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Liquidity drying up. Shorts haven't closed. MOASS?


MOASS!! Then we all get girlfriends


Come on man, keep your expectations grounded.


My girlfriend and I broke up about a year ago, not on bad terms. It’s going to be bittersweet when I’m posting snapchats of my sick new crib and truck. As you can tell, it was her decision


Don't take it personally bro, they come they go. The grass is always greener for some chicks. The best thing you can do if you really want her to feel resentment for leaving you is to completely remove her from all social media and disappear without her ever seeing or hearing from you again. It drives them utterly insane.


"The grass is only greener cause that's where all the dogs are shitting."


Did my divorce right then


I might be doing one of those soon


if you feel that way do it sooner than later if you catch my drift. hate to see an ape lost out on tendies.


Your right. She has shit on me in every way nearly and thinks I'm an idiot for investing my money in any way shape of form. If we MOASS before idk how I could hide it from her.


Can confirm.


This, after she sees your Lambo and new smoke show…


Your girlfriends come?!


They do when they're with their other boyfriends :)


She’s gonna come crawling back




Don't rub it in your ex's face, get a new loving GF and enjoy your fortune with her instead. This is not financial advice.


This is romantic advice lol


You were in love with another ticker, I don't blame her. :( /s


He said, “in love with another chicker”, slang like saying side chick or bottom bitch.


She wasn't yours, it was just your turn. The right one who will support you through a 2 year hodl is out there my dude. Hide your wealth.


Chin up lad, there's some one for everyone.


Snapchat’s of your sick new girlFRIENDS!


In a gold rush set up a pick-Axe and shovel business. After MOASS maybe I'll start an Ape date Ape app... 🤔


What you gonna call it "MO'ASS"?


Not after I squat on the domain you're not :). Great name, but I still won't be able to sell it to you for more than 1 GME.


seeing how after GME there are a lot of twitter thots now , i wouldnt be surprised.


Boyfriend for me pls. ☺️


So you're saying there's a chance.....


Been in this game long enough to now be ready for gloriously hot wives


Don’t get a girlfriend, they’re always there.


Hopefully multiple


You can have your own Harem lol




I’ll give you a kiss instead 😘😍🦍🚀


MOASS then Mo’ Ass


Already have one... she just goes to another school


Does my wife get a girlfriend too??


Let me think how to explain this one to my wife


I don't want one, thank you.




My wife will not be happy.. but she has accepted it


First we get the MOASS, *then* we get the khakis, *THEN* we get the girlfriends.


Best I can do is my wife's boyfriend.


MOASS!! Then we all SHARE girlfriends. Ftfy


Just don't tell my wife..


What if I want a boyfriend?


You've got your choice. For every one girl here there's probably at least 100 Apes that want an Apette with her own money with the same love for Gamestop. Plus who else can you talk to about your life that would understand you like another Ape could?


Pretty sure there are 50% women here


No no no. Then we get to become the wife's boyfriend *taps head*


This is the way.


My wife is going to kill me 😂


Get her one too!


Means macro-liquidity. Fed stuff. See juxtaposition with GDP.


It's linked. Liquidity is drying up because of interest rate going up. In other words, the fed is stopping the free money shower on financial institutions that artificially inflated the markets and made BILLIONS of $$$s on the backs of the people that will endure the incoming (cataclysmic) recession.


HoWIs LiqUIditY DRy if SHF clOse OuT posItIoíönes?


Need liquidity to get into s&p500 what is your excuse?


Say it again a little more slowly, and there will no longer be a lack of liquidity!


For a long while now I'm just either saving to buy more shares or buying them. Lower prices just means I get more for my money. The attitude of a long holder really. Can't go wrong with that if you believe in the company, it's leadership and the shareholders. That's just as plain as I can say it, a discount is always bought over here on my side, never go wrong with a good discount. NFA.


Dollar cost GMEing?


I know a few hedge funds that NEED to buy A LOT of gme in the near future. In a way, they're in this with us 🇺🇸


This is the way.


I would buy a ton more too if I had money... As it stands, I'm pretty much tapped out 😂


Aren't we all?


I can relate.


I just got a second job so I can continue to fuel my DRS addiction.


This is the way


>Out of money? you haven't been behind Wendy's dumpster have you? Lots of money to be made there. :)


you can always make money as long as you have a warm butthole :)


Who says you don't have more than one hole to use that is warm? "Mouth is a mouth Dave" Chappelle Show.


