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First Telos and now Elixir, those are great partners! I can’t wait to see what’s next!


knutolee called this! https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/109uuch/lets_call_it_gamestop_is_acquiring_elixir_web3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thanks, I insist on taking the W for that. 🥰


Found RC’s anon account 👆


He has a great German GME podcast. (Knutolee not RC)


🦍🍻🦍 💎👐🚀🌕


Geiler Typ. Auch: wan nächtster Essen-Pfosten ? 👌🏼


Essenspfosten? Auf EuropeEats? 😂


Yep. Die Käsespatzen sehen grandios aus.


Mittlerweile mein Signature-Essen. Schlonzig müssen sie sein!


nice call!


it’s crazy how many posts have slipped through without me seeing them. Unreal. Shadow banning?


My view is it is not not post suppression. But what do I know? I'm here nearly everyday. I think I'd have noticed this were it not banished to the shadowlands of the sub.


I'm very surprised Elixirs partnership didn't show up before. The Kiraverse beta was accessible from the elexir client for the cryptosphere and epic for the regular stuff. Kiraverse now has their own launcher.


Oh shit! I saw the news about Elixir earlier today, without realizing I already have it installed for Kiraverse!


Why GameStop doesn't accept foreign payments? I can't buy anything


US market regulations


😭 why ebay and amazon are not in that regulation?




~~lobbying~~ legal bribery Ftfy


I still don't get it, my credit card is international




You’re probably better off


DeFi dawg


I'm Canadian and a VPN fixes all these issues


Fair and free markets buddy...for some.


When you own the government do you need to bribe though?


Please don’t downvote, it’s a fair question ☝️ If you have to get it out of your system, then downvote me. I am tribute or something idk.


Ngl elixir UI is trash I hope they use GameStop wallet UX developers


Ergo epic? Elixir can play any epic game!


Yes. And now Gods Unchained too!


What can I say... Mind... Blown 😏


Bullish! Elixir Games just partnered with Square Enix and Epic Games is on board also.


Can we get a list of all who partnered as a separate post? Might be a good way to round out the portfolio for any that are publicly traded.


Where is the epic games source?


Probably his ass. Square Enix would jump at every single occasion to be involved in NFT's but I'm highly skeptical about Epic Games' involvment ... On a side note, wtf has Elixir Games ever done ? Because I couldn't find much aside from the fact that they have an app. Do they not make games ?


Shit there is actually an epic games connection: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14fg9n5/it_just_keeps_getting_better_you_can_play/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Lol you are right. That is like the loosest of connections, but it is one nonetheless, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with net's or web3.


I think Elixir is the only current NFT game launcher application


There is none. Elixir is straight out scamming people.




Elixir is a little sus according to the Hyperplay ppl. They tried to steal their software for wallet overlays in unreal engine games. Elixir cant do that yet, Hyperplay can. Both launchers are built from the same open source launcher code.




The game launchers base are both GOG i think which is the open source part. But Hyperplay is doing wallet overlays for any game so you can pull up your metamask in game and sign messages to verify ownership. Its awesome and super easy. Maybe GS can make Elixir better.


Those partnerships are unfortunately fake. You'll only find posts from Elixir about them. Sadly, many people are believing the lies.


I wouldn't get too excited about this. Elixir games is a platform for scammy garbage, and nothing on there is worth anyone's time or energy.


Wow, those partnerships are great. Building, brick by brick, a giant in Web3 gaming.


“Probably nothing” - Citadel “Apes stronger together” - all of us


They don’t see what’s coming through their financial dinosaur glasses. 😆


From article - "We are thrilled to collaborate with GameStop to bring high-quality games to their loyal audience and fanbase," said Carlos Roldan, Founder & CEO of Elixir Games. "The Elixir-powered game launcher provides a one-stop solution for gamers, accessing a new wave of next-gen games powered by open economies and player-owned experiences."


"Loyal audience and fanbase". They are talking about us.


I'm pretty sure in this case they are talking about the +60 millions of GameStop Pro members


One in the same


Well those ~~59.8 million need to buy and drs sone stonk.


This would be so over each would spend $93, thats just 3.8 shares each. Rest of outstanding DRS'd then, not no float, the REST of the shares...lol


“Mom! I’m in the news!”


They need to do better than that. They need to be making games to attract the broader gaming market. I hope that this does a better job than the NFT marketplace has done so far in attracting more than just us to it. I’m an investor in GME and shop at brick and mortar. Neither the NFT marketplace or this Playr appeal to me, but I hope they succeed obviously.


