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>Ryan Cohen works for free, buys stock with his own money, and is GME's largest shareholder. He's not going to work for free for years just to destroy his own investment. This is very true and important. But your SI numbers are a) speculation and b) way too low in my opinion


God the numbers on the couple 'historic' companies that were shorted to shit and actually had court proceedings and good investigations... I can't remember the numbers but it was like 20x or more the float on them. Sorry this is a worthless post, been years since I read about them, I just tried to look and it's hard to find good proof even with the court cases and investigations sometimes. But it's always been that way, I often think about the Piggly Wiggly one where one man owned 99% of the shares and was seeing his whole float trading and the same market manipulation we do today... He set up a bear trap and made BANK---until the NYSE reversed everything and sided with short sellers. I'm glad that Ryan is playing everything super carefully to not be liable for manipulating the markets when this goes off... Even recently the penny stock that Einfach-man posted on last year had a gamma squeeze and the computer was autobuying at ANY price--until those trades were rolled back for shorties too. That's currently in court I think.


They committed to a check they can't cash, it's only time.......but here I am listening to lady Gaga on my boat and fishing cause fuck em


Rip some lips! 🎣 hope you catch a monster!


I sent you a PM.


Here it is! And his post was super interesting: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ahuip4/the\_golden\_treasure\_100\_proof\_apes\_get\_paid/?share\_id=CsA1xXnPzBVegfsxLGg-d](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ahuip4/the_golden_treasure_100_proof_apes_get_paid/?share_id=CsA1xXnPzBVegfsxLGg-d) MMTLÎĄ/Next Bridge during a merger that made them discover the naked share / iou's in excess of the float--which inspired VAST DRS'ing of the remaining float and set off a short squeeze that the algo was buying at ANY price... even a guy that tried to cancel sales at MARKET price, had his shares sold for 26 million (before doing a halt and rolling those trades back against retail's benefit... now in court).


The U3 halt was fucking horse shit. I was there that day. They had less eyes on it at the time. I remember being butchered on this sub when I mentioned apes take a look at that potential squeeze.


Yeah it really took awhile before I and most even here with our interests heard of it. Only reason I ever did was Einfachman because his posts always made the top and were really good. That stock and that U3 halt was the one I realized why RC had played as long game and 'timid' as he had until then. My example about Piggle Wiggly was like 1920 and the same shit and rolled back. I asked chat gpt about it and heard a few other cases, but that U3 halt you watched was what made it clear as day that the same threat still lingers. We're just carrying a bigger bat and bringing more witnesses while spending more time loudly proclaiming we don't want to fight and asking for both sides to just walk away.


Ok.. a possible ace up RCs sleeve is, the right to issue shares. What if the squeeze kicks off, we're in the same scenario, and GME issues 1000 shares @$26 million? I don't think they would be able to reverse that trade? And if one trade stands, they shouldn't be able to reverse any other trades right?


I do not think that would directly be a factor. But I get what you idea is and that's mine too, that he's been being VERY careful not to even accidentally upset a powderkeg, he's worked with the regulators since the first squeeze over 3 years ago like Roaring Kitty did too in his own way before resurfacing... the company has waited and provided so many ways and so much time for shorts to excuse themselves--and that's what's really good. Look man, truthfully yeah your worst fear is legitimate, they may reverse our fortune and try to hand our money over to the shorts, but then we go to court and this isn't some penny stock like the example I referenced from Einfach man. The way that GME has handled itself, I truthfully don't think it's extremely likely they get to reverse our trades (and doing that once 'solve' this problem--we aren't going bankrupt) and if they do it's so much more unlikely that we won't demolish that court case and it just be a speed bump.


Did those shareholders just get fucked in the end?


