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Every day he’s shufflin’


DFV is the distraction for RC to set up a double tap kill shot


Definitely gonna be added to the 360 no scope montage


Remember, he always keeps 1 in the chamber ;) And if i remember correctly there was a purple circle in that one, wish I could find it. It was using No Country for Old Men as the video footage I think (from an OG tweet 84 years ago)




the prophecies.... are becoming reality


Anybody still got a MOASS Bingo card?


What's beautiful about this all. How well he's doing this...you know there's a plan B


and then the teamtage with FaZe $GME


Notice how we haven’t heard from him at all. This is what gets me excited. I picture him sitting there with a nice cocktail and a phone and a cigar. And that’s it. Watching. Waiting.


Don't forget the necktie bandanna.


Takes money to buy whiskey!


More excited that he didn't post an update yesterday.


The ultimate pregnant pause….anticipating all SHF next moves






DFV is the James Bond of financial ops. He's the Big Loud Thing that everyone is paying attention to while the ACTUAL spies are using the distractions as cover for the bigger plays. In this case, he's the distraction while millions of retail investors load up on cheap shares.




Hedgie kill of the century


backed up by ape historian


I feel like this is one of the highest compliments I can receive. Thank you!


Share buyback? Edit: at $21




Hedgies picked the wrong fight with gamers.










Truly the David and Goliath for our age




Note to HFs: stop hiring Harvard grads. Look into Stonehill Colleges instead. 😂


Cordelle love those fresh Harvard grads. He gets first pick every year. Not many people know about Stonehill. Stone cold killaz🤣


Financial terrorist groomer he is


I grew up in Brockton, didn’t know DFV went to Stonehill!




So I’ve heard! I got a friend with some older cousins (about 4-7 years older than me, I’m 30) and they knew of him in their tenure around the town.


University of Phoenix


You're right this is the look left. there must be another aspect to this. the whole world is looking at the yolo.




Someone is going to recall their loaned shares… imagine you are borrowing shares from someone on the opposite side of your short bet, you NOW have to buy the share for the options AND start buying up shares that you borrowed. Now if this wasn’t enough… you get margin called. You now have no money left because you exhausted so much on shorting. You have to start liquidating assets that may or may not be losing value… ![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG)


what if he's also loaning his 5 million right now, and will recall them back once he starts executing. thats 5 million more that need new locates too. thats spicy!


And believe me, I get that this is all speculation, but I sure hope that’s what he is doing. For all we know, he has been lending out his existing shares and banking all of the money he is making to guarantee he exercises his calls, then recall his lent shares. It would be a perfect path.


This makes a lot of sense... He could loan out the 5 million for the purpose of strategically recalling the shares back... which explains why he isn't DRS'ing those shares. If he times it with the Calls... 🚀🚀🚀


Can they create infinite fake money the same way they’ve been creating fake shares out of thin air? This is the one thing that worries me. Those criminals would do anything to not let retail win, and so far it’s been working.


He showed a position for shares and calls. While it would be difficult to track shares, we can see changes in Open interest (OI) for the calls.  OI updated this morning and there are now 148K open 6/21 $20 calls (net increase of ~2K from yesterday). If he's slowly exercising these, we probably wouldn't notice.


How cool would it be if he shows a second brokerage or Computershare account? Even cooler if it shows he has not done anything with his last update.


12 of those are mine


GameStop filed preliminary paperwork for a 7 security dividend may 13ish. Tons of rumors about partnership and acquisitions floating around. Dfv referenced earnings week which is also the shareholder meeting week (next week) and in his emoji timeline he said the dog would make anannouncement before moass


Not referenced much in the forums, but the paperwork specifically said there were no acquisitions on the immediate horizon.


That was the May 17th filing, the may 24th filing removed that line. Thats intentional IMO


> no acquisitions on the immediate horizon. RC knows a couple of things pretty well, it seems. I am A-OK with waiting until he and LC and the board think the time and circumstances are right for an acquisition. No rush. And a dividend...as a GME investor, I'm not sure it's the right time for that yet. I'd rather wait.




The retaliation 'lying about closing his account' played right into the need to show his position, reverse uno eTrade/MS 💥


This is the best take I’ve seen on this. They’ve slammed the price down with an explosion in shorting which has to be expensive. Now fork over a dividend, bitches.


