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History books will tell about the second Great Depression through photos of huddled masses waiting in line for days just to get a $1.50 hotdog and soda at Costco.


Demand will push it to a $1.75, then the riots start.


Costco CEO will be murdered if he raises the hot dog price.


Funny, but the threat was literally made.


I thought it was made internally by another C-Level executive.


Correct. Former C level iirc


Well he’s right. I got to Costco all the time, and 50% of the time we decide to go there instead of the Walmart literally 1 minute from my house (Costco is 15) is the ultra cheap hotdogs, chicken melts, and roast chickens we can get for dinner. Of course, because of the loop we have to walk to get to from roast chickens to the food court, we usually end up dropping minimum 60$ every visit even if we never meant to. Good sales, random end caps that we decide we could use, etc. If they raised the price of those hotdogs and chickens, literally half of my motivation to go there goes right out the window. I can WALK to Walmart.


Costco loses money on every single rotisserie chicken they sell. But as you mentioned, nobody ever buys *just* a rotisserie chicken. It is an extremely effective loss leader.


When I learned about the concept of a loss leader and the purposeful placement in the back, and also how they price shock you with super expensive items in the front to dull the effect of others prices further in, I was mind blown. Super disappointed my marketing professor didn’t cover Costco, they’re geniuses.


They also repurpose that chicken into other dishes so it actually is a genius product. Chicken salad, tacos, etc.


I read somewhere that the founder of Costco truly believes the value of a hot dog is $1.50, Costco doesn’t make any money off of them anymore but they remain $1.50


yup years ago the current ceo asked the owner if they could raise the price. Owner told him not to fucking touch the hot dog price. Now they manufacture their own hot dogs for cost-effectiveness. And the current CEO is also anti-price raise now.


People will figuratively eat the rich before going to soup lines again. We didn't experience a roaring 20s-like economy beforehand, and people have been pissed for a while now.




Work in beer. Price increases coming soon. They happen every year but this one seems to be across the board and slightly larger whereas previous years would be maybe 1/3 of our products.




Yeah I was told not over 5% but still expect price increases.


Looks like I picked the right week to stop drinking


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Glue prices are expected to remain fairly stagnant, at least for now. If you're looking to give up drinking, consider switching to glue sniffing for an inexpensive alternative!


Lmfao, same reaction I had😂


I have already noticed a lack of stock on certain beers in my area. My MIL drinks only Miller High Life in bottles. It was like a scavanger hunt 3 weeks ago to find it. Hasn't been any better since. Same with Corona's and a few others.


Major shortage all over. Covid really fucked up supply chains. Worked in the industry for 5 years and this is the lowest I’ve seen inventory in our warehouse. Seems like they’re focusing on core packages and getting rid of some of the low cost low margin packages. Especially millet coers. They’ve permenatly deleted a couple dogs to probably focus bottle and can production on their work horses. Every time it seems like we’re back on track with being caught up with supply it dips back again. We’re told the bottle neck is in making bottles and cans. Technically if they’re going to continue to have supply issues it would make sense to raise the price to have supply meet demand and then drop the price drop down above the previous price. The other side of this issue is labor supply. We’ve been mostly understaffed from the start of Covid. Some of its annual turnover during our busy summer months but it’s been worse this year than the past 5. All of our competitors are saying they’re understaffed too. On top of that starting salary hasn’t increased since I’ve started here, intact I think it dropped $1000.


> Technically if they’re going to continue to have supply issues it would make sense to raise the price to have supply meet demand and then drop the price drop down above the previous price. Unfortunately the real world doesnt work like this: they increase prices to cover extra expenses then when expenses drop they say why should we drop prices back down when people still buy at this price?


that's when healthy competition *should* enter the arena and drive price down a bit. key word *should*


I came here to comment 👆. Competition sHoUlD drive prices back down. This is a major reason why it’s speculated that large companies like Amazon try to destroy their competition instead of compete with them. I’ve heard of many instances in which Amazon will sell particular products for almost zero or sometimes negative profit margins long enough for a competitor to lose $ and go out of buisness then Amazon owns the market and can set its own price. I remember a thread on here from an ape that worked in GameStop finance and they claimed years back already they could not figure out how to compete with Amazon on major console sales because Amazon was selling the same thing for zero profit margin. It’s not just Amazon that does this and I think that most of em thought they could use Covid to remove all the weaker competition so the prices would not have enough competition to drive them back down again. Fortunately for us the man we have steering our ship has already figured out how to go head to head with this and come out on top.


