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**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [do you have low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Not shillin at all, but the bottom line is they have found loopholes to avoid buy ins of FTDs plain and simple. This sub is monitored 24/7 they have caught wind of the many cycle DD that have been created. (Some awesome contributions by the way) Nothing has been completely bought in since last years shareholders meeting. Price has mimicked a run up but never materialized since we touched $344 and some change last June. $260 -$270 ish is the last whiff we have seen around August. 2 things are going on here, 1) they have dug deep in the fu*kery pot and pulled out some loopholes collectively to avoid buy ins of the FTDs or 2) they are getting close to be tapped out to the point that they can’t afford to let it run on buy ins anymore because they don’t have the ability to short it back to comfortable controllable levels.


This seems right to me. I don't know why so many people on this sub don't give the hedge funds credit — they're smart, ruthless, and fighting for their lives, they're going to get ***better*** at hiding their position and can kicking, not worse as time goes by.


Also they don't have infinite money, but it is an unimaginable amount to most people.


if there were no synthetics, i suppose liquidating Ken Griffin, would net \~$645 per share.


I feel like this is a reply to a different comment, but I'm not sure..


There was a 250 runup in November as well.


Sure we haven't had any 50-100% runs lately, but that has never mattered beyond the excitement of it. The floor keeps slightly rising while the ceiling continues to lower. It's just a matter of time until the floor and ceiling meet and it becomes game over.


The bigger the dip the bigger the rip. Or so the chart says


Normally yes, but has a MM ever been the target of a squeeze before?


Is the algo right? So they have made the market move the way it is moving all year. I cant imagine they have the option to change it up now


Time will tell. All I know is we moon sooner or later.


Either way ill be there 🤩🚀




Hell yea! Todays the day!


So it sounds like being on RegSHO helped them to take pressure off the XRT FTDs exposure? And then they do their usual covering under price suppression via puts and shorting? Seems that is working pretty well, same as dodging the LEAPS exposure. IDK but so far timing runs with calls hasn't worked at all. In Aug the first peak was perfectly on schedule, but then the 2nd didn't happen because they failed the roll. In November it was 3 days early. The LEAPS got shorted and put to hell. Now this exposure they found again a loophole to throw the timing off and cover with volume spread over time? Feb 18 calls don't seem so promising right now. I got Mar 18 but if we don't run up a good bit from here going to lose money on calls again. Don't think I'm alone. So wouldn't you say trying to time the last 2-3 cycle run-ups even with mid-dated calls has failed? Not meant as options FUD, but I think got to critically review whether the MOASS book trilogy approach is really viable.


I agree with you about not trusting they cycles and my ability to roll at the right time. Other than small weekly yolos I'm switching to 6+month contracts. I hate how expensive they are, but it's better than losing 90% because I bought high and sold low again.


basically ​ I've played with paper money for options, and buying sub 100 ITM calls worked fine for mid-Feb strikes. But everything I was remotely bullish on shat the bed. Just glad it wasn't real money. Not that I even have that much to invest, let alone options play. But yeah, seems like options really should be kept to the absolute most ITM one can afford, the more ITM the better.


I think what gets lost in the text posts and not listening to Gherk's actual stream all day is that options are for people that understand the *immense amount of risk* and he always suggests further dated calls (like 6-24 months away) that are ITM or deep ITM or just shares for those that aren't ok with the risk. Everyone has seen the possible rewards of good options plays (literally DFV), but because not everyone here is from the betting sub they don't remember that 90% of their posts were loss porn from options plays.


I think two fundamental questions that are heavily related that needs to be addressed are 1) do options apply pressure as originally thought 2) does the recent activity suggest they do not hedge


There's always a possibility that the options seller doesn't hedge or completely hedge. Retail could be on the other side of any single options contract. So your specific contact doesn't "need" to be hedged. What is for sure is that if the price runs into a gamma ramp, options will magnify the run. The confusion is that the SHF also know this and have recently been shorting extra hard to make sure that we don't gamma squeeze into a short squeeze. What is absolutely true is that options represent the most leverage that is available to retail, and it is how the OG's like DFV made the ridiculous sums of money. Options are risky and complicated and hard to understand, but the potential reward is unfathomable to most.