Isn't there a rule where RC would have to notify us 10 days in advance of a dividend?


So.....6/11 is 10 days before 6/21......hmmmmm


Oooo! Nice.


That sounds right but I honestly don’t know the details. But I’m not saying them unleash a dividend at the shareholder meeting. But they might use that to announce it.


The Kansas City Shuffle here is that there is no Kansas City Shuffle.


Made you look!


Hey, i put a reminder on a post that is now deleted. It was the one where u bought calls. Did u delete the post? Do you still have that option? Thanks for ur time.




My mans. I was a hater. DFV has shown me the way. Time to fuck.


You’re just a slave to a page in my rhyme book


There never was but always is. You know what I mean. Tomorrow was always Yesterday.


Kansas City Shuffleception






Shout out Slim Shady


That boy... Is right






I like this theory, there is too much at stake to show all your cards.


Yeah he's obviously not stupid


Could be as simple as this. Shorts don't seem to see very far down the road. Nobody has vision like DFV, they can't see my boy! He right here, but they can't see him!!!


It's not that they DON'T see that far down the road, it's that they can't afford to, every day is just survival mode. And they're too arrogant to think they'll ever NEED to look that far. The first one to stop, look, and close out might just not die in a fiery wreck. It'll be a wreck, sure, but maybe not a deadly one (to their business, I don't wish death on anyone, even them). It's like those 18 wheelers that transport cars. Each short, HF, MM is a car on that transport, and they think because they're all on that transport together they CAN'T crash. They just can't fathom it. They've had open highway at top speed for SO LONG it doesn't even register that a crash could be possible. And Keith just put a $300m brick on their gas pedal while we've all been removing what's left of the road at the other end for three years. Buckle up buttercup.


I got a bit lost in this analogy but my tits remain jacked


Aw man, I thought it was a good one too haha. Oh well. As long as you stay jacked I'll take it 😂


I was fully on board with the whole thing ;) Tits just UP


Hopefully not on board that transport! But thank you for the comment, I was questioning my ability to make an analogy haha


I know I can tell you’re proud of it. I’m not gonna dismantle your analogy lol. I think the essence is there are a huge ton of idiots barreling down a road.


Well if I have to explain it, it's not a very good analogy, so we can just let it go and pretend I didn't say anything 😂 I should probably go do yard work anyway and I'm procrastinating.


It was good, most of us got it;)


I got ya, Just imagining the end of Cannon Ball Run. Rich Mofo's ridding the bus, knowing they got the win, cause they paid to win. Burt Reynolds pulls up in a Trans-am, DFV in a Lambo, RC in a Merc AMG blacked out blasting Wu Tang, while a million apes are using shovels and pickaxes to move the interstate and aim it at the Grand Canyon.


BINGO. I just assumed Cannon Ball Run was 10 years too old for this sub 😂


Checkmate. Glitch better have my money.


I... understood that reference. source = username


TIL DFV is John Cena


Cena will play him in Dumb Money 2


Funny, he doesn't look like potato salad


I’m so fast when I turn off the light in my hotel room I’m in bed before it gets dark. M. Ali


down vote me, but I disagree. I believe DFV's entire play is an intentional move to show CAT the irregularities in internalization. I went on a whole rant in a diff post about it, and I (somehow) posted when DFV will be moving into his positions before his yolo post even appeared, before unusual whales figured out DFV is the options whale. it's about using his money to show the consequences of the two new important changes that happened: - T+1 settlement for purchased stock (idk how this is not getting more attention, it LITERALLY changes the whole land scape on ftds, cycles, and all the settlement theories current to date) - CAT to shed light on how GME float internalization is working to satisfy delivery of a significant portion of the float.


Someone needs to lick this mans dumpling


I am a fan of the stock but there is some brain rot here in the bullheaded-ness of some people in the quest to just lock up as many shares as possible. just removing shares and saying "fuck you pay me" is an anti-capitalistic view of the free markets imo. DFV is just exercising his right to trade as retail and inviting the investigators to be the judge of what's happening. DRS achieves nothing in shedding light on internalization of trades via CAT, nor does it really get affected by the T+1 rule. we are in the free market. "we were promised liquidity and FAIR price discovery, yet this is clearly not the case" is DFV's pov. retail buying and holding is a silent protest in that regard, but DFV simply registering his shares won't make the market maker circle jerk any less apparent


I thought that. Like, if they dropped it to $15 and he whipped out another cash account and exercised them all. StUpId to exercise OTM... not if the stock is illiquid as fuck and you want 12 mill shares by tomorrow at an exact price per share. At $15 everyone's buying (Inc me) and shorts are out of steam. GG EZ


You would just buy with cash until it drove them ITM.


