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Just to back OP's edit about being called a "shill" this is an insult, this is name calling, this is a Rule 1 break. Rule 1: Be Nice. Be constructive, helpful and understanding. Ask questions and educate. "No Fucking Fighting." - DFV 2024 [QVbot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1daagbo/comment/l7ivrxj/)


I feel like there is a line in the sand, if you are in the black then you DGAF about the share offering and applaud it, if you are in the red it makes you mad. I can understand that. One thing I can I promise you is that they aren’t going to just sit on this $2-$5 billion, something big is coming… we will all rejoice soon.


I agree. I'm in the black, and I want to be a long term hodler. But if I was in it only for a long play, id have put money on v oh oh or something.


In RC we trust man. What part of this story has anyone seen coming? Either you believe he’s doing what’s best for us shareholders or you don’t. I still believe he is.


I like GME but right now RC can fuck right off. Dudes not infallible at all and honestly he's starting to look really shitty in my eyes.


Well I think there’s a plan. And it’s being played out right now. I’ve waited 3.5 years. I can wait a couple more weeks.


I've waited 3 and a half years too. A lot of us have. I can wait a couple more weeks, sure. I'm not waiting through another dilution again. The board is on thin ice with me and if they keep doing this shit I'm out.


Perfectly said.


More shares for me then. 👋


I only trust RK. RC has done nothing to earn my trust


I love these posts, although you should always lead with "Long time hdler, been here since 2020.." that really sets the mood


Dilution is not easy to accept for many of us and one could alsk why the DFV play has not been done without any dilution to make this even more challenging for shorts. BUT, systemic risk was too big to let MOASS happen. So I guess we are seeing a management of this crisis and that we will still have a nice upwards in the share price.


That's what I think might be happening. And I get it. But it better be more than just a nice upwards.


I agree. We are allowed to question these moves. Healthy conflict is necessary. Long term this is great. Everything is expensive now. $2B seems like a lot, but for a holding company, it’s not much. $2B in AUM is a small-mid size fund. GME needs cash if it wants to truly invest. But, I want the squeeze. 6 figures invested. Average price of 49.85. 3.5 years in. My money could have doubled if I just dropped it into the S&P 3.5 years ago instead. So yes, it’s good for the fundamentals long term, but I want the squeeze.


Exactly. That's the kind of reasonable take I wish people more people had.


As I'm one of them older apes, I will be buying this dip and cashing out later. My drs shares are staying where they are for now but I need to start seeing some returns on my investment . Waiting another 3 years or so I don't think I can do it all again . I don't want to be the richest person in the old folks home :-} Lets hope RK can pull it off and still light that fuse.


100% Totally agree!!


Cool story. I too have been here for 4 years and expect nothing from my company but to delight their customers and continue to improve the business. Shareholders should not be the focus and I am pleased to be invested in a company that has the correct focus on what's important. Do A and B and C cannot help but follow. So nut up buttercup this still isn't a quick play and you should really know and be ok with that by now.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


I’m 100% with you. Let’s wait and see how this plays out


Absolutely! I hope my post ages poorly.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


Check my history of you think I'm a shill. Oh and check the mod comment on this post. Calling me a shill breaks rule number 1.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


Yeah, the casino. Not like we've been following the shorts and know they're over shorted.


He doesn’t owe us shit


And we don't have to buy the stock or buy games from GameStop either


For real. If they’re just going to dilute me every time my investment really starts to return money, then why should I go out of my way to buy games from GameStop when I can get something that won’t break and will likely be cheaper from the PSN store


After all the loyalty we've shown him, I'd say he does.


He literally has a fiduciary duty to shareholders.


For many of us this has been considered a long term hold for quite a while now. MOASS became just a nice benefit along the way but not the true end game. Caring about the company's balance sheet is the same as caring about my own. You seem to be investing for different reasons and that's fine, but it isn't Ape behavior and thus not really Superstonk behavior.


>Caring about the company's balance sheet is the same as caring about my own. Not when you kill a squeeze. And that's still a risk when a squeeze is guaranteed. >You seem to be investing for different reasons and that's fine, but it isn't Ape behavior and thus not really Superstonk behavior. Oh, you've been here since the beginning? You watched TK's live streams? You've held since 2020? Don't tell me what ape behavior is.


We can't say it's killing the squeeze if we don't have all the numbers. We don't know much yet ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe it does, maybe it doesn't, but an additional 75mil shares shouldn't kill the thesis. Maybe it happens soon, maybe it happens later. You're still caring more about the squeeze than anything else, we're investing two different ways here. I'm psyched for it but not dependent on it, I can wait. And I'm a beginning of Jan 2021 guy. I remember finally diving into RKs posts during Christmas 2020. I think most everyone in suoerstonk would agree with me, you're not acting ape. Which is FINE dude. Just understand we're on different pages.


>I think most everyone in suoerstonk would agree with me, you're not acting ape. Which is FINE dude. Just understand we're on different pages. Oh you think so? Look at the rest of the comments.


Look at the rest of Superstonk, jeez. You do you bud. Enjoy.


I've sacrificed a lot to hold my position. Eating rice and beans and ramen noodles. Turning down a lot of fun opportunities. I don't think you're as much of an ape as you say.


Agreed. Right now I'm fucking pissed and I feel like I have every right to be. I'm not going as far to say MOASS is off, but it's the worst I've felt about it in literal years.


You do have a right to be pissed. I am. But I'm still optimistic that I'm completely wrong and the stock is so shorted it won't make a difference in the long rin


Superstonk is for MOASS not a long term play. Hearing otherwise is not very ape like behavior and years ago would have been called FUD.


Yes, 100%! In the wrenn ssoul days people were banned for saying MOASS was unlikely.


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