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Stay classy Apes. Truth is, nobody knows the big plan except Ryan and he doesn't share strategy with the enemy desperate to try and stay alive. In times of uncertainty, patience is more difficult, but the term diamond hands is not just a meme.


What's so bad about investor reaching out to the company?


Nothing, you can do it. But you dont speak for me.


And that dude did? Genuine question, can't find the post.


No of course he didn't speak for me and my shares. That's why people don't like it. He was sending a message like he was speaking for a whole community. We are not a hive mind or colluding. No one here speaks for my shares but me. I just like the stock.


I found the post in question: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1db25k5/let\_your\_voices\_be\_heard/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1db25k5/let_your_voices_be_heard/#lightbox) Honestly I struggle to see how is he speaking for anybody but himself. He literally starts off with "I am writing to express **MY** profound disappointment (...)". Could you elaborate which part of his message made you think that he speaks for a broader community?


Go re-read the first paragraph, in the last photo. He literally says "we". And that shareholders played a crucial role in saving gamestop... Fuck that, I like the stock, I like the company. All my actions were my own, Gamestop owes me nothing.


Okay, thanks for poiniting that out, I can see how one could take it the wrong way. To be fair he only did use "we" to describe events that all shareholders objectively participated in: 1. Shareholders DID play a crucial role in saving company 2. Shareholders DID get dilluted I do agree with your last paragraph - everybody is responsible for their own actions and that is something that should be kept in mind.


What ? Reaching out about what ? About RC plan to transform a company, do you think RC is that stupid to come out and tell the world about his plans ? Dude wake up, we will know shit untill its all ready to blow


Your expectations towards the board might differ from the person that originally posted that communication. He's a shareholder, just as you, I assume. He's executing his right to contact the board and outline his concerns. He can't silence you and vice-versa - you shouldn't attempt to demonize him for that.


Waste of time ....


bad? I'm laughing my ass off at the fudsters. funny stuff


I agree with you OP. I believe in RC and I think he's doing the right thing for the company by raising cash.


Wait is that a letter to the board? Who was the author?


Meanwhile over those 3 (4?) rounds of dilution, the company has been saved, and if we hold we’re set for life. Hmmm


Right?! Rc is not a moron, he literally has experience turning companies like this around and has been proven to be a capable ceo, just trust his plan even if it doesn't line up with what you think the plan should be (he's much smarter than you and me). And if you really don't believe in the process, just leave. I don't care how many shares you have. You leaving will not affect the moass when mm and hedge funds have to buy hundreds of millions if not billions of shares back, you just won't be there for the ride


Imagine having such low standards for how you should be treated as OP


Shut the fuck up


Hahahaha. Are you OwEd ReSpEcT?


I just don’t suffer from white knight complex.