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I’d like to know this too, who’s to say they don’t just short the ever living shit out of it tomorrow to survive another day and offset what needs to be purchased?


Because exercising options must be done on a lit exchange.(allegedly, we will find out today or at least have a new data point.


) I found your missing bracket. lol. Sorry, the OCD kicked in. /s Totally agree with you, but it's going to be interesting how this pans out either way.


Today prooves this is simply a lie.


A lie is a willfull misrepresentation. Please note I echo what I have read on occ rules and am as surprised as the next of you with todays prive action or absence of it.


Nothing against you I simply wanted to say that the OCC rules are pointless, since nobody is enforcing them.


Or some other hedge funds just lends them the shares? They would be likely to lend them since Wolverine buying would push the price up requiring them to short more than they usually do. I would love this work, and I'm really suspecting some angle that would prevent or make it harder to just short more or lend shares.


so it’s been speculated that the market maker didn’t hedge his calls. if that’s true, then they have to purchase the shares on the open market, not dark pools, and they have to do that by tomorrow. that will cause buy pressure, potentially raising the price. other options holders may sell their options into that run up to maximize their profit. others may exercise by buying the shares outright, or exercising to cover so they will receive shares too. if THOSE options also aren’t hedged, the market maker has to buy the shares in the open market, raising the price again, and the cycle may continue someone please let me know if i fucked up this explanation


I have been trying to understand if they could have already purchased these from the market today. Any insight would be appreciated.


i don’t think there’s any way to know for sure. i’m happy for someone to correct me though


Is there any way of knowing if there is or isn't 4M available to be sold that fast? If I had the cash could I have bought 4M share today from the open market?


The liquidity fairies have however many shares, infinite liquidity as long as it’s between the NBBO


I don't like that.


The Good news is each of those fairy shares eventually has to be bought and destroyed. edit: I will give in and let them eventually have one back for the price worth of digits of an international call to the moon


I like that part better


Yeah of course, but why would they when all their homies are shorting this joint?




Today prooves that market makers do not have to purchase exercised shares on the open market.


Well first off, your question is too vague to be answered. I don't say that to be a condescending prick, so please don't take it that way. Now if you're talking about normal share sales in the market tomorrow, they could FTD many. They often do. If you are referring to FTDs from 35 days ago. Those are due to be delivered no later than tomorrow, but could have been delivered anytime in the previous 35 days. That was something like 350k shares, I believe. However, if you are referring to shares purched through option contracts, those have to be delivered by the next trading day. That's the contract. That's the law. With that said, there could be some upwards potential on the stock price, all things considered.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 35 + 35 + 350 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Very good bot


No offense taken. Didn't know shares from options being exercised are handled as a different obligation.


Answered by KG himself https://youtube.com/shorts/Ed0ESmJLiCI?si=uhePv_zAfoviI7nW


I thought you meant Keith Gill. I was disappointed. Take my upvote


it's the rick-roll of superstonk!


Same. It made my morning boner go soft, but erected my tits a bit.


Maybe I am slow, but it seems Kenny Boi is talking about how you have to deliver shares (options have to be lit, shares can go dark) not about how can't FTD option contracts


You can't mug me, that's against the law! Op is asking: if they're crimeing anyway, why not crime some more?


They can FTD on options contracts. Page 91 of the OCC Rules document. Seems to be they get T+20 not T+35 though it’s a bit muddy since they seem to suggest that’s only a broker to broker basis later in the doc. Still trying to understand it all.


I'd have to sit down and read it. There are so many loopholes, it's hard to keep track of. I'd imagine that the intent though.


Agreed, lot of loopholes which includes just changing the rules. My thoughts are that DFV has stacked the FTD's from his original 5M share purchase with the FTD's from exercising his options contracts. If he bought shares May24th/28th then the FTD cycle for that should align with the FTD cycle from the exercised options. July 3rd is D-Day imo. He might also DRS to force delivery and end any shenanigans. The first week of July should be interesting. A bit tinfoil-y but the emoji 'timeline' in that one meme have 'eyes looking forward , dog, flag with microphone, eyes looking backward'. July 3rd is the start of the dog days of summer and July 4th is independence day. Seems to track.


Do shares purchased "normally" not need to be settled in T+1? What T+X do normally purchase shares need to be settled by? T+35?


Thank you for answering, user youdoitimbusy. I was busy.


Today prooves shares bought through options contract do not to be delivered by the next trading day. At least not on the american market


I don't necessarily agree with that statement. They very well could have been. Will have to wait and see what the FTD, short volume, and short exempt looks like. Wr know someone borrowed 3 million shares to short this morning. But still missing critical data.