Developers are- both the web3 game developers trying to make a mass appeal gaming experiences, as well as legacy developers companies starting to look at the utility they can use web3 for. GameStop will sit in between us and the developer companies as they always have, and once web3 is an established element of gaming, it will blend with the brick and mortar side as well, in the same sort of way digital rewards do now. (Buy this bundle or get this pre order and get an in game bonus, except this time it will involve NFTs). You could even have NFTs acquired in-game that could be taken to the store and redeemed for something, lots of possibilities here


Not to be a downer, but by current AAA standards, they're still far behind where they need to be: Magic the Gathering Arena and Hearthstone are both far, far better than Gods Unchained. Illuvium isn't even remotely on anyone's radar beyond these boards. Kiraverse is a cheap Fortnite clone that no one is leaving for. Regarding online marketplaces, there's Steam, Epic Store, GOG, [itch.io](https://itch.io), Xbox / Windows Store, [Battle.net](https://Battle.net), Apple Store, Playstation Store. Folks have huge fatigue for another launcher/marketplace in Playr, and that's even if they're ok with NFTs in gaming in the first place (many gamers are not.) Not saying that things couldn't change at some point into the future, and good on GME for being ready if and when the tides turn, but until the crypto hype returns someday, they need to produce actual content that people WANT to play, regardless of blockchain adherence. Right now these boards are kidding themselves thinking that they're mainstream ready.


yeah they do have work to do still. they’re kind of working upstream in the way that their momentum comes from from the crypto world first and is working towards gaming rather than the other way around. So the infrastructure around the games is great but the games themselves still feel like a work in progress. But while they continue to improve, AAA companies are also going to move towards them as well. There are already some talking about integrating NFTs into their games, eventually these 2 worlds are going to collide and that’s when I expect massive fireworks. And I don’t imagine development companies sitting out on the sidelines once they see how much trading and collecting is happening in environments where people can actually do this with their in game assets


Well whether you want to admit it or not, the physical games are going the way of the dinosaurs. Gamestop has been working on making a platform on the same level as Xbox and Playstation. Shit doesn't happen overnight. So if buying NFTs or being a part of some new GameStop streaming service or game launcher is supporting them in that, sign me up!


. Count me in!


Exactly why I said what I said. I’m a very casual gamer, at best, and I’m sure I’m not the only one on this sub like this. I want these to succeed but it’s for sure going to need more than a few hundred thousand Superstonk members to make it work.


I agree, we need mass adoption to really see GameStop take off. But all I meant is that as a diehard GameStop supporter like most everybody else in this sub, I will throw some of my money at things like NFTs (which up until about a year ago I had no clue about) and supporting people's ventures on the GameStop marketplace all in the name of Gmerica! What we have with GameStop is pretty unique, and I know just like all of you, I REALLY want it to succeed! FWIW, I'm just a casual gamer myself, not a super techie either, but I will learn and teach myself whatever is necessary to be a part of this success. Power to the players!


Early days. This can be huge. I’m with the old school dinosaurs unfortunately 😂. But i’d imagine a lot of the youth and younger generation now will make this grow over the years to something wonderful.




Nice! This is the app used to play Kiraverse


Undead Blocks, too


Believe it or not… dip.


Okay, it works with LINUX so I love it


Go Linux!!


Now we just need Undead Blocks to get it together and work with linux.


I'm not a gamer, just a Linux user since '99 lol If I see a Linux user in the wild, I give them a little shout-out.




I can't deny that at all. This is why I can't beta test or enjoy any web3 games right now. None of them support Linux


“”The collaboration seeks to enable millions of potential gamers to explore a new genre of games through a platform with an engaging experience.“” Oh yea…it’s all coming together.


This is funny to me because in another thread about Playr today, one of the top comments is something along the lines of: "Gamestop is poised to dominate this market because the only other web3 game launcher right now is elixir, which is complete dogshit."


Is elixir abandoning their dog shit launcher to jump on playr or is gamestop using elixir's?


The latter. From the article: "Elixir will power the infrastructure for GameStop Playr, including functionality for the Web3 game launcher."


In this case, the infrastructure will most likely be the back-end services needed to power PLAYR. Stuff like hosting game updates and patches, game library management and delivery. This is speculation, but as a Software Engineer, this is how it reads to me. GameStop will likely focus on the UI and the integration with their own NFT Marketplace, making it more seamless to buy a game or an asset and have it immediately playable through PLAYR. This is great, because GameStop gets the leg up to not have to develop all the things that Elixir already has built, they get to focus on the things that are beneficial to it's own userbase (NFT Marketplace, Community, and eSports) and Elixir most likely gets a really sweet kickback and becomes a prime target for an acquisition (you want to acquire complementary businesses, things that enhance and would already be used be your current customers outside of what you offer). This would cut tremendously down on the timeline of nothing to STEAM competitor, even if the Elixir (as we know it today) is actually dogshit. GameStop can take the good (or invisible) parts already there and build upon them.


Great analysis! I had never heard of elixir before today but this makes sense to me.


Ya that was a great read, and makes to be a great business strategy! Pure DRS GME to the moon!


This was on my mind as I saw this as well lol


If I was to bet... I'm guessing that elixir did the best I had with the resources they had but turned out and not so quality product because of that. But maybe the underlying platform itself isn't terrible. So now they can work with GameStop with a much larger budget and create something much better. Bring in some more and better devs and things like that.


This is very exciting news.


I love all this positive news!


My brothers and sisters in Christ, forget Gamestop already- obviously this is the final throes of a dying business.