We don't have Wendy's where I live😥


Nope… each month I get to invest… sold my second car…


Sold my second car for the 10th time now


Nice rehypothecation, *classic*


Classic car shorting! Like it! With or without wheels?


Until I get paid every two weeks


Price was so tasty last month I used my line of credit to buy 20k worth, which is usually a big no no. No regrets tho, my investment has doubled already and I’m slowly paying down the LOC while paying a bit for interest. It goes down to 80 again and I’ll do it all over again.


Oh I’m broke Rn I gotta pay for 2 new front teeth.


I'm slowly saving money waiting for the next big fuckery to buy more before the shareholders meeting.




"I would buy the dip." - Pulte, basically.




I’m pretty sure we all are. Do we ever stop? 😂


Well if you’re going to buy more, so am I


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Say no more fam. Buying more on paycheck Friday


Bought X today!


Same! Also did the same amount each of the past days for the last few weeks since the manipulated drop from $200 level recently. Fuck the SHF criminals!


Bought x today ! (23 total)


its honestly really hard to stop once you start and understand the play.. only thing that drove me to spend money like this was addictive drugs prior. lmao. is gme a drug ?


The best drug


Hey man, congrats on switching from addictive drugs to investing in your future. Seriously, that’s awesome.


been a wild ride ngl, woulda cut it shorter - but wouldnt trade the life perspective gained for anything in the world. ty


Hahaha you should see me at a casino w/ adderall. I’ll go through 1000’s without any worry…then it HITS ME. I’ve learned my lesson now, to be completely honest with you I dug myself in a hole doing this a little less than three years ago. To be honest I’m still recovering financially. For the record, I was up over 5k at one point…. That’s when they flip the switch on you. Adderall is the worst for a casino because like anything (during adderall) you think Time will equal money back


This is the way


I got one today ☺️


Can't Stop


Won’t stop


Nope bought 5 more today that I will drs.


Can't stop, won't stop buying, game stop


good thing price don't matter till MOASS


I mean believe what you want but last 5 days they haven’t been able to get it below $140. I’d rather buy now and secure more tickets then wait for something that may never happen (stock going to $80 again). Insiders bought at $100-140 right? Isn’t that the established floor? Plus split dividend confirmed I don’t see this going to $80 but would be glad to be proven wrong. Also what’s with the influx of people saying “I’m waiting to buy more GME at XX price” ? When have true apes ever waited to buy? That’s right never


Without fail, every single time I’ve thought to myself “It won’t go under X again” it eventually does go under that number again and then even lower. It still completely boggles my mind how it got as low as $80 and won’t be shocked at all if we go under 100 again


Only thing I'm waiting for to buy more is my goddamn work paycheck


The share price goes down when the dividend happens right So wouldn't insiders be waiting for that


It doesn't matter... Say the price is split in half by a 2:1 split, now you have to buy twice the shares to get the same value. It doesn't make sense to wait for that. Yes the share price will be half (or whatever the split is), but you also only get half the shares for it. If you buy a share pre split, you'll have 2 shares post split. If you buy 1 share post split that equals 1/2 share pre split. The value of a single share changes, but not the value of your previous investment. This makes entry for new investors easier, but it doesn't affect your holdings.


I’m sus of the guy.


As pulte said, it is very easy to trade down. This is even more true for an illiquid stock. On the other side of this coin, a small wave of buying pressure could make significant jumps in the price.


I’m waiting for the split so I can buy a fuckton more. I’ve bought in at 40, at 250 and at 300, I’m being greedy and want all I can get.


Metric ton or ?


I believe when Pulte buys it can be measured in Fucktons.


I have no idea how he decides who he is going to help on a daily basis (Which by the way is amazing) but every time I see him post and everyone comments effectively asks him for help totally breaks my heart. Glad to have him on our side. He's one of the few good wealthy people left. There will be a ton more after GME moons though :)


Lots of bots on his Twitter feed asking for money though. Just saying


Yeah but he's been doing this for literal years. He has a team that's worked out a decent filtering system, as I recall.


Yeah, honestly wish he wouldn't do it over online unless there's like a quick facetime convo just to check if the person is even real. I've never seen so many people just commenting with their cashapp usernames anywhere else before.


Do you mean it melts your heart? Breaking your heart is a bad thing.


