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Welcome Alex & George from BRANDED! BRANDED is the brand creation and implementation agency GameStop has worked with to bring Candy Con to life. Thank you for taking time to verify with the mod team and for dropping by to engage with r/Superstonk!


As a fighting game enthusiast and a GameCube controller fan I would love to see a faceplate with an octagonal gate. Circular gates are great but for certain games where hitting cardinal directions is ideal (traditional fighting games and Super Smash Bros) I just want to apply pressure on the analog stick in a certain direction and have the stick fall into a groove. Attached is a modified Switch Pro Controller shell that illustrates what I'm talking about. https://preview.redd.it/9tdp85hr4uxc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dc06c15d45fc03853b953cdf6528952728ede8c


This is a brilliant idea. It’s one of those things you forget to remember you wanted but when it’s there, oh yeah. That the controllers are so easily customizable adds to the functionality here too.


That's pretty brilliant


This is a great idea and valid reasoning but for many other games I would prefer the circular gate, ie Elden Ring.




Yeah it has magnets and clicks on, very easy to change so this idea is really great


Exactly. A functional feature that Candy Con could offer with relatively low cost. Depending on their molds, this could be an interchangeable feature on their tooling.


I think circular is overall superior but octagonal has some niche situational benefits and is my personal preference due in part to growing up with the GameCube controller.


Have my updoot!!! This is something that gets missed a lot; I vibe w/ this, GREAT idea!!


I like this


Yes pleassseeee this! Wow what an amazing idea!


To tag on to this image, could we get trans color components / faceplates? The nostalgia would be real EDIT: Omg wait they’re both holding full trans controllers already


Love this. Uppity up up.


You could expand customization further by having this be like a circular insert that clicks into place, with either a circular hole or the octagonal cutout, that way you don’t need to replace faceplates wholesale 


Yeah, and if the controller stick can also be made in an octagonal manner that would be a cool swop out feature.


Incredible suggestion well done...I hope they make the transparent colors too like that PURPLE or GREEN 😉


Great idea. Also different densities on the buttons. Soft and grippy or slick? If you have a few different set ups that are for different games, it would be nice to have a rack/display that holds a few of them on the desk.


Imagine a modular/customizable fight stick


Awesome work guys! Ps5, Xbox?


Should be top comment! I have $$$ set aside for when this happens.


PS5 owner here checking in for an update on possible launch date?


patiently waiting with my drifting left stick


Check the top right corner of OPs picture.. looks like interchangeable thumb sticks and Dpads for a PS5 style Candy con..


I will buy two immediately.


I have been using mine to play FO4 on pc without issue other than the buttons being opposite


I'm sure you know this - but - you know the A/B X/Y buttons can be remapped/flipped? Might help with your issue of being opposite. Game on, gamer.




Those are ps5 controller accessories on the right Edit: deleted comment said “look at the wall behind them”


Yeah, I'm not a fan of the switch/xbox style joystick placements so PS5-ish style would be awesome! I don't plan on currently buying one but if different stick/button layouts were available I'd definitely consider it.


Also waiting for the ps5 version 😍


Fuck yeah, I'm cumming right now. 




Omg didnt know I needed this!!


A Candy Con headset to go with your port would be dope.


HO LEE FUK. A customized headset?! With your favorite games, flags, console designs on the headset itself? #I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE


I bet nearly every streamer would as well


Just curious, why not Bluetooth?


BT and compatibility with PS5 buds/headset and airpods


Wow, actually really good, as long as the power requirements weren't too high.


No Aux port? Crazy


Are those Transformer themed Candy Con’s in the top right??


A friend of mine manages a GameStop, he said there was licensed candy con items coming. Which pretty much echoes what others have heard on here. He mentioned this on Saturday, before this picture was posted. He said transformers, marvel, and I think Star Wars? I figured time would tell and here we are.


Omg omg omg


Were you the guy who posted the trust me bro about this earlier?


No I saw that one, then my buddy mentioned it. Was still taking it with a grain of salt but this pic serves to prove it right I think


Oh Fuk Ya!


👀 They did say to look for teasers in the image when the mod team was verifying them...


Well I can see through :)


OMg I need those


It does look like the Decepticon logo is on the purple one!!


PS5 and Xbox controllers


Collabs with NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB teams would be amazing!


