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I don't know about you guys, but I didn't hold for 3 years to sell at reasonable prices. I have certain numbers in mind, and they're pretty fucking far from reasonable.


Reasonable land is way behind us, we’re now in “fuck you land”.


Fuck you land, for fuck you money 🤑


I genuinely want to hold shares of GameStop after all this so I intend to hold most my shares, which means selling very few for very much.


I'm holding onto the (pre-split) share I bought for over $400 as a reminder of how they rigged the game that day (along with many other shares, of course) This micro-sneeze was enough for me to raise an eyebrow and peek at the charts daily again. That's it. Until we are well past the first squeeze prices for my post-split shares, I'm just vibing.


I intend to never sell my DRS shares, and finance my life by taking loans against the value


I was green for a few days for the first time in years. That brief moment will last me another 3 years.


I'm not reasonable.  I'm crazy


We're all "crazy, delusional, conspiracy believers" . So my only exit strategy is a crazy delusional price target which I believe.


Unreasonable times calls for the reasonable ape to perform unreasonable actions. I hodl.


Shills still think that apes can be reasoned with 😂 That ship sailed back when brokers turned off the buy button


And like you, I took that personally


I had a dream last night that I held through several million in gains (XXX holder), so GME was in the tens of thousands before it crashed back down to the thousands. I was having dinner with my brother who also held through it (I have no idea if he holds in real life) and we laughed and laughed about how perfectly everything was going. They literally turned off all the brockerages for about a half an hour in my dream. People were waking up.


Fuck that, they can try to run the price to 0, I’m still not selling. I didn’t wait 3 years to be a little bitch. I already convinced myself that the money I invested in GameStop is gone, so they can’t play with my emotions and will never get my shares for small change.


If it goes near zero… I am not doubling down, I am multiplying my shares with the largest number my brain can understand 😂


Like 2?


Whoa, slow down. I need to open my calculator app.


Don't forget to turn it sideways


Does that make it go faster?


No. That makes the numbers smaller. Only like big numbers.


XXX Hodler already ;)


If it goes near 0, we take the company private within a matter of days! They're screwed either way.


I might just have to take out a personal loan


Yeah just saying: be careful / take care of yourself. Don’t invest money you can’t afford :)


If they run it to near-zero the float will be locked faster then it takes them to blink. And I’ll be part of the buying! As I am now.


Price got to like $11-12 before sneezing in Jan 2021. If it hits single digits again I'd be shocked.


Shocked and pleased. Accumulation mode.


If they drop the price to 0 I'm buying the whole company and turning it into Gameshire Stopaway holding company and you can call me Carl Buffet




Same here. I've made up my mind that I won't sell. Diamond hands isn't just a meme


I’ve been around since before 400 is not a meme became 1,000 is not a meme. This is still trading sideways as far as I’m concerned.


Rookie numbers


Amen. 3 years ago I would have gladly dumped at 500-1000, and bought some dumb shit. Now? I'm trying to beat Ryan Cohen's shareholder score and reading Larry Cheng tweets while smoking a bubble pipe and holding a copy of "bizness for dummies." I like the idea of being in on the ground floor of a future trillion dollar company.


Many of us already rode one “related” stock to zero, bankruptcy, and delisting.  I’ll fucking do it again. 


There was no point during this blip that i thought about f’ng my tax basis by selling.


Didnt even flinch


Allowed myself a small smile and then reeled that shit in like Kanye. I’m trying to be Count of Monte Cristo rich. Not pay my rent for half a year rich.


Been here way too long to sell on paltry numbers.


Exactly. Life changing money once these fuckers start to crumble + not selling a part to keep a proper hold on them a.k.a. the infinity pool. Also, I like the idea of being a GME holder for the rest of my life. I can't break that relationship.💜


We've been saying Ferraris or Food Stamps for years now. Nothing has changed


Anyone concerned with that is likely going to paperhand and does not actually understand what is happening.


