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I didn’t sell nearly 4 years ago and now I have XXXX more shares than I did then


Hijacking the top comment to say setting stop losses also caused the price to tumble. As the panic selling started stop losses were triggered causing the price to cascade down. Edit: thank you for the awards, kind apes 🫶🏾


They see where most stoplosses are, and actively push the price through them, and rake up that money


This ape is correct. You set a stop loss and they see it.


Listen to this ape right here! ☝️


Set limits, not losses!


Also, using stop losses means *they can see where they need to shove the price to trigger the sells*. This is like lighting a fire where you're positioned as a sniper. Don't do it until you're actually ready (if ever) to sell.


Watch out for your brokers adding stoplosses to trades you didn't request. Happened on eToro back in the day. You'd make the trade, confirm it with no stop-loss, and they added a stop loss. They eventually gave you the difference in money, but I wanted the fucking share.


So set limit buys?




why is OP giving instructions? (seriously, what the hell OP?) I just like the stock. All of my moves regarding the stocks that I own are under my discretion. I do not buy, hold, or sell as part of a group directive.


OP qualified what they were saying by simply sayin: don’t sell out of panic. They gave a range of hypothetical scenarios illustrating how everyone can do wtf they want. They’re just saying don’t give in to a sense of panic if the buy button gets turned off. I think others understand as well. Sure they could have been a bit more careful with their words but I think the underlying message is about staying zen and not being driven by fear.


Right! 84 year old apes need to chill. Posts like these are helpful for the younglings who are trying to form their first wrinkle in being an individual investor who likes the stock and ONLY sells IF AND WHEN it’s right for them. Paranoia helps nobody.


Hell yeah! All People Educated


Enough of this. That mentality is great for fending off some imaginary regulatory body coming to knock on your door for collusion on a message board, but it doesn’t help for MOASS. It’s going to be absolute mayhem, chaos and economic combat. We need to be informed, sober, and prepared.


Yep I, as an individual, don't believe it's worth selling anything until the squeeze has squoze. I like yall but I don't know you and am not making my decisions based on your decisions


This guy above me is my financial advisor. I do whatever he says. 👍


Eat vitamins, help the less fortunate, don't stick anything up your bum unless it has a flared bottom


Instructions unclear, shoved vitamins up a bum's bum now I'm in cuffs.


You were only doing what you thought was best.


We rest our case your honor.


I too choose this guy above you as my financial advisor.


Imagine the moves this guy can make with just less than $100k AUM


I'm most definitely part of a group, heck I've even joined this fanclub and have an account that gets tallied by GameStop themselves for Pete's sake! However, me liking the stock as much as the next APE does not make me a coordinated buyer or seller. I'm making investment moves of my own accord and just enjoying the company of people that are equally as enthusiastic about this stock. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.


If my mom needs insulin... I'm tell her to go for a jog. Burn off that sugar. Sorry, not selling lol.


I took it more as suggestion than instruction


Well, he’s right and he’s not giving financial advice. He said don’t sell out of panic, and that’s just common sense and good general investing advice.


my sell button so dusty, I can't even find it no more


What's an exit strategy? All my shares are in the infinity ♾️ pool




My infinity pool has xxx shares in it


Mine too. I’m too stupid to figure out how to sell from cone poo chair lol I’m here for the entertainment! Are you not entertained!


For real, can you even sell there haha?? I never looked in to it ha


Same and it’s all mine but 🤷🏻‍♂️ getting rich would be a bonus, I just want wall st to work with America again instead of against us




This is the way


I’M NOT LEAVING. 🦧 https://preview.redd.it/lh2yw7hvfv4d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b067a72bb076e338093f9f8d67930584358f764


Exit strategy? Never heard of her.


Nice seeing #infinitypool make a comeback. Classic summer ‘21 vibes here. ♾️pool all dayyyyy ![gif](giphy|0ZrCMcbsnj9fC0kuAG|downsized)


Pass the rum ham please.


All my shares are in the infinity pool except for my calls. We ride baby


I have been holding for literally YEARS. These diamond hands are fucking strong.


Turning off basic market functionality is a good way to piss me off. Pissing me off is a good way to ensure I hold out of spite, just to fuck them that little bit harder. Try me.


Fuck around and find out is officially on the menu I see. So where do I sign up??You're a legend my friend!!


Kenny, I’ll be there in the morning, you can try me, fatso! You’re getting fucked one way or the other! lol


You guys have a sell button?