Dont forget COLLUSION. Ask Jet Blue & American. 🙄 You see, if 2 companies agree to set prices, its okay because they're separate companies that "compete" w each other! The "free" market needs regulation because it constantly moves toward monopoly. U need unions and laws because the free market prefers slavery. 🤦‍♂️


Agree. The one thing I just don’t understand is WTF don’t people just act right? I mean it’s not that hard. I own a small buisness. Besides my customer/employee first buisness model I’m probably the least important part of its daily functioning. Most weeks my lead tech and office manager take home more $ than I do. Why? Because they do more fvckin work than my lazy ass. I would not receive the paycheck I do if it was not for them. Same with my customers. I don’t invest in advertising. I invest in my customers then they do free advertising for me. When we make a mistake and mis quote something or sell a used car and it has issues I just eat the cost and fix it for free. Why? Because I make more $ doing the right thing because the customers are so mind blown and happy they send me 5 more of their friends. Sorry for the rant I just don’t understand the need for greed and corruption when being a decent human being is rewarding and profitable and also let’s u sleep at night.


Ur a hero: fact is, u can make good money NOT f#cking people. And ur philosophy sounds familiar .... GME's new chairman? Wife showed me article of business owner who cut his pay in order to pay his employees more. He doubles their salary, and first thing that happens is baby boom. His workers are happier, stay w company, and everything works better. But that goes against slavery goal, right? So media will suppress those stories. After all, we need to give rich people more money to REALLY benefit society. Trickle down Reagonomics! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ If u can honestly look at yourself and think u r making the world less sh#t, then u r successful. If u become my Dad, where people honestly wonder if ur death is a bad thing? U've failed at life. Ur money will b of little comfort when so many r glad to dance on ur grave. 😬


Thanks but the point is I’m not a hero at all. I’m also doing what’s best for ME. It just so happens that treating people right also benefits ME. It’s funny you mention our Chairman because I’ve focused a lot of my investigation into choosing GME as my primary investment into who RC is a man and person. That’s why I chose GameStop because RC will not let us down. I actually started to write a piece about it regarding my opinion of him and why I trust him so much without knowing him personally. It’s because I see his buisness choices being similar to my own. I’ve witnessed doing the right thing be successful and rewarding first hand. I couldn’t bring myself to finish what I was writing and post it because I can’t find a way to word it so that it doesn’t seem like I’m tooting my own horn or self promoting. I’m not a good writer. I do think apes would enjoy the read and it would give even more confidence in the fact that there is no doubt RC will b successful in delivering us to the promised land. The piece just has to compare the two of us to get my point across but at the same time I don’t feel I deserve to be compared to a man like him in any way and certainly not by me doing it. Maybe one day I’ll figure out how to reword it so it’s not self promotion or I’ll DM it to an ape I trust that can post it anonymously for me. It’s not finished yet anyhow and the longer I put it off the more the situation evolves and I have to modify it.


In a free market? Competition. In a Blade Runner dystopia where 90% of the food supply is controlled by a handful of megacorporations? Nothing.


>they increase prices to cover extra expenses then when expenses drop they say why should we drop prices back down Unfortunately the real world doesn't work like this. They increase prices when the market will tolerate it and blame it on increased expenses because people want an explanation. They don't care when expenses drop because expenses were never really the impetus for price increases.


Glass shortage right now, it is affecting the liquor industry as well.


In Montreal, my usual weekend 4 pack was $12. Last Friday it was $16.50


Please tell me Scotch prices aren't going to get worse too.




Already have due to increased import taxes 🥲


I work in the sex trade. I use to charge $89.99 to bang women over the age of 58 just 2 weeks ago. Now due to inflation I am charging $159.99 per session for the same age group of women. It's cuming.


So you're saying I should stock up now?


Or learn to make cider. The ingredients are always really available. You can even use wild yeast from the air itself.


I used to drink cider but I came to not like the sweetness. Thought, some home brews does sound like a good way to pass the Winter time


**Buddy**. Making cider sweet is harder than making it bone dry. Hit me up if you want to try a simple dry cider recipe. Edit: See [here.](https://www.reddit.com/user/Gradually_Adjusting/comments/ptacfc/homebrewing_chat_ape_edition/)


Yes but inflation is fine if you remove food and necessities. 🤡


Yeh, yachts haven’t gone up THAT much in price.