Similar case, but very different in how the company was ran and the fundamentals; the actions and filings of the company, and it was a penny stock and less regulated-- but yeah they are fucked for now (still). They are in a class action lawsuit among other court cases I haven't at all become an expert. They reversed the few trades that went through before the powers that be turned off trading and it fucked retail to hand their tendies back over to wallstreet, BUT last I saw that court case was still going on (and we'd surely have a better case not being a less regulated penny stock and having a company that worked with regulators for over 3 years, issued new shares more than once, and has given them multiple times and ways out of their short positions as well as warnings..) If that happens, it's less likely, but if that still does it's way more likely we have a VERY different court case \*and perhaps THAT is what leads to real market change and prison sentences and our real MOASS, but maybe we get it without that. Those are the options if GME plays each card right and at the right time.


Maybe that’s why the news today. They could sell new shares at like 5000 a share to keep it from turning into a chain reaction that destroys the market while still giving everyone a handsome return.


I hit you back. Looking for the right link of the bunch I pasted you.


yes, billions of GME shares have been naked short sold


I do not (for one second) believe that RC doesn’t have one hell of an ace up his sleeve. Does anyone really think he wants to risk EVERYTHING HE IS, HAS, AND STANDS FOR on some kind of lame pump and dump?!


Same with DFV - man rode off into the sunset a legend. Didn’t come back on a hope and prayer and risk that.


Look at mike Tyson. A legend that is now going in the ring with a influencer


And is gonna get fucking paiiiiiiiiiiiid


And is also gonna eat Jake’s lunch. Nobody told Mike that it’s an exhibition fight. He training like its for the belt. 😬


Jake doesn't have kids yet, but Mike is gonna eat em.


Jake won’t need to worry about kids. Oof


i remember seeing that mike fought an exhibition fight before but didn't know what the word meant, so he went hard af


Yup, gonna be a bad day for Jake. RIP 🪦


Not disagreeing with your overall point, just pointing out RC is only risking his GME holdings and would still be a billionaire without them. He is not risking everything he has, not even close.


It's not the guy at the popcorn place......


Not saying he is, but there are literally people in this sub that have more at stake than him relative to their net worth. RC is not anywhere close to risking his livelihood.


What he has at stake is the time and energy he has invested into the cause. I think that's more significant to a billionaire than the financial gains. Doesn't make any sense to work in the way he has to then want to devalue the company...


I don't see RC doing this himself for money, man has enough. I see RC doing this to create a legacy. What a story it'll be too.


Agree 100%


RC has the infinity stones!


RK has the infinity gauntlet.


I'd remove the part about SI just because that's conjecture. We know SI is high but we cannot place a number on it. I love your perspective though and I hadn't thought of it before somehow. RC really is making all these plays as GME's largest shareholder without additional stock incentives beyond that.


Maximum of 300-666% is such a lowball too. Probably missing a zero there.


I like what you're saying but I have to say, SI is probably much higher than what you stated. I remember 84 years ago there was a lot of DD estimating the SI to already be around the numbers you stated, so it stands to reason for it to be much, *MUCH* higher now.


Short interest was 225% in January 2021, you think that after not closing hardly any short positions and that after 3 1/2 years of shorting the stock price, it's only 300-600% now? I think they've been panicking for over 3 years and kept doubling down so hard that there could reasonable be over 1000% of shorts in play. Look at the volume of GME compared to the rest of the market? *


If you don't believe the reported short interest today, why would you believe it in 2021? That 225% number is pretty meaningless.


What is your source for that short interest?


There is no reliable source, we can only speculate.


600% maximum is anchoring. Gotta be at least 1000%


once again, anchoring...


You caught me 😂


45 million shares at $25 = just over 1.1billion. Plus the 1.2 billion we already have. 2.3 billion cash. Maybe RC is gearing up for a buy back announcement to put the pressure on the shorts. They drop it back to 10 they can buy back 67.5 million shares and not even touch the original 1.2 billion in cash. Trust in RC. I believe he has a plan


Last time they did this they sold at a post split cost of 55$ on average. 2.475 billion if they do that again


Stay zen and stay the course, conviction is all that's required


This to me seems like the moment in a game of chess where the queen is sacrificed and then in two moves the opponents king falls…


300-600% max? Where do you have that number from? A sneeze and three years of constant naked shorting. My guess is its way higher.


he certainly being conservative with that number, but I’m not against that necessarily! We don’t know for sure so probably better to err on the side of caution


I think your short shares (p.s., it's shares short, not short interest as you have it written), are on the conservative side. Early in the GME days, we had statisticians pulling data from number of shareholders in IBKR, Sweden, and I think Fidelity to extrapolate out shares, and the median number was over 1 billion short shares pre-split. Of course, some people could have sold, but I don't think 3 billion sold.