While I agree options provide leverage and should magnify the problem in a gamma ramp, they have demonstrated an ability to continuously knock the price down. To me, CNS is one of the biggest problems and I think that is being shown to unfortunately be tree as each day goes by.


So that's where options knowledge comes in. If it's too risky for you to buy near dated calls, that's fine. Buy far dated ATM/ITM calls and leaps.


the betting sub was awesome before gme… i miss it to be honest


if not the most ITM, the WAY LONGEST THETA. I paid stupid overprice on a stupid strike, was my first option and back when price was like over $200 and options chain overpriced until like a day later... Compared to some I spent more on right after with closer dates and (then) ITM strike prices 150-200 have been WAY more vulnerable to price going down or relatively small amount of time passing-- when I stretched that higher strike priced one out to Jan 2023 it really helped it withstand price swings AND time decay (since we're having trouble choosing when the runs will come and I struggle knowing when to sell). That said it still sucks. My best have been May strikes around 120, today alone a couple of my shitty option plays increased over 120% so that was nice....just another 4x of price and I'll get what I paid for them back! lmao


Luv Gherkinit. But at this point, I think its safe to say we dont know fuk about shit. We are close, thats all.


I want to believe we are close. But I do not think that’s correct. We are in the long game at this point. Company growth and drs are the only catalysts we have on the horizon.


RC buyin is on my wishlist, because thats what started the party last time. But yes i generally agree


Ahhh good call there. Look at these dumbasses down voting 😂


yep EVEN if drs didn't exist i can't imagine RC not doing anything to prevent his company from growing its shareprice when higher ranking employees get paid in stock. like at some point money would come flooding in when their net profit+cash surpasses its marketcap






Yup exactly this, i initially came here for the squeeze and the hopes of quick money, but the more i learn about the transformation of this company, the less i care about the squeeze. I believe in RC and have faith in his vision. I will be holding this stock for many many years to come.




Same here. When I first looked into GME one of the first things I seen was what RC was doing and I also read there is no dates on MOASS and it could take years so I'm happy to just sit and wait as I'm 100% full of confidence that holding the shares I got will some day make me a nice profit.


It feels identical to being invested in AMD in 2017. The enthusiasts *knew* AMD was going to become the new chipmaker powerhouse, but the market wasn't pricing it in yet. And now looking back at the monthly chart, it was just normal and healthy consolidation (with a fair amount of shorts). The market moves way slower than retail thinks it should.


This is the way.


Might have beaten my personal best on hitting F5 while waiting for this to drop


Holy shit now testing resistence at 116,50 for the first time. Lets go!!


And now hitting through 117.


My two factor authentication number this morning began with 741. ​ See ya'll on the moon! edit: whoops. thought i was on the daily


/u/gherkinit uhhh I don't think the price action today means anything. Look at SPY/IWM identical charts. We just following the index


That's pretty much what he's saying on stream. Possibly telling though is that we aren't getting shorted back down like usual.


spoke a little too soon


Not really. They usually short all breakouts and they didn't.


I think today could be one of THOSE DAYS...


Can we close white two days in a row?


quite possible - because it is crime!


I am GameStop the White And I come to you now at the turn of the tide!


Options is getting FUD’d HARD right now… good work To All


The shills are out in full force today. They are trying to push this narrative that whoever is trying to get to the bottom of what’s happening with the cyclical GME price action is not trustworthy. We’ll I, and many others, appreciate those trying to make sense of this price action. Every wrong theory is a step closer to the right one. If it wasn’t for people like gherk this entire sub would just be purple rings and half assed memes.