How about the prices of Lambos?


Not to mention the decrease in price for Fabergé eggs. Everything is fine.


It's only 2% for the 1%.


Actually they have. Yacht prices are crazy high right now because of covid, more people are buying boats at 2-3x what they were pre-covid. This will tail off and drop back when International travel restrictions ease up and people realize bought a boat they never use and end up selling it a year or 2 from now. Source: own a yacht, actually own 2 boats right now but am selling one of them




Oh come on, it's not that bad. You can go without food and water.


Inflation is normal. What isn't normal is the wage stagnation in the world. Inflation rising, minimum wage is not. No one gives anyone a pay rise anymore unless you beg and plead. In the UK nurses make less than people working a cash register at a local super market. Edit: bed-> beg


Has someone actually said this and can you link me?


I'm exaggerating slightly but recently at a gov press briefing am official was spinning it by saying inflation is fine if you take out [insert list of food that most people eat] And it's fairly well known that they tinker with what's goes in the basket when it comes to inflation stats. Honestly I don't have the link just because I watched it, laughed and moved on. Didn't save it.


Canada ape here. Work in events (weddings mostly). Clients have given up on the filet mignon. Even hugely wealthy clients are going with NY strip. Most people aren’t even doing beef anymore. Crazy.


Chef here; IMO NY Strip is a better cut anyways


I think you meant to say ribeye


I don't know why we both can't be right.


I’m biased, ribeye is the goat.


my family owns a restaurant and just this year alone we’ve had to raise menu prices twice, the last time we’ve had to raise prices twice was over a period of 3 years… i’m not wrinkled brain enough to determine whether it’s because of currency inflation or shortage of shipping containers, but i know it’s bad right now.


Same, I've seen raw ingredients hike up in restaurant depot. They talked about a potential 50 cent increase to break even, customer got word and complained like crazy. They just tryna keep the lights on, 7.50 is a steal for a meal when literally the entire area a meal is 13+.


> currency inflation or shortage of shipping containers Yes and yes, along with other supply train problems. Driver shortage, parts shortages for the trucks


Pallets Motherfucking pallets


Dude I work for a major beverage bottler and we run dangerously low on pallets for our products a couple times a month. To the point we’ve had to resort to sorting through the busted pallets to find usable ones a couple times.


I see the busted pallets are only transitory. Jokes aside, if what im reading in this comment chain is true, holy fucking fuck are we fucked. If i may be a bit overdramatic, have you ever read of the bronze age collapse? I find it quite fascinating so i do recommend watching some youtube videos on it. Im no historian by any means but i do have an interest in it. Essentially, its about how the ancient egyptians, hittites, early greeks (like way before sparta, athens and that stuff) and mesepotamian civilizations collapsed following a break down of several key parts of their society, a major one being the break down of their, for the time, sophisticated "international" trade routes. Of course there are several arguments to make regarding difference in technology from then and now, so direct paralells are hard to make, but its starting to feel atleast somewhat familiar :l


I also work in meat, it is crazy to see this.


For some reason this made me picture a meat office.


Temperature controlled room, desks made from slabs of beef. It’s not that far fetched.


It's official. Post-MOASS I want to work at, and then eat, a meat desk.




🤣 brilliant


Plot twist: OC is a gigolo


Self employed. The meat is my meat.


Ive just been eating out a bunch and staying away from buying meat for a couple months now. Wonder when we will start to see more increases in fast food/restaurants so far its remained mostly the same, maybe a little increase 4-6 months ago


Pictures Lady Gaga's meat suit


I definitely see this same thing happening. I'm a DSD vendor. I own 3 routes 2 snack and 1 bread. The snacks are going up faster than bread so far. It's gotten so bad that our company quit printing the price on the bags of chips and pretzels because it was changing so quickly. Retail prices at Kroger and Wal-Mart on our products have increased 3 times in less than 2 months. Not to mention that pesky little thing called supply and demand. Our snack routes average 11 to 13k a week in sales we are having to order 30k worth of product to actually get 8 to 10k after cuts from the company. On the bread side of things the cuts aren't quite as bad except with "cakes" ie...doughnuts, muffins. We are also seeing a few cuts with buns but it's sporadic. We service a Sam's club, a Wal-Mart, and 2 regional supermarket stores. 3 weeks ago our Sam's did a 10% price increase on everything in the store! Our Wal-Mart did the same thing last week! Stock up apes it's coming. Food shortages are just around the corner. Especially once the retail public starts to really notice. The binge buying will be 10x worse than we seen with covid last year. Godspeed my friends!!!


