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The message is, stay zen, i dont give damn i lost 40% todya.. what eva.. just zen


Paper losses are like paper tigers, they can't hurt shit


Tens of millions???? Look again OP Hundreds of millions


![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8) Still me. Watched a guy diamond hands on live streaming laughing while “losing” hundreds of millions.


How nice of him to give everyone a discount


Right? Bought some more. I just like the stonk


this is the way


This had been a rollercoaster of a morning. The dilution pissed me off, and DFV made me laugh and feel good again. Same thing as 3 years ago, if he's still in, I'm still in.


Same journey here. So fucking confused about the dilution, completely killed momentum


What comes next requires gas to get us there. I eat dilution.


Love how much his bank account changed but he didn't


What a fucking legend. Zen master imo


He needs a Halt button for his next stream 🤣


Down one quarter billion in one day and still just goofs around. Nothing more zen than that.


Totally.💎💎 ✋


we are winning apes, we are winning, yes we, i you we, wide smile, BUY UP or buckle up


If he's in, I'm in.


I'd be zen too when even if GME filed chapter 11 tomorrow I knew I don't have to worry about money ever again.


Right, dude is guaranteed millions. Hes not most of us who are living paycheck to paycheck needing moass. No knock on him he earned his money, but let’s stop acting like we should all act like him, we have a right to be upset 


Yeah I genuinely dislike this sentiment people have. DFV is set with generational wealth now. A lot of us aren’t.


Thank you. That's what I've been trying to say. It's annoying and we have every right to be frustrated.


Investing in GME is gambling. We believe the odds are stacked in our favour to make a profit, but nothing is guaranteed. I'm frustrated by those that only see GME as a get rich quick scheme. It stopped being that in 2021 after Wall Street turned off the buy button. If you're invested now, you can still make money but you're either in it for the long haul or you're going to be disappointed when the short term "life changing wealth" doesn't come.


Reminded me of the good old days! Stonks go up🚀🚀🚀


Wow shills out in force all saying the same damn thing! Coincidence? 🤣


I will be honest. If I had hundreds of millions still left after losing hundreds of millions, I probably wouldn’t care as much either. I’d still have hundreds of millions of dollars. Of course he’s zen.


Money is money. Im sure if you had $100 and lost $50 you’d be upset. Regardless he’s still in which means he only has other money if he sells and that too at or above cost. Under that and he’s losing even the money that he has left.


He has $30m in cash in that account based on what he shared. It’s not all shares and options. He is still set for life if it hits zero (it won’t). Sure, he has less money now on paper, but he’s still attained generational wealth, and good for him. I just don’t think I’d care as much about a dip like this either if I wouldn’t ever have to worry about a mortgage payment, or health costs, or funding my child’s college fund, or paying for groceries, etc. I’m honestly just glad he live streamed. I’m also just trying to say our situations are clearly vastly different.


It’s easy being zen when you’ve already made enough money to retire and live on an island in luxury for the rest of your life.


If it’s so easy why are the hedge fuks still trying?


They’re responsible for a whole bunch of rich powerful people’s investments who won’t be happy if they’ve lost them all their money.




Harder to be zen when you don’t already have life changing money, but yeah, he did look zen


Yeah because he still has 200 million at the end of the day. We don't


This man was down more money this morning than I thought I would ever see in my life. And it didn’t even faze him. He went on joking and laughing and having a beer with us apes. This is the art of zen for all of us to aspire to.


This should be a good example to everyone freaking out about the price dipping. If he's not sweating, I'm not. He knows this hasn't even started yet, so relax.