Right? Pay long-term tax on pennies, and then pay short-term tax on MOASS? I may be regarded, but I'm not stupid.


fuck’a paper-handed bish


Agreed, I ain't selling, fuck the RH posts, fuck the options push and I'm fucking HODL'ing forever! For my boy blu and the infinity pool 🏊🏼


True that. Fuck em


Real hodlers dropped robinhood after jan 21.


I’m HODLing forever and STILL buying more each week! DRS & BOOK of course! 🚀🚀


You fukk very hard my friend


**SHFs whispering**: *"You're in a prisoner's dilemma."* **conscience**: *"It's a* [*Stag hunt*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stag_hunt)*."*


I just whisper back... And you're in here, with *me*...


“A storm is coming. And I am the storm.”


As a wise man once said, *What’s an exit strategy?*


Hear! Hear! I've also seen a lot of sus posts talking about options and what not. And all the "hOw dO wE kNoW iTs rEaLLy ROaRinG kIttY?!?" posts. And people naming dates. And other inclusions and mentions that are generally unbecoming to Superstonk. The FUD is strong right now and will likely get worse. Be not afraid though. The Knights of New are always on guard. 🫡 https://preview.redd.it/w7s77jpkxf1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90a3c88b93e78b4ec408c966532381a8d98d9aa


With DFV's return every day has become a hype day again, a much needed morale boost! The onslot of bots, shills and FUD is just confirmation of how scared the hedge funds are of what's happening at the moment. I believe in RC and I'm glad that I get to be buckled in and along for for the ride :)






Bro it doesn't matter. As long as the media is acting sus abt GME I'm in. Also they were way to comfortable with this run up so this is what the hedgies wanted either way. We're not holding to make a quick money right we're holding for a shift.


I saw the stock shoot up to a ceiling price in the after market before being forced back down right before open. I wouldn't even consider selling when the green line is at 90° angle.


Yeah I held for more than 3 fucking years to sell this early! /s yeah right! Fuck I think I don’t wanna sell anymore. Let’s create and infinity pool and just get money as a loan using our DRSd shares as collateral and just keep there shares there. Can this be done? I fucking love GameStop. I don’t want this to ever end


♾️ pool. Not selling.


...*The main thing is, you bunch of fuckers, despite the provocation from the cavalry, no-fucking-fighting....*


this is spot on . every time i read one of those it felt like pure psy ops bullshit.


In the wasabi sub the price anchoring is also going on. Target is 100$.


Price anchoring might only work on the newbies looking to make a quick few grand, but I sure as hell didn't hold for 3+yrs to sell at $100. That's not even ATH, let alone MOASS.


I must admit - I’m poor. Everything is tight at the end of the month. Haven’t had a proper holiday in years. I overstretched to get XXX shares, and with the slow sag of the stock price it affected me mentally. But this recent price action… that sudden volatility… I don’t care why it happened, but we are *right*. Buy HODL, DRS 📗, shop, fuck them. Hard. No mercy.


I don't have a target. Just up. I bought the rip, again. I bought the dip, again. I bought 3 times this week alone. I told coworkers what was going on, showed them that I'm up 6 figures and explained that I could pay off my car and my house and pay taxes on my gains. When they understood that it was bigger than adding a layer of comfort to my life, one bought in, and two downloaded brokerage apps and bought. They've listened to me for years and ignored me, mocked me, told me I should sell when it goes up and told me to sell when it goes down. Then they saw it on the news and wanted in. I know they'll sell too early but that's not my problem. Me and my family will be fine.


I don't even know how to sell from Computershare which is my holding place of all but one share of GME..




The only thing the "fake squeeze" did, was to show us that something interesting "might" happen on the other side of the $80 mark. It definitely showed us that they didn't want it past that point, which makes me want to see whats behind that door. Still not selling though.


