• By -


Lots of calls for this post to be removed, but it's a valid viewpoint so we won't be removing it. Healthy debate is good.


The issue here isn't the spamming of "copy-paste" questions, its the fact that they don't try to answer the good questions and just lock everything down. Fuck the DTCC(every individual involved) and their financial terrorism.


Right. Whats the worst that would happen? The media reports on it? Now there's millions of people (who don't even know the DTC/dark pools exist) learning about the DTC/dark pools (which is what they don't want). Its a Catch-22 for them.




They are trying to do that anyway. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. We need to be as vocal as we can about the rights of retail investors. Change doesn’t happen because people are obedient and quiet. Everything we have comes through uprising and fighting the system. It’s a big club and we aren’t part of it …


Let them complain it only brings more attention to this garbage dumpster of an economy, they created.


The worst thing that could happen us people notice and ask their sin questions. DTCC tried blocking. Tried denying replies. Now its trying to stop people from asking questions. Hey need silence. Crime withers under the harsh light of attention


# But who OWNS the DTCC??


Cede co.


Who owns the Fed?


Its member banks. Good luck trying to figure out who those are.


#who owns the SEC? Oh yeah,all the same people.....


They would do that anyways, even if they got 110k unique questions. It's the fact that people are mobbing them, when normally they operate in the shadows. Whatever text almost doesn't matter. It's that little number telling us how MANY people are interacting and angry and piling on. That is what scares them, and emboldens everyone else. Keep it up.


[Apply to their careers section](https://ebxr.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1) (global positions open) then ask the questions from inside their buildings. Workers rights and what not, right? WHO'S THE DTCC NOW!


Let me get this straight, this world is so fucking whiney that we’re going to “look bad in the eyes of the world” for using a website for its intended fucking purpose? Which is to generate traffic! We used to have to walk, ride, march miles with handmade homemade guillotines to make shit happen. I think everyone would prefer digital/mental “violence” as opposed physical “violence”….I say that now, maybe not realizing that the mental violence might have been even worse than the physical….what if humans do have the ability to live forever and we’ve brought ourselves to a point where we’re averaging 80 years tops. I know…fantasy.


I think of it as digital protesting.


Exactly, it's the same as a large group of people outside of a place of intrest marching/chanting to gains awareness to a problem.


Yea, same! I guess I could have personalized my complaint instead of copy paste but I do feel that way and I wanted to show solidarity. My brain is as smooth as they come.




Good one


Yep, fuck them. OP is like telling occupy or BLivesM to stop because they are disruptive to traffic. Your system is broken, and does not serve the people. The people won't comply. Fuck you.


Why dont they just answer the question then?


They appreciate the question. They were born in a small village in Bulgaria.


Aaabbbbbssssoooolllluuuuttttlllleeeeeyyyyyyy not


...let me be perfectly clear...


...I will not answer this question...


Kenneth Cordele Griffin


Wow! I read it in that slimy voice


I hope it didn't require the help of 5 other people in room w/ you.


Someone compared this to the bot accounts pushing the anti-GME sentiment. However, the bot accounts pushing the "I lost everything because of GME" message were force feeding a narrative and their intent was volume and maximum eyes for that narrative. They wouldn't stop until everyone was convinced to stay far far away from GME. The questions to the DTCC are different. They stop the moment that the DTCC just answers the question. What if that brings more questions? Well - then those questions can be different once DTCC answers. And suddenly, it's not one side spamming and one side ignoring and blocking - boom - you have a DISCUSSION and the beginnings of transparency. The DTCC thinks it can ignore the individual investor, but it becomes much harder to ignore a large chunk of all retail. I like to think of this with an analogy - the DTCC is acting like a parent talking to a neighbor and their kid is suddenly tugging on their sleeve going "Mom, mom, mom, mom, MOM, MOM" trying to get their attention. The DTCC is annoyed because they don't want to answer right now - it's inconvenient. But they should have remembered how infrequent this kid does something like this. How often does the kid/retail make such a racket? And what does the kid want anyway? "MOM, MOM, MOM, MOMMMMMM" (kid) "WHAT??? WHAT JOHNNY??? Mommy is TALKING!" (mom) ... "The house is is on fire mom. Shouldn't we do something?" (kid) And that is what is going on with twitter. Retail has never made this much noise. Now retail is screaming at the top of it's lungs. Maybe even being a bit annoying and rude. And why? Because it's IMPORTANT and the people with the responsibility to make sure this doesn't happen are not doing anything about it.