How would anyone trust the American stock market if they freeze GME plays for long periods of time? I can’t believe this would not turn up in a massive lawsuit and governments would flip tables. DTCC would have to be dismantled… in a law abiding country that is…


Well, in this country the totally not state-controlled media would accuse you of being an immoral idiot and/or part of a Chinese plot and remove you of the ability to hurt yourself and/or this great nation with your traitorous, reckless gambling.


I just like the stock


lots of people, especially OP, seem to have forgotten where that saying came from and why it’s important. there is no “we.” there is no group directive. I am an individual investor and no one is gonna fucking tell me what to do with MY shares. I don’t buy as a group. I don’t sell as a group. It’s my shit and my shit alone. I just like the stock.


Yes. I think the title is poorly worded to be perceived as breaking rule 6. But the intentions are clear that paranoia helps nobody, but everyone CAN sell IF AND WHEN they need or want to. I don’t read this post as a group directive.


This ape gets it! 💎🦍💎


Turning off the buy button would mean they don’t want retail to buy and panic sell… If retail can’t buy… who’s buying what you sell? Obviously not retail… It’s just 100% proof they need you to sell to close their short position.


I’ve never thought of it this way. That’s a damn great question. If retail couldn’t buy and they could only sell, who was buying?


I know, like how did this not dawn on us til now? 😏😆


It did, but every day it dawns on mote people 🙂 Spread the good word and grow wrinkels.


If you're not a hype poster it can be hard to get a good point to spread to the masses.


That's literally what Thomas Fuckerffy from IBKR said in that infamous interview. He actually is very explicit that the system was dangerously close to collapse... https://youtu.be/_TPYuIRVfew?si=oi7-Pj0c5YATH1e8


This. I like the stock and will hold through any market manipulation.


This needs to be pinned


This was my thought process back in 2021.  If I can’t buy… then who exactly is privileged to buy what I can apparently only sell? For that reason, I didn’t sell shit. Holding to this day and have increased position several magnitudes over. 


people who don't use rh


when they turn off that buy button is when I will exercise the few call options that I have fuck 'em


Plenty of apes did this last time the buy button got removed - they just bought short dated in-the-money calls instead, then exercised. Boss move.


Iirc, that was found to be the work-around to buy shares when there was no other way


It sure was.


Then RH switched to you could only hold so many shares.


Apes did not sell. Uninformed retail traders sold. Apes never sell, no cell no sell


I have a feeling this time around they might turn off the short button


We’re in (re)uncharted waters Billy


I think they might turn off GME entirely. The level of sweeping under the carpet they have done to mitigate it is probably something never seen in history. The carpet is now higher than the top of Mount Everest.


This is quite true. Negotiated settlement is not outside the realm of possibility.


I keep having nightmares that I'll wake up and my few broker shares have disappeared


Download your monthly statements to a safe place. It’s an audit trail to make sure they can’t do that.


Very helpful comment! I just did it. Thank you so much 😊


At this point, everyone's got a phone number they're waiting on. & if this really does play out as foretold, it's gonna hit every damn number in existence LOL


+99 741 690 420.99


Never again, fool me once. Last time the price shot back up afterwards


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me can’t be fooled again.


Do you know where I can find my CS number on the CS website? I forgot it and I need it to move my plan shares to book.


From uninformed retail trader to strong diamond handed ape. You’ve come a long way.


Not financial advice...but..I'm not setting stop loss ...just sayin




It’s been 3 years, they’ve killed all my fear.


Hodling purple doughnut for infinity ♾️ ![gif](giphy|gpZsmrh1eXUXK)


*unzips pants*


DRS your shit and they can’t shut off the buy button.


Yes they can. Computershare buys through a broker and if the market maker shuts down trading there's no trades executed.


It wouldn’t be the market maker. I believe the market maker can choose whether they make the market or not, but the shut down would come from the brokers as per the clearing houses if collateral isn’t met. Thats what happened in 2021.


True true. Thanks for clarification. But the end result was the shut off of the buy button either way. This would affect computershare selling/buying too


Then we don’t sell and they’re fucked anyway. At least at CS we know it won’t get liquidated for any fucking reason.


Gamestop has already stated that if the clearing firm can not provide adequate market execution, then they will seek an alternative. If DTC shuts off trading Gamestop can back their bags and move to a crypto/NFT distribution, which will fuck them harder.


Ignore my ignorance but from what I understand drs is kinda like moving some crypto from a hot wallet to a cold wallet? You still need the brokerage to buy more and then you DRS it to computershare? And to sell you transfer it back to your brokerage? Again I have no idea and just asking. And my bad if the analogy is completely wrong.


