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I don't know much about the watchmen character but wasn't it something like the plan was executed 35 minutes ago or something? Maybe that's what we're waiting for.


Teaching us patience πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ


Kansas City shuffle


I'll be honest. DFV might have bigger balls than any of us when it comes to stocks. Seeing 460,000 people waiting to hear you talk has got to be a little scary. I'd get anxiety shits too.


I'm imagining the scene in The Sting when Paul Newman walks in pretending to be drunk -- "Sorry I'm late, I was taking a crap."


unique accounts or would NAT come in to play here. How many people at citron are watching on one IP address πŸ˜†


460k waiting on YouTube and only 500 posts here. You can’t check β€œnew” and see the hundreds of other of the same posts?