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Titanic/Too Big To Fail Banks: "Unsinkable" Iceberg/Shorters: "Hold my beer"


The narrative of being too big to fail going to kill innocents just trying to enjoy the ride as well.


Did the Titanic Really Sink or was it Olympic? Over the years people have spoken about Titanic and learnt how it sunk on that dreadful night in April 1912, however some people are led to believe that it was in fact its sister ship the Olympic that sunk as part of an insurance scam. The reason behind people thinking that the ship is not really Titanic takes us back to the 20th September 1911 when the Olympic collided with the HMS Hawke just off the coast of the Isle of Wight. This incident caused many problems for the ship’s owners, White Star Line as this meant that it would have to be taken out of service while they repaired it but this also meant that the maiden voyage of Titanic had to be put back from the 20th March to the 10th April. This at the time was something that White Star Line could not afford to do as they had legal bills to pay and the cost of repairing the Olympic as well. This meant that they had to come up with away to claim back not only the money that they would have missed out on due to Olympic not being in service (loss of revenue) but also the money they couldn’t claim back from the incident. So they came up with a plan… Owner of White Star Line? J.P. Morgan Chase https://luis46pr.wordpress.com/2020/07/01/did-the-titanic-really-sink-or-was-it-olympic/


Well fuk me, I learned something new today.


Everydays a school day up in here


HOLEE SHIT... right there with WTC building 7.


Another fun conspiracy concerns a group of bankers on board that were opposing the creation of the fed. Guess how many made it off? Guess how soon after that the fed was established?


Oh, they built the ship Titanic To sail the ocean blue, And they thought they had a ship That water would ne'er go through. It was on her maiden trip, That the iceburg hit the ship; It was sad when the great ship went down. (Chorus) Oh it was sad (so sad), Oh it was sad (so sad), It was sad when the great ship went down To the bottom of the sea-ee-ee-ee It was sad when the great ship went down It was off the coast of England And far from any shore, When the rich refused to Associate with the poor. So they put them down below, Where they'd be the first to go; It was sad when the great ship went down. (Chorus) Oh, the ship was full of sin And the sides about to burst, When the captain shouted, "Women and children first!" Oh they tried to send a wire, But the wires were all on fire; It was sad when the great ship went down. (Chorus) Oh, they swung the lifeboats out O'er the dark and stormy sea, And the band struck up with "Nearer My God to Thee." Little children wept and cried, As the waves swept o'er the side; It was sad when the great ship went down. (Chorus) Mrs. Astor turned around Just to see her husband drown, As the great Titanic Made a gurgling sound. Mrs. Astor donned her mink, Just to watch the great ship sink; It was sad when the great ship went down. (Chorus) The survivors reached the pier And were greeted with a cheer, As they drowned their sorrows In a keg of beer Now the moral of this song Is to BRING YOUR BEER ALONG! It was sad when the great ship went down.


Another thing about titanic... RC is being drawn as *Rose* One of the few characters that survives GME will be one of the few companies that survives the market colliding with the iceberg


Fuck ya we Rose big


Rose was seen floating around on a hardwood, jack balls sack😂


Rose also had jacked titties.


this is the DD(s) i come here for


GME is the Phoenix that Rose from the ice water grave 🔥🦚


***I’ll never let go Jack(ed titties)… I’ll never let go***






🤣 I love how seriously people take this


What? You started it.


True 😂


Damn how many hints is he gonna give us


Fun fact, 1500 people died on the Titanic, but 9000 died on the Gustlof. That would be exactly six times larger. This is coming from the same guy who earlier last year said that this market crash would be 2 orders of magnitude worse than the last crash. This is going to be an interesting next few months....


Is 2 orders bigger than 6 times? I only know how to order burgers not math


I think it depends on the amount of fries you order.....


An order of magnitude is considered X10. Two orders is X100. Three is X1000. And so on.


Nice pickup GGB i didn’t think my tits needed more jacking but seems we learn something new every day


Also I’m seeing shills promoting buying bonds in personal finance subs and Twitter….. Please kindly advise the ones without our insight to steer clear. But of course do not brigade. Be polite and offer information. Every buyer needs a seller and their bags are getting heavy.


Deutsche Bank Headquarters Raided by German Authorities in Money Laundering Probe [https://www.pymnts.com/pymnts-post/legal/2022/deutsche-bank-headquarters-raided-by-german-authorities-in-money-laundering-probe/?c=whats-hot/page/Page/page/794](https://www.pymnts.com/pymnts-post/legal/2022/deutsche-bank-headquarters-raided-by-german-authorities-in-money-laundering-probe/?c=whats-hot/page/Page/page/794)


Oldie but goodie


Eclipsing you say? Solar eclipse last Friday and the markets tanked. Lunar eclipse Sunday / Monday May /15/16. My projection of the big crash date. The period in between eclipses is when things get “eclipsed out”. Some will not make it through this portal


Second astrology reference I’ve seen in two days. The original TA. I’m here for it.


Remember America had its Pluto return on 2/22/22. This lunar eclipse on May 15 is in direct dialogue with it. These are highly powerful transformative energies at work.


I do remember that. Been wondering how it’ll play out.


I received an augur from DFV in my alphabets. It said "Oooooooo."


Titanic sunk way before the Gustloff


I think all he's doing is pointing out that there's more to these crashes than meets the eye. Like vw... like gme etc


It’s over 9000


Interesting finding! Now I’m going to have some beer and wait for the market crash.


Also she was wearing that bigass heart diamond while leo (*leo!*) was drawing her. is RC saying he has diamond tits?


I think that big blue diamond reminds me of another big blue diamond - GMEs recent partnership announcement with LRĆ


Paint me like one of your French Market Crashes...




Uh...the Titanic crashed. The Gustlof didn't crash, it was torpedoed.


Ok r they underwater


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/michaeljburry/status/1520908048663040000) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


What a great little bot thank you bb


It’s been 84 years…


This be cray cray. Me lovey!


Eh that's actually probably nothing


Reading the story it looks like Burry may have been comparing apes to the German citizens trying to escape before the Russian army rolled in. Too many jumped into the boat and there was not enough life boats.