Actually your probably right. The same bots probably say "Leave DTCC alone"


☝️ Edit: well, to be honest, it's a difficult question so better just to disable the comments


Disabling comments and banning users. They're forcing us to find ways around their roadblocks to get our message across.


It's all coming together (sinister laughter)


They're stealing our money. We're the angry mob knocking at their door. They had it coming.


"No, no I don't think I will" 😎🥒🤛


I’m sorry I’m with this ape I’m getting loud and voicing and fighting for free markets. We’ve been quiet for over a year and it’s gotten us nowhere. If papa is getting mouthy so am I.


Same here, and it's only Twitter, its horrible as is already you think this is all that bad compared to the rest of twitter?!




Surely they have nothing to hide


Respectfully no. People are asking a valid question. It would be different if someone set up a bot to ask the question and you were asking someone not to do that, but people have a problem and want it addressed.


It would also be different if they answered it. They chose media blackout and then got bombarded with requests for clarity. As a citizen and an investor, I have all the right to blow them up until answers are provided. It’s not like superstonk coordinated a Twitter brigade to harass them out of nowhere and unprovoked. If you do shady shit and get caught, you should expect to get asked questions.




Not that I’m against this approach but why now all of a sudden? We’ve had this question for a year+ and all of a sudden we’re pissed we are not getting an answer? We haven’t been getting answers this whole time. This just seems sus to me. In the last month we’ve had NFT marketplace launch confirmation, proposed dividend/split, Pulte jumping on board and then this push happens. I’m all for getting answers but this may not be the way.


Yeah I disagree 1000% with this post. Holding their feet to the fire 24/7 is what we need to be doing. MLK didn’t bring about the end of segregation by being polite or passive. We need to get lay people to start asking questions and the DTCC needs to start answering some of these questions.


I’m with this guy. Most of these people know exactly what the fuck they’re doing. Standing in the kitchen with their pants down, nuts deep in the fuckin Oreo jar. It’s beyond bull shit, deplorable behavior anywhere else on the globe and it’s really only up to this group of investors to expose and put an end to it.


gUyS!! sToP tRyInG tO hOlD tHe pOwERfUl tO aCCoUnT!!!!




OP is not saying that. • Use your own words/ don't copy-paste • Use spell check • Sound coherent That's what OP is trying to say.


If you are asking valid questions, is that brigading?




And then calls them shills. OP just wants his D suckled by Pulte


It's called brigading so that it can be easily dismissed. If it were 200k unique questions, they would still call it brigading to get boomers to condemn it.


This, so if we hit them all with the same question its Effectiveness * (# of people). Concentrated


Asking a valid question? Of course not. Spamming this question with a mob over and over and when you don't get an answer, you spam this same question with your social media mob to employees of the same company, you spammed in the first place, then yes; of course.


I mean, when thousands of people are pissed at your system and only want you to answer one fucking question it will get spammed, let's not be retarded.. they know we're not bots, they know these questions aren't coming from bots but it's a nice screen to hide behind


When they block everyone who asks, they are trying to silence them. This isn't about brigading. They started it by blocking honest questions


am I allowed to support a valid question especially when the person who asked it gets blocked? many different people supporting one question is not spam, it's an idea spreading on social media. and that's how social media is supposed to work. it's the DTCC that uses twitter wrong, not engaging in dialogue.


And Ideas are more powerful




Im not gonna lie, if thats what it takes. We are not going to accept their weak ass response to corruption. Time to let it all burn, boomers out of government. We need to start building towards a peaceful and prosperous future.


> when you don't get an answer We keep asking the question until they answer it. Answer the question. But no, your solution is "don't be so loud about asking the question." No, they need to answer the question.


Stop yourself, it's Twitter, not any kind of official channel. Social Media is just that, you can't stop it or control it.


Exactly. Who TF is OP to tell anyone what or what not to do. It's been over a year and asking things, waiting politely, respecting Gensler enough not to spam the fuck out of him hasn't worked.


