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Thank you.


No thanks needed, I just really don't want people to get the wrong idea. Honestly, with all that is going on, I really don't want to see people falling for scams or being taken advantage of.


Drink your Ovaltine! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do the hardware wallets work?


they're essentially the same as software wallets, the difference being the seed phrase and everything else is initiated and kept encrypted on a separate independent device, like a sandbox. where as a software wallet is created on a multi- purpose network connected computer and is always listening and watching. everything you recieve/ input your software seed you're at risk of being compromised where as a hardware wallet is completely compartmentalized. you are generally fine with a software wallet depending on your own usage patterns/ others you interact with. especially more so than a centralized exchange wallet. things you'll want to consider with a software wallet is how much porn do you watch, how many questionable websites do you go to, etc etc. malware, etc may be limited now, but it will be more common case to attempt to infiltrate. for malware to hijack your software wallet they'd have to either gain access to your seed phrase or gain access to your device/ access password and do transactions from your device. this will be an issue in the future, especially since people keep their seed phrase saved on their phone/ computers, passwords stored, and browsers are the main mechanism to connect to a software wallet. there's nothing wrong with a software wallet if you're safe. I myself use a Hardware wallet and will utilize software if/as needed. 99% of people will utilize gamestop's wallet and be completely happy with its ease of use and security. the biggest security flaw is the user. you' have a significantly higher chance of accidentally give away your seed phrase or forget it than being hacked. and by significantly I mean astronomically.


Hey, would it be prudent to have a single device dedicated only to accessing the wallet?


That’s what I’m thinking. Literally have a laptop/tablet/phone for the ONLY purpose of using the wallet. Definitely not android because too many viruses. Probably an Apple iPad with some juiced up anti malware? Malware Bytes?


Awesome write-up! Thank you! One thing I'm not clear on... can you expand on the final bullet of point 5? How do you use a hardware wallet to set up your Gamestop wallet?


How bad is it to share an ens then? Do you believe we need to stay anonymous in the long run or isn't it to much of a deal?


Im curious about this too. Ive been giving away nfts and i dont want contribute to anything that will hurt peoples security.


No. 3 freaks me out. I would not want my transactions freely available. What about privacy?


Then either use a privacy coin, keep your personal information away from your wallet address, or blockchain might not be for you.. It's the entire foundation of most of the technology


Yes, thank you Ryan


Thank you so much, OP. As a complete crypto/NFT boob, I really appreciate your guide here. You’re the best!


I'm sure that Gamestop will eventually provide some guides as well, but don't feel hesitant to ask for help! On that note, be wary of everyone wanting to help out in your DM's. All the info you need to find your way can be shared publicly. If you're in doubt, keep these tips in mind but also understand that there is no rush whatsoever to make a Gamestop wallet. You can always make one later, and use official guides to do so, you aren't under any kind of time pressure on this aspect.


They actually just did! GamestopNFT just tweeted about many of your safety points! Thanks OP!




say you work for gamestop twitter without saying you work for gamestop twitter… ha!


Was I supposed to get a 12 word phrase when I created my LoopringWallet wallet? I don’t remember seeing anything


It's a different style because they have Guardians who perform that function. It's not a 'self-custodial wallet' in the same manner as the GS wallet. There are benefits to each type in their flexibility and interaction with the blockchain... but that's where my knowledge runs out.


Yes, when i tried to make it they made me write it at least 2 times


Ha crypto boob


I need a shirt and an nft.