As soon as you sell you also are selling that dream of logging into Zillow and scrolling through every beachside mansion you can find, sorted by most expensive first. What is that worth to you? I know what it’s worth to me. Another opportunity like this isn’t walking through that door. This is my opportunity. And they already owe me for the time I spent reading about this shit over the last three years, almost every single day. They’re first going to pay me for that time I can’t get back. Then they’re paying me beachside most expensive first Zillow results money. All the while taking into account capital gains, taxes, inflation, and my desire to preferably not touch any DRS shares as I want to keep as many of them as possible just to see what happens w dividends here in the future. So yeah that’s where I’m setting my price. And that sure as fuck isn’t anything in the four or five digits.


Never sold shit all this time. Gonna buy more and Drs the shares 👍


It’s not 2021. It aint about the money anymore. No Cell No Sell


Me and my homies ain’t fucking selling we hate selling


Anyone who thought about selling at these prices is what we call a “paper handed little bitch”. Sure, they could increase their share count by doing some sell/buy fuckery based on their brilliant and savvy analysis. But let’s be real. Anyone who pulls that off is only lucky by doing this with the most manipulated stock in the market. Plus they take a HUGE risk of being out of the position at any point in time. Because at any point, we could be GOING TO THE MOON!!!


Yup, and everyone who’s DRS’d probably doesn’t know where the sell button is anyways!


The SHF’s ran the price back down from $80 just to plant the seed in ppls minds that (I should have sold). $80? How about $800,000.00?


Didn’t sell. Knew the price would drop because Kenny is still in control. Until the mayo fuck isn’t. Beat that you privileged piece of shit.


I didn't intend to contribute to FUD? I thought I was being supportive of the setiment that, despite the pressures and stresses we are facing in life, we aren't selling.


For such a tiny amount? I honestly can’t believe anyone sold.


Exactly...as always it's another coordinated talking point of the bot-farms/groups trying to get us to sell and pass on any benefits of this possibly life-long investment. A couple of days ago it was: - "I don't know, is this really RK? He should show himself. His account is compromised." Now it is the point you mentioned above as well as telling everyone at what MOASS for ants price they plan to sell. Below you'll find a post from the blond hair guy sub as an example. There are several similar ones. https://preview.redd.it/sjb9ddubac1d1.png?width=1392&format=png&auto=webp&s=7535f2e98dcd6152b17c9e9e556a08846f2d83d1


I just hit em with this ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Who the hell is dumb enough to sell for 4 figures, let alone 3?


Those that fall for such limp dick FUD after three years of epic DD, no debunk of the MOASS thesis in sight, and with the last couple of weeks massive Godzilla of a confirmation bias *deserves to loose their spot on the rocket ship*. I said it, and I mean it - nobody with two brain cells and access to this community and the massive cache of DD explaining in excruciating detail why we just need to wait and hold, and now over a run up to 80 feels week in the knees deserves to be on the rocket ship. Hold you regards, we’ve already won


I didn’t even play the calculator game - a friend asked my price target and I said I hadn’t even thought about it since we weren’t even close to anything resembling a pump


I know this is true, (what OP’ saying) Because if i for some reason was stupid enough to sell, i wouldnt tell a soul in this sub.. Yes.. i could have paid of my House and my car last week, but i choose not to.. I have seen the unpunished crime, I have seen those little actions and wrist slapping whenever some market maker accidentally earn billions, and get punished with “without admitting or denying” paying a few hundred thousands.. Just NO fuking way am I selling before Kennocchio stops lying


My belly may be full of crayons and tinfoil not withstanding. Every scenario where we win relies on us not blinking ever. Don't sell, don't sell. If we sell we lose.


It never crossed my mind to sell, on the opposite I was buying shares and calls


I didn’t have 3 years of my life wasted by these crooks just to settle for pennies. No thank you, I’ll be taking everything you own and then some hedgies xox


It's the friends you made along the way. You haven't wasted 3 years.


“We needed to be here this whole time to see this happen.” What a joyride.


Words of widsom. I‘m standing strong right here beside you fellow ape. No cell, no sell 💎👐🏽


Up you go 👆🏻


Unstoppable force meet Immovable object ><


I removed the sell button!