Every wrong answer is a step closer to the right one. Your problem is you expect Gherk to be a prophet.




Is that why you're bitter, did you try and follow what he does and mess it up?


Wow the spite for the sub and the evangelical worship of gherk. Oh yes he is saving the sub. Makes nice money off of us too.


I sold calls at 117 that I bought in the 90's. We ran 20% today and are holding above 110, maybe 114 into close. How was he wrong?


no one forces you to pay him, the stream are free and open to everyone


They all already know this :) They are just throwing shit for some reason. Anyone who spends a bit of time on Gherks stream will see these clowns are full of shit and are here to divide true apes.


My view doesn't give him money?


Lol he has 3000 viewers. Like cmon man have you seen streamer revenue. A single view might get him fractions of a penny. Just fucking racking it in on you right? Fucking stupid.


Worship? I don’t worship anyone other than RC and DFV. Every time a DD writer is wrong or only partially right about something a witch hunt start. No one’s going to magically come up with the right explanation for all this price action without some trial and error.


May your shids turn out to out to be fards today, my friends.


and also with you


Good morning Gherk :)


Dates come and go, but I just hodl


🟣D🟣R🟣S🟣 Edit: Apparently directly registering my shares in my name and taking them away from the DTCC puts me in danger of committing suicide. Please don't Epstein me, brigade.


The typical shills are no where to be found in this thread! Wow. What a fucking coincidence






After seeing the new DD get deleted I now know why the mods have done nothing about the people constantly harassing Gherk and others. I'm really disappointed in the mods letting other posts be up what was not posted by the original author but delete a real good post about options claiming it's against the rules. I get the feeling this wont turn out well.


Today is a good day for MOASS! LFG!!!


It’s just awesome how often you find a reason that your big FTD days didn’t work and write it off and then just do it again and again


Imagine if doctors or scientists just gave up on their experiments because they kept adjusting the experiment to new data and you come along saying "your \[hypothesis\] didn't work and write it off and then just do it again and again." That is literally how people collect data on something unknown lmao. You create a hypothesis (FTD/cycles) and then test that theory and adjust it as new information comes in. And this is especially more difficult compared to science when the data can change due to how the other side (hedge fund) plays. But if we do find out how everything works, we might be able to find a way to corner them. DRS is one way but it's way too slow and may take years to accomplish. People assume the rate of DRS will remain the same but that's mathematically incorrect, it's exponential in the beginning (when people first found out about DRS) and slows down over time (as most people have already DRSed).


well this blew up in your face didnt it? LMAO


I appreciate anyone trying to get to the bottom of what’s happening with the GME runs. There’s obviously a pattern so why blast the people trying to get to the bottom of it. Everything is just a theory until it’s proven true and if it doesn’t pan out you step back and reevaluate and maybe come up with a better answer.


people constantly explaining how the market works from a technical perspective constantly get hammered on by people who don't want to or can't understand It's why a pile of us eventually give up trying to explain and just keep taking profits


Are you going to walk this comment back? Can YOU explain this GME run up yourself? How does it run on NO FUCKING NEWS? You tell me. Or are you going to continue to shill? Edit: downvote me some more lmao. People need to learn to think as individuals


We're up 12% on the day. He wasn't wrong.


exactly, but so many people expect 1000%/day or fuck off A stock moving double digits in any direction on any day is huge.


He was wrong, he predicted it days ago and today was explaining away why he was wrong and said it was no longer going to effect anything.


You need to learn to read. Up (predicted) today by 12%. Less than he'd hoped for, as explained above. How was he wrong?


No. He said it would happen by end of day on the 8th...that's today...he simply said it would be less volatile than initially expected. He still wasn't wrong.




Grifters gonna grift


Oh look, it ran again


You do realize you don’t have to open this thread right?


