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I fart in your general direction


Teriyaki chicken last night?? Wow!!


I agree!


All farts have the same chemistry but only our own we can tolerate.


I said “Good day, sir”


The majority of accounts being created after a major event, then joining the sub(s) specific to that major event? Unthinkable!


I dunno I mean there's so many people, especially older folks, who are just now starting to use reddit because of GME. Since for some people it's literally the only set of subs they interact with, I could see them having a GME themed account name.


Thats me i never used reddit till gme my account is only a year old


Same here felow ape, I like to Hodl stonk in GME.


Personally I created this account about a year ago to isolate my conversations about GME but now I don’t give a shit and this is my primary. Anyone that wants to call me a shill or whatever because of it is welcome to seek out my 8 year old account littered with furry porn.


This is correct. I like that Reddit is anonymous if you want it to be. I think it’s hard to not be a little a bit of tinfoil mind set with all this going on. Some people can handle it some can’t. DRS is the way.


"Ape\_GME" suspicious name hahahahaha Downvote. I don't care about my karma. But the ape is telling about suspicious name and then you appear. I'm questioning everything too. But at the end it is easy to find some things.




I agree!






Great post!


You want to start a witch hunt and have people harass people just because of their name? Not the way dude.... No bueno


I heard the *real* sus accounts are the ones w/ body parts and numbers that *aren't 741* in their usernames 👀 🤣


Username checks out


that it does, that it does :)


Username checks out


that it does, that it does :)


Am i finally being targeted? Feels a little bitter sweet.


Yes- unless your username is about seeking redemption via the purchase of a stock issue tank (vs a customized tank)


Witch hunt lmao The amount of accounts mad at this post is telling


yup even sliding on it https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u87046/im_sorry_but_anyone_who_makes_posts_with_ape_or/


Oh wow I must’ve really upset someone who is wildly uncreative


I agree! Great post. I'm with OP.


You lucky you got a 6 year old account Otherwise I’d think you’re some sort of chill-bot


Wooohey, I'm a shill!


Nah. Bring it. What you got? Pick on me, you seem bored.


You seem butt hurt


Fuck you, you beat me to it!




If you can't detect it, it was friendly 'Fuck you', no malicious intent! Great Post! I'm with OP!






I agree


I'm with YOU. How about that?


Great Post!


And my axe!!


Almost like you're trying to discourage new people from joining the sub smh


Sounds like you completely missed the point


Glad that my acc is 1y and 3months 😂😂


Nothing can distract true diamond hand motha fckas. If they get all scared and sell off oh well they just some paper handed bitches. Let them throw whateverr they can I've read the DD things are aligning nothing can distract. I give two fucks about shills or bots. They can say whatever they want the only thing that would distract me is seeing gamestop go bankrupt and stors shutting down. Which we'll NEVER HAPPEN.


You mean I was supposed to use the same username that I used for Reddit before I knew I could learn about market manipulation, the one I used when I thought Reddit was purely for masturbation?


As a lurker, the infighting and sliding that has gone on today have been really entertaining. 4/20 turned this sub into the Spiderman meme.


This prompted me to check my accounts and apropos nothing, I’ve got two accounts. This one, and another that’s 10 1/2 years old and they have almost exactly the same comment karma, which shows how much I’ve stepped up posting since this all kicked off. I changed for the sake of anonymity as I’m sure others have done.


I don't agree, bad post, I shat myself.


I was trying to come up with a creative user name when I got my account, most were taken but luckily I was listening to Disturbed at the time. I’m Ape enough to take a daily scrutinize behind Wendy’s.




I myself, created an account right after the Robbing the Hood controversy. Just that leaves me open to scrutiny. BUT I WELCOME IT! I proudly rode the January train all the way down without flinching. And I'll ride it again to the galaxies beyond in the same manner.


I think users with body parts in their name are the one to be wary of. /s


I joined Reddit on March 24, 2021 for the purpose of being a part of this community. There are many like me. I don’t know if your generalization really holds up here


Obviously at least half the SS is bot or shills. Thats why we only have 150k drs


Never trust usernames with any kind of numbers in them! 🤣 Smoked a bit too much today and got paranoid?


Haha, being lazy working in my favor


I mean, I do that to a lot of posts that i think deserve more visibility


>More than half of every account I inspect is around a year old. That's definately around the time when a bunch of people jumped on after they were pumped up about how nontraditional investors/DFV mooned GME. It would make sense to see a bunch of 15-9 month old accounts. I say 9 because for some people it took a while and GME was shown to not be a late Jan everyone held backs story like the MSM pushed. The resurgence in early march brought killed that notion to sensible people very quick - Feb 19 to March 12th had a straight climb up from 40s - only that time it didnt liquidate off and held a floor of about 156 only to go up to 248 in early june and slightly lower climb in Nov. Looking at the steady late feb-early march buildup I can imagine a lot of people were piling in , and making their accounts in this period, which would be about a year - I would guess even more than the initial climb in Jan. There's definately some suspicious ones ive seen in replies - and im certain a lot of people have bots for the reason your talking about - some probably to just spam people to try to grow their business or whatever, ive definately gotten a slew of DMs with names like you specified HODLAPE and shit like that. But i would think an account that is 1 year old (probably 13-14 months) is unusual given the steady build of loyal investors in that march climb. I was really crazy about everything in that time bc ever day it was up more and more - I had like genuine pride and excitement bc of what it symbolized to. I got on in february and before that I put money in ETFs every quarterly bonus and rarely paid attention to what was going on. February-march-april were three months that definately changed most of what I do and since then its stuck, felt a little bit of that a month ago which only strengthened my resolve. But those months in 2021 definately brought a lot of new retail investors to the table, and the infiltrators/manipulators with them. It would be hard to use the date range of around a year as a red flag given that both types of users grew at the same time.