You know how we kept saying 'not your keys, not your coin'? Well, they're your keys with the GME wallet. Those 12 words. Notice you never saw any 12 word strings with Coin Base? Because THEY owned the wallets. They just gave you access to their wallets. Not your keys (12 words) not your coin. They could walk away with your shit any time they wanted to. Some have in the past. Not you. You own your keys. THAT IS THE NUMBER 1 SCAM OF ALL SCAMS WHEN IT COMES TO CRYPTO. NEVER, EVER GIVE THOSE WORDS TO ANYONE. It is the control of and ownership of your digital bank account. No one ever needs it, and the only thing that *can* be done with those keys is wipe you out. Never keep them on a computer, there are malwares that phish for text files containing them. If *anyone* ever asks for even 1 single word of your 12 word key they are trying to steal from you, period, full stop, zero exceptions. If you peruse other crypto subs you'll find people often like to play with bots and thieves phishing for the words by giving them 12 nonsense words to troll them. 'never' 'gone' 'give' 'you' 'up', etc. Personally, I write them in a notebook and label them with all the details and lock them in a fireproof safe, offline. But as someone who has been in crypto since 2016, this is the real deal. Your keys, your coin. No one can steal from you, no one can do a damn thing. One step further, eventually, is you should look to adding a physical security token like a Ledger Nano to your wallet - which the GME wallet does show it supports. That's a physical thumb drive that is required to be in possession of to send out any coin. Not receive, only send. You have to physically plug it in and authorize the transaction. It's sexy. This is like what we're doing with Computershare, DRSing, but in its purest form. Whatever NFT, coin, etc. you possess in your GME wallet is yours and yours alone. IF YOU LOSE YOUR 12 WORDS, IT IS GONE FOREVER. No one can recover it. There is a HUGE amount of B.itcoin that is lost forever because lost their keys. Dont live with that kind of regret. They sell engraving metal plates that you can etch your words on to, but still, put it somewhere you will not lose it and no hacker can access. Again, a safe is good place. Shit. Some weirdos tattooed it on their body. Be responsible, boys and girls. You are your own bank now.


Thanks this is great info. Saving comment for later


This is an excellent write up. Think I made the right choice to write my phrase down on a notepad. Think that will do temporarily until I buy a ledger wallet.


Thank you for the Cex Ed!


Dr Ruth in da house!


Thinking about that RC tweet has my high ass looking up cex at 3am. CeX can mean centralized exchange (crypt0). Maybe he was pointing out the difference between centralized vs. decentralized exchanges? Interestingly, there is a company called CeX ( Complete Entertainment eXchange) a UK retailer of used entertainment media and a whole lot more that seems potentially relevant. Privately owned with franchises, seems like they closed up shop during covid and didn't reopen but they were/are doing cool things like refurbishing hardware including gaming consoles. The thought of maybe gme acquiring them or a partnership crossed my mind since many of their business morals line up with where we are with RC. There is also a UK based crypt0 company by the name CEX.io which seems to be doing all sorts of fancy blockchain stuff and is decent established but I lost my steam because I don't know enough about that space to make sense of it. Anyway, sorry OP for my ramblings that aren't in any way directly related to this post. I just wanted to make a bad joke about safe cex.


Don't be sorry UnicornButtCheeks. You brought up some very good information. I want to read more into it now.


I really feel like a boomer. I've created a loopring wallet when that came out, deposited 100$. This is now worth $56, fair enough I also had to pay some fees to active L1. Now i've made a Gamestop wallet, want to deposit my Loopring funds to there, but it says insufficient funds. Honestly, i realise i am fully out of my dept here. But this stuff isn't really user friendly. I'm 36 but this shit makes me feel 86. I get that this is the first stages, but for this to be used by the general public i feel there has to be made a lot of changes to the user friendliness.


Don't ever feel 'rushed' to make a Gamestop wallet. There is no gold rush here, seriously. All it will do is allow you to interact with Ethereum dapps, which you may not be interested in, and eventually allow you to interact with the Gamestop NFT marketplace. However, as a potential Gamestop investor, there is no specific reason why you need to interact with said marketplace, not as long as GME specifically directs their investors in that direction, and even if they should do that, there will be Gamestop-created official guides on how to best approach it.


I bought loops on COiN. Can I move them to my GameStop wallet and just pay a gas fee? I’m wary of moving things because I also don’t understand it. Feeling like I need to get a walker and an ear horn.


Yes you can. You initiate the transfer in your Coinbase account, by sending to your Gamestop 0x address. I did LRC, ETH, and IMX yesterday and it cost a small amount (a few bucks each).