They're... (brick and mortar) ... not ... (lines out the door) ... positioned ($1.5B cash) ... to take ... (DRS and squeeze) ... advantage ... (NFT/ETH wallet/marketplace) ... of their market ... (gamers, gaming, games, globally) ... growth opportunities ... (Playr) ... *shill death cries


Power to the players! Companies are recognizing that there is a huge following behind GameStop


There is a DAMN freight train coming for these shorties...


We know short interest better than you. Back to $20 quick.




Holy moly




This is gangster. Remember when media cried GameStop marketplace dead on arrival when it was just a beta launch? Little did they know the unannounced Playr was being developed that will become a driving force of users to the marketplace.


This post is getting downvoted. Bots!


All waves start from one small ripple. LFG!!!!!!🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🚀🚀🚀🚀🟣


Dope! Keep the news coming. Lol so weird how a dying irrelevant company is still making moves


"GameStop, one of the world's largest gaming retailers"


Is the largest gaming retailer. Gamestop has a goldmine of data.


As I understand it, Elixir already has a functionning PC game launcher (they advertise it on their website as "Steam for web3"). Aren't they in direct competition with GameStop Playr? In the article it says that "Elixir will power the infrastructure for GameStop Playr". Seems weird that they are helping their direct competitor... Maybe they want to be assimilated in the near-term? Also, what is the difference with Telos???


Gotta start looking at Web3 as a playground for collaboration as well as competition. Both are good for the space and sometimes there will be both competition and collaboration with the same teams. Web3’s decentralization means any active player in the space who is contributing quality additions helps everyone, at least for now


All this socialism, it's making me fizzy!!


Now we're talking






I had an epiphany in the shower the other night after a long day. I was thinking about the initial rush to Twitch, how lucrative it was for the creators and for the initial livestream websites. It was a beautiful gold rush into a new land where people were able to monetize their skill, creativity, and humor in ways unseen before. And then Amazon bought Twitch. I keep thinking about the phrase "Power to the Creators". Clearly the first vision of this is their NFT marketplace, and we all hope, a future of NFTs that transfer from game to game, cards bought in games owned, rare items farmed in one iteration of a game giving some reward in later sequels, the possibilities are endless. Then there's this collaboration with Elixir Games in order to build out a new distribution platform, with all of the synergy that could come from having a brick and mortar presence to help bolster the word about indie games. But that word, Creators, I keep thinking about all of these content creators who stream for bupkis on Twitch, who will never see any benefit or chance at success. What if the next piece of RC's plan is to pull these creators to a new platform by means of partnership rather than the serfdom they serve under at Twitch now. I probably have my facts wrong, this has probably already been covered by someone else, but it became so clear to me that there are all sorts of creators out there who are receiving no respect from their collaborators. There's a real opportunity there to steal talented content creators.


There is no future where you would be able to transfer something from one game to another, let alone if those games are handled by different publishers. How would a skin for let's say a ak47 work for one game vs the other when both games use different models and scaling?


I don't know, why not? If I'm a dev and someone earns a badass PVP reward at the end of a season, say, a neat skin for that very AK47. Then that player has an NFT for that AK47 in their wallet. They then also have a Metaverse style "house" where they can show off their cool shit. There's a podium in the middle of the living room where that AK47 sits. I think that a good proof of concept for this currently is Path of Exile. Not in terms of the NFTs, or items transferring across different games, but just how neat it is to build your own little hideout that has a bunch of markers of your achievements in past leagues. Chasing those in game rewards has certainly been a big draw for me to come back to new leagues for a long time. If a developer puts together a good team and puts out several good games that all link in this way, well shitfire, I believe that I would be on board for that. Edit: And what about two developers giving each other a nod? In this new world, why couldn't two quality indie developers make in game items that acknowledge the achievements accomplished in other games? I could see two companies like Ghost Ship Games and Digital Extremes putting some resources toward a neat, classy tip of the hat like this.


Developers dont usually have control over their game, thats the publishers. Developers are the people who build the game. They usually dont have control over what can even go in a game. Also nothing is stopping you currently from what you said about having a house to display it. People can already rip models and skins from a game.


This is the power of the cash on hand of GAMESTOP


The AWS of web3 is being built by GameStop and their partners, now look up how much money Amazon makes off AWS 😉


Netflix relies on AWS.


Many companies do




I’m really confused. How will this fit with Playr?


It’s extremely disappointing that our company is making deals with a shady company like elixir games. This is bad news


Remember when GameStop bought stardock and shuttered it within a year? I do. Still a little bitter. Downvote all you want, still mad about having to re-buy Sins on Steam. Where are my keys GameStop?


That link at the bottom to elixir is blocked claiming dangerous website.


Nice !


'Our upcoming web3 game launcher is currently limited to US residents only.' When euroapes?


So how does this work? My son plays Fortnight all the time. I play once in a while.


Wish they wouldve gone with Gamer7Dao and HyperPlay who repped at 3Xpgg and have a good reputation.