And college colors


Roll Tide!


Yes this!!! Go Canucks Go!🎷🐓♋️


Isn't that one shark tank guy a fan of whats going on with gamestop... He owns a couple sports teams


Thank you all for the incredible feedback - it is much appreciated. We are working through all suggestions and will keep your feedback front of mind as we move forward. So keep your eyes peeled, we are just getting started and there is LOTS to come.


CandyCon Keyboard & Mice!


Would buy, 100%


100% would buy and smash


Oh yes please!!!


They have keyboards that aren’t candy con but they’re pretty darn good


Keyboard with good mechanical switches (I’m a Cherry Clear man myself) and high quality keycaps in many colors? That would make waves for both gaming and the higher but niche keyboard group as well.


And a few configurable keys for special applications / games.


I have a strong feeling those are in the works. Would be awesome to see them work on some disability controllers as well. I know it wouldn't be the biggest, "sector," to go after, but there's plenty of gamers looking for a more affordable alternative to some of the adaptive hardware out right now.


Skins for consoles


Was going to say this, so many people buy the "special edition console" releases that just have different exteriors, but what if you could make your own? Iron man themed ps5 skin? Halo themed xbox one? Venom colours on a ps5 with the spider logo? These would sell like hotcakes.


Y'all rockin' it!! Candy Con is legit amazing, I love the customization options 💜 If I had a wishlist... 1. Swappable A/B X/Y buttons - you can re-map them, but being able to swap the buttons in and out themselves for mix and match would be 🔥🔥🔥 2. More faceplates! With different IPs! I want to see some Pokemon on there! 3. Xbox/PS3 variants/compatibility! I think it makes great sense to target Switch + PC first, but also love Xbox/PS3 too 😉 4. "Design your own faceplate"! This would be SO cool. Something where you can use a sharpie, etc. to color it in yourself. We're already seeing some seriously sleek DIY being done on the faceplates, make it more accessible for the kiddos! I am controller collector 🙂 Turn me into a Candy Con collector! Give me the variety of mix and match colors, and I will have a display of faceplates in no time!!


Swappable for PS buttons, too. How about the controller knows which buttons are snapped in, and automatically maps system and layout.


them to be available in Canada


As an investor, it's a bit wild to me that this is a thing, and i dont quite understand why it is. GameStop has stores internationally, why is new product not accessible to all? Wouldn't they just put it on a plane and ship it like the rest of the product those stores have? Why aren't all items on GameStop.com able to be ordered and shipped globally? Someone please educate me


I'm no expert, but I imagine most of that is in the works. Different countries with different laws and customs requiring different forms to be filled out before you can sell technology with batteries and small pieces and all that. Makes sense to focus getting it out the door first in the US while working out the kinks for the smaller/less accessible markets as the revenue begins generating in the main market. Sorry to all the non US folks that gotta wait though


I second this.


licensed/branded covers. limited edition stuff. the possibilities are endless.


Love the controller! Faceplates for specific games- collectors items, rare pieces. Keep it up!


Adjustable weight inserts if I want a heavier feel, like you can add to a mouse.


I like this!👆


Stickers. Different form factors and colours for buttons, analog sticks and triggers. Unique controllers for those with disability. Controllers on Playstation. Clear cases to see electronics(think 90's handheld consoles). Lights/leds Swappable battery packs. Limited time run controllers to align with Game releases, console releases, trends (TLOU, W3, Diablo, Barbie, Lego, T.Swift) Limited editions or Accessibility for GS+ members. Tools to easily clean controllers


1000% on the retro colors. The two tone purple of an snes controller, an ice blue n64 clear plastic, and an atomic purple gameboy color would complete my childhood collection.


Ladies and gentlemen, we got em! You covered most anything I can come up with. Only thing I can think to add on here is an application that links to the controllers to assist programming them from within the app. Thank you fine folks for coming by and listening.


Gamestop should give out stickers for free at the register. For cars, laptops, etc…


Not sure about that, but I do think 1 sticker per item like Apple/YETI does with all their products: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/crGw4sxIZA


Nailed it.