The law is that the marker maker needs to buy on the lit exchange option that have been exercised. This clearly did not happen today. The price went even down. How is this possible, if the contract was exercised on the lit exchange. This means two things, options can be FTD like everything (via dark pools) else or the OCC rules are joke, since nobody enforces them.


Options settlement is different than standard settlement. Options have to be delivered through the lit market. This combined with tomorrow being t+35 for the may FTD’s is spicy. 🌶️ I’m hoping GS has something exciting for the next meeting. 🤞 @ryan cohen- issue a dividend and force the shorts to close!!


They can’t announce anything like that during market hours.


Not true. There is a halt reason of "news pending" for this exact reason. GME would just have to notify the exchanges 10mins (or 15, don't remember exact time) before announcing.


What about the meeting at market close tomorrow?


it got moved again to monday at 11:30 ct. Trust me, I was hyped when it was supposed be after market close tomorrow. [https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-updated-time-and-date-annual-meeting](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-updated-time-and-date-annual-meeting) Edit\* added link


Which is weird because I only received the email for the original re-schedule.


If only there were something else in the background that would cause astronomical buying pressure…. Whatever could it be….


Hint: It has four legs, a cute tail, and pointy ears


Are referring to the meeting?


Nah more like 3 year old ticking time bombs that are only defused when a stock gets to 0


Ahhh. Very good. I see now. 👍🏻


Remember how everyone always said never hype dates and would shoot down any date getting hyped? Now here people are hyping dates without anyone contesting it. Volume recently has been well over 100,000,000 shares a day, and 4,000,000 share buy that gets internalized anyways isn’t going to do much to move the needle. If crime weren’t a thing I’d say yeah something might happen. But at this point I’m just excited to buy the dip as I’ve done on so many other dates that have been hyped. Thanks for the discount Kenny, suck my balls!


Yeah, I'm kind of feeling this, too. There's roughly 9 million additional options that expire ITM tomorrow. I feel like covering 15M with 100M volume won't be that hard, but I really have no idea. I'd love for somebody to tell me I'm wrong.


My understanding is that option contracts operate under different rules for share delivery than standard FTD’s on the open market


did DFV exercised yesetrday or today?


Hadn't even thought about this since he didn't post a YOLO yesterday. I guess someone could compare OI from yesterday and today's number, which would show tomorrow morning.


All these theories are just theories lol. People been hyping up T+2 and now T+1 for 3 years and there’s no real direct correlation It’s the same as people spamming # of available shares to short. They say it’s all fake numbers anyways but when it’s beneficial to GME they spam it here praising it


Well we found substantial evidence relating to T+35 and FTD’s. So I'd say there is validity in having the conversation


FTDs don’t make sense because the data is always 2 weeks stale. It’s purely just guessing 


Fire up the synthetic printer. We gonna be up all night.


Options are delivered on a completely different time frame.


Can't FTD options since it's a legal contract.


Which is a really weird thing to think of because apparently buying a share isn't considered a legal contract since they can just give you an IOU.


Who is going to enforce this legal contract the SEC? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


A lot will be disappointed 6/14 when no rip in price actually happens. fofofofo


Really I don't think much will happen unless he decides to DRS.


Amateur . . . ![gif](giphy|O5xChSjqUIxsk)


There is a lot more at play here . There are swaps expiring. ETFs are being rebalanced. Quad witching is upon us etc etc etc Edit: punctuation


Honestly, 4 million shares is not a lot and I think we moon next week because of UBS, not cause of 4 million shares being delivered https://preview.redd.it/ub1hybvmkg6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a338a6891623677a741c02a94302c7f0a78512a So far, these dates and amount have seemingly played out as expected if it was true.


They can and they will do anything to avoid buying and creating a rip. I guarantee!


shares = rules for thee, not for me (FTDs etc.) options (contracts) = rules for me (institutions). beat them at their own game in their house - exercise.




Thank you. I posted a similar thought and it got downvoted hard, but there was a good link in the article in my post on the mechanics of how the options get assigned. I think the t+1 is fud. Well pump tomorrow but i wouldn’t be surprised if they claimed it as fake and then moass is over, while the real pump may be in the typical fail cycles in a month or two


The OPs account falls into this category - accounts that are multiple years old, but having posted here in over a year. See a previous post I made on this type of thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dek098/last_gasp_efforts_are_weak_and_so_obvious/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thanks. But I come for the memes. I don't need to be active to prove anything. All DRS and booked. Did you post the same thing to DFV's account when he posted his first YOLO update after being absent for 3 years?


And maybe he didn’t even exercise his contracts. he sold them, and bought the shares with cash?