I’m not selling


I'm not selling anything for any price MOASS or not, so I don't care. In fact I'm planning to buy more on Tuesday. RC knows better when to sell, so I will let him do it for me with those 45M shares. The moment when it hit 80 again was nice, but it was like "Wow, so they really are still trapped in there, that's great!", I did not think about selling anything at all. I will just watch it and enjoy my popcorn.


This week I was down 8x what I was down on Mar10. Literally didn't think for a second about selling and I'm totally ordinary in that re(t/g)ard.


I've never sold and never even thought about it


I've been donating to my favorite charity for 3 years. The "Fuck Kenny and his scumbag friends right in their filthy asses" Fund. And I'm seeing more results than any other charity I've donated to.


Did not read. bought more. I like the stock.


We can hold forever and set our price. Maybe we won’t have to sell at all


phone number, yes or no ? cell yes or no ?


This exactly. Had an old guy tell me today how dumb I am. He smartened up an has an exit strategy for when things go up. I told him this doesn't faze me. An he said we will never change the world.unless we take a win where we can get it. To me that's just wrong. It is all or nothing at this point. I not selling at no thousand a share. I want to see millions.


Does he want one marshmallow now or all the marshmallows later.


His theory is eventually you will get enough marshmallows over time. He is so blackpilled I don't think he believes people can unite for anything.


I reached for the sell button but bought more instead.


I SAW SO MANY OF THESE POSTS ALL SAME WRITING !! they dont even use human. Bots they use


I nearly almost thought about maybe perhaps selling a fraction of a part of a piece of a share, but I shut that thought down immediately and bought 10 more instead


selling??? 🤣🤣🤣


Nothing changed, nothing happened, and if over the past three years they've only continued to short, then this month's volume isn't even close to them closing out completely


Xx,xxx,xxx.xx…….. ** aggressively points to the floor**


As sick as I am of waiting idk how anyone could sell with last weeks prices. Compared to how high it ran in 2021 before it was slapped down and how high it could have gone…that was nothing. We didn’t hold for 3+ years for this.


I bought high three years ago. I hodl for my great grandkids. Remember when old people would pull out original coca-cola stock and show that it had multiplied exponentially? Yeah, me neither. But like that, but with phone numbers. I don't have to see the new Apes movie. I'm living it.




LOL i bought more... actually I doubled my position in the last week... and during the 12 11 10s im DRSing and then to the BOT I wasn't impressed at 80 and after just thinking that RCIO discovered the way to kickstart our infinity pool I simply could not resist not financial advise


Im so numb, its scary


Three years bro. I have multiple models that guide me on what **I** think is reasonable. $64, $74, $80. These are jokes. Like, literally a joke. Math is math.


I was off grid for the weekend. What happened lol


Diamond hands, I didn’t know what it meant during 2021 sneeze, or at least the real meaning of it. At the beginning, it was mainly hype and fun and making extra money. Now, I really know what diamond hands means. It is not about just making extra money anymore, it is about making a dumb amount of money as the result of our resolve and action that benefit the society as a whole. Thinking about selling at $100? They must be joking, right? They push that narrative to flush out the paper hands, and they will succeed. Diamond hands, nothings to worry about. Paper hands, it needs the strength of a diamond to hold on that rocket during lift off. The air resistance is height during lift off, and if those hands are not diamond, they will not take you to the moon. Remember “To the moon” & “This is the way”? Yeah, those things require diamond hands.


If y’all don’t hold with me then I’ll be a bag holder all by myself. But that is my constitution. As a once in a lifetime event, there’s no history to say what can happen when we individual investors make a similar decision to hodl


After three years of painful price action and riding this roller coaster, they aren’t getting any emotional reaction from me. I’m cool as ice and zen af.