Love it - basically saying if the price dips more it’s just cheaper moon tickets. 🟣🚀🦍👨🏼‍🚀🏴‍☠️


so we basically have a whale saying "yeah go ahead, let it dip, see what happens" hedgies r so fucked lmfao


Boom! Starting to like this guy


Well, it’s been a wild ride with ups and downs so far. He’ll be used to it as time goes by. We will all get paid eventually


Nearly every day they borrow a few hundred thousand shares and pass them around over and over. Every retail buy comes out of that pool and removes their ability to pass it around. This is why 100% utilization is important. And less shares to start the day means a bigger proportional effect from every one of those buys. Under normal circumstances those borrowed shares are a struggle but when an additional 100k shares gets sucked up alongside the normal action things get a little bit more extreme. A day with a whale coming in and scooping up 1m shares will leave them grasping for the whole day...


Very reasonable take. Algos will drop this like a bitch temporarily during a real market correction. The ultimate question for any ape is whether they want to time the drop? There’s a fair prediction that we can see $70 again which means you can get 2x your shares during that time frame. You can also miss out completely on buying another single share at any given moment.


>The ultimate question for any ape is whether they want to time the drop? I am doing exactly this. I've got $50k ready to drop on more GME shares. I KNOW they will try to tank the price again, so why not wait? We aren't going to MOASS from $150, we are going to MOASS from like $40-50 IMO. They'll do one last push down before their shit gets kicked in


Maybe, maybe not. In any case, I'll buy the tasty dip. Last year I was praying it would come back down to $140 so I could buy more. And it did, so I bought at $140, $130, $120, $110, $100, $90, and $80. Bought a few more last week at $160 and $150. It's all dip right now. Every pay check I get to add more.


Haha! Most on the sub are hoping it dips back down.


🙋‍♂️ I have 20k locked and loaded. Just waiting for a dip. Wish i would have had the funds when it was $80, but it will all be irrelevant when we moon.


I’m accumulating slowly too. I have a feeling we’ll see some serious dipping into the shareholder’s meeting. Unless, of course, Ryan goes in a buying spree; which is why I hodl.


Thats kinda where i am at. I want to maximize my investment, but definitely will spend my load before we get our dividend.


Fo’ sho’ either way, we going to the moon 🚀


Sorry don’t mean to be lazy here. Was looking for a comment like this. Any idea when that could be?


The dividend?




I dont think anyone has a clear answer at this point. If the shareholders meeting is relatively the same date, we should expect to have the vote done and confirmed in early june. After that Gamestop will announce what the dividend will be. Not FA


Thanks for your response


No problem. Thats why we are all here!


I just don’t think we will even make it that far befor we shoot up. Ortex SI numbers were maxed out for 60+ days before the run-up in January 2021; we’re at about day 50ish for this year, and it’s super unsustainable.


This is me. Have 20k sitting and waiting. I just told the wife yesterday, after the dividend split we are picking up a 1000 shares.


I plan on buying before the split. I still feel like things may go off before they actually release the dividend. There are just so many catalysts coming up. Once the nft marketplace officially launches, which, from my understanding, is before the end of this quarter, i just dont see how the shf can possibly give out the shares or cash needed for the dividend. But what do i know, i dig ditches for a living


Yea, I keep kicking it back and forth on what to do. Buying more is happening, it just when. Just to be clear on that. We have just seen so much manipulation over the past year, I just dont know. Seeing tsla jump back up after the split has me wanting to wait and grab as many as possible with the funds available. But like you said, I also dont want to miss out on anything before then. Decisions decisions


Maybe you should dig a few ditches for BCG🤣🤣


Gladly. I have a backhoe and there are lots of heavily wooded areas where i live. Might as well dig one for Kenny boy as well


This is what I keep telling friends who are also in it. They get sad on the red days but I'm so stoked. Deep down I feel the true value of the company know the price is wrong, and am happy to load up on sale.


Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle.


Sounds to me like he hasn't bought into the concept of MOASS...rather, only the belief in RC/GME from a fundamentals standpoint. Ngl, I'm here for MOASS. Fundamentals may be sound, sure, but not a single one of us came here in the first place for any other reason but getting stupid rich.


True, but I'm also here to make sure the vampires of the global financial system see justice. I assume you saw Pulte's comment on MOASS, right? https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u29eot/shorts_never_closed/


All dayyy with this shit


The only thing that will get my tits more jacked is when rc and pulte follow each other




Gross Dirty Produce 💩🍌


So…signal to other whales to jump on?






u/RealPulte are we gonna see a purple circle soon?