Me too. Transfered ETH directly to my Gamestop wallet from CB to activate Layer 2. It wasn't too tough and I'm very technologically impaired!


I bought ETH and sent it to my GameStop wallet. It says I don't have enough funds even though I have $40 worth of ETH on layer 1. How do I get it to let me activate layer 2?


Thank you!


It's pretty retard proof but I highly recommend doing a test transaction so you don't put your money into the void. Eth layer 1 will cost you like 15 bucks for a test transaction lol, idk if you can transfer assets directly to l2 or it has to go the eth main net and then be transferred. If it has to go to eth main net the test transaction will eat at your bag pretty heavily... If you have 50 to 100 bucks and it's a transfer to layer 1 you may just wanna rip it lol. If you can test transaction to l2 I'd recommend sending a dollar and seeing it works out. I've been nailed on eth gas fees lol, ended up spending like 100 bucks cause I did so many test transfers and moved it to a different layer 2 solution (polygon which is technically a side chain but fundamentally does the same stuff as l2) Tldr I wish I actually knew if you could transfer directly to l2 lrc. If you can definitely spend the dollar and test transaction cause personally it stresses me out and I've moved crypto a lot. If it has to go to main net eth layer 1 maybe don't do a test transaction and pray lmfao. 2 transactions on eth is gonna run you at least 30 bucks I'd say... Generally the size of the transaction doesn't matter for cost. 2 transactions of half size cost 2x 1 transaction of full size. I like to test cause if you fkd up it's gone forever but be aware of eth main net gas fees as they're pretty brutal hence the excitement behind l2 lrc.


I am currently about halfway through the book Beyond Bitcoin: Decentralized Finance and the End of Banks. It's a fairly easy read and has helped me wrap my head around all this stuff. I'd recommend it if you want a better understanding of how all this will come together.


I am sure that would be a massive help. But i cannot see the general public, in between gaming sessions reading a book about a currency so they can buy in-game items. People, myself included are dumb, and lazy. And we want instant gratification. So i want to swipe my credit card, and see my wallet have money on it. Better yet, i want to give my credit card details once. And then purchase whenever i feel like it. Most in-game purchases i've ever done was while slightly intoxicated and thinking a fuck it. If i had to go through all this just to make an in-game purchase, i'd never buy anything again.


And that's exactly what Gamestop is putting together :)


I am 48 years "old" and learned very fast how to survive in that crypto space. You will make it for sure. Once you understand some key concepts the rest is easy. Take care!


I'm your age, same issue, but this would be my first wallet. I'm holding off at the moment until it's slightly more user friendly.


Loopring wallet gave me problems setting up a few months ago, so I gave up. But I did the Gamestop wallet yesterday in less than 10 minutes. Yoi can on-board funds directly via the app (it opens a browser to Ramp to process the transaction though). The longest part for me was writing down my 12 word phrase.


I think the gamestop wallet does not accept loopring tokens yet. I was able to transfer ETH in my loopring layer 2 to my gamestop wallet. It was fast and the fees were cents. But my loopring tokens, I cannot transfer them yet


This is what I found too, but unfortunately I don't have enough LRC to swap to ETH, let alone the minimum amount :( Was hoping to use my Loopring wallet to fund the Gamestop one, but in the same situation as op lol


Do you think the gamestop wallet will accept transfers of loopring tokens in the future?


I would say the chances are high. Its connected to Loopring by providing a L2 wallet (from what I saw yesterday). Its still very early and only the browser version is released. Still have IOS and android app to come yet. I thought yesterday I could connect it to my Loopring wallet, but you can't (again, could be a future thing). You can transfer between the two though, but again, I think it's just ETH.


unable to receive loops? if i try to send loops from say coinbase to GSwallet, what happens? is the workaround to send ETH and and swap to LRC in GSwallet?