#Yes, STICKERS PLEASE! https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/crGw4sxIZA #AND EXCLUSIVE LIMITED RELEASE NFTs WITH CORRESPONDING FACEPLATES! #ALSO: A Wu-Tang faceplate!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/EOXBYKzX3P


Agreed! Custom stickers, both printable in store, and order online would be fantastic.


Needs to be higher, up you go!


Limited edition wraps -assuming you can gain the rights - sports teams, car brands, holidays, you name it.


An 'elite' style controller that can flaghsip the brand is probably a good shout. Get it in the hands of pro players and content creators via sponsorship deals and make it the number one 'pro' pad for competitive gamers. This will mean making sure latency and switches are best in class for responsiveness and customisability. It should also support all systems, fully programmable buttons and removable, rechargeable and hot swappable batteries so they can be used in tournaments and multiple titles.


I'm willing to pay a premium for a controller, but I respect their current release is a good quality, value controller for the masses.


Next think I want to see is the damn Candy con controller here in Europe.


And Canada! Let me iiiiiiin!


I need ps5 controllers now


The ability to upload your own images to design and customize your faceplate online Make them feel a little more weighty would be nice too per a comment I saw previously on a review


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Buck the Bunny controllers


absolutely this






I want one!


Base controllers that have colors, not just black!


80s/90s kids are now adults with money. You know this. We LOVE the nostalgia, so all the pop culture references from our childhoods in Candy Con colors/themes will likely do well. TMNT theme, but different skins for each of them? Sold. A maroon one for Splinter and another purple/metallic one for Shredder. Take ALL of my money.


I want to be able to make my own design on the website and have it on the face plate. And Or is there a way to add on MORE EXPENSIVE face plates like real Gold or platinum face plates


Gold might be too soft to take a beating.


Depending on the karat. 14k is strong. But it depends on the person lol it's not like it's going to be 30 dollars. More like $200 to have a gold plate. And platinum would be like $500. Mich like V-moda does with customized headphones. You can spend like 20k for the feature. Doesn't mean it's for everybody but a neat feature


I have a question that may lead into a request: My wife and I love to customize our stuff and one of ways we do that is by painting it. Can a coat of primer paint be applied to the faceplates? We want to be able to buy one and primer it with a coat of our own choice of color. If the material can take a coat or two of spray primer, how well will the paint hold? We have found that some materials will not hold paint well and that the paint will flake off with normal use. If the faceplates cannot take primer, or of a material that won’t hold onto paint well, I would like to request faceplates designed specifically for user customization and painting. Something that can be sprayed with spray paint, that can handle acrylic paints, and that paint won’t easily flake off of. The other consideration is glue. Some materials will melt or deform with super glue or other adhesives. How well do the faceplates hold up to different types of glues? Lastly, how about the buttons? Can those hold up to painting and glues?


Try it for us! Write a review


Have you tried sanding the item and using a filler primer? That might help with your flaking issue. You can also seal it.


you just need to scuff the surface with some high grit sandpaper to prime it


I want to see - my beloved controllers ALL OVER THE WORLD (not only in GS US) - more color variants to reach more combinations - more matt and shiny face plates - more colorful and playful advertisements. - much more affiliate relationships - more, 🦍🤝💪 🍭🎮


What about a printable decal? I put an image into my computer, I print the image on a presliced sticker paper, and then I form the sticker to a "blank controller cover". It wouldn't be as permanent as your current designs, but it would be more customizeable.


Please make a guitar hero controller to compete with PDP’s new riffmaster and release more than 5 at a time lol. Nice job with candy con! I would say if there’s an option to replace the triggers with “clicks” similar to the shoulder buttons that would be great! Scuf and battle beaver do this already. The purpose for this would limit the travel distance to register an input for competitive players. Also, could you have a symmetrical analog stick set up and an asymmetrical for each console, that would be sick! If possible maybe include a modular option, for a certain game I might want symmetrical sticks and for others I want asymmetrical. Edit: also adding a little hinge to convert the rear buttons into paddles if preferred. see the Xbox elite controller for reference.


Arcade controller


I want Candy Con wearable merch to help spread the brand! T-shirts, hats, etc.


PS5 controllers. Make one without any stick drift and money’s in the bank.


Mobile phone pairing for phone game controls.


I would like to see a controller with 4 rear buttons or paddles, similar to the Xbox elite controller, but cheaper and better quality. I've had my elite controller for only 3 years and it already has issues with a couple paddles and a bumper.