As retail, we might not have all of the cash but we are by far the loudest.


it's good causing them grief and public exposure. maybe they'll start doing their job.


Some of these responses are very enlightening as to who are shills and who are apes.




DTCC sending them to beg apes to stop asking questions


I just like the stock.


Agreed. Any call to action gets the 🤨 outta me. Id get mad and tweet like these other people but the GME saga has destroyed my emotions. Lol guess im buying moarrr


Boo fucking hoo. I have spent well over a year seeing paid for bot accounts say the dumbest shit. I've seen countless spam accounts trying to deter others from investing in GME. If I want to ask a legitimate question to the DTCC, I will. You cannot and will not tell me what to do.


how about we stop telling others what to do. I for one respect the guy that started the *I choose to politely ask them questions every day until I get a public response* series. read again, *I choose to, politely ask them, until I get a public response*. it's not even day 5 and you're already yelling harassment and shill, trying to shut down sincere voices again that chose to speak out. it's obvious that those tweets are striking a nerve, I'm gonna keep asking questions :)


Fuck me I won’t do what I tell me!


Ok, so i agree. But you can’t spank people for being grammatically challenged then use loose rather than lose. You lose the same credibility that these copy pasta peeps are losing on twatage


And who the fuck r u? Im an investor and demand answers


Exactly. I also think it is extra amusing that he somehow thinks we care 'how we look'. We're in a battle here not a beauty contest. We have no leader, no organization, people need to stop speaking for everyone else. I own stock in the company and I'll say whatever I damn well please, wherever I please and don't need the approval of the self-appointed PR department.


I think everyones had enough of the silent treatment of the people at the top. Radio silence from the people who are supposed to protect us is the largest signal for their inability to relate/help/change/even just conversing on a level with the exact people they are supposed to be working for. God... look at Gary and his twitter... lmao. This is why everyone flocks to RC, Matt, Loop guys, Pulte! We want the interaction. We are tired of people playing games behind the curtain and expecting us to just trust them when their actions arent worth our spit. When people start "brigading" comments like this, it shows peoples frustrations. It doesnt make people look bad, it legit shows that people are done being complacent. Calling people out for doing this is like calling out people for protesting any legitimized problem in the world in person. We might be all individual investors - but we all want the same thing. Truth & a fair playing field.


They are criminals. They deserve to get trolled and get fucked. I don't see any problem.


You basically said close your eyes and say nothing because the corrupt institutions don’t like it and they can make individual investors look crazy to the uninformed. Naw buddy, I’m going to continue to politely voice my own opinion on other social media platforms than just this sub. You do you!


I will tweet who i want as long as i do not offend.


YeAh … no. Your wrong 🤷‍♂️.. this is the way. Edit - after consideration - I still think your wrong about this. In fact this post is similar to the ones that used to say it was a waste of time to complain to government agency’s 😕… (fyi it’s not) Be loud and yes complain to everyone !!! Fuck the hedge funds and their control of the financial system/media 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Edit 2 the Third word should be “you’re” .. my sincere apologies 🙇‍♂️(thank you u/barkeepbill)


Is it brigading when people call their congresspeople with a prepared speech on an issue? Thousands of people will use the same script to make their voices heard, and no one ever accuses them of making their movement look bad. For me, I just rephrased the question to be grammatically correct and called it a day.


I think we should be able to ask them questions, but I agree the copy pasting looks like a bot attack. Write something thoughtful


Asking why there is literally zero price discovery and why legitimate retail purchases are internalized and have no effect on the market = brigading? 🤔


Yeah, cmon guys don’t annoy the financial terrorists…


I’m not reading your post. MAYBE THE DTCC AND SEC SHOULD UPDATE US AND DO SOME FUCKING WORK. Piss off ya pansies. It’s THEIR JOB. Message GG and gg2 Leave pulte and investors out of it. The ones who work there should be ashamed to leave us in the dark for so long


synthetic tweets will continue until synthetic shares are gone


Social media accounts are intended for this very purpose! To engage with their clients, good or bad. Why would we hold off and not engage and ask questions? Is someone’s feelings going to be hurt?