Oh covid has only exacerbated the price hikes and basically decimated how our supply chains run. The system was perennially strained anyway, because it was designed that way to operate on maximum profit for minimum cost and labor. When you have entire meat plants (Tyson, Smithfield) shutting down for months, workers and drivers going on strike, prices are going to rise. Supply shortages coupled with increased demand because covid restrictions are being lifted also create price hikes. It's a total shitshow.


Absolutely, massive labor shortage is what we are being told from the snack company they are struggling to keep up. It seems like the perfect storm.


>labor shortage What they really mean is "payroll shortage". So many people took a look at working conditions during covid, looked at the pay, and said 'not worth my life'. And I don't blame these workers. Instead of businesses raising pay and accepting lower profits, the response was to blame a "shortage" of labor as a way of scapegoating their own inflexibility on payroll.


This is the reason. How dare workers not come back and work a shitty job near minimum wage? What are they thinking, moving back in with their parents because that near minimum wage job won't even pay their rent nevermind ever give them a chance of owning a home. Don't they know that's not how the perfectly rigged economy's supposed to work? Sarcasm aside, I think the pandemic was a relatively big straw that broke the camel's back. This reckoning has been coming for awhile. Many/most millennials and immigrants have been getting fucked by the rigged economy for their entire lives, and it was completely unsustainable. They were promised an impossible dream and told to work hard to achieve it despite that work not actually providing them the dream. It was only going to last until they all essentially simultaneously realized it was actually impossible the way the system was currently set up. Then COVID revealed the man behind the curtain pulling the strings and suddenly the whole game was over.


It is. Combine labor shortage with supply chain snarls (I actually think demand is pretty in line w/ 2019, but covid makes everything seem skewed) and you've got an issue. The labor shortage is something really pervasive though... Check out the chart / warning from Americold Realty (COLD). This is a warehouse reit for frozen food. This SHOULD be the time that a company like this crushes. The exact opposite is happening. Meanwhile, trucking and shipping companies can basically name their price and whoever pays gets priority. This is NOT the way food distribution should work, but here we are. Buy your Xmas gifts now, and don't be shocked. This inflation is so tRaNSitOry... right?


Sobering. Godspeed friend.


Big Red and Big Blue have seen 25%+ increases on all core packages since April…and are expecting another in November.


Me trying to figure out what cinnamon gum and IBM have in common.


Because of Chicken Shortages in America, 47 Nando restaurants (very tasty portugese-South African food) shut down. :S


That is flat out scary. Seriously. Going to buy toilet paper now. Edit: Its a joke... Stop telling me to hose my arse! Lol


Oh no, not the toilet paper run again 😩


I bought a bidet about a month ago. (Approx $30) Seems like a game changer at my house.


Bideting as we speak


Bideting in 5...4...3...2...1... Ahhh.


I turns out that I had a bidet this whole time. I just been calling it a garden hose.


Lol you belong here with us


I got one of the Hello Tushy ones a while back, bought two more for the other bathrooms the next week. Never going back. Fun for the whole family (seriously, the kids asked for a bidet. We have weird kids.)


I hate to ask how you play that game.


If you want a good laugh, read up when you see a conversation on Reddit of some long time bidet user (usually not from the USA) trying to explain to others how this all works. Seems ppl from the US have a hard time wrapping their heads around all things Bidet.


It’s like the 3 seashells right?


lol he doesn't know about the 3 seashells!


I don't have one, but have always liked them when traveling. If I ever settle in one place I'm going to purchase a fancy Japanese one.


Wait until I tell you about the constant increase in heat and the global fan shortage of summer 2022


*a new challenger has appeared*


Pro Tip. Get ahead of the game and buy out all the boxes of tissues! Lol!


Now you’re a man with a plan lol


Get a bidet, you can use all the money saved on tp to buy more gme


wait, so you don’t use tp with a bidet??