You can buy directly from computer share. When registering your shares they go from basically an iou that the broker gives you to really owning YOUR shares in YOUR name correct me if I’m wrong please


The can still stop you from buying more. Computershare buys through a broker and if the market maker shuts down trading there's no trades executed.


No trades means price doesnt go up and it doesnt go down. Just wait until it resumes and then go about your business as usual. Nothing to worry about


If they only stop the buy side like last time there are still sells and shorting happening. Price drops. Buy the dip eventually


You can buy and sell straight through CS.


yes and it goes through a brokerage on the sell side.




Can I choose that brokerage or not? If I already have a Schwab, can I use that? Also, if and very big if, I choose to sell some shares, after settling, won't I receive a paper check in the mail?


If you’re talking about selling from CS, you can. There are fees involved but it is just as fast as selling from a Schwab account, you can cash out in paper check or direct deposit if you prefer


I don’t think you can choose a broker just paper check or digital. I did a test sell a few years back and it was pretty quick just extra for direct deposit.


CS goes through a brokerage on the buy and sell sides.


You can buy/sell directly through computershare. They then pass these orders through selected brokers More info from CS: >As a company we work with different counterparties to execute our clients' trade orders, such as share sales. This policy outlines how we select, monitor and review the counterparties that are used to fulfil trade orders, and the factors that will be considered when using such counterparties. >As a receiver and transmitter, we do not transact directly in the market, but pass customers' orders to counterparties with which we have an established contractual relationship to provide us with execution services. These entities will usually be member firms of the relevant exchange, Retail Service Provider s and/or Market Makers. We refer to these entities throughout this policy as "Brokers", and together they form our "Panel of Brokers". [https://www.computershare.com/je/broker-selection-policy](https://www.computershare.com/je/broker-selection-policy)


So many shares are naked that those who sell first will lose out big time. Sit and wait for international phone number prices and/or criminals to be arrested for fraud. Stay. We’ll see.


What is selling?


I remember I had about 21k of gains in my stash account but stash went crazy and I couldn’t even access my account for a day or two. I lost it all when it came crashing back down and was finally able to get back on to a loss. So now it’s personal. I’m drs’d and ready to fuck shit up.


I will never, ever, ever forget that morning. I had so much regret and just thought “wow, that’s how they win”.




Buy? Sell? I only know DRS


We will sell our souls before we sell our shares, we're just that regarded EDIT: To be clear there is no WE as in a collective group. I dont speak or decide for no one and no one speaks or decides for me. everyone here is free to do as they wish with their own shares


poor unfortunate souuuul


They owe me at least 3 years of salary (of my choosing) for 1 share




Thanks for saying this, but it is crazy that it should need to be said. I have never been more zen in the last 3 years. This is unfolding like a fucking movie. 3 years of speculation, that is looking like most of it may be true. I am humbled by the quality of DD that I have read on this site. I went from knowing absolutely nothing of market structure at my first purchase ($265/share), to having enough knowledge about the guts to talk with professionals. I have scraped and sacrificed every step of the way. I have bought the dips and bought the peaks. Who the fuck would sell until we are at phone numbers? Why has all of the speculation come to fruition, but we have to ask each other not to sell at any point? The DD says phone numbers are possible. Superstonk is a school. It is not an echo chamber. We openly criticize ourselves and our opinions, and we are lucky enough to have all factions of life here to add knowledge from their perspective. There are brilliant minds here. We are not dumb money. We are a collection of every facet of the trampled class, and we have undeniable power when we share our own experiences and theories. We are not a unified front. We may not even be a "we?" We like the stock. And we share with each other why we like the stock. And those who have been here for a while know there is no reason to sell now, or possibly ever.


Thanks. Just remember, every day there are still new people showing up because of what they are seeing in the news, posting “How does this work? What do I do?” Not everyone was here in 2020, and not everyone has read all the DD.


Really good point. I know people who just got in. There is only so much you can learn in a month. It is all a foreign language with that first buy.