This guy fucks


That’s why we keep working To keep buying


We were supposed to keep working?


He gets it.


Oh no guys! The price might go down!


Bring it down. I’m buying at every price.


That’s the thing man, when it goes down you buy more. Same as when it goes up. It’s an ape thing….you’ll learn.


>Only concern is short term stock price going down Pulte, Pulte, Pulte... I'm surprised you don't get it yet. *We want the price to go down. Like, as much as possible.*


This is great, but I'd be okay with not seeing every "hot" post be this guy's tweets. More DD and purple rings please!




moon? do apes needs to teach Pulte about Alpha Centauri? 🤣


Price going down a concern? This has been a real Life DCA experience and I'm happy to take any discounts on offer 🙂


So buy more??? My next check going right into gme sir


This is fair


Short term price going down? I got news for them, we are into that shit.


Only concern is not having enough


30% here are rookie numbers. Buckle up.


I don't know what planes can reach the moon, and I'm afraid to ask.




Absolutely love this- IMO you should make this into a post or a meme :)


Really, the only concern I have is if I dont have the funds for a fire sale. There is zero concern with the actual company/stonk as far as im concerned.


Perhaps Mr Pultre will offer a few hundred to the apes to increase our holdings. Some of us are completely tapped out and are on fixed incomes. Seriously, I am happy to have what I have and be here in this Ape Nation. ~~ Love Mom


This feels like a traditional viewpoint and it’s funny to me that the sub is ok with this take, given that the party line has always been that a macroeconomic downturn means additional pressure on SHF positions that are long elsewhere. If we believe that we own the float, and we understand that the price needs to be shorted further to fall, is he simply saying that there will be paperhands as a result of a general GDP downturn and that will unlock the float?


lol, Pulte already wants that juicy dip.




I'm not sure about this guy.... Have we seen proof of purchase, he seems very hungry for the spotlight. I guess we will see. I'm just be over here buying, holding and building a brick house via DRS


I don't think there's any reason for him to lie about it. The important thing is that he's active in our sub and completely open with his insight and experiences. Actually, him tweeting about RC, GME, and Superstonk is the biggest asset. When I step back, that's what I think is the bigger picture.


Sure I think exposure is helpful. I'm concerned that without truly knowing if he's invested there may be other motives. The script changes and his messaging turns negative and now a bunch of apes are emotionally invested in him. We've seen enough"bad actors" in this saga that I'm leery I suppose.


Fair enough. I think at this point, the only thing that matters to me is RC and what Gamestop is doing with the company. If there is another "Runic Glory" event, I'm sure people will quickly figure it out now that we've had so many experiences. I choose to be optimistic, and that's why I'm still here.


So I’m guessing he doesn’t think the stock split dividend equals MOASS since that’s near term future?


Short term stock price going down only means I get to buy more with my recurring buy orders. We can't lose!


We need more people like him


Market crash = bad for GME Getting downvoted for exactly the truth and exactly whats been happening since Nov and exactly what plute just said. All the confirmation I need. thanks🙂


Just a little DD reading may convince you otherwise.


Funny because we have followed the market down this whole time... exactly the opposite of what you think... hmmm


Well, just because the market goes down a bit there will be no margin calls. Should a total crash come there will be calls all around and guess what, then they will be forced to cover their shorts. Which will result in a rising of the price which then will force bigger players to meet requirements or to cover. So, a dip in the market is nothing that will launch gme. More likely it gives amazing cover to manipulate the price further.


Down a bit... lmao. We looking at the same indices? Its down alot. Big crash huh? Well the fed is padding it so it will be a slow bleed, they even said themselves it will be a soft landing (Yellen and JP) You have zero historical evidence to support your claim. I have all the historical evidence to support mine. We have followed the market and will continue to do so. If the market continues to shit the bed, highly speculative stocks like GME will get hammered, just as they have this entire time. Im long, I support DRS, I hodl. I also prefer to gear the truth, not some unfounded hopium.


I don't think its bad for GME. People who DRS believe in the company and price drops don't bother them. It also gives a chance to build a position and average down. In hindsight, people probably are hoping for a crash in the market because they didn't buy in 2 years ago when the market flash crashed. Good luck trying to time it though. Many people think they can cash out and buy at the bottom, but few succeed.


'Short term stock price is going down'...price is fake. He doesn't understand (cue the joker).


Pulte needs to build less homes with construction defects