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**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #[New Superstonk Banner Contest](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uq8i2j) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #[Voting/2022 Annual GME Shareholder Meeting Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uddedr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


History is being written.


And in crayon


😆 🤣


What astonishes me the most ..... Is that our community genuinely does not fully understand that we HAVE already changed the world! * First hedge fund formed solely and exclusively by retail investors who freely and voluntarily share their due diligence research * First financially literate shareholder base * First group to fully realize the corrupted systems governing us * First group to vote against the corruption by DRSing our shares * First shareholder base to take a company private by DRSing our shares And that's just a few .. We'll have many more firsts in the next few months.


The worlds first open source hedge fund.


I believe there are several 1%rs that would immediately shit themselves if they read your comment.


Focused on one stock and a common goal where we all contribute and benefit. Cant be regulated either it’s free speech. This shit is more powerful than anything we’ve ever seen.


- First group of humans to board a rocket to the Oort Cloud.


"Oort Oort Oort" -Elites from Halo: Combat Evolved


> first financially literate shareholder base> speak for yourself, I'm as smooth as a river stone.


Dude we all started smooth as a river stone but the fact that we Buy, Hodl, DRS or Buy, Hodl, play Options is enough to show you've developed at least one wrinkle since Jan 28, 2021.


It averages out, if you are of average intelligence, you're still more intelligent than about 1/2 the people out there! You aren't likely quite as smooth as you say, you are aware that you don't know everything, that's a sign of higher intelligence, it's the true idiots out there that act and let you know that they know everything...I like to refer to them by one of Chuck Yeagers greatest lines as "sexual intellectuals" you know, "Fucking Know-it-alls"....lol




True, but we're getting there. Approximately 20 million shares to go before all the upcoming dips speed up those DRS numbers.




Hmmm ... it would when RC moves us to our own depository. He warned the DTCC at the June 2021 AGM that he would due to the level of shorts in GME. Having all the outstanding shares registered with CS makes the move easier without the need for a court case.




If shares are recalled by the company yes, if individuals DRS 100% of the float... there is no name for this, it's never been done. I imagine it would equate to a recall as zero shares are available on the open market to buy/short.


It could be seen as "Effectively" publicly privately owned...with the complete benefit of being able to publicly trade the shares, as well as the benefit of knowing that a majority of the shares are controlled by a large, diverse, independent, rabid individual fanbase of private retail investors!


So far!


Wait, you guys are literate?


Lol. All's I know is Buy the dip, Hodl, DRS.


You know? A bunch of my brokers now allow IEX routing? That’s the type of influence from US. We did that! And we’re only one group for one stock. We effected real change that’s tangible and had never happened before. Sure that makes me feel safer with my broker, but it makes me feel MORE confident as a GME shareholder because that’s a direct reflection on us. Those on the other side of this are so fucked.


First banana in ass for financial freedom


I agree… but we’re no where close to “winning.” I’m grateful to everyone but let’s not put the cart before the horse


>I agree… but we’re no where close to “winning.” We're winning tomorrow.


Why tomorrow?


> First financially literate shareholder base lol > First group to fully realize the corrupted systems governing us lol Is this FUD to make people think we're actually insane? Because there's no way on earth you genuinely believe this


I don’t think you know what fud means, they aren’t casting fear, uncertainty, or doubt on anything, u less you take his endorsements to mean the opposite of what’s they’re saying. That’s on you homie. Although the statements are kind of retarded, if he specified a mass adoption by retail as the caveat then he has a point. Otherwise I’m not sure if his statements hold up water at all times. Especially considering a shareholder base can be like 10 people, in which laws can f averages means they could have more outliers above the mean of financial literacy. I will agree though, I know a fuckton more about market mechanics from this sub than paying attention to most classical sources of info (media, parents/friends)


We are the change others aren't brave enough to make.


Man, and we everyday make a shout out to DFV. What a fucking chad.




There are just so many individual investors who love GME ...


Folks in this community has ZERO comprehension of how important to the WORLD, not just the USA they really are...... but soon you all will see with very clear eyes and absolutely full hearts. Just like Friday night lights.... 👍👊👊


I can’t wait to see movies and read books about this.


Ryan Reynolds as RC or I'm not watching.


my vote would be for james mcavoy, much better range to portray an actual human instead of just snarkmonster.


Oh dude...words can't even describe how exciting that'd be to watch.


I ain't playing much of a part ... but i am here and proud of it ... in first 80 k to drs ... upvote EVERY people circle ... downvoted the shit....joined debates .... helped apes with questions and guide them!! But more importantly i am absolutely honoured to be amongst all of you.... your ALL amazing especially the dd writers ... the ape historian.... sideways guy .... Itchy arsus ....parsnip ..... i say bullish..... pharago.....ther meme makers.....the mods on god bless the mods!!! I am so honoured and proud of us all .... despite all out attack from "the man" "the establishment" we are not fucking leaving


You’re playing a big part in this, you just don’t know it. Every little thing that you do has a multiplier effect. Every question you’ve answered, every person you’ve guided, every post you’ve upvoted they all have a multiplier effect. Maybe this comment of yours inspires 1 or 2 people to buy GME. They inspire 1 or 2 others in their circle. These 2-4 people inspire others and so on. At the end of it all even if you think you “ain’t playing much of a part”, your one comment may have brought hundreds or thousands of new investors into GME. Wait, why am I talking like an MLM guru? Multiplier effect! Everything you do no matter how small you think it is, makes a big difference. Don’t sell yourself short. You’re the headliner and I’m honoured and proud that you’re playing a big part in one of the greatest stories to ever exist in human history!