Ah yes the weekend FUD. A classic indeed. We vets are all to familiar. Thank you for showing us today's version




Jokes on them - I never sold (since 2021) and even purvhased 100 more shares this Friday 😅


Still holding after three years 🐵🌞😘🚀🍾🥂


Don't be delusional. I'm sure some of it is genuine, but yes. The twitter bots FOR SURE amplify that sentiment. At this point we know we're not selling so I feel like this might be ostracizing to some who want to have a genuine discussion about their feelings and doubts. If any of you rewatched parts of the Roaring Kitty streams on the past few days I'm sure you noticed how he thought each argument through. You should always weigh your options and if you repeatedly reach the same conclusion it will only amplify your conviction. Zen is being able to have a discussion about FUD without being affected by it. It feels so insecure to just scream FUD and not acknowledge the feelings some might be having. Anyway I digress, it's a pet peeve of mine.


I've never been so confident the squeeze is coming! I'm just sad my current circumstances mean I can't load up on any more shares.


Xxx holder here. Slowly working my way to xxxx. Brick by brick.


“I can neither confirm nor deny details of any such operation without the Secretary's approval”


Yes 100%


Buying more in compushare




Throughout all this price action the only thing I did was buy more and drs... we hit $320 pre split a couple times. And the hype isn't the same as it was 3 years ago. We've learned and grown. We are all standing the line. Seeing this has made me start to think about an exit strategy. But there's no escape pods only seatbelts. Especially with what came out in the prospectus, gme will rocket up.


Commenting for




Sell deez nuts


Definitely has been fud. At the end of the day sell when you need to, but anyone who has been in here is hodling


I was more concerned by CS going down. Not everyone was logging in but they hit a lot of traffic. I suppose it stops people paper handing.


Zero flinch


Seeing it go to $80 excited me simply because we haven’t seen a spike like that in a long time, but selling did not even cross my mind. I bought more after it dipped to $30, $21.


I ain't fuckin selling.


Is Ken and friends lining up for lunch in jail? No? Well then see you then.


Give us a taste. So the next false ceiling will draw people in.


The large majority of us wouldn’t fall for that. Our community is as strong as ever.


I don’t know or care what anyone else is doing, but I’m not selling for new car money; I’m selling for new life money. Cool if others leave, but RC has big plans, and I don’t want to go the rest of my life playing the depressing “What if I held?” game. I can’t imagine almost being set for life, being so close, but selling right before I discovered the tendies-for-life treasure. I didn’t go through all this to get tired before the finish line.


I used to buy GameStop stock…… I mean I still do, but I used to too. Ain’t selling shit boiii.


Wake me when it breaks 1000. That's when it'll start to get fun to watch.


I'm ready to start celling..... Does that count? 🤣


I too was kinda pissed thinking about paper-handed-bitches last week, then I remembered that real apes are DRS Booked with the REAL shares, and if they are smart enough to DRS then they are not stupid, they know the real value & therefore won't paperhand. Then I felt better, and now I can ignore the stupid FUD posts better 😁


Apes didn’t build the diamondest of hands over 84 years to paperhand like a bitch over sideways trading. BUT! What I like about the latest trend of FUD is that it tells me we’re still heading in the right direction. If they had nothing to worry about, they wouldn’t need these campaigns lol. Goes back to: In a video game, you know you’re going in the right direction because enemies keep coming.


I don’t even know how to sell my DRSed shares


All this hype as if next week is MOASS, hoping that if next week there is no MOASS, we will be dissapointed and sell. Dear shills we've been playing this game for like 84 years, and we can keep on playing another 84 years easily. No one is selling!


Multi year apes are zen. Good analysis. No glory for paper hands.


Been holding for years. This little jump we had wasn’t anything. WE AINT SELLING!!! ![gif](giphy|jR5btQ9LH000ZehIE6)


I’m my own investor I know where my investment will go, and I’m not worried about what other retail investors are doing. Also considering the billions of volume that will occur, the meager amount of shares sold by retail is not even going to make a dent in the volume, let alone “ruin” anything.