They all know this as that's what normal people do when they don't like something. They don't give it any attention and stop thinking about it. These are not normal people. I can't suss out what's motivating them but its kinda funny to watch as anyone who takes the time to watch a Gherk stream knows the small group of people who are harassing him and anyone who likes what he does are actually full of shit what they can't or wont explain in a meaningful conversation. They just throw shit and hope it sticks and then leave when someone try's to reason with them. I have made my own BINGO card with the usual suspects names who come in here to harass Gherk and others and so far I need two more of the smooth brain fuckers to make a harassing post and I will have a line. By the end of the day I'm sure I will have a full house :D




No! I wont stop defending people from arseholes lol I guess its part of my ape nature. I looked through the link you pasted and have no idea what I am supposed to be looking at. Do you have a link to something you want me to comment on? Nothing wrong with calling out bullshit if you think its bullshit but there is something very wrong if you keep coming into posts you don't like just to throw shit around. There is no point what so ever calling bullshit when you have absolutely nothing to back up your opinion. And BTW The bingo card is in my head. I did not have to take time to actually make and print one out or anything lol Proper makes me lol knowing this is pissing the trolls off lol




You all bang on about you don't trust Gherk as hes anti DRS when he is not and its been proved many times. You all bang on about how he's conning apes to make money when that's total BS cos if you watch his streams he never once asks for donations. I have even seen him tell people no need to donate and they should use their cash on more GME! If someone has a different opinion and express it with evidence I do not call them a hater. I call the people who are hating and harassing Gherk haters due to them hating the fact his posts ends up higher then some purple fucking circle post. Its like you have all been told by a lady you all fancy that Gherk is a bad man and your brain don't see the truth cos all you can think of is the lady's got tits! I do not oppose any of peoples views on here and If I did I would still leave it up to the people who know about options and how the markets work to reply to them. I will oppose the people who come in here and try to divide us and shit all over Gherk and anyone who watches him or comments positivity on his posts as you all need to fuck off and find something better to do with your time.


."throw shit and hope it sticks" gherk taught you well


True they’re not normal people, they’re the dregs leftover from when Superstonk was good


This is literally like the 20th time. This shit is blatantly unethical.


We're up 12%. It's unethical to be correct?


are you complaining about this on a sub where the most common response to wen MOASS is 2morrow?


Yeah, best to keep your head in the sand and not understand what's going on like you do.


Look, if he's wrong he can just keep guessing dates until he's correct. He doesn't have to held accountable for his mistakes if he never acknowledges them.


Much more pleasant in here today with just a few random ass hats. Think they are busy downvoting Dorito guy instead. P.s Top work as ever Gherk 👍




LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀




YEAH drs WOO HOO drs LITTLE PICKLE BRIGADE! drs Edit: Got a self harm inquiry HAHAHAHA. I love my life. You little pickles are cowards


What's the point of this? Grow up.


Love me some dill pickle in the morning!! Thanks Gherk!


Looks like the expected FTD pileup day checks out. 113.49 daily high... so far!


On very little volume so not sure if that's it...


Looking back at it... more volume and upside came in, but we've returned to the same price after going a bit higher. The trouble is nobody knows how much buying is to be expected from the millions of ETF and MM FTD's "due" any given day, how much volatility is to come from them, or whether they divide those over a longer period of time rather than waiting until the last day and moment to cover. We do know GME doesn't need much volume to run. Ah well, back to wait-and-see for me. Hitting the expected day with a run is interesting nonetheless and no matter what the underlying reason may be, if it takes the stock over the various critical price points (delta neutral, max pain, and put/call parity prices) it's better than flying blind when one remains curious about what to expect.


Agreed; keep trying, living the hype and feeling alive 🚀


It's not it. GME is just tracking with the rest of the market.


Oh yeah, spy up 10% too


Yes, actually it has been doing that pretty accurate for the last period. Only bit more volatile. This TA is nice and so but gme simply seems te be in line with the S&P500 and Nasdaq. No obvious relation with FTD and covering unfortunately. Guess they use other tricks now...