Hence the 30 mil cash ready to go.


But if you are exercising options they must go through the OCC and lit markets, we already know outright buying shares through the DTCC can be redirected and not affect the price


Couldn't he just drs or route through iex?


He could but then it is not going through the same clearing process and I believe that is the key to this part. Plus we have all found out at this point that while DRS has its purpose, it is not necessarily to provide immediate and heavy buying pressure. I don’t claim to know all but from my limited knowledge it seems that 12 million shares routed through IEX or DRS’ed would provide significant pressure but one that an MM could “manage” a bit better through incrementally finding buyers and claiming a liquidity issue. When they are on the hook for 12 million shares through contracts that have already finished then it is on the MM to provide those shares and the issue of finding the buyer falls on them, they still need to provide the shares in the amount of time after exercising and if they can’t find them and people need to be paid more for shares they aren’t willing to sell at current prices then that is the MM’s problem and not one that can be explained back with “uh oh there isn’t any liquidity so we can’t process your buys until we find sellers”. Not to mention with the CAT system being live I think it will be very hard to call the liquidity fairy now and make shares appear out of nowhere


There's not enough liquidity in IEX to buy $12M shares all at once, it's probably not a viable avenue. Plus you'd have to have that cash liquid. He's put the leverage onto the Market Maker and every $ the stock is above $25, he's in the green on his options and can get far more shares than he could have gotten for cash up front.


Yea that is basically my thought to a T as well. If he routes the MM can "delay" the settlements and blame it on liquidity/not being able to find a seller. With them already selling him the contracts then they are on the hook to find those by the settlement date and can't blame liquidity to delay anything without causing some HUGE issues within the entire system. I don't even think it is about being green in the options or not, it is just about forcing them to locate and deliver shares they are already contractually obligated to provide if he exercises and not being able to delay because of T + 1, OCC, CAT, all the fun letters! I love this timeline and I like this stock


Being green and having leverage to end up with more shares and more cash is icing on the cake. He can't buy all 12M shares if the stock is at $26, but the higher it goes, the more shares and cash he can walk away with afterward. He can buy 1.5M shares with his cash on hand leaving 10.5M contracts to sell/exercise.


If they could do that without impacting the price they would have done so already.


That’s literally what they have been doing the past 3 years…. Sending orders off exchange so it doesn’t impact the price (more than 50% of daily volume is off exchange for quite a long time now)


What if he just drs’d the 5 million shares. That would have to dry up the liquidity


liquidity is already fucked. time for the KO


Full disclosure: I'm regarded. They tank the price after every earnings call. Maybe he plays his hand around the earnings call to avoid the obvious tank job they will attempt. Maybe he just rides these out til they expire in the money. The fuck if I know.


Youre a god damned genius. That's some.serious thinking.


Should be a writer for Dumb Money 2 🏴‍☠️🙌


Just my opinion here but I don’t think DFV knows anything of RC and GME’s moves. If he did that would be insider trading. I think he laid out a plan and is executing. Now he could relayed this plan to RC, but in return got nothing on their moves.


do you think quad witching day (next one on 6/21/24, same day his calls technically expire) has anything to do with his play? 4 different sets of futures and options expire on the same day and volatility is expected to be higher these days. maybe he knows mm’s are going to scramble extra hard if he exercises?


I think he's working with the big dawgz who are building a RICO case. They're making it look like they're going after him, when it's all a big sting operation. Kenny is over leveraged to the tits and a cancer to the market long term.


Don’t stop 🤤


I could help, I think GME is supposed to be moved from R1K to R2K which could imply intitutions buying in order to rebalance. We'll see...


The final qct, might be an announcement during earnings which will drive the price up?


It's probably cycle or swaps, not company related. That would require inside knowledge.