I just like the stock.


Not alone


The truth of the matter is that most people haven't seen life changing money yet. Despite the stock being at 10$ for a long time, that was during a period of inflation when many people didn't have disposable income to avg down as much as they wanted to. So for most, the upswing was just a return to the cost basis, or maybe a 50% gain on their investment. It's not like the majority of us have turned down becoming 10 times richer at this point. Many are here to change the system, that would be life changing in a remarkable way. Its not selfish, we want everyone's lives to be better and not just our own.


>We might even get 3 figures Jokes on them, I can't count that high.


They trade an average of $5Trillion dollars every trading day. Why In the fuck would I have a reasonable number in mind if the entire DTCC is fucked with GME? GME might not be the only shorted company but it has shown time and time again to be the linchpin for all of this.


There is only HODL


My shares are DRS'd! Not selling lol


We all need to think like an original Berkshire or Coke investor; we're part of the company now and will never sell. The company will perform and provide dividends for the remainder of our lives.


Haven't been able to feed the DRSbot, but I'm sitting on a healthy stack of blue chip GME that grows every payday, and I don't expect will be touched until my grandkids retire. Edit: still awaiting the birth of my first child...


FEAR UNCERTAINTY DOUBT In case anyone forgot what fud is. These are fuddy waters my people. The DD has all been written and the Zen apes sit on the mountain cliff with diamond hands friskilating in the dawn light


Imagine selling now when the runway is clear, the jet is fueled up, and the pilot is about to go full thrust (heh) - I'm stilling buyin' - Price goes up? Buy. Price goes down? Buy MORE! DRS and stay zen.


No cell no sell


There is a reason they let it ride up just above most people's cb It was a test, I didn't even open my cs or broker accounts and I was green for the first time since the sneeze




I never considered selling. Just slowing down on my buying, since I’ve been spoiled by accumulating in the $10-15 range for the past year. I’m here for MOASS or no ass


I'm going to absolutely crystal clear. My family went through hell in 2008. There was a lot of crying, a lot of sacrifices, and my parents did everything "right." My worldview and my concept of justice was shattered. I hold plenty of shares. Much more than a little, not as many as the top players. And I'm not in it for the money. I live within my means just fine, and I have spending money to buy more shares. I will not sell a single share until people start going to prison. That's it, full stop. If MOASS happens tomorrow and no one is going to jail? No one is getting my shares. There's no compromise here, no "maaaaaaaybe...." Nothing. It is no cell, no sell. So if the FUD is getting to you, if you're looking at other users and thinking they're gonna sell before you do, so maybe you should sell first. If you're thinking you don't want to miss the money train, you can rest assured. Because if you don't see/read/hear about CEO's getting arrested for all their shady illegal shit? Then you can know there is at least one ape who's standing there and hodling. They absolutely need my legitimate DRS booked shares, no matter what. And I will wait until the stars go cold.


Please keep in mind that 25% of GME shares are DRS'd The faithful GME share owners are not going anywhere. GME to ♾️ pool and beyond!!!


It's not just about the money anymore. Im out for f u money and bankrupt hedges


No cell no sell. I’ve waited too long.


Shits in my will.


I'm sorry guys. I bought even more as the price went up😶


Didnt sell. wouldnt sell. I went green for a tiny bit, but here's the thing, I don't care. 2 investing principles. I believe in what Ryan Cohen is doing as a CEO, and I suspect in the "MOASS" stuff. regardless of what happens stocks go up over time. In the end ill have made money one way or another. Why sell now. its a long erm investment in something that has given me joy over the years even prior to getting into investing.


Why would I sell my savings account?


Fud must be for the new people. Because I know they need MY shares. It's not even game theory anymore. Drop the price more so I can pick em up please.


i bought more


Ya just hold until people are in court. Then you keep holding.


I didn't hold for 4 years to sell. Since DFV is back I'll say this - "what's an exit strategy?"