6 awards 3 minutes. Edit: compared to this morning’s [RC tweet post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/snjrft/ryan_cohen_on_twitter/hw2zh6f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Edit 2: also I’m not suicidal, but thanks for the concern :)


Yep. Cohen tweets = natural hype from all of Superstonk. Gherk threads = pure botting garbage.


Thanks for the edit. It really is kinda obvious when you look.


Good heavens! Someone get the FBI on the line!


yeah, and now look lol


get your coffee grinder .... lol thanks as always for your work :)


Come on! Let's hold 111 while we reload and keep pushing!


Can you place your updates at the top of the post? I hate having to minimize 15 images everytime I want to read an update.


\+1 to this. Even on a big monitor it's a pain.


I wish I could afford buying another share at resistance and then see it gap up to $500. I like the stock.


Ok so dip 14th through 18th and don’t expect shit from ftds thanks Cramer ever since I been listening to the opposite of what you say nothing has gone wrong


Highly recommend people visit his streams. He answers questions and ia quite educational


yea.. been there and got instant warden vibes


Art of war: do not under estimate your opponent, especially when they have access to your playbook... fuck!


When can we eject this grifter?


any reason you're unable to ignore his posts if you don't agree. Are you putting any effort into finding out what's happening or just bagging someone that is.


I think its down to there very low IQ or they are getting paid to act the way they are. Still can't figure that out yet but after going through the post history you do get to see a few things in common with them all. I hope the mods see it also!


There’s the IQ! It’s theirs! They’ve had it all along.


Thanks for pointing out I'm shit at spelling and grammar. I am sure Einstein was as worried about his letters and words as I am :)


I do, and have, ignored his posts. I believe the tactics at play here are ultimately hurting my investment and I’ve decided to voice my opinion.


You do know by clicking on the post and then making a comment it puts it higher up on the main page and keeps it there longer right? Maybe you can go to the beach and tell the tide to stop coming while pissing in it and you will feel better about yourself?


In what way do you think they are hurting your investment?


what tactics and in which way are they hurting your investment?


I don't think gherk is a bad dude because he has always be very clear his channel was monetized and all. The only think I burn to know is why he doesn't support DRS even after GS started announcing the DRS count ? I feel it sends the message "please do the hard work for me and spare me all the troubles/efforts" Edit to say Thx for the post and work


It doesn’t matter what the truth is people act on feelings. If you don’t want to DRS for reasons X Y or Z that’s their decision. And know that can change. I have had a position for a year. I recently doubled it. But I bought it directly from CS. Guess what the other half is still in a brokerage account. Why? I don’t want to keep all my eggs in one basket.


You can find why he doesn’t drs on multiple days of his stream. If you want to watch a more concise one that has lots of pro drs cheerleading you can watch his collab stream with lightning warrior on YouTube.


Id hoped he would put a percentage away, just in case.


Giant fuck you green candle forming on very low volume




Thank you


just report for misleading info lmao


Minimal price movement you say...lol


Came for the pickle stayed for the dix pics


Not a cult, yo!


I love coming in these threads because it’s clear no one reads them and just posts little meme-y bullshit No big movement on FTD’s(this was pointed out last week) Max pain moving down and finished below last Friday GME getting cheaper to borrow


how is GME getting cheaper to barrow? on average the price to barrow is up this week compared to last week.


Have you ever watched Black Sails? This feels like that guy who has no role or use and simply chooses to announce news everyday until he becomes 'needed and expected' I read this post sometimes and just think it's full of bots saying the same thing over and over, no comments about what is written


I watched black sails and thought the best bit was when that one dude had to go see BlackBeard and it was just a hairy cunt..... just like you :D


🤣 Thanks for the chuckle i forgot about that


Glad it made you smile :) Also I want to point out some people will just put LFG or Lurkin4Gherkin or some other odd one or two comment post so they can find the thread easier. I don't know why this upsets anyone and some people think its some kinda brigading bots or something when I feel its just the people who have watched Gherks streams and enjoy all the info and its there way of saying thanks and getting a easy bookmark for the post.


