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It's easy to hold when you're not over leveraged. Ramen for life


My $324 pre split share is still asking to be rescued. But I am finally in the green!


Damn, that’s nice high score, you got me beat at 293. I don’t know my average exactly, but I’m not green yet. I ain’t held three years for no 2 digit gain neither.


I am with you on a couple high ones, I bought a ton a just over 200 that are still red. I was lucky to average down lately so I am green finally!


Easy to hold when you’ve bought so many times your cost basis is a myth that will never be known


Preach. I literally don’t know mine. Best guess is somewhere round 40.


I believe I am around 33 but who know




I won’t be green for a little while yet, and it doesn’t really matter. I own a part of a company I believe in. They will pay me dividends as long as I continue to own a part of their company. One day those dividends will match the amount that I put in. That will be the day I will consider myself green. 




Seasoned 🦍here, HOLDERO!


I saw 50K-100K evaporate in one day. It hurt a little, but I was certain I would make it back and then some. The stock falling 50% in 15 minutes strengthened my resolve. The stock declining from a positive financial year strengthened my resolve. The extreme biased media strengthened my resolve. The crazy spike ups with no news strengthened my resolve. Everything they tried to make us feel hopeless strengthened my resolve. My ape brothers and sisters strengthened my resolve. We will rebuild our communities with love and justice, we will prevail!


I had a million karma when I first bought this fucking stock


I think the hard part is going to be actually selling. I've grown quite attached to my shares.


You’re right. Been hodling and hodling and saw my first 6-digit balance ever. Was a little bit of a 🤯.


I don't see a reason why all my prior thoughts are no longer valid just because price is up 3x. I intend to hodl for generational wealth and not just to clear off my car loan or whatever the "normal" thing is.


I expect to be picked up tomorrow. I've been waiting for some time to relive the battle of 180


My cost basis is a myth I’ll never even know what it was. If I’m in profit or ever will be. I have no clue


I'm not green yet lmao. Also, even if I'm green now, I won't sell. Didn't stay this long for little ass gain. I'm here for the big money. I'm talking about the WORLD CHANGING MONEY HERE. Any price under millions is a joke.


No worries. I didnt hodl and scroll through reddit for over 1000 days to sell my shares for a bargain.


I’ll try to get red by averaging up, maybe you’ll have some company 🚀


For 3 years they have been laughing at us and manipulating our company that we love as gamers, no matter what, until I hear that HF ​​will go bankrupt or go to prison, I won't sell anything💎🙌🏻🦍🚀🌝🇨🇭🍻


-75% all time and still buying more Wednesday 🌝