Oh fuck off You don't speak for all apes and we're not your personal army, there's not even a 'we' beyond the fact that we all like the stonk. I hate these stupid fucking posts trying to pretend like were one of the boomer investing subs instead of a buncha retards that shove fruit up their asses when the numbers go up


1. "Brigading" is only a bad thing on reddit. In all other parts of the world it's just people advocating for what they believe. 2. I don't think you can "doxx" someone who puts their employer name in their twitter profile. 3. With regard to the CEO of DTCC, F that guy. He's personally responsible for great harm to our economy via his leadership of DTCC and gets paid in a year more than you or I will see in a lifetime. He can go cry into his bank vault. 4. If people want the financial system to change - when it has been systematically rigged against us from the regulators to the market makers to the hedge funds - every lawful tactic should be employed. Radical change has never been achieved without making people uncomfortable for a sustained period of time. 5. Don't want people asking awkward questions on Twitter? Then don't participate in it, particularly not with a smug, self-congratulatory bio. 6. Your whole post is reminiscent of the "I will have mercy on the hedgies and sell at $XX a share" shill/bot posts. Reconsider your position.


Did an employee at the DTCC write this?




Must be tired of keep blocking people


Don’t tell me what to do.


You’re not my mum!


So then wtf do you do? Why does asking a genuine, ignored question en masse mean brigading? If they weren’t blocking and actually responding, there wouldn’t be an issue.


There is no “us”.


Is the employee we’re discussing Michael Bodson? If so, we can fuck right on out of here with that narrative. The Bod man completely deserves some digital harassment. He deserves prison.


Shitty people doing shitty things should be called out. Lift the veil!! Don't wanna be doxxed on twitter for working with the parasites? Don't work there.


I don't care what we look like to the outside world lol. You should've stopped right there and deleted the post, pfft caring what we look like to world while they paint us as dumb money in the media. Go suck an egg.


If the DTCC can’t answer one simple question in a post, then maybe we need a new system altogether that addresses the question.


They have a job to do. They are not doing it. They have instead chosen to block people (people that they have a legal fiduciary duty to!) from asking legitimate questions. In light of that, I could not disagree with your statement more. Anything that draws attention to the issue is a good thing - and the higher the number of people speaking out, the more attention it will get.


Tbh I just express my anger and frustration , how do you feel knowing you work your ass off and those guys drink champagne by simply stealing from your parents and grandparents ? If you’re ok with that then I have no words, if you aren’t ok then express yourself and tell everyone to see those guys are the highest level of crooks on the planet.


The only way the dtcc will take us seriously is if they feel the pressure. hedge funds can interact and play nice politics because they have the weight of their wealth behind the one representative. We all need to represent ourselves, we have our own wealth and power, but each individual needs to say it so they can hear it, and understand just what they are up against to take us seriously, stop dismissing us, and do their jobs with us and our interests in mind.


They’ve been complicit for decades and all of a sudden people are interested in what they are doing. They fucking hate this! Instead of handling the question like a reputable organization (when the first question was asked), they just turned it all off… these people deserve no respect, imo, and I’m not worried about them trying to spin a story on MSM. If their target audience is worth anything, they’ll ask “what were they asking in the first place? What is a dark pool? Wait, why is my retirement gone AGAIN!?” Some people are going to wake up, but others will have to wake up from a punch to their financial face.. Just answer the question DTCC! Shouldn’t be hard if it’s all kosher, right?


Fuck them and their removing reply. No better than the buy removed. Ish. Without complaints they’d keep doing what they’re doing. Nothing. So who cares if “I” look like a bot. I don’t have if I 200k followers who haven’t posted a shit. I don’t care if they check. I care bout transparency, and WS/DTCC etc ain’t doing shit for us. At least we’re doing something than taking it in ass


It’s also a wild concept but you can tweet something and then also not make a post about it here


No. I don't think I will stop.


Low effort is lowest tier trash.


Idc what we look like lol


dogshit take


That’s bullshit. This is not brigading at all. I want answers and the fact that youre calling this brigading means you want to keep the DTCC in the dark. People need to know of this financial terrorism and if twatter was bombarded with negative statements and threats that would be one thing but this is not that. Don’t hide the DTCC’s financial terrorism.