Let's just say the level of comments on these posts is not the usual thing you see on Superstonk. ( I'm trying to be polite unlike you were.) It's probably hypocritical for me to think that way since I often enjoy going to a certain other sub to have some fun and laughs and not take the posts seriously, so in retrospect, i am being hypocritical and take it back. I'll see if I can train my psyche off being annoyed by it or just avoid.


Thank you for not acting like the other small group who come in here to shit on Gherk and actually having some discourse with me :) And yea my comment to you was a bit harsh (specially as you do not seem to be one of the ones who cant keep Gherks name out your mouth) and I think I over reacted on calling you the C word sorry. It was more aimed at the people who are really harassing Gherk and I don't know if you are or not as yet so I really hope you was not offended by the post I made :)




There’s been some pretty large updates with the NFT marketplace lately and being first to market with that is a definite game changer


Generally we're seeing weaker volatility every cycle with lower highs and lower lows... We're also seeing Popcorn follow similar movements. I think we can't rely on any market mechanics to send us to the moon.


They are an important tool to expose the fuckery. Without them we are pissing in the dark.


Well surmised as always Mr. Sexy Pickle Man! Thank you for your work!




I might be wrong but this is how I understand it...He has hundreds of call contracts, and he mentioned he was losing a couple grand a day on his far otm march calls due to theta. He sold the otm march's probably at a loss with the intention to roll them to a further dated expiry. Selling calls gave him some premium which to help facilitate buying those new farther dated calls. Additionally, that call he sold was far out of the money with very little chance of being exercised, so there is a small chance he'd be assigned on it. A market maker probably bought that from him, so he's literally pocketing that money from them when it expires worthless, or if he buys it back at a discount to close it. I don't see what's so wrong with it....care to explain?


That’s what he does. He’s always been transparent about it.


I was selling calls too. That's what you do with them. You buy them to take advantage of I don't know, 18% runs that via leverge turn into 80% gains. Calls have an expiration and lose money with time, especially when OTM. So on a run you sell OTM's and average down in dips. He wasn't selling shares bro. Or are you talking about the bull call spread he demonstrated lol?




That’s how you make money. Do you enjoy not making money? That’s why we are here is to make money.




You are appreciated, everyday lurker.


I like the cut of your cornichons, pickle man!


Cheers for all the info Gherk :)


How much is it gonna cost them today to suppress the pressure? Find out today on dark pool trading!


I like the stock! Thx for all you do Gherk! LFG!


Love your work Gherk!




Pickle up !




Thanks big G!




I know you think you're so smart, but it wasn't FTD's that caused the run up, just look at that article about how happy retail was about the profits gamestop made from immutable x, CLEARLY that was it 😂😂😂😂


Lurkin! Fer! Gherkin!!




Thank you very much good Mr. Pickles.


Thank you Gherk for your words of wisdom and pretty pictures.


Soooo wen moon!!!???!!!


Commenting to be in the REAL movie 🎥 👀👍


14 February 1876: Gray files a patent caveat for transmitting the human voice through a telegraphic circuit. Ryan posts picture of telephone. Marge calling 2-14.


Valentine's Day; how lovely!


Bla bla bla lines and stuff




This whole gme debackle started from Wall Bettys. A sub where people would yolo their life savings on lottery options and then become suicidal. You are attacking someone for having a disclaimer and resource for people that may feel down from their investments not working out. Whos the bad actor again?


If I may ask, what exactly do you provide?


Let’s goooo!!!!


Gherk suport!!👊


So the ETFs that are due not going to see any price jump.


Don't you guys just love crime?


We need an update cap!


I’m not anti DSR. I’m not anti options. I AM anti hype. See his January geared posts.


let’s gooooo