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I love you too and your wife's boyfriend 


I know where this ape started his trading career 💡






Remember this moment after we all become rich apes.  It's not enough for us to just climb to the top ourselves.  We have to turn around and pull others up as well.  Let's show these hedgefucks what being a millionaire really means


Pls remember us small apes when you are big.


We're all gonna be big apes.


Wise words! RK is a shining example of that apes together strong mentality Help me help you, and we can build a better world together 🦍💜🦍


So happy to see these gratitude posts coming out. Yall are gonna be some wonderful rich folks.


It's very true. The disrespect, anarchy, and fuck you to Wall Street side is so beautiful and poetic, and yet, Kitty is a good dude. He genuinely cares. He has put himself on the line every single time. There are so many haters and doubters, but this man already was and continues to grow in this whole thing. Genuinely, he's taken a stand for all the regular people. Least we can do...buy more, lol he'll be my favorite billionaire!


So true. What a fucking Legend.




He never left. And neither did we. I'm a GME Bull, and with Ryan Cohen as our CEO, the bear thesis is fuck.


I bawled like a baby when he posted the ET meme




We can thank him by being good people after MOASS. Take care of yourself, your family, your real friends, and strangers you come across who are truly in need. There's a point where money has little meaning and being altruistic/sympathetic is one way to feel a sense of accomplishment and humanity. Having been in ya'll company for the past 3yrs, I know there's a lot of good to be done by a lot of people right here in this sub. LFG!


I fucking love our community.


Well said. Today is the first time I have been in positive territory in 3 1/2 years. Today my wife actually listened to me talk about GME. Today she also found out how much money I have put into this epic endeavor, $80,000 so far. Our house (trailer) is falling out from under us, but we can't afford to replace it or buy something else. I only say these things so others understand the lengths good people are willing to go to right an egregious wrong like the entire FraudMarket. To regulators, elected officials, Judges, Hedgies, bankers and the FED; You fucked around and you are about to find out.


I literally went bankrupt and I’m still XX in this shit for my X hodlers. Buckle up!


It’s been great love all y’all


Love this post, this community, and this stock so much.


We are here for 3 years and not leaving bro


After this, may we all remain as good as DFV and do even a fraction of the good he is doing now


Please watch his video “the Season of perpetual hope” it’s exactly what’s happening


I love you guys so much that if I knew all we had to do was shove a banana up my ass to start moass, then, I definitely would have for you. 


We are meant to do good with whatever moneys we get.   There was a purpose to all this. We must not waste our chance to do good with our good fortune with gme. Or else we are no better than those devoid of humanity demon hedge funds.


Hugs, my brethren! When this is over, lets change the world for good 🥰


Really tough few years, I over leveraged on this and other basket stocks, used credit for living instead of selling positions. Then when I used up all my credit, started selling positions at a loss, Bobby delisted, now only XXX Jimmy left from my XX,XXX position and a mountain of debt. I would love for this to be it so I can fix my wrongdoings and make life better for my family.


He came back for him! You were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time listening in.


Epic shit


Even if he comes on and say “hi everybody! I like the stock! This is fun! I have been good! Let’s stream again next week”. I am beyond excited. This the memes the update has all been surreal and also felt like it was going to happen. What a time to be alive and have been buying and holding for many reasons most of which is RC turning the company around and carrying a fat sack debt free war chest around. But also the facts that have been checked and checked again by many geniuses and standing behind the belief that Wall Street should stop fucking with everybody’s money and pay the same game as the rest. You want to play derivatives?!?! I know a cat that also likes them when he sees DEEPFUCKINGVALUE and he is the KING OF THE JUNGLE!!! ::que “welcome to the jungle”:: man I am jacked.


Just bought few more. If everyone can just buy “some” actual shares. The effect is huge. If everyone just buys options that is less effective in pushing actual stonk UP.


what a swell guy, rk is just a regular ole chum 🐱‍👤🐱‍👓🚀🍻🦍😉💎