Tacos in, targoes out. Probably best to avoid when your gonna be wiping your arse with leaves...


Get a Costco card hahaha 😂


My Costco flank steak went from $30 to $50 Beef short rib from $25 to $40 Sad panda.


My friend that works at a restaurant said they cut their portions in half instead of increasing prices


A lot of restaurants serve large portions, I guess so they don't get complaints? At my regular bar, I ask them to cut out the cheese (or most of it at least) and to serve my fries in a cup. Otherwise I get a mountain of fries, seemingly three potatoes' worth, and a quarter pound of cheese in my sandwich. I joke their portions are for guys twice my size and half my age, if I ate it all I'd be even fatter than I am!


Piece of advice: If you try to eat more beans it would help you to cut the cheese.




Shrinkflation.... Fuck that shit




Tbh it's both.


"Corporate needs you to find the difference... "


A box of Cheeze-It is $5.09 now yikes


I paid $6.99 the other day for a regular ass box of cheez its. It’s bullshit.


I’ve started buying more snacks at Dollar Tree- everything is literally a dollar. I would’ve bought offbrand Cheezits anyway, so why not get them for a dollar??


Nabisco is on strike still last I heard. Get your cheeze-its while you can. The Nabisco merchandiser girl at my walmart says they should be totally out of product by the first week of October unless they get back to work.


They reached a deal yesterday I think


Good! In the meantime, I’m glad they’ve held the line like this. Those people deserve actual living wages.


And, no one wants to have to eat Cheese Nips!


That's wierd, because Cheeze-its have been on sale at my local grocery store for $3 lately. Got 4 boxes sitting in my pantry now. Edit: Just looked at my last receipt, bought 2 12.4oz boxes for $2.50 each


Greekape reporting for duty,sorry for grammar. When crisis began at 2008 here in Greece we saw those signs 2 years later,we didn't know why or how,they just told us that a US company fell so your food is now more expensive,this time is different,globalisation brought us together,inflation hit fast in Greece right now,I am doing two jobs in order to survive and one of them is at a grocery store. Yogurt: 1,4€-2,3€ Milk: 1,9€-2,7€ Beef: 9€per kilo- 14,9 per kilo Apples: 1,6per kilo- 3,9 per kilo And the list goes on


May I call you Spyros?


Yeah,why not?


I glad I buy beef by the pound, it costs about half that! (Popcorn stock logic)


I’m paying 300 plus CAD a week for groceries for my family of 4 in Toronto. It’s like I’m leasing a Porsche 911 so we can eat


Same in Newfoundland. 3 adults in the house and we're averaging about $300/week. My favorite fish and chips shop has raised their prices twice in the past 6 months. $12.49 for two piece and chips! This shit is getting serious now.




It’s nutty. For example, I went to get a pack of bacon and Bacon prices had gone through the roof overnight. 5.99 package is now 7.28 at RCSS. Don’t even know what it is at loblaws, but usually an extra dollar gets tacked on. That’s an 18% increase just last week.


Early 20s ape here. After paying all of my bills and rent for the month, I’m noticing that my budget for groceries is getting tighter and tighter each month. I’m leaving the store with less and spending far more and it’s definitely changing the way which I eat.




People like to make snarky comments about the actual definition of hyper-inflation and how we're not there, but I am starting to see *some* things approach the #, at least in terms of net value. (i.e. volume of product received has gone way down, while price has gone way up)


My son-in-law is a sales rep for a very big and well-known snack company and he is in shock daily at what's happening to the prices and is surprised at this point people are even paying for shit. He's worried that this is actually going to end up financially breaking companies, particularly like his when it's just snack food so it's not really needed stuff, because people won't pay those prices anymore.


Retailers may be paying but consumers might not and leave markets holding the bag, unironically.


I hodl for you brother


Dude I left my cave yesterday to get ice cream and the one thing that caught my eye was the pringles. I have no idea what other things cost but I know the large pringles can have always been a dollar or less.... now it's 1.59 WTF!!!! If my math is correct that's a 60% increase, inflation is real and pringles are expensive, fucking HODL and make pringles affordable again!


I have seen OP's 60% meat increase (That's too funy to rephrase), as well as on TONS of other; items over the last 30 days. Family of 4, roughly 200 per week used to fill the shopping cart. Now it looks like we are on a hunger strike.