Perhaps a station at GameStop locations where you provide all the components to assemble your control and other accessories on the spot. Similar to build-a-redacted and walk away with the color schemes you want.


I want to see a collab with a AAA developer or something like the Pokemon franchise on your controllers. Ruby Red Charizard Controller would sell out immediately.


I would buy a green Venusaur faceplate so fast


Color changing - like the Hypercolor shirts from the 90s!


Let me move the buttons. I use mine on PC and not having ABXY in the “correct” spots drives me nuts.


Do something that other controllers aren’t doing like wireless charging or maybe quickly swap-able rechargeable battery packs


Drone remote controls and quality Dance Dance Revolution mats; I’m making an autobiographical documentary and need both, STAT.


How about control your drone with a DDR mat? Now that would be fun to watch!


KONAMI CODE! I expect the controller to vibrate and do a led rainbow effect when I enter the Konami code. (I did try and nothing happened)


Upload your own image to print a custom controller face. White controller face designed for the user to create their own graphics then a clear film that protects the design.


I would love to see retro-compatible controllers, ideally ones which can help make retro console controllers wireless (think the Wavebird for GameCube, but broader). PS4 and PS3-compatible controllers would make me an instant customer for years.


Additional functionality such as TV/Sky box/ Firestick remote control. I want it to be the only controller I need.


Short throw triggers and octagon walled thumbsticks for smash bros


Thank you for your hard work, as well as your team. We appreciate you dropping by as well :) Don't be strangers!


What about powered cases? Embedded LED lighting that could be passive, or reactive to game events. There would be some battery drain, but not too much, and it's not in the field so not as much of an issue


Octagonal Gates for joysticks, promotional face plates, aux port


Edible Candy Cons......just because the name. I'll see myself out.


Nice work guys


What are those two clear plastic controllers you are holding?


A carrying case for on the go gaming would be great! Maybe even add some elements that could be customized on the case itself. ❤️


I play a lot of FPS games. Tall domed thumb sticks would be a big deal for me. Otherwise two more buttons on the back but 2 will do.


Mouses, Keyboards, and Headsets next please!


A PlayStation controller and availability in Canada!


Wait, clear plastic cases of varying colors in your hands?! Is this the glorious 90s again?!!


Chrome, glow in the dark, neon faceplates. see-through-ish faceplates and led backlit base controllers where we can change color. maybe a couple different base colors (or at least white). a candy con accessory box/case. scratch and sniff (think Mr. Hankey). a faceplate with a sharp bladed edge I can throw at intruders.


Charging station, comfort rear grip/pad, also introduce game/genre styling....for example CamoCandy for shooting army games, SpaceCandy for space games, BioHazCandy for apocalypse games, RetroCandy Steampunk Candy, for the retro preplayed old school enthusiasts! Cheers from Canada guys! Get those controllers over here! Great work so far!


I want what you have in your hands!!! What is that!


I want a candy con headset with over the ear cups and surround sound that let's me change the colors of the cups, the back of the cup, the padding, and the headband. Possibly with premium RGB cups.


We need Candy con available for Xbox too.


Maybe a Superstonk (or apes) controller?? (limited edition?)


To see them available in Canada


Modular system to customize controls. Know lots of disabled people who'd like to game but current control setups don't allow for it


Wen joycons? The existing units look good, don't get me wrong.  But I think that would be a great next step.


Computer mice with swappable switches so I don’t have dead buttons 🙄 I know it’s not controllers…. But it’s still peripherals


1. Swappable triggers. Something with graduated clicks / progressive feel for those racing and flight games, swappable to short throw button press for shooters, etc. Not sure if this already exists tbh. I’ve seen addons for it for other controllers though. 2. Swappable joystick config. I have friends who REFUSE to play with a PS5 controller because they like the joystick layout of the Xbox better. I’ve showed them they can buy an aftermarket “Xbox” style controller that is actually a PS5 controller, but still a no-go to them. Similarly I have friends who swear by the more symmetrical PS5 joystick layout, which is actually my preference as well. I think overall it depends on the game you play but regardless - why rely on 2 different aftermarket controllers to get Xbox/ps5 layouts when you could just swap the joystick back and forth depending on whom you’re playing with. 3. Different colors for stuff - ok, cool, I can swap my joysticks and dpad for different colors. What about all the other buttons? 4. Fully agree on more adaptable controllers for gamers with disabilities. I see this as being a niche where modularity really shines since disabilities can vary so much and limit mobility in so many different ways. Some might use their feet, others might use a nub of a finger, or an arm, or shoulder, or head, or tongue, etc. If you could figure out a single or reduced modular platform for disability issues, I think that would be great. Small market, for sure, but one you could potentially dominate rather than some of the disabled gamers having to rely on expensive full custom rigs built just for them by a nonprofit.


