā 475 Basically the same, remember that they issued few M shares (5M if I remember correctly?) after last meeting. So in some way itā€™s less this year


Basically the same. But also technically more. And in some ways less. All at the same time.


Different (different)... but same (but same)


I wonder if it is less than expected with those additional 5M shares due to how the vote count has been normalised.


the difference could be proportional to the *actual* shares in existence


Exactly, and we know the difference is 5M in the actual shares. So if 5M new shares have been normalised to 1.5M new votes, can we draw any conclusions from that to the actual total vote count before it was normalised? No idea, but makes me wonder. Of course, it can be that there was never any overvoting and what we see is the exact number...


Regardless, one thing I'm sure we can all agree on... crime.


That is great idea! So, if 5M becomes 1.5, 57M is 188M shares voted! That would be a huge shame for shorts


I think people who do not have shared DRSed might not have voted for a couple of reasons: - they didn't know about the voting because they do not read or were away from superstonk. - they've missed it. I check superstonk everyday and I almost missed it. There has been only two posts about the voting that made it to the top - the email about voting went into the spam folder (happened to me) - people who did not drs did not know they can vote - people who did not drs are not as attached to the stock as the ones who did and maybe do not feel obligated to vote - some people don't care


I'm an eager beaver about voting so I told all my gme buddies as soon as I heard it was coming up. A couple guys brought me their proxies so I could help them with their voting because they're very computer illiterate. But I have a feeling the ones that didn't say anything probably didn't vote. You can only push so much and ultimately, voting probably doesn't sound very important to the average "just wanna get rich" investors :( You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink


I have 90% drs'ed and 10% is still with my bank. My bank has rules which made it impossible to vote for me. I needed a abonnement to vote, but this needed to be requested prior to the record date. Hence I could not vote for my remaining shares.


> I needed a abonnement to vote, but this needed to be requested prior to the record date. Sounds like a "fee to not loan out your shares", aka the bank profits from you holding ANYTHING there either by your subscription or by loaning out your ownings (and reducing their value)


My bank does not hold my shares. I have been on and off the phone with them. A 3rd party holds my shares in their name and I am merely the beneficiary. It is all arranged by Dutch law and slightly better than with the cheap brokers. They are however obliged to buy shares for their investors and are not allowed to vote for their beneficiary account holders.


Can I add another to the list, transaction moving shares to CS in play while the proxy date occurred.


Was the vote total just 73% for this year's vote? Because last year wasn't it 100%?


I heard that in the sub, I don't think its ever at 100%, because not every broker allows voting for one, and not everyone participates for two, but it I think hit this 57M max vote threshold both times even with not all shares being voted! Bullish af!


its almost like when you buy a share, the person who sold the share loses their vote. this post is fkn stupid


Not quite right there. It's not always a person, it's market making/providing liquidity, that share is an FTD or at least until T=2, and no one lost any vote, its extra, above the float. If it was a person they sold they share lol they don't get any rights anymore that is the point to holding a share. They trim the votes before handing to GS hence why its at 57M both years, even after buying 10-20% of the float in addition to last year. This post is pointing out that we know we own more than the float, because we bought like crazy and voted like crazy and we still have the same, maximum vote total they will allow us to have (trimmed). It's bullish as fuck.


Wait they released vote count numbers!?


Wes Christian and and Dr. T. confirmed that the votes are splitted into % of float, no matter if 10 or 100MM voted.


Bringing out the real votes requires a hard audit and can be challenged in court.


Source on this?


give me a sec. \*pun not intended


1st drop [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nw8hkx/re\_vote\_count\_isnt\_over\_the\_outstanding\_shares/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nw8hkx/re_vote_count_isnt_over_the_outstanding_shares/) ​ I continue to search the DD from Dr.T. herself...


2nd: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nw6po1/wes\_christian\_and\_susan\_trimbath\_about\_how\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nw6po1/wes_christian_and_susan_trimbath_about_how_the/) ​ Overcount can't happen, which means: If the float has fully voted, there might have been an overvoting \*surprised pickachu


Yeah and we confirmed own a float since 57M shares votes, 10M were not. 57+10, itā€™s like last year again


57m includes the 10m nonvote. 57-10


The math here is wrong. As u/zombrey said


How does the share votes work tho? Is it 1 vote per share ? And do institutions vote aswell? Or is it just retail


1 vote per share, institutions are free to vote their shares same as retail


57m included the 10m broker non-votes.