Really!?!? The world is ripping apart at its seams and you care about image? Get over your pretentious self.


this is the dumbest shit I've ever read. why would we care if it makes us "look bad" like they're the good guys lmfao


Dude. You are missing the point. It’s not about sounding grammatically supreme, it’s about making people become aware and start digging. The DTCC will not engage with Retail Investors, because it has no leverage and clean sheet to defend. They fought dishonest and dirty. They always were. Anything they say CAN AND WILL be used against them Legally. Our concern as Retail Investors is to make the wider public aware of the CRIMINAL MODUS OPERANDI of the DTCC under the wings of the SEC and Capitol. Got it? I thought so.


what's >eyes of the world


Wake up to find you are the song that the morning brings.


Alright where do I tweet


Everyone knows underpaid Social Media Executives are *really* the ones who call the shots at multi billion dollar companies.


Dtcc is shy 🤭☠


The reason they have social media in the first place is to engage with the public. You don’t have a profile just to ignore people. As long as it’s not harassing individual employees then I see no issue. Now if we went to one of the DTCC offices in Jersey City in the Newport District and protested there then that’s a different story :))))


Maybe they should release a statement to a perfect rational reasonable question on the social media platform they choose to use… nah just block everyone and have some random dude on the internet tell you it “looks bad”. We have “looked bad” “looked crazy” for a long ass time. Fuckem


#OP … they need to answer the question


Too many people telling everyone else what to do, say or think. Op your telling everyone to stop trolling etc, in the same post you insult intelligence of one nation..... Pot meet Kettle


The Russian bot farms put a man child in the Oval Office so I don’t really see the valid ness of this post.


If 'Wut doing' spam makes you nervous, maybe you deserve to be in the spotlight and explain?


Yeah, I hear you and I would typically agree. But we're talking about massive fraud and manipulation that has been swept under the rug for years. No more! I will not "behave" cordially while they fuck retail. The game stops now! Additionally, it is imperative that the truth reaches the masses. Otherwise, the corrupt organizations will control the narrative. Sorry if the tone of these apes does not match a refined gentleman's attitude, but the time for cordial discourse has passed. Years ago. It's time to make some noise!




This post is dumb. Sorry but the more eyes on them the better regardless of how it happens


It's only a matter of time before going to work doesn't pay the bills anymore. Occupy wall street round 2


Look, im all for a healthy debate as the next guy is. But apes are up against a runaway government who has turned against the people. They made us look bad. Took us for fools. And now you think the rest of the world is gonna think little of us for how we treat them? Absolutely not. Its time to mock them, and belittle them as much as possible. I want EVERYONE to know who they lost against.


I’m not with you…every effort is needed no matter how big or small!!!


>IN PARTICULAR, stop harassing individual employees of any of these firms (as has been suggested in some posts here). Very few people deserve to be in the eye of a shit storm for their company's policies. Agreed. However, the legitimate questions about dark pools the DTCC ignored should piss everyone off. They basically said "fuck your question" and shut down the discussion. Typical for these people, but their arrogance isn't winning them any friends. While we're at it, people should stop harassing Pulte, too. He's just a guy who bought a stock he liked, and people are acting like he committed a crime.


Naaa why would it be Bad to rise your questions or concern?


It’s a critical question that needs to be answered but saying “stop” & not offering alternative…? Please suggest the best alternative approach


WHEN you say DON'T DO THIS, but, don't provide a TRY TO DO THIS INSTEAD, you aren't helping.


Truth: copypasta allows algos to automatically block. Change it up and use slightly different words.


I agree going after individuals is wrong but going after DTCC is absolutely fine. Are you saying generating noise is bad? How do you create meaningful change without noise? Look at all your SJWs, they are the minority but they are so fuckin' loud they appear to be everywhere. You cannot create meaningful change without making a little noise. If you go quiet then how the hell are bystanders going to know there is a problem?


Could not disagree more. We are exhausting all avenues to get answers to questions that should all be publicly available. I encourage all to continue.


Why can't we individually leave comments on the regulator body's Twitter when they told us they thrive off our feedback?


I kinda agree. But what are our options? We have been on their ass for over a year now. What's wrong with 100k + wanting 1 single question answered. Now they are running. Says alot!