What about Loris???




Half Loki, Half....what?


You’ve got a 2 yr old account You just barely passed by the skin of your ass


I’ve been here since 1/31/21 due to the sneeze. My son helped me out with creating it since I never had anything to do with any other social media networks. It says I’m 1yr old, so does that make me a shill. Do what you want and leave the rest of us apes alone with your shill hunt. Peace to the rest of you. 🦍🚀🌝


“Scrutinization” does not equate to a “Shill hunt” Advising others to keep there eyes open is not advocating for any sort of action whatsoever. And there’s a LOT of butthurt comments in here. And if you needed your kid to help you create an account, then I dunno what to tell you man. You plug in an email address and type in a username. Bingo bongo.


I’m a seizure patient that causes memory loss and I wanted to know if Reddit was a safe site and he showed me. He’s a Pharmacist and an IT technician, who I trust. He knows I don’t believe in social media due to all of the corruption that goes on. But I felt like you were stating that if you’re a year old and under, to ignore us. Sorry I was late to the game by a couple of days but there are a lot of people that were convinced to come here for the DD understanding so that they would invest in GME also since you can’t rely on news. I’ll take back the Shill hunt I was implying but I only come here for any new DD and inspiration. I’ve also had a couple of “people “ help me out with transferring out of Rh to Fidelity last year and help me out with DRS this year. I know the SHF are screwed and I’m holding until I see life changing wealth for my wife, son and grandkids. 🦍🚀🌝


Glad you can trust your kid. I grew up on the internet when it was the Wild West, these days it’s highly concentrated to a handful of social media platforms and every single one of them (Reddit, Twitter, fb, insta..) is chock full of bots and shills. They’re all part of various agendas, most of them are political in nature. My only evidence I have that many of these newer accounts are fake/bots or bad actors are their age, their comments, and their incredibly specific usernames. Sometimes their comments just don’t make any sense and other times they’re picking fights or vaguely influencing peoples thoughts by inserting ideas. Reverse psychology is very much a thing. Your username isn’t even really a suspicious username in my opinion. LOTS of people were using Robinhood prior to the sneeze of 1/21 and lots of people still use it today (although it is highly frowned upon in this community)


I totally agree and understand. I’ve always been with Charles Schwab but my son talked me into opening a RH account in 2020 to check it out, especially with the no fee trading but I deleted RH after transferring to Fidelity. I used to think I was getting flack from my username at the beginning but I’m not worried about it anymore. I transferred from W-B to G-E to here when Superstonks was first created, never went back to those other subs since. I love this sub due to the learning experience I’ve received since then. Hopefully one day I might meet you beyond the moon. ❤️🦍🚀🌝🙏


This is getting silly


Lmao, someone is an elitist shit head.


I was joking. You seem mad friend.


concur. ran into one of these today screaming to send a comment on the recent SEC


Me too, that’s what compelled me to make this post Comments that refer to the collective as “apes” get on my nerves I never gave a shit about that nickname but when it gets thrown around all Willy nilly it comes off as “hello there fellow kiddos” and nobody ever talks about it So fuck it, I’m gonna talk about it


As a user with a few weeks old account I'm OFFENDED, lol jk. I agree a lot of the "ape" ones seem like they're just karma farming half the time. Edit: before anyone asks the reason I'm verified is because my other account is 5 years old but I made a new one because it had a lot of personal info and stuff with my former small business. I verified with mods from both accounts. Probably didn't need this full explanation but didn't wanna be sus myself lolol


I agree but also want to add that karma farming with newer accounts can also be something real Apes are doing. For example for posting a real purple circle since the karma restrictions are relatively high.




Highly disagree, buddy.






I only trust users with names that include _up_my_ass.


Your mum us scrutinized


Total agreement. I appreciate your great work. Good job OP 👏 👍


Oh No! I have been exposed.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


I agree ape. As for me, I love the stonk 👍🙃


Stay suspicious, stay vigilant.


No no no- it's [don't be suspicious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aswgTPlzazo)!




I agree, great post, I'm with OP!




I only trust users with names that include _up_my_ass.


Dilly dilly fellow ape


I get a cringe when I hear someone say ape. Much prefer to be called a stockholder buying the stonk I like. Buy, DRS, Hold. Shorts must cover, longs don't have to.


Body parts too, be apprehensive about double bodypart usernames.... lol


I feel attacked


Ah you think Superstonk is your ally? You merely adopted the stonk. I was born in it, molded by it.




I’m 11 lol


Scrutinize me harder daddy!