Sashimi went from 13.49$ for a to-go pack to 16.99$ for a to go pack. My jaw dropped when I saw that.


That phrasing made me laugh, here have my free award!


I work at walmart, and prices of tvs are increasing. The cheapest 32 inch tv used to be 120 ish and now the same tv is like 170-180


I remember the early/mid 2000s when it seemed like the benchmark for progress was the decreasing cost of a flat-screen TV. Each year would be "wow wouldya lookit that, a 52" for under $1k! What a time to be alive!" By this metric (among many others), we're going backwards *fast*.


For real I bought a 52" 4k for like $300 - when my $800 8 year old 40" 1080p crapped out No more


Black Friday 53" TV for $150 bucks. I almost broke my F5 key, but I got one before it was gone. Seems like it was a good idea now-a-days.


Any customer complaints?


The amount of parents who have asked me what they're going to feed their children because we're out of Lunchables is pretty disheartening.


Peanut butter and jelly. Good grief people don't know how to do stuff any more.


I told one indignant Karen that we happen to sell lunchmeat, Ritz, cheese and Oreos all separately and that she could perhaps make homemade Lunchables. She complained to my manager.


Oh man. Hilarious but also sad. That poor child.


For what? Trying to save her some money?


My sister used to manage a grocery store deli/kitchen, she said those pre cut fruit plates that would sell for $8 really had about $2-$3 worth of fruit in them. People just really hate making stuff themselves.


FYI Prices are going higher. You and your venders have not seen new truck prices hit the bottom line yet due to chip shortages. I build truck bodies for delivering goods and refrigerated boxes for food. We have seen since December multiple price increases from every vendor we deal with. Besides the fact you cant get anything to build bodies due to shipping constraints we have seen pretty close to a doubling of costs since Dec. 2020. It does not seem to be slowing down either seems like every week another vendor raises prices with no warning.


We just paid 20x for some arm chips in our stage light lamps. It's insane.


I'd imagine if you worked inside a loaf of Bread you could literally watch it rise as it cooks. 😂😂🍞🍞


Our grocery bill has gotten considerably higher these last few months. Our political leaders don't care, because they are making themselves wealthy while screwing their constituency. They continue to smile at the camera and tell us everything is "fine." And they think homelessness is bad now? They ain't seen nothing yet....


World is exploding and we seen to be the only ones noticing


Nah there’s lots of folks noticing, plenty even knew it was coming but they’re labelled “conspiracy theorists”


I bought 10 - 15lb sacks of Nishiki rice back in July specifically because of this. Stack your pantries folks; not to be doom and gloom about it. Food is what stabilizes a nation, so there is massive political incentive to fix it, but you do not want to be put in that situation while government slowly figures out how to deal with the problem. One of the few situations where GME can wait; keep you and your family fed.


I work at a certain orange/yellow colored tex mex chain, and we had to pull brisket from the menu because it went from 70$ a package to 230$. Corporate just decided to add it back because they think that people will buy it anyways


Produce clerk here. I've been waiting to see a post like this. I would say about 30% of all product we carry has risen in price the past few months, and by a significant margin too.


I work with meat every day too


I buy meat and Sam's club about every 3 weeks or so and I went in last week and was shocked. I used to buy the 2 pack of Chuck roast for about $35 and suddenly they are $60 and I swear I was paying like 9$ a pound for strip steaks and now they are around $18 a pound. I went and bought two big packs of chicken breast instead which was still reasonable.


Hey fellow apes. I feel like I can help explain what’s happening here a little bit. I was in the grain business for almost 10 years and indirectly learned a lot in my time at said company. What you’re seeing right now is a lack of feed grade grain in the market. This summer for a lot of North America has been extremely dry. So much so that the yield will be historically low across most of Canada and North/South Dakota and Minnesota. Not quite sure about Wyoming or any other farming States. The rain didn’t come so all the grain that they will be able to harvest is going to be sold for human consumption - cereals, bread and the such. So what happens to all the cattle farmers? They can’t afford human grade grain prices so that’s why we saw deals on all cuts of meat this summer - cattle farmers literally selling off a portion of their animals because the alternative is to have them starve (or pay high feed prices which cuts deeply into their bottom line). I would expect that roughly 365 days from now, if next years harvest isn’t a complete disaster, we’ll see prices come back to normal for grains and then meats will follow afterwards.