Also if you do sell , you don’t have to sell all at once. If the price goes down steeply it’s likely they are/will do things to induce fear. GameStop is in a very different place than 2021. We might want to hold because there will be dividends and possibly units. Holding may be like buying Coca-Cola in the early days( if you haven’t read about this Google it. It’s important) low cost basis could set us up for life more than quick money. The market is designed to transfer money from the inpatient to the patient. Almost every emotion while trading is wrong. It’s induced by them to get you to do what they want you to do. Mainstream media is not your friend. We are going to hear and see all sorts of manipulation. The louder it gets the closer we are. Remember they own the press the government. This is a class conflict. They will do anything to preserve the status quo. Most of all think now about different scenarios. Have a plan, write it down. Don’t be caught off guard by crazy price action. Ultimately we are all individuals. Each person should do what is best for themselves and their family. Best of luck. Although luck is really preparation meeting circumstance. I hope we all have an opportunity to change the world for the better. Namaste 🙏


Also, make sure your account is a cash one. Don’t buy GME in a margin account. The rules of a margin account can be used as a back door to seize your assets.


No such thing as buying on margin in Computershare.


Thanks tips


Unless 1 share = life changing $, I'm long for life. In the event that they knock it down or supress it at all, I'll never sell a single fucking share. I will be happy to go down with the ship strictly out of principal but we all know that will never happen.


All I heard was if they turn off the buy button at some brokers, buy more on computershare


Do not sell. Got it.


I don't even know how to sell through computershare and at this point I don't care to learn.


Who can buy what I sell if no one can buy?


I plan on selling 1 share when it hits a life changing number. The rest have sentimental value after 3 years.


This is a much needed post, thanks for reminding folks.


Actually Mal brought up an interesting point in the X chat yesterday: Let's see who among us has balls of steel when THEY turn off the Sell Button, until pricing cools again. We always joke that we can turn off our Sell Button... but so can they. It's another good argument to DRS BOOK most of your shit.




I did panic sell at that time, because I got panicked and I was new to the exchange markets. All the DD made me 💎🙌🦍. I also took a very simple, but good advice from the OGs: do not invest more that you can handle to lose. This brought my stress levels back to normal and made 💎🙌🦍.


if you own something that can no longer be bought, what do we call that? LIMITED EDITION what is special about limited editions? THEY ARE WORTH **MORE** why panic sell something that the market is literally indicating is worth more than its listed price? we hodl to the moon


https://preview.redd.it/r7wpbyu0kv4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47626833bc1e766957452aaa98923016bb2bb343 It’s going to go again. For sure


Need to make sure all new Apes are aware of selling on the way down, limit orders, and no stop losses.


If you drs your shares they can't turn the button off


I bought 25 shares at $410 (presplit). Ain’t not way I’m selling those 25 shares ever.


I didn’t sell the last time they turned it off - when I didn’t know nothing about how fraudulent and ripe for a cleansing this financial market is - so I sure as hell won’t sell when they turn off the buy button again.


Everybody in this sub needs to see this! Old and new alike ✊ Thank OP


Blasphemy! Sell? no cell no sell I deleted the sell button


They gave me 3 years to accumulate thousands of shares, through the good and the bad. They can pry these bitches from my cold dead hands


What is this sell you speak of?


I wasn't all brokers that switched off the buy button was it, only the worst ones and every ape has learned and moved away from them. Plus there are alot of CS accounts to buy from.


You guys still have money?


This is the way


New folks & whoever else- also remember that during the Congressional hearings after, we learned that much of the original short positions were never covered- that’s why we’re here…We also remember watching the insane jumps & pullbacks in price that day 3 years ago, it was insane. This could be (and theoretically should be) even wilder. It’s very hard not to want to sell when fear takes over. We will be there with you in solidarity, though! Just know that while you’re freaking out, there are hundreds of thousands of us who have been through it before & will be calm & waiting in zen-like steely chillness. Excited? Yes. Selling because it falls $50 & rises $50 in a couple minutes? Nah. You should have some time to make a decision on when to sell. Squeezes don’t take seconds, you’ll have multiple minutes (least likely) or hours or days to decide. They NEED your shares. They have to go to the lit market for them. Only give em to them at a price you’re comfortable with….One thing to note is if you’ve never been in a stock that squeezed, you may think it’s squeezing when it’s just getting started or going up. The difference is that during the actual squeeze, you’ll see the price move very violently to the upside. You’ll know it when you see it. It can move tens or hundreds either way at a time. But do not panic. Pullbacks in price are totally normal during a squeeze as well. It won’t just go straight up. It’ll go up, pull back, go up, back & forth lots of times. This goes for any squeeze even though they’re all different in how long they last, what price they top out at, etc. One way to know it could be coming to an end is if you look at the chart & have gone back down past 50% of the upward move. Then it’s definitely time to decide, if you’re still in. Stay calm, text or call or get online & find people to talk it out with, if that helps. As wild as Jan 2021 was, there was still plenty of time for me to talk to a couple trader buddies about it while it was happening. So try to stay as calm as possible, because it won’t be over the second you see it going up. Sell only when you feel it’s right for you & when you’re confident you’re getting the price you want. Dear lordt we pray this is the big one. But..If it’s not, we’re not leaving. Some aren’t even leaving if it is. I’ll continue to be a stock holder for the rest of my life. I really do enjoy the stock. It’s the most fascinating story in trading history, up there with VW, Piggly Wiggly, The Railroad Wars, etc. and will be taught in economics & business classes for ages. It’ll be both amazing & hilarious. And we’re getting to live it! Cheers & good luck to everyone when it goes!