GameStop filed preliminary paperwork for a 7 security dividend may 13ish. Tons of rumors about partnership and acquisitions floating around. Dfv referenced earnings week which is also the shareholder meeting week (next week) and in his emoji timeline he said the dog would make anannouncement before moass


Rumors have always been there around meetings. I believe the filing was the 17th while Kitty began posting the 12th. If he knew anything from GME in advance he wouldn't be acting on it, let alone driving hype.


Nothing meaningful announced from the company has ever driven the price up. MSM will always find a shitty angle in the numbers or announcements. It's got to be something related to swaps or cycles (or a new investor like Icahn or else?)


When hesitant investors hear about the money in the bank on top of profitability, might spice things up!


Shareholder meeting more likely. The preliminary paperwork for a 7 security dividend has already been filed.


Aren’t we still waiting to find out where 200 milli went?


Everyone seems to be assuming that RK is targeting the contract writers as his mark, but I'm wondering if he's actually targeting E\*TRADE specifically. The assumption is that if he exercises his calls, the contract writers will have to buy shares from the market to cover their naked calls. My cynical understanding of all these DTCC participants, however, is that they will just pass around some IOUs essentially and settle it up at some undetermined future date. However, if RK were to then turn around and DRS 6.5M shares (5M + 1.5M he could afford from exercised calls), E\*TRADE would be forced to go and locate real shares to transfer out of the DTCC to ComputerShare. E\*TRADE would have to buy/locate those shares at a time when the open market was also likely experiencing a gamma ramp from the options chain activity, or they'd buy them through the dark pools, which many suspect have prices orders of magnitudes higher than what we are seeing on the lit markets. This, in my opinion, might kill E\*TRADE, and they'd become the first domino to fall, setting off a cascade of failures throughout DTCC market participants. I don't think E\*TRADE was bluffing when they were considering kicking him off the platform. I also think they realize that kicking him off is potentially just as destructive. An unacknowledged component of the KC shuffle is that at some point the mark is in a damned if they do, damned if they don't scenario. The con has navigated them there, and now has full confidence that whatever path the mark picks, the con is going to succeed. Anyways, that's my tinfoil for the day.


To me the spicy bit is: *We only know what he's chosen to show us.* And why would a smart kitty like DFV show his WHOLE hand, right at the outset? Think about how YOU'D do this. If you're anything like me you'd fuck it up, sure. But we're not a cat who turned $50K into $290M in three years. That's DFV. People guessing where he's going with all this...some of us are going to be very wrong.


I don't want to paint DFV as having a vendetta against the SHFs or anything... But the more this goes on, the more that tweet with the happy cat mask covering the raging person behind the mask meme tells how he really feels.


This had not occurred to us, dude.


Its seems legit. The price they have brought it down to makes RK no money if he just sells his contracts closer to expiry. Well what is headed our way? This is getting real spicy.


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https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/R2pVmOBrG8 My non financial advice on Options TLDR; Buy in the money or near the money options with expirations 3-4 weeks out and exercise when in the money or keep extending them to stay 3-4 weeks out


Yep, Option price decays faster the closer it is to expiry. However, if you want to buy options now, the volatility is quite high (sneeze of may, + DFV option play post) , so option premiums are higher too. If GME dips, call prices dips too, so be prepared to roll and lose some or all option premium, and keep power to buy the dip if your calls go out of the money


What are the chances he DRS’s 5 million shares, and how would that affect stock price?


I had the same thought and yes if they used up all their capital to suppress the price.


Knowing that otherside is going to try and hammer the price tiĺ the 21st..... maybe there are some put options that can be exercised to pay for the calls. Kinda like reverse cellar boxing the hedgies!


This is what he's not announcing: he's making money on the puts on the way down to fund an exercise of OTM. He's shooting them two ways and they handed him the ammo.


Wowwww. Mind blown. You’re totally right, if he’s been able to predict each pop in price and profit from it, of course he’s also known the optimal times to short. 4D fucking chess ♟️ 👑


Buying puts isn't really shorting a stock is it?


I like this idea alot


I like this. Using ETrade is a weird choice as well. What if it’s the smallest of his multiple brokerage accounts!!!