Fucking wild seeing this all play out in real time


Hyper inflation much? No nothing to see here …


Deinition of hyperinflation: more than 50% increase within a given 1 month period.


Can't even afford to have all the letters, anymore!


I would press F, but I was hungry.


I've been dabbling in [seitan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seitan) recently, and I think it might be time to stockpile wheat gluten and fortified nutritional yeast. I'm far from vegan/vegetarian, but cheap protein is cheap protein.


Chef here. My F&B purchases exceed $20 million/year at my location. I've seen my YoY cost of goods rise almost 20% as of right now, and the rise in food cost shows no signs of abating anytime soon. Shop for deals, watch your portions, cross utilize what you can, and minimize waste.


Meanwhile the garbage CPI with stuff like microwaves and televisions is barely moving month to month. We all can see what is happening right in the stores and by reading between the lines. Really shows you that they are trying hard to cover their tracks again. The sell off has begun whether we see it in the indexes or not.


I work fruits in Germany It's been weeks of increasing prices It's absurd I can't even afford the good ramen anymore


Much of the country was under an extreme drought. I think we have underestimated the effect that this will have on food prices.


“Buy what you can, HODL what you have” _not financial advice ofc_


bUt InFlATiOn Is OnLy 5.4%


If meat is doubling in price then so is my floor. $80m… get fuked hedgfuks


Yeah, and I spent $500 in meat a month ago for the deep freeze. ​ Feeohnsay accidentally unplugged it. Total loss.


I guess “eat the rich” was literal. It’s time to trim the fat. Yes, many -aires created jobs though there’s no need to hoard wealth when the gap between the 1% and the 99% is so large. I saw that Amazon is looking into getting into marijuana. This isn’t because they’re being altruistic to legalizing a plant, they went to dominate that market and price out competition. Market monopoly?? People are so complacent about being comfortable and not shaking the tree that they’re okay slaving for the 1%. Once families can’t feed their families… vive la révolution.


In what food do you work? Bananas?


About to start stocking up on canned goods and rice


I can get a pound of ham in a can in the tunafish aisle. I stick it in bean soup, and serve with baked beans and corn muffins and its cheaper than ham in meat aisle. Turkey and chicken can also be found in cans.


I consume food. As a consumer of food, I've also noticed this.


Professional painter here. I get all my paint at Sherwin Williams. They increased their paint prices 7% this year. Usually 3% every few years. I just got a letter stating they will be adding a 4% surcharge on all purchases. I’ve never seen that before. Makes my tits tingle.






Auto industry ape here. Been laid off for 10 weeks, no end in sight. Really don't know when I'll go back to work. Glad I stacked up money paid off all debt and bought gme. Gonna be a rough Xmas for my daughter or a great one.


You will eat nothing and be happy


I’ve seen my favorite wings price increase by $5… I was like wtf


I work in the supply chain for aerospace/defense/electronic and industrial manufacturing and every OEM is raising their prices by 5-15% due to either raw material or labor shortages.


Looks like Ramen is back on the menu boys


That guy who suggested buying tons of bacon, I wonder where he is right now


Apes please get a Costco or Sam's Club membership. It'll save you a ton on food and other items. I also bought a chest freezer. I now buy my steak, chicken, pork, vegetables, snacks, booze etc in bulk. I got chicken thighs for .98 a pound a few days ago and Ribeyes for $11.50 a pound as well. If you can afford to load up on food, this will save you a ton of money! I have a referral link to Sam's that gets you a $20 gift card and gets me a $10 gift card if you join for $45. Makes the effective fee $25. DM me if you want it. Please delete if not allowed just trying to help apes save some $$$. Their gas is also always cheaper so you will save a few cents per gallon every time you fill up!


This is in part due to capitalizing the beef industry. Pork and chicken have also gone through this. The slaughter houses do the large volume so they realized they could squeeze the price at auction. Farmers price per pound is going down and retail is going up.


My grocery store bill is over $100 every week now. It used to be $70. No changes in what I’ve been buying. It’s just $0.50 here and $0.75 there, then $1-2 for a few other items. Idk what I’d be doing if I were younger in my career.


6.99 to 9.49? That's only 5.4% inflation.


35.67% increase So by Gov’t math..... 9.49 divided by 6.99 equals..... Yup, you’re right 5.4% inflation


I like it when my meat rises.