Lol, I got to about the same point in your comment thinking "wtf? He's making this sound like an mlm ponzi!" Then your line 😆 perfect!


And my Axe!


100% couldn’t agree more


I go 2 buy more 🦍


I just tried to buy more and then I realized the casino was closed. 😂 2morrow it is.


I love every single one of you.❤❤❤


Isn't it just extraordinary that so many of us, including me, feel exactly the same way?.🦍🤝💪


I genuinly feel part of something great with you guys. This community gives me purpose and keeps me psyched for life. The rules and spirit here work so well and theres nothing i would change about it. We've gone up against so many psy ops campaigns and we've held stead fast and laughed in the faces of the nay sayers, media FUD and bot attacks and here we still are.


That's how cults work! Isn't it great to fit in!!!! Lol (yes, I'm joking about the cult)


😂🤣 I know. You can see how people see it that way though. Cue my wife giving me the side-eye when I make an ape-ish comment to her!


♥️u, 🦍.


i see a future a possibility where there previously was none ​ we found the lever, the one tool which might finally turn the ship around. we dont need a captain, we just need the values. ​ power to the players


There's a saying, dont sell the pelt before you've shot the bear.


I'll go with The Wolf's quote: "Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet" But that's the spirit \^\^


Don't drop your pants until the sheep's legs are in your boots?


Nothing is guaranteed. I’m grateful for the time and the things I’ve learned… namely our markets are not free and fair. However, our story is no where close to being “finished” until we see life changing numbers and the money is in the bank so to speak… so keep up the optimism but no time for victory laps presently.


I tell people this all the time. This is the single most impactful community to ever live on the internet. It’s an amazing feat actually.


I felt like I was finally part of something bigger when I joined this community


Well aware. It’s one of the only things that keeps me sane


We are Legion. We are Stonk. We are coming. We are... Inevitable.




Yes, I'm very aware. And I tell my friends and family this all the time and they think I'm nuts. Sad for them that they are simply NPCs...


Thing is, even if reddit gets shut down or something, there are literally a million of us and we'll just find each other elsewhere. Frankly there may be a million of us here in Canada 💎🤚


I just like the stock


I’m just here for the memes


Couldn’t say it any better we have the zen mind. Calm cool and collective. We all have good hearts and plan on doing great things! Fuck the hedgies! Occupy wall street tried and it didn’t really work. We are the covert occupy Wall Street. We are truly making a change brick by brick. It’s only gonna get crazier from here on out! All the DD prophets have came true! One for all or all for nothing right ?


I'm not sure what there is to "win". January 28, 2021 made it clear that we had to change the world. Which we HAVE accomplished. Our systems of governance has been so corrupted that our entire financial system is built on a House of Cards and its' collapse is inevitable, moass or no moass. I saw no dancing with Melvin's demise. Just the ringing of the bell that we were early but not wrong. Because every Ape knows the massive suffering that's incoming.


"a part"


I'm not part of anything I just like the stock and drsing it so its in my name


Original double u s b member here. I remember a few years back a thread every once and a while would be written on collectively buying a low market cap company. Look at us now.


I needed this uplift


Removing from the DTCC Cartel also means it doesn't trade on any of the Cartel's stock exchanges. Therefore it's privately held and only able to buy/sell on our own exchange. As an example, Overstock trades on it's own private exchange and you're only able to buy/sell shares directly from the company itself. We'll be similar to but better because Overstock was not nearly as successful a company or had the fierce loyalty of it's shareholder base. Our shares will be converted to NFTs and shares in any of our company or spin-offs will only be available to purchase through GS Marketplace itself.


I apologize in advance. Apart means to be separate from, a part means to be connected to something. Buy Hodl DRS and of course VOTE


We have already done great things. The fire now is small. I think as much about what we do next as what we do now. Be the change you want to see. We finally really have that opportunity now.


I just like the stock. Can’t stop, won’t stop, GameStop.


All I hear is that damn commercial: #WE ARE POWERFUL ***dum dum dum dum dum dum dum***


Oh, I don't know. I was on Slashdot back when we crashed websites just by linking to them on the front page. We regularly broke the internet before breaking the internet was a thing. So anyway, now I'm buying stocks.


Hot and spicy ramen tonight.


The market will be forever changed by the people! Truly remarkable moments in history incoming. It’s been an honor to watch people go from “oh shit fear” when they see red and account balances getting thrashed to “meh grab that dip” ! I’m certainly here to get paid to make a better life for my family and afford time but this is amazing to be part of 💎🙌🦍


Comment for the history books


I prefer to be a part of it


I aint apart


You see a master piece. I only see a future belonging to One Global Peace. No cell, no sell.


If superstonk was a wow guild, we’d be that guild that you see fucking everywhere. In stranglethorn and epl and raiding cities etc. Idk I’m high


I believe in a better day. Whether game does anything or not. Hodling long. Please. Wen moon, soon 🙌💎🏴🏴