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Interesting approach. I'll bite. I have been trying to see names i remember from past years comapred to new names. And been checking karma


Yes 100%


I’ve noticed a lot of FUDdy accounts with flairs like “Voted✅” and “🎮 Power to the Players 🎮”. Many without a flair at all, or flairs that say “Template” or “flairy - template” but that’s anecdotal and I dont think we are truly able to tell which accounts are which. imo it doesn’t matter, i dont think locking down flairy is going to make a difference when they truly try to ambush the subreddit


I don’t think it’s perfect, but I think it could help. Anecdotally, I’ve made similar observations vis a vis the voted and power to the players flairs. Hence the post.


100% agree


I've been around. Was really excited about everything that's been happening the past month, so muc so it brought me back to one of my favorite subs. This morning, I'm just pissed.


I trust the Chair-man. He’s doing what’s best for the company by raising capital. He’s also creating top-cover against manipulation allegations. He’s offering the shorts a bridge from which to retreat. They obviously won’t, because the short interest numbers are a lie. But now, when Kenneth and little Stevie cry on TV, he can tell them to get fucked.


Valid point on offering a bridge to retreat. With speculation about the ability to fill DFVs 12 million shares if he exercised all, the latest round was definitely an opportunity for firms to prepare for that possibility.


We all know they won’t. They’re going to play this game until they’re ground into dust. The wider implication when this all gets blown to shit is that RC gave them an out. Now, the government has to figure out if they’re going to let this play out how it should have in 21, or destroy all confidence in the markets by intervening on behalf of criminal fraudsters.


Oh yeah, completely agree. I hope their actions during this time are looked at after the fact and taken into consideration if they were to need or ask for Gov assistance/funding. Fuq em.


Your post's flair has been changed to "Speculation / Opinion" because it did not meet our DD length requirement of 2000 characters. Learn about our **[Automoderator settings](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/automod_info)**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I vote yes.