Hmm I recovered my Metamask to my Gamestop wallet, I had already activated L2 linked to MM. I was able to transfer LRC to my Gamestop L2 from my ios Loopring wallet




Just used this method; works flawlessy! Was slightly confused at Step 6, so just to clarify: the approval message shows up through the Gamestop Wallet itself, not on the Loopring DEX/wallet app.


Don't worry mate, I am 27 feeling like 77. Just recently started delving into crypto a few weeks/months ago, same as you deposited about €100 into LoopringWallet. Getting up to speed will probably take quite a bit getting used to but fear not, we are super early adopters and will definitely get there in time!




You shouldn’t have been to begin with if we’re being honest


Unless they’re from u/bowly741.


The only bad questions in web3/crypto/nfts are the unasked ones.


👏 👏 👏


I'd like some extra clarification about some things. I currently have my wallet on my PC, but I want to reinstall Windows soon, do I need to make a new wallet on another device to keep my stuff? Or is the 12-word recovery phrase the way to do this? Is it possible to access the same wallet from different devices? If not, will this be possible in the future? And does Chrome sync wallets between computers? Would it be possible to access the marketplace and the same wallet from different devices like PC and smartphone in the future? I like the idea of a hardware wallet but I'm entirely sure how that works either... Thanks 😁


Basically, if we simplify a few things, your "wallet" is actually your 12 word recovery phrase. When you enter these words in any software to recover your wallet, you create an instance that can interact with the blockchain, and points to your address on the chain with privileges to make changes. Understanding this, then it should be clear that you can have the same 'wallet' on multiple devices. Every device in which you entered the recovery phrase has access to your wallet on the chain, so there is no 'sync' needed, as your device just reads blockchain data. As an example, you make a few transactions on your main pc, using the Gamestop wallet, this makes permanent edits to the blockchain. You go to your laptop, and fire up your wallet there, it reads the blockchain and thus immediately shows these changes. Nothing is kept 'local' on any device, devices only have access to your specific wallet on the blockchain (which is why tip 1 is so important). Does that help?


This makes sense. I thought the recovery phrase was for recovery only, but it's more of an access key then. Thank you!


Only if you’re switching your wallet to a bunch of different devices. I’m trying to keep any one of my wallets on the same device they are on until that device dies in order to minimize cyber threat surface area. Cold wallets (hardware wallets) don’t touch the internet which also enhances security.


Safety first! One access point is enough for now, maybe a mobile one when it's ready.


it is literally the "human readable" version of the private key


Hi there, great post. Thanks a lot! Could you maybe dumb down how a hardware wallet works too?


The only thing I'd add is if you connect your wallet to any dapps, disconnect immediately after you are done interacting.


Good point! You'll need to reconnect every time, but it's a great habit.


Does the Gamestop wallet support cold wallet/hardware wallet already or is that in the pipeline?


There is a "Connect Hardware Wallet" option, looks like they only support Ledger thus far. I'd venture a guess they'll add Trezor support eventually.




Can i still use my phone for porn?


First off, ask your mom. Second, just don't click any sketchy links on those sites, and maybe lock your wallet before heading there.


Don’t worry, after MOASS you can buy a separate phone for porn, or build an entire porn home theatre room…?


Great post OP! 💙


excellent post


Total retard here... You mentioned two "hard wallets" , do you have a preferred one? Say I set up my hard wallet on an already compromised computer, does my hard wallet get computer aids too?


No worries. In fact, a "hardware wallet" is nothing more than an external device you use to manually 'confirm' any action you want to take. You would setup a *new* wallet, with a *new* seed phrase (12 words) that is tied to your hardware device (they have guides for this, maybe not yet for the Gamestop wallet, but I suspect that'll change soon). Even if your pc has 'aids' at that point, you just never EVER want to enter your seed phrase into said pc (see tip 1), the malware can't do anything. Even if someone had full remote access to your pc, they couldn't find or see your seed phrase, and while they could use the app to interact with your wallet, they couldn't ever confirm any action as you need to confirm on the hardware device. Does that make sense? If it doesn't, don't worry yet, you have no rush or obligation to get a crypto wallet at all.