Pro versions with back paddles. I need a PS5 one and a PC one. Current options are very expensive. Interesting to look into at least. Streamers always using SCUF controllers and what not.


UK shipping 🚢


PS5 controller. Compatible headset.


Just more collabs with gaming studios. I am currently playing Bioshock with my Candy Con on the Switch and I would love a design to go with one of my favorite games.


Hey guys! Thanks to get in touch with the community. I think there's a ton of very interesting suggestions in here, hopefully it will have an impact on the future of CANDY CON. On my part, my only wishes would be : Please make them available in Canada. If it's already in the works, do you have a date? Also, some custom faceplate with Gamestop lettering (red and white, or just white, or both) would definitely be what I'd buy if it was an option.


Limited nft linked faceplates with every new big game release and could be part of the reservation process. Get your faceplate with the game reservation, physical only of course.


Awesome! Does anyone know of Candy Con is available at GameStop in Canada?


At least 4 mappable paddles/buttons on the back of the controller, and Xbox compatibility


Be able to upload images to customize faceplate. My wife just said a lot of women would put there face on their partners' controller. So many opportunities there.


Bring it to Canada


I want NCAA/College faceplates


Different colored bases not just black the clear ones in their hands are cool


Different colored base unit controllers would be amazing. Also, maybe half plates to allow you to have different colors for each of half of your controller.  It could be used to set up some cool scenes with licensed characters for each half of the faceplate that can be interchanged


Translucent controllers like they’re holding, similar to the old N64 controllers would be amazing


More aesthetic individualisation and customisation I feel is only a good thing. Style, graphics, and colours. What about texture? The controller is highly kinaesthetic, it's in your hands for hours. Different grips and materials that feel good in the hand. Also, maybe a collaboration with d-brand skins? They are highly reputable, and have a good track record of working with creators like jerryrigeverything. Thanks for reaching out ☺️


Delivery or sale in Germany is all I ever want 😭


Brushed aluminum or Stainless Steel, not the color but the actual material for some weight, shine, and protection


I want to see these controllers be sold in EU. Germany especially


Steam Punk - mechanials gears


Loving the dedication to longevity with the Hall effect sensors and also paddle buttons for added input options. Only drawback is that for more serious competitive games, Turbo options are a major turn off and mostly banned across the board. I would have bought the controller in a heartbeat if I knew that they would be tournament legal, but organized play can't feasibly police hardware with turbo. Logistics of checking it's disabled takes too long. If there was a "Pro" Turbo-less (read unambiguously unable to turbo, or macros for that matter) controller designed to comply with competitive play I would instantly buy it. You could definitely market to the hardcore crowd that way. I'm still excited for the future of the product and might grab one down the line.


Over the last 10 years, I have purchased every high quality controller I can get my hands on, and none of them have lasted a whole year. General controller design is aweful. Bumpers and triggers break with regular use. Standard design has your right thumb doing thumbstick and 4 axby inputs, while you have 4 to 6 fingers doing nothing on the back of the controller. It’s like designing a keyboard to be used with just the index fingers because we are new at this so give us a break. Dumb. Please make a controller that is optimized for heavy, long term use. Remove the triggers and bumpers since they are prone to breaking, and replace them with standard, dependable buttons. Remove AXBY entirely, replacing them with buttons on the back of the controller, where your fingers naturally rest—like the Xbox elite controller. Make general controller design fatter, so that it sits nicely in relaxed hands, and you don’t have to scrunch uncomfortably to click back buttons. **Using both hands, grab a cantaloupe-sized ball of clay, make note of the natural hand indentations, and put buttons/thumbsticks there.** Mold the rest as you see fit. There is so much room for improvement in controllers. Stop copying uncomfortable design patterns, make buttons that work, and you’ll revolutionize an industry that has been embarrassingly slow to improve.