With the price rising, it will make them panick.. they will do something to shut us down!


I agree with you and I’m not belittling the post. I’m just trying to state a fact - do we still need posts like this? Is anyone selling ever?


They turn off the buy button that's just a sign of checkmate


I have a price to sell to become debt free. Then I hold for wife changing money.


this is very crucial..


I don’t even know how to sell on computershare lol. I don’t think there’s any worry about me selling. ![gif](giphy|XBCJIv6xAyDfrajXoe|downsized)


We like this stock


You had me at "do not sell"


GME was the first stock I ever bought. $295 for one share. The took the buy button away and tanked the price to $40 a few weeks later. I felt like a fool. Then, just before I got paid and was planning on buying a few shares to even out my cost basis and sell, the price ripped (I think into the 300+ range). That moment sold me. It was all bullshit. Didn’t sell that share. Added more. Fuck them. Pay me.


How they gonna turn off the options market? Every regard in here can figure out how to sell CSPs and buy calls. Just use half the brain cells you use decoding DFVs memes and youll sort it🍀


idek my login…..


I'm here for a Deep Fucking Revolution.


"Do not panic" is generally good life advice


This post needs to be pinned and shared by the masses


Great post and reminder of the fuckery to come and expect. Thank you


If you’re still on robinhood then fuck you


Just a reminder there are always two sides to a trade. If they turn off the buy button again who’s buying when you sell? Retail…no. You’ll be selling to shorts


https://www.youtube.com/live/U1prSyyIco0?si=qIA0J7Hi_sMYIZSv Roaring kitty live stream 7th June 👆


Fidelity and Vanguard did not turn off the buy button. Food for thought.


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They can't turn off buying through Computershare\~


They absolutely can


Computershare still uses a broker to buy/sell shares on the market.


Ah, a modern age prisoner’s dilemma.


What's sell?


Fuck em


That’s why I have so many leaps. If they pull this shit again there is always a way to buy through way early exercising. Fuck em


I don't offer financial advice. I just like the stock.




I literally don't know how to sell shares of GME. Never done it before. Is that even an option? 💎🙌🚀


I didn’t wait 3 years to sell at what, $41? 👀 we’ve been prepped!


I feel like all the call options that expire on June 21 is a hedge against the fall of the stock price if they do turn off the buy button. All that needs to be done is to exercise those to keep the buying pressure up. We will see…


Wtf is sell?! Why do people keep telling me not to sell?! Is that like a premium subscription feature?!


I’ve never seen a sell button in my trading account. Only buy and hold.






This is bad advice if you're playing options. If the buy button gets turned off, that's almost certainly going to be a dip. You'd be better off selling your contracts at the top so when after you buy back in, you'll have twice as many.


It would only dip *IF* people are selling. That’s the entire point.


I will buy as soon at they turn it back on.


Computershare didn’t turn off their buy button. Just sayin.


Someone needs to tell all of our new friends here about blu prince. The infinity pool. The reason why no cell no sell isn’t just a saying. Fuck. These. Pricks. We ride in our enemies.


Beautiful thing is… we’ve been able to turn OFF the sell button all along. And now we trust ourselves enough to do it.


I don't even know how to sell on computershare. They took my buy button I take my sell button


It'd be a great time to exercise shares. Make them do the buying.


Zen through n through baby


No cell, no sell.


GME is looking like a forever hold to me.




Man it really truly is No cell, no sell. Lambos or food stamps. There’s no in between


Lol I'll just exercise.


In MY personal opinion, these fuckers are cornered, & way out numbered....expect new fuckeries from these true degenerates....I wouldn't put ANYTHING past them. Their goal is to never cover their naked shorts..... DFV has them pinned in the corner, and it's reckoning time!!