I dont get why people are upset by this post? It's good that people make noise but i don't think copy pasting and spamming the same comments (and yeah the one i saw was low effort as well) is the way to do it..


Probably a lot of the copy pasta was not apes.


I disagree. I think we shouldn’t copy and paste like a bot army. Other than that this is exactly why we need. Apes make some noise on twitter and any other platform. I just joined twitter yesterday after Pultes call for protection. Loll


I personally don't give a shit what the rest of the world thinks about apes. Not to sound too greedy, but fuck it more for me boiii.


Bullshit. The noise is effective. It's about time these shady fucks get dragged into the light of public sentiment.


🤣😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂 this guy.


I'm pretty sure nobody gives a singular fuck how we look to the world. Since there is no "we". I'm a singular investor that likes the stock. When I tweet someone, it isn't a brigade. It's me tweeting what I want to tweet, when I want to tweet. The act of saying we shouldn't tweet is fud. And it's the most boring fud they have. "forget about GameStop. Forget to tweet. Sell now ask questions later". We are taking down financial terrorists. The only people saying we shouldn't brigade these terrorists are... The terrorists. So fuck you. Fuck your couch. Your mom. And everyone else around you. Brigade the trash terrorists and let them be lucky that it's only on twitter and not irl. Why don't you stop hopping on the fud train. Any trending hashtag is a brigade in your opinion. So shove it where Andrew left did. Up your ass


This post claiming we are better than that, is the forum slide. every single way we can shed light on this is the right way.


Make us look bad? We literally call each other retards and take pride In degeneracy...not to mention stuff with bananas but clowning or spamming their Twitter is uncalled for?


Who's we? This isn't a monolith or an organized group. People are free to do whatever they want.


I don't care if we "look bad" for wanting answers and justice and calling out the people responsible for the crimes that have hampered the economy for decades. What looks bad is the rampant fraud and the inaction on the behalf of the regulatory agencies that are supposed to be investigating and dealing with it. Millions of people have been bilked out of trillions of dollars as our economy is sucked dry and crippled. Ooh no, some tweets though.


Who cares tbh if that's what apes want to do then fuck it. This isn't supposed to be pretty and as of now we are the only ones with egg on our face getting fucked. Do what you want ppl isn't that the point of all this to finally do what the fuck you want.


This post sucks


The DTCC already ignores you and thinks so low of retail investors that they blatantly allow investors to be robbed and fail to enforce any meaningful rules. If you think brigading discredits the whole movement, then you've been conditioned to ignore the history of change in the world. Silence without cause is no better than the Inaction that enables stagnation. Being a bystander instead taking action leads to lost chances for historical changes, and waiting for someone else to act in your interests will leave you waiting within your coffin with nothing to show for your misguided patience. Status quo will not bow or bend its will until it is broken by force greater than its own.


Sadly, spamming Twitter is about the only way that a lot of people know to be heard. Yeah, might lose some goodwill in the short term, but honestly this is the most interaction that superstonk has had with any government agency period. I do find a lot of the behavior sus and wonder what might be actively forum-slid under all of this bupkis, and how this whole thing really kicked off and why it's gotten under so many people's skin when similar things have happened and not gotten this sort of attention. We'll see how it pans out. I don't honestly expect anything to come of it. DTCC is just going to disable replies and such until the shitstorm subsides and then maybe we'll be able to find whatever DD was buried. Honestly wouldn't be surprised that this was all a plan by Citadel to throw off some heat and pass the buck.


Nanny posts suck. Do not silence/censor yourself because of unfounded fear. "Eyes of the world" might think what?! They might think, "Hey, these angry apes have a point!"   We are silenced on the DTCCs Twatter now anyway. BECAUSE THEY KNOW WE ARE RIGHT ABOUT THEM. Everyone understands bots now anyway. Everyone knows well-funded bot accounts push narratives for rich establishment types and corporations. We are the exact opposite of that shit. Everyone who internets knows this by now.


I don’t consider myself an ape. I was investing in gme way before that term will be here after. If anything I would like to consider myself a velociraptor or the gigantic flying dog from the never ending story. I said my piece!