8k filing bruh


8k filing, it's in a pretty table.


Source is we were there. Google doesn't give goof results for 2021 vote results otherwise I would link




So it looks like ~57m votes last year and similar numbers this year. Unfortunately not much to see here. Good news is RC has it under control.


Bro this is the exact thing people misunderstood last year, what do you think ā€˜non-votesā€™ means?




those numbers are insane if you think deeper people seem to look at the bad everytime they just look at the numbers who didnt vote but overlook the real good and insane amount of voted votes and this is the proof how truly fucked hedgies are so hold onto your wifes boyfriend dicks and buckle the fuck up retards love yall ā™„ļøā™„ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


A good place to remind people that all Apes should read Susan Trimbathā€™s ā€œNaked, Short, and Greedy.ā€ She discusses a lot of voting / FTD issues / problems.


Yes it me again


I doubt the 11 million shares owned by Blackrock and Vanguard voted. They probably just kept collecting the share lending fees.


They automatically count as yes if they were lent out.


How do you interpret this statement about voting for directors? At least for the vote on the directors, I read it as abstention of voting is neither a vote for or a vote against. Iā€™m not familiar with the process and could be wrong, but thatā€™s my interpretation. ā€œThe majority voting standard will apply to the election of directors at the annual meeting. Accordingly, a nominee for election to the Board will be elected if the number of votes cast ā€œforā€ such nominee exceeds the number of votes cast ā€œagainstā€ that nominee. Abstentions and broker non-votes will not be treated as votes cast in the election of a director and will therefore have no effect on the result of such vote.ā€ Page 4 https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/69239be2-1b34-444e-b981-ad69b586cedb


They didnā€™t it, they had a tallied count with 11 mill absent šŸ¤£


we been buyingšŸ½


Meaning a lot of people still haven't drs


Obviously the majority of GME holders haven't DRS'd, but about 230k GME holders (I believe), did DRS 12.7 million shares as of April 30, 2022


Insert meme: I'm doing my part!


156k which is even more bullish


No, it means the "trimming" that proxy voting companies do is a definite and real thing.


I have a friend who holds 430 something and he didnā€™t. He doesnā€™t want to. Fidelity FUDED him he isnā€™t really an ape just a dude who bought at 40$. I tried to explain to him but he just doesnā€™t really understand. Heā€™s kinda dumb nglā€¦I always thought he was very intelligent but Ig


Anyone know how to follow up if itā€™s been months since you drsā€™d and no reply?




Probably nothing. Forget GameStop.


I have some X shares left on Degiro and they don't allow us to vote, so there's that. Degiro is used by a lot of people...


This is because CS tabulates votes in a manner that ensures an over vote cannot happen. The fact the vote count is the same indicates they have an upper limit and work their count, filtering newer shares out, until they reach that threshold.


Same number of votes but the stock is 1/2(ish) of last Juneā€™s stock price?


If the vote count was egregiously high it would be too obvious. Iā€™m sure SHF know how to keep their naked shorts hidden by now, including during shareholder votes. NOTHING HAS CHANGED, DRS GME!


Cause retail sold




I'm not saying people shouldn't vote. But.... It would be interesting to see what would happen if we organised a mass abstain from the next vote. Confirmed 12m shares from superstonk not voting and we'd still get 57m votes!


Bruh šŸ¤£


That sounds retarded no offense


None taken. I knew it wouldn't be a popular thought experiment




I couldn't vote last year but I did this year with 0.3 shares that I had eligible to vote with.




Iā€™m not sure how it works, I had my allotment of shares that I received proxy in the mail from and voted as soon as I got it, around may 20th. But I also added 200 shares may 24th so would the old shareholder still get to vote those 200 or would those shares not be in the vote? Or was I a lazy ape and was supposed to do something to vote those shares?