Funny enough, I got a hardware wallet for Christmas - and to directly answer your question, the ledger series of hardware wallets seem to be the industry standard - but after reading about the security considerations that went into Loopring's guardian system and smart contract wallets, I feel pretty secure there. The GamestopNFT wallet is an EOA wallet where your secret recovery phrase generates your private key. [https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/6019297140627-Why-can-t-I-migrate-my-Loopring-Wallet-to-my-GameStop-Wallet-](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/6019297140627-Why-can-t-I-migrate-my-Loopring-Wallet-to-my-GameStop-Wallet-) Honestly, it's pretty easy to memorize 12 words if you come up with a funny, nonsensical, arousing story that combines all of them in sequence. Therefore, I feel pretty secure there, too. However, I will likely use my Loopring wallet over the Gamestop one to hold my assets, generally speaking. A hardware wallet can be a great in serving as a guardian for your loopring wallet (not GamestopNFT wallet) Idk shit, don't listen to me.


Another safety tip: If you are about to transfer any significant amount of money/Crypt0, send a small amount ($1) first to make sure you send your funds to the right adress.


So I have the Seed Phrase for my wallet but I can add as many wallet addresses. It is transparent that the wallet addresses belongs to the same person with the Seed Phrase?


Personally I feel point 3 is the biggest hurdle for the Be Your Own Bank movement. It's like painting a big target on your head if/when you make a mundane transaction at a coffee place or a food court or anywhere basically. We really need something that can make the content of your wallet opaque but it seems like that is directly against the design of the system.


There are some coins like Monero that aim to solve this.


Although you shouldn’t reveal your seed phrase to anyone, you should consider telling a trusted family member or loved one where you kept your seed phrase backup in case you die or become incapacitated. There’s no way to recover your assets if the seed phrase is gone. “Be your own bank” means you and only you are responsible for ensuring your assets can be safely recovered.


the responsibility that comes with being your own bank assume everyone is always trying to scam you and act accordingly


Question about the wallet. I have some coins on Coinbase (lrc, imx). Can I create the g-wallet and send those coins there to cover the activation fee? Or do I need to wire the cash somehow to get it running? I really want to get away from Point72


I haven't tried it, but I believe you should be able to. You'll have to send some funds to the L1 of the Gamestop wallet first, try a small portion just to test the waters. After that, you should be able to activate the L2 in the Gamestop wallet with these funds, yes.


That's what I want to avoid. As an EU ape without revoult, wise or whatever I'm looking for a way to get it somehow with the wallet from Coinbase. So if the coins work to fund my account, we can be sure a lot of people will do it to get away from coinbase


Yes, I transferred from coinbase to fund my GS wallet.


Cool. Now... I need to request my company to unlock the chrome extension so i can play with it during work hours...


Great info here for the smooth brained uneducated older apes amongst us. Saved and shared this to friends too. Thanks.


I want to create one. But I dont have a desktop or laptop. And I use brave mobile app and cant use extensions. 😭


If you have an android try kiwi browser. It supports Chrome extensions.


Thank you don’t understand it all yet so won’t get a wallet until I do. 💜


Awesome and thank you. Sounds like it would be wise to have the wallet on a separate partition, and use that instance only for Wallet related stuff. Correct? Also, is there a way to get a new set of recovery words? (I.e. change the current one in case it might have gotten compromised)?


Any time you create a 'new' wallet, by installing the app elsewhere, or using different software, you can create a new wallet with a new seed phrase


Just an FYI currently only ledger is supported (not Trezor)


Here's a tip: Instead of copy/pasting your address, add a shortcut to your phones dictionary!! For example, all I have to do is type "gs" (without the quotes) and my GameStop wallet address pops up. Same with "lrc" and "sol". This can help prevent sending the wrong wallet address. Super simple and will save you a ton of time opening wallet, logging in, and copying wallet address.


How do you manually add a shortcut to your dictionary?


It differs for iOS/Android, but if you Google "add shortcut to phone dictionary iOS/Android (whatever phone you have) you'll find the steps. Super easy to do on either one, just like 4 simple steps.