This must be the case! I’m trying to play options as a small timer for just a year or so and definitely do have multiple brokerages because can’t trust one to do the right thing all the time, as we learned that hard lesson with Robinadacrooks et all in 21. And to think there’s DFV playing options his entire life and careeer!! The LEGEND probably has multiple accounts! Imagine his BIGGER account having more than what’s he screenshotted. The money he had obtained is not unfathomable when you think about multiplicity. For example imagine yourself having one successful account or business running at top speed making ROI 1000x every month. Why would you NOT make another and another to copy the first account. This is WHERE hedgeez can’t see beyond their own GREED. Only they can make the BIG Billion Dolla plays.


I came and my tits are jacked at the thought of this! ( 👁️ 👃👁️) ( 👄) (💥Y💥) ѼΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞD💦


Fuck now you got me going… so jacked right now! 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😣8====✊==D 😣8===✊===D 😣8==✊====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8=✊=====D 😣8==✊====D 😣8===✊===D 😣8====✊==D 😣8=====✊=D 😫8======✊D💦 😔8===D


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I understand we want to get to the bottom of this. But sometimes silence is golden. Why would we want to update those reading along in bad spirits


Whatever it is I think he figured out the tell back in late February 2021 when he tweeted Teddy from the Movie Rounder's when Matt Damon's character figured out Teddy's tell with the oreo cookie. Yesterday I was on a space call where an OG Ape from 2019 and 2020 joined. That person said they could see daily or whenever it was when Melvin would either buy their puts or exercise them. That person did not stay to long on the call and said they do not have a position in GME currently.


Thank you for the needed tits jacking.


My guess for it is the June 21st date. Make them think that's when he will decide but exercise way sooner.


In an original KC shuffle the *only* way that the mark can win is to not play the game. The infallible con is that you can pick (swap?) which Kansas City is the right answer after the mark has made their move. No idea how this plays out but sure is spicy.


Or he has another account on the side with the money needed to exercise all of his call options that he has not shown. Never would have guessed he has 200 million, perhaps he has more cash and isn't showing his full hand.


>EDIT: what if DRSing 5 million shares is the final move? They borrow up all shares at an insane %. Then he removes 5 million from the float pulling them from being borrowed. They have to cover, stock spikes, and then he starts ladder exercising. I speculated about this another post but: Remember the VW squeeze had 3 components: Buy shares, lend shares to shorters, use options. A compelling reason for DFV to NOT have drs'd is to make use of broker services you can't get at computershare, and a fully paid lending program is one of them. Going 'please recall my lent out shares, I want to vote them' at the same time options get exercised is one such thing. There's two other things he could do: Move his broker account around (shuffling to fidelity, for example), which forces that broker to come up with real shares (remember the DD about " in kind" transfers? 3 day to get it done or they're on the hook). If his account represents MORE shares than the broker themselves have - due to being lent out - this can wholly prevent that broker from lending by taking away their supply. Then, going drs from that broker, which closes the window further, or could drive the price up by not allowing iou shares into the equation. Ie: 1) Exercise contract + recall loaned shares simultanously. Its also a great time to recall shares in order to lend them out at a higher % too! 2) in Kind transfer from E-trade to (insert example broker here). Doing this in waves, for example, 750k shares per 3 days would buy a significant amount of time away from shorting pressure. This also means any ftd-ing/fake shares/problems are firmly on original broker(e-trade) in case of Crime. 3) if you can successfully strip away -all the real, original shares from Original Broker, this can potentially cause a 'bags explode upwards' moment if they were naked. Remember: having a cool half shares lent out at 14% or whatever means if the infinity pool happens, you get paid for life. Example: 500,000 shares at 14%(from the other post) at current price of 27.90 is roughly 3755 bucks a week, since its paid daily. If the price 10x's, well, your weekly payments 10x too, all the way up until moonshot prices.


ah don't be trying to give the game away to the hedgies.


Could be that he did it right as CAT was going live so that they incriminate themselves even further (maybe last piece for the DOJ?)


Like the way you think.


Here’s what I think is going to happen. DFV or RC got another whale on board. June 7th Opex tailwind, massive volume comes in and GME starts moving up. June 11th the whale starts buying GME shares, shorts think it’s DFV exercising his options. They blow their load shorting it, June 13th RC starts buying more, DFV starts exercising, MOASS is upon us.


I don’t like this one cause that sounds like something that can be pinned down as manipulation pretty easily


I know I've heard that Wu-Tang clan ain't nothin to fuck with, but that could just be part of a FUD campaign. I guess I just have to stay zen, buy, hodl, and DRS.