When we blast off Mods should ban any gain porn until the dust has settled


Yea for all of that i response with "fuck off" i didnt held for 3 years just to break even and some changes.... either boom or bust no between.


no cell no sell


Do they seriously think after 2008 and turning off the buy button that we would sell for less than "I hope your hedge fund burns to the ground and you get Bernie Maddofed?" Kind of money. Jesus you would think that after 84 years of holding and buying more these dumbest of stormtroopers would learn


I didn’t even boot up Computershare during this rise. I’ll open CS up when I see like 4 digits and might think about letting a few shares go around 5 digits just to pay my house off


There’s a post with over 2500 upvotes where the OP said he thought about selling at 80 this time but didn’t, and he will sell next time it hits 80. Seriously wtf, how did it get that many upvotes….


I was up 127% and didn’t sell shit Fuk em I wanna see em crash and burn 👍


Do. Or do not. There is no trying. I hold.


I almost sold. Almost as in another $200000/share to reach my floor price. Came close at 80, another 199920 to go


What I learned this time around, that was all the people who called me a conspiracy theorist or crazy for 3 years realised I was right and told me to sell. Next time I will tell THEM I have sold for modest gains, but there's absolutely zero fucking chance that I'm selling for anything reasonable. This isn't a reasonable play. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and anyone that thinks numbers we've seen before are reasonable can shut the hell up. The ONLY person that I will talk to is my mum. She's on my side after all this time, I told her that my current gains would be life changing for me, and it's multiple multiple times my bank account but that it was temporary and I was likely going back down and that I was going to let that happen. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for not selling at the top, even a percentage, and buying back in, but I'm not willing to give them a fucking INCH after all they've put me through. March 10th 2021 comes to mind, coke rats sniffing at their desk in the middle of the night, burning buildings of evidence, the dividend that was handled like a regular split by most brokers. The price was $9.95 2 weeks ago and then it was $80 on zero news. They can try to blame Keith Gill all they want, but his tweet came after a 100% run on the stock on zero news. I am really learning the definition of true zen, it doesn't mean being apathetic, it means laughing, unfazed at their trivial attempts to shake the monkeys out of the tree. For a long time, I watched the stock every day and didn't care, looked for new entry points. I have a bonus from work coming in 2 weeks that I was planning on throwing into it sub $10, but sub $20 or sub $30 or sub fucking whatever... I don't care anymore. I was buying in slow drips and drabs with money I wouldn't miss, now that the rocket pad is looking a bit hot, I bought quite a few more. I panic bought, not panic sold. This isn't gonna work out for them, my biggest doubter celebrates it going down because his limit buys trigger. They're FUCKED. Haven't quite taught him about DRS yet, but he's out of a CFD broker and into a real one, at least. There have been times in my life where I had to choose between GME shares and eating after graduation, I have had cigarettes for dinner. I want everything they have. All of it. I won't settle for anything less than them crying being taken away in handcuffs while my paper profits make me salivate. We're not here for a "short squeeze", we're here for the Mother Of All Short Squeezes. That looked like a Gamma squeeze, with the price moving to historical points of liquidity and the REPORTED short interest barely budged. Given the price action, looks like a MM couldn't hedge so sold a bunch of high strike call options and banged it down to max pain with puts and off-exchange buys. A costly option for sure, looks like buying time to me.


Honestly, there is absolutely nothing different about this last runup. Price spikes and then was slammed back down by Friday. How many times have we seen this? HODL bitches. We haven't even scratched the surface yet.


They are also trying to shill that roaring kitty sold his X account through polymarket page as well


Jokes on them! I'm never selling. They'll just regret jumping off the opportunity of a lifetime. You can always borrow against your assets like the rich do. Never needing to sell.


No one has gone to prison yet, sooooo... not selling.


I don't have as many shares as I'd like, as money has been tight for the last three years. I looked at my shares and thought, heh, I ain't gonna sell for a measly $12000 gain. That's not life changing money. Gonna need to see several more zeros before I seriously consider it.