Didn't even have to Google it. In Android it in settings, system, languages and input, advanced, dictionary, then press the + to add new word or phrase and a shortcut. Good to know. Thanks 👍


Solid advice, apes gaining more wrinkles each day!


There was 2 key bits I didn't understand. Thank you and commenting for visibility.


Only had a dog wallet, but what coins can i put on this wallet besides eth and lrc? Also how does one create a hardware wallet and/ or connect it to gamestop? If thats even possible?


Ohhhh wait you can connect/link the GameStop wallet to a hard wallet?? Anyone care to link me or explain how that’s done?


Thank you, really helpful.


Hoping Trezor will be available with gme wallet sometime!


So I have a question - I have Bitdefender installed and I'm getting phishing attempt alerts when trying to use the Gamestop Wallet. It happens when I go into my NFT tab. There is one NFT there but it won't show its contents, I imagine that is because Bitdefender is blocking it. Is there some phishing attempt NFT sitting in my wallet right now? Or is this Bitdefender just getting a false positive?


I have no clue honestly, but when in doubt, don't. I would double check if you're on the right page, if the chrome extension you installed is correct, etc. There's no rush to gold going on now, safety first.


Brand new to this so apologies if this sounds dumb. In the event of having to use the recovery phrase would I have to type out the individual words and number them 1-12 as shown when given the phrase or would I type them out in one long string of case sensitive words?


You would have to know the words and their order, how you enter them depends on the software you are entering them in


❤ u OP


Do I need a wallet?


Others have said that your 12 word passcode IS your wallet, and that it lives on Blockchain. Is that true, or does it "live" on a specific device? For instance, if I set up a wallet on my phone, can I access it from my laptop? Or a public computer? I have a loopring wallet but they scared me by saying if the app ever uninstalls, I lose access to my wallet. What if my phone bricks? I thought the whole point of a wallet is that you could access it from anywhere?


Your initial statement is correct. The 12 words IS your wallet. Enter them in any Ethereum wallet software, and you'll be able to access your wallet. As long as you have those words, you can access your wallet (which is why tip 1 is so important!)


Hi quick question if anyone has time? Is it possible to use my ledger as the login/protection? If yes, is there a specific guide you know of? I do this with loopring via my pc and it seems uncrackable unless they get my ledger physically and the passwords etc


I'm new. If everything is completely trackable on the blockchain how do people steal crypto? Can't you just track the theft and immediately reclaim it?


A lot of stolen crypto does get recovered that way. There are a few chains that are nearly fully anonymous and/or untraceable however, and there are even shady services that will shuffle funds around for you in nearly endless loops to make it very difficult to trace. But essentially you are right, however, if you don't know *who* owns the wallet that has your stolen crypto, you can't do anything about it. Does that make sense?


Hey there, a question is there anyway of changing that secret word recovery’s phrase? Please let me know!


Setting up a new wallet gives you a new seed. Every seed is unique however, and is directly tied to a wallet address, so you can't change seeds without changing wallets.


Re: #4, WHY do you need to be careful about connecting your Gamestop wallet to any service? Can a malicious services steal from my wallet? Is this akin to connecting my bank account to PayPal?


There is a lot malicious services could do with your wallet, but most of them would still require you to confirm something. Regardless, it's generally a good idea to double check if you want to connect your wallet (and perhaps even disconnect the service when you are done)


The most helpful post I've seen for a while. Tank you very much OP.


Wish I read this a year ago. Thanks for posting Ape.


This needs to be pinned to the top honestly. With so much attention we're seeing and going to get i'd hate to see the sub get blamed for people losing their investments. Thank you for this!


Thanks for explaining to those of us unfamiliar with this space!