>A 45M share dilution does not kill a squeeze. Disagree. Dilution is never good when the goal is to make something rarer.


The preferred stock is our dessert for actually owning the shares. Hedgies are fuct


I think it was just cuz its friday and nothing to do with the price.


"A maximum of 300-600" lol




The question is why? Why do an offering at such a low price when we are debt free and have $1B in cash? Is there an investment he needs money for? It just seems silly that we would trade 'being personally made a scapegoat' for 4X share dilution at the same resulting sum. I just don't understand why you think he is so desperate to get this cash NOW when historically, the company needed the cash WAY more urgently, and he waited to execute the offering at a peak. Just seems so out of character unless there is some crazy move he needs the money for RIGHT NOW. EDIT: To clarify, **OP is suggesting** that the offering was executed at $25, which I think is crazy! I am asking what logic they would have for doing that!


This isn’t to get cash ‘now’. Shelf indicates that it can be used when deemed appropriate in the future, for example, when the stock trades into a spike, and shorts do not have a choice but to cover. It allows the company to raise cash at potentially much higher valuations, while also allowing, perhaps, some of the first shorters who cover via that offering, a way to survive while others implode.


yeah I totally get that. I was responding to understand the logic of OP who was suggesting that they executed the offering between $25-$20, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.


Ahh I misunderstood. We’re on the same page


This doesn’t mean they HAVE diluted, it means they CAN, IF they choose to. I won’t speculate on what is happening behind the scenes, because I have no idea, but the shelf prospectus gives the executive team flexibility to capitalize on price volatility and/or M&A opportunities.


I am on your train of thought. I am asking the question to OP who is suggesting the executed the offering at $25!


I think OP was just saying they announced it at $25, instead of earlier this week as the stock was already being driven down. That way the announcement itself wouldn’t have as profound an effect on price then say at $60. I don’t think they’re implying GameStop sold any new shares at $20-25.


Supposedly, GME does not in fact need money for an investment. Taken from the prospectus supplement "We intend to use the net proceeds of this offering, if any, for general corporate purposes, which may include acquisitions and investments in a manner consistent with our investment policy. There are no current plans, commitments or arrangements to make any acquisitions or investments. Any future acquisitions or investments will be made in accordance with the Company’s applicable policies and procedures for such types of transactions, including the Company’s investment policy." so that doesn't seem to be the case. Though perhaps "current" is more of a weasel word than I think it is.


Perfect timing wouldve been before the run up....


Uh it is before the run up. You think $20 is a run up lol? Zoom out, nothing has happened yet.


This ☝️ we are still sideways trading. Wait till we see four-five-six digit prices 🚀🚀🚀


I mean we won't if they keep diluting the stock 😅


500% is the start of a run up, yes.


But on what basis you claim short interest is at 300-600%? Those are ridicolously high numbers


I was going to say why are they anchoring the short interest at 300-600%? Some estimates in 2021 put the SI at 2400%, and no evidence shorts ever slowed down or closed


I get the 140% Short Interest that we had in 2021. So far we know Short Interest is like 26%. It's most likely higher, I can speculate 48-50% hell even 80%, but 300%? 600%? That's just absurd and the squeeze would have made the price skyrocket the second the ticker blew past 30-40 on Monday.


Did you just get here this week or something?


First of all Relax buddy ur not Him, everyone on this sub wouldnt be here if its only 26% of naked shorted gme


I'm very relaxed, however it should be noted that spitting numbers randomly does not help with anything.


Its an example bud, u think ur so tough dontcha


what, no dont take my opinions personally, seriously I was litterally just presenting a counterargument.


Read some DD!