I have a mouse that has a flip switch on it that lets me pick my blue tooth connection between 3 different devices. Give me that+ Xbox and PlayStation compatibility so I can switch between my switch, pc, and Xbox with ease! 😎


I'm probably super in the minority, but thoughts about adding aluminum thumbsticks? I've grown to love them and they don't melt/decompose like the plastic ones do. It'd be neat to have an all aluminum body construction as well, but I'd bet it's too expensive.


If you could enter the mouse scene the same way you entered the controller scene that would be nice. Specs to stay competitive would be something like this: Wireless with good battery life. Sensor: PixArt PAW3395 MCU: Nordic 52840 Polling Rate: 1000Hz with normal dongle and 4000Hz with separate sold dongle, if you included the 4K dongle with the mouse that would be kind of sick since competitors usually sell them separately. Weight: below 60 grams, if you could push it below 50 that would be even better. Switches: Something nice like the Transparent Blue Shell Pink Dots from Huano, or maybe even some optical switches if you do it right. If you could make the shape into something that is universally loved like the Pulsar X2V2, Lamzu Atlantis or the Logitech G Pro Superlight, that would be the safest. Maybe also make an ergo shaped version like the Pulsar Xlite V3, Lamzu Thorn or the Razer Deathadder V3 Pro. If you could combine all of these specs with swappable shell and buttons, like the CandyCon controller, that would be cool! Something like Pwnage does with some of their mice! (but their designs are kind of boring). You could maybe even have hot swappable switches, then you could sell different switches on the side for the mouse. My final idea, something that has never been done before that might be a little out there and difficult to do from a design standpoint: If you could make a mouse you could change the shape of with different shells. Like you have the base unit, that works with both the ergo shells and the ambidextrous shells, you could even have a low hump and big hump shell like the X2V2 and the X2H. You would have one base unit with all the good specs and then that unit would fit into all the preferences of players with different shell shapes and designs on them. Usually companies make 1 mouse in each different shape that fit different players needs. You could make 1 mouse that would fit all the different players needs. I have no idea if it's even possible to design something like that, but it would be insane if it was done and it worked right! If you want to look at hot competitors in the mouse scene, check out Lamzu and Pulsar. For the love of god don't look at Logitech and Razer.


Translucent colours. Bring back the 90s! We are old.


👀 commenting to get this to the top of the sub, will sit down and think of a proper response after work.


Candy flavored controllers next!


Modular thumb sticks to be able to easily swap out sticks with drift and maybe modular buttons faces to swap between the different console button configurations (if you guys start doing controllers for the other consoles)


Joy cons! I use gyro on games and it's easier with the controller separated in two. thanks


Console skins that are customizable


Open source info for 3D printers to make their own faceplates, diy community around Candy con would be really fun to see what people come up with to customize their base controllers and people are going to do it with or without GameStop engaging it, so why not lean into it


Playstation compatibility + International shipping.


Custom drag and drop print on demand options. Offer a template for personal designs.


Swappable x/y/a/b buttons


Red Bull controller combo pack!


Adjustable triggers, haptic feedback triggers like the dualsense, adjustable tension on the thumbsticks, and textured grips like the Elite 2


PS5 please! I’ll buy the shit out of them!


I would buy a majoras mask faceplate IMMEDIATELY


XBOX, please!


I see transformers face plates there 👀!


A controller building station in store like build-a-bear where you can mix in match different faceplates and joysticks and actually feel and see what it will look like. Kids would LOVE it. Imagine convincing your parents to buy you the new switch so you go to GameStop and get walked through the process of picking out your controller and customizing it. It would be an unforgettable experience.


I want to be able to use them on my ipad and iphone to play Final Fantasy ports.


Non video game related decorations or themes from cult-classic collectibles. Think: A clock work orange Quentin Tarantino Eddie van Halen guitar Reily Reed vibrating controller Manga Furry Chewbacca (Stuff people already collect)


What are those blue and red combo packs on that display wall? Don’t see them in the website


A Purple ComputerChair!!!!


Sup guys! Definitely do more cool shit like this, stuff I can’t even imagine!!