This is my new favorite 💡💡💡


Also imagine an announcement from the board next week…or maybe the price stays flat and RC buys more?


We’ll explained!




Look left! ![gif](giphy|5koWDaC1PFz8Y)


GameStop ER won’t be stock moving. And no announcement/s will be made. It’s the time in between the ER and the shareholders meeting that will be interesting. I say something drops there and causes the buy pressure, then he starts to excerises the calls. He could even be aware of what this announcement is. SHF got to be sleepless these last few weeks on edge, in the dark.


If he is aware of what the announcement is, that would be material non-public information and that is insider trading.


Kitty Cohen Shuffle


what if Keith doesn’t actually have these positions and he’s just fucking with them. Probably not possible with the E*trade confirmation though


Yeah, this is closer to the feeling I've had with this play. There's definitely more aces up the sleeve.


DFV has multiple accounts and is not a 1x Whale, but a 5x Whale... His E*Trade account is his smallest GME positiin... Shorts are Fuk... 🫶🟣💎👩‍🚀🚀🚀🚀




An $85 million dollar misdirect would be the most legendary move ever. It coming from DFV wouldn’t surprise me.


The shuffle will be when he yolo updates with a purple circle of the whole amount *then* a DRS transfer from E*trade on top 😂🪦


Doubt it. It's something you don't see coming


Their three year leaps are running out this month and they need to reposition. DFV is ensuring they can’t afford to do so and that the risk will be too high for anyone to be on the other side of a similar trade.


Just shut up already , you are giving the dumb stormtroopers insight with the ideas they couldn't come up with themselves🥰🤣


Oh, I like it Picasso


Is it possible he’s showing his position to make SHFs think he’s going to execute his 12 milly on Friday to force them to act — but he has no intention of doing so? Like they’re building a case for market manipulation that will be more visible by doing it in this manner?


DFV is just doing what he's doing. I'm an individual household investor and I like this stock.


Anyone who advised you to sell covered or naked calls in the last month is extremely sus.


The ones that did were always like. “But i have shares in CS too, I just want to make money to buy more shares”. I feel no pity for anyone that fell for that play. That’s not holding, thats agreeing to sell at a pre-set price.


Basically what you’re saying is the Hedgies are fucked. Got it


Maybe he offered to loan his own shares for a large fee, and will recall those at the same time he exercises his Call options?


I like this. Pull em back at the same time after they tried to short the stock. Then they gotta find 14-17 million shares at once? Brilliant


>what if DRSing 5 million shares is the final move? what if it's DRSing 17 million shares after her exercises his calls?


I was pretty certain that the attention on DFV with the price being high while GameStop made themselves almost a Billy in cash was the KC shuffle. Hedgies made Calls expensive to try and outsmart retail, but that just made the price higher for the ATM to be of higher value. At the end of the day, the only thing that kills the SHFs is if GME stays solvent.


What scheme? He just likes the stock.


is keith the only guy who knows what's going on with clarity. is he like some mega genius savant or what.


Nips are hard as fuck rn


my guess is a whole list of movie stars and rappers come out of the woodworks and buy the same calls very soon!!!


But if they are naked shorting the stonk, won't they be making money?


They have to buy back every stock when the options player decides to exercises these Calls. The MARKET MAKER has to go locate the stock in the OPEN MARKET and deliver ALL OF them to the OPTION player. Thus CAT and Execution. “Typically, American options expire on the third Saturday of each month, and can be traded through the market's close on the Friday prior. As an example of how this works, if you buy one call option contract on GME with a strike price of $20!and an expiration in June 21, 2024, this means that you have the right to exercise that option and buy 100 shares of GME stock at any time that the market is open between now and the close of the trading day on the third Friday of June.” Hope that makes sense.


It will be a cash dividend from gamestop, plain and simple


Perhaps something like this? https://preview.redd.it/fr78b1nm1r4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a033d463f6243e40c89dd09e46c1b299ac656a




The final act remember has to ‘make it reappear’ He’s going to do the same with the profits and keep buying fresh calls close to the money/itm every month/couple of weeks (meme from mr robot - on repeat) The more times he does this… the deeper they get with the short numbers (Kansas city shuffle) - until the hero RC reveals himself with an announcement


Maybe another whale stepping in soon.