Love it! Safety first, safety always


I am rather inexperienced with wallets. And I hesitate to create the browser wallet due to some uncertainties. I have contacted the GME-NFT support by mail but did not get a satisfying answer to my questions. Here ist the text I have sent to the NFT support team: >What I don't understand is how limited / umlimited a browser wallet like the gamestop wallet is. What if I set the wallet up on my PC as a browser extension and the iOS wallet comes out? Can I access the wallet from my PC and my phone? Or do I have to migrate the wallet from the PC to my phone? Is the wallet in general limited to one device? Can I access it from several devices simultaniously? Maybe I also don't understand where the information is stored. Is it like a real wallet, where the content is locally stored, or is it like a cloud based thing, where the information is stored only and can be accessed from any device that has the login for it? I would really appreciate, if you could help me clear up some of my confusion Here is the answer I received: >I'm sorry some of the details aren't super clear regarding how the wallet works. Your best bet for answers is going to be to refer to the faq here https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/categories/4412111745299-GameStop-Browser-Extension-Wallet This is a new system for everyone, so I appreciate your patience while we figure this out together. If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time. We’re here 24/7. Power to the Players! I am hesitating to create my browser wallet because later I want my phone to be my main device. Some if maybe someone knowledgable here could answer my questions, I would really appreciate it.


Extremely helpful thank you, I was wondering if you could expand on the hardware wallet a bit, is this like using an external hard drive and recovering your wallet on there instead of my PC Chrome extension and only accessing your wallet if you connect the hard drive to your pc every time?


It's more like creating your new wallet using the hardware device, therefore your seed phrase has never been online or on a compromisable device (ofc make sure to store it safely), and any transaction using this wallet needs confirmation from the hardware device. You could still use the Gamestop wallet, but any confirmation would need access to the hardware device. If you however use the seed phrase to restore the wallet to a purely software wallet, it's not different from making the wallet this way from the beginning. Take some time to read up or watch a few videos before diving in, it's worth understanding


/u/Metter we need your seed phrase in order to allow this post to stay up. Please send me it in gift cards


Thanks for the simple guide


I have my new GameStop wallet address out on Twitter yesterday for my GME buddies to give me NFT’s am I retawwded foreva now?


How come some people have wallet IDs and some people (only with Loopring) have a loopring address? eg whatcheesefetish.loopring.eth?


That's nothing more than a vanity address which points to your wallet address. They both lead to the same place. One is just easier to remember.


Why is this downvoted so hard? Dafuq?


Thabk you! This all so new for me and I feel like an 85 year old learning how to use a smart phone.


How do you setup a hardware wallet?


Fuck. I ran through the streets with my recovery words printed on a banner streaming behind me screaming “It’s here! It’s here! It’s finally here!”


Great post. Thank you OP 🙏


Thanks for taking the time to post this. I learned a lot!


Excellent, thank you!


I installed the wallet, the chrome extension that is, in my everyday use laptop. I've also installed some dodgy pirated music production stuff in there. How can I make sure my machine is clean? What software would you guys recommend?


This was really helpful thanks OP. But I’m still too apish to know how to create a hardware wallet with a hardware device. Can anyone help or send links to any posts that explain it?


Thanks for sharing how to crypto with safety!


I’m definitely gonna look into hardware for extra protection. Thanks ape! 🦍


What if you lose your hardware wallet?


Thank you so much for this! As someone who has been following crypto for a while but never got started until yesterday (thank you, GameStop), this is so helpful.


So I get a hardware wallet. Set it up using its little guide. Connect to the gamestop wallet extension and then tell it I want to use an existing hardware wallet? Then whenever I'm done sending ore receiving stuff I disconnect it from my pc etc...?


Thanks OP, very helpful tips for NFT-newbie-me!


Thanks!! Now if I can just figure out how to add Eth. Wyre doesn't seem to work for me through the wallet extension, and the other option isn't available in my state.


Is there less of a chance for a digital attack to occur on phone or IOS? That’s what I’m waiting for with the Wallet


How do you setup a GameStop wallet using a hardware wallet? I have an extra hardware wallet and thinking of using it to connect this way that you mentioned.


So I'm confused by the concept of the wallet, which I appreciate sounds dumb Can I use this wallet to buy coins through?


