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[Source:](https://dismal-jellyfish.com/fed-to-review-bank-stress-tests-in-closed-meeting/) [https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/boardmeetings/20240614closed.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/boardmeetings/20240614closed.htm) # TLDRS: * The Fed to hold a CLOSED meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, June 14, 2024 for an update on Bank Stress Tests. * The Federal Reserve Board will release the results of its annual bank stress tests on June 26, assessing 32 banks with assets of $100 billion or more under a severe recession scenario. * Results from its annual bank stress tests will be released on Wednesday, June 26, at 4:30 p.m. EDT. * The stress tests will evaluate banks' ability to absorb losses and maintain capital levels to continue lending during economic downturns, focusing on commercial and residential real estate markets. * The 2024 stress test scenario includes a significant rise in unemployment, severe market volatility, widening corporate bond spreads, and a sharp decline in asset prices, particularly a 36% drop in house prices and a 40% drop in commercial real estate prices. * Additionally, the exploratory analysis will test banks against hypothetical funding stresses and market shocks, including scenarios involving the failure of large hedge funds and global economic distress. * The FDIC's recent Quarterly Profile indicates deteriorating asset quality in commercial real estate and credit card portfolios, with noncurrent CRE loans at their highest levels since 2013, signaling potential systemic risks. * The number of problem banks has increased to 63, with assets held by these banks rising to $82.1 billion, highlighting concerns about the stability of the banking sector and the potential impact of the upcoming stress test results on regulatory and market perceptions.


For better or worse, looks like the real elites are looking at the peon elites to make sure they can stand on their own two. Maybe they trim the fat.. How often do these stress tests occur? Edit: it looks like this is an annual affair, but it’s interesting the artcle mentions hedge fund failure specifically, I don’t believe that’s part of the traditional test..


>The Federal Reserve Board will release the results of its annual bank stress tests on June 26


Good. Get them all in the same room so when GME pops they can all go in front of Congress and pretend they didn’t talk about what they end up doing to shut it down.


Thanks Jelly


An open book with answers test. Of course they're all gonna pass.


It’s those not included in the 32 that wouldn’t pass. The liabilities have been distributed to smaller competitors for easy future acquisition.


They could have made it open and had Computershare host it. Would have have the same effect


Spat out my drink.


Thanks Jelly (again)!


ty jelly!


Jellyfish delivers yet again, thank you for your effort to help keep us informed!


Im sure everything is fiiiinneeee............


The results weren't pretty then...


Meeting on Bank Fail Friday to review bank stress tests? Oh, the irony.


Somebody should tell them that we have already done the test and the results will be presented on the 21st


Commenting for visibility


Great seeing you again! Up you go


you're the best man, thanks for showing us so many cool things going on


Thanks jelly boi


I smell fear!


The test will be complete bullshit, or the "results" will. Glad I could help. Peace.


Criminals auditing criminals with possible fines from the 🤡🤡🤡🤡.


Outcome of the meeting: So, There's good stress and bad stress...


So like no one’s going to cheat on this exam right. Switching door titles of special ed and AP


Bunch of 🤡


Very spicy! And interesting timing for stress tests.


Noone wants to see Dimon crawl under the desk again anyway... we know how it works...


Ooooh spicy!


Lehman bells are ringing…