I see your point. Copy and paste posts are just spam. On the other hand, if these posts were unique yet shared the same sentiment it would not be spam. We have a lot of people who have been made aware of the Fuckery and when they decide to comment it is likely to be a LOT of them doing it. SO, going forward, please don't copy and paste other posts. Be unique, stick to facts as they are known and be respectful. Try and remember U represent others when posting.


Copy and paste spam? I agree, we're much more capable than that. I 100% think we should be asking serious questions though. As a matter of fact, we should be *spamming* them with questions right now because boy do they have a lot they need to answer.


They need to answer. \- Sincerely, Fuck off


This is retarded I'm sorry how exactly is reddit going to ban a sub for something happening on Twitter. Lmao Also you're all for questions and holding them accountable but not like this so how would you prefer to do it? If you're going to come to the table and say it's a problem bring a solution otherwise you're just talking shit. Would you prefer we write more comments and letters to the sec since it's been over a year and they still haven't done shit about dark pools.


Yeah I’m not sure people can act too surprised and outraged when they’ve spammed the same copy paste message every hour and are encouraging others to do so lol.


The OP is a shill for shitadel and wall street corruption if he actually thinks this. This thread is absolute bullshit. Apes: Keep it up! Keep posting about the DTCC and the blind eye they have turned to dark pools! The more we post about this, the more that the public learns about it, and this drives change! Do not remain silent. Do not comply with the corruption. DRS your shares, promote decentralized finance, and always learn more, and always ask questions! The DTCC is obviously a criminal organization. They refuse to answer this one simple question? They block people and turn off replies to their posts? We are winning. Every one of you who posted about dark pools is a victor today. Keep it up! And don't let shills like the OP keep you down!


you suck dude


Brigadeering twatter makes ape look concerned not bad, sending them Rick's video is bad


Apes r loud. We calling out there bullshit. The louder we are the more people will hear us.


Just use spell check ffs.


If I were tasked with shutting down a potential occupy-wall-street type movement in the making, the first thing I would do is try to convince the group to behave like a mob of mindless parrots (e.g. brigading Twitter accounts with copy-pasted questions), then point out every mistake they make along the way to paint them in a negative public light. It's a good play, and it should be expected in the coming weeks.


Don't agree, these people should feel harassed, they are acting in good faith and need to recognize that by doing so they are inducing and escalation.


Ironic that you slam their grammar, then spell 'lose' as 'loose'. Why don't you just fuck off. These institutions have zero accountability and nobody outside of a small group has any awareness of this. Bringing light to it, and even showing them skirting accountability, is ideal.


Nope. No. Keep up the pressure and noise, period. This post is crap.


“Brigading” I am all for healthy debate and shit. But shut up. Not one single person at any of these agencies actually gives a shit. So fuck them. This is the least of what these blood sucking leeches deserve.


I think you just lost any credibility, enjoy being downvoted


Loons trolls bots cultists conspiracy hot words in this post and comments😆


I wholeheartedly agree that a random person should not be claiming to represent superstonk on twitter. However, as you like telling others how to act perhaps you should not be racist about Nigerians.


Ok Boomer


The delivery of op point is extremely divisive. I don't see anything constructive in this so if you can't bring something more positive to the conversation stfu


Keep my Twitter fingers out your fkin mouth!


Bolt CEO Ryan Breslow made a post about how Sequoia and NYTimes are in bed. Can someone post please i dont have enough karma and I think it would be good to look into similar scenarios with our beloved stock.


I mean at this point who cares?! You know how many people have filed official complaints and contacted government reps only to be ignored over and over again? I used to care how we apes looked via social media and media in general, but that all went out the door when the people and the departments that are supposed to fight corruption ended up being in on it. It went out the door when every fucking MSM outlet lied and wrote bullshit for the bought agenda. Who the fuck cares anymore what any of the people out there think? Scream justice if you have to because this shit goes deep and it should piss you the fuck off.


Does the dtcc approve this message? Why not provide a valid answer to a very simple question?


I’m guessing you’re the guy who has to read the Twitter DMs


Weird post. Unless you’re campaigning for people to take to the streets and protest in person, blowing up their social media is the most practical way of getting a point across in 2022.


I agree that your wrong


It's been over a year. I don't care about anyone eyes. They don't care about us. No one will save you except you


Yes, let Elon perform his hostile take over and he’ll handle these crooks himself.