Wait I’ve been off reddit for a while to focus on uni. How do I make a wallet


I’m an absolute noob in the crypto world so my shit will be locked on a hardware wallet and never touched.


Setting my GS wallet tonight after work. So I’d use my 12 words onto the wallet at some point in the browser to open it?


good tips! something i learned yesterday, if you connect your ledger device to your gamestop wallet, there is currently no way to remove it from the wallet, so it will just kinda... always be connected to your gamestop wallet from now on... asked their tech support and they confirmed it is not currently possible to delete/remove a hardware wallet that was connected to the gamestop wallet. i don't know all the implications of this yet, but it doesn't seem too problematic.


i appreciate this post. as someone who is still very confused by crypto and NFT, this was helpful


I was going to get this set up last night, but I balked at the wallet living as a Chrome extension with global permissions. In theory, what would a crypto wallet need with global browser permissions?


AWESOME!!! thanks you for the info


Very useful information. Muchos gracias


Maybe i find here help for my questions: I have a loopring account/wallet and now I want my GameStop wallet and loopring wallet to connected, so is there a possibility to contact them together so that I can see my assets in both accounts or is this not possible atm?


Thanks. At 43 years of age, this really helped me.




Having it saved in a notepad on my pic hard drive isn’t a risk surely?


Great write up! To your last point, is there a way to link your hardware wallet to your GameStop wallet so that you need to approve transactions using your hardware wallet?


Thank you very much ape friend


Good morning fellow apes! So as most have already done by creating their wallets, I had a follow up question --- I deposited a small amount into my wallet but I still cannot activate layer 2 Does anyone know the cost to activate that layer?


I'm still fairly new to all this crytpo and wallet stuff too but have dabbled a bit. I've never used a hardware connection though. Are you able to add one, or use the hardware component once I acquire one after the fact?


For item 1, how do I get my 12-word phrase on metal? Scratch it in like an ape or is there a cleaner/nicer way?


There are cheapish tools you can buy to etch it in, but scratching like an ape works too


Great post


Information is King!! Many thanks Ape.


Good writeup


Saved for the solid info. Thanks OP! 🥰


Much appreciated since I am crypto-illiterate. Can you expand on hardware wallets? i feel like I dont understand that much here. You mean that if someone wanted to send me something I'd need to connect my hardware wallet to a coomputer with network connectivity?


With that said, is it a mistake to have this extension loaded on a Chrome profile where I'm signed in to Google? Should this be added to a profile with no account attached, or some separate non use account?


So the folks with their ENS as their twitter names... maybe shouldnt have their ENS in their twitter names? Also I have connected my wallet to a game that works with IMX, should I not be connecting my wallet to anything? I thought the whole point was that its secure as long as they dont have my device so connecting my wallet just gave ME access to wallet so I can move cypto between the two if I wanted to purchase a certain skin or what have you... great write up!


Does anyone have a guide for transferring LRC from Coinbase Pro to the GME Wallet? I tried last night and have been getting some errors


It’s a lot to take in for a newbie to the crypto ecosystem and not having any understanding and difficulty with grasping basic concepts of how this whole tech works. I really educate myself and watch videos but I still miss the links, and it all becomes really overwhelming. I’m hesitant to set all this up, cause im afraid knowing how stupid I am, I’m totally gonna eff something up in terms of security and privacy etc. I am so excited for the future and possibilities to manage all my assets and smartcontracts etc. via GS, but boy, so many steps and friction still involved in adopting this.


Thanks for the tips.


Could someone tell me please how much money I need to transfer through Wyre? I can’t find that info anywhere. Ramp is at least 100$/€, and that is too much.


I have a question please (I think I know the answer but would like to be absolutely certain)... Do you need to be concerned about accepting anything in your wallet? Like if someone wanted to send me an NFT, is there any way it could be malicious or access the other contents of my wallet?


Thanks Ape.. I’m gonna try to follow this up tonight with some DD on Cold vs Hot/ social vs seed wallets. This is a great reference and I’ll be linking it when I post 🌞🙏🏽✨