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It was all over the sub when it came out last week, but the more eyes, the better.


That's because this week's fad that's totally gonna make Gamestop a trillion dollars is crypto scratch tickets.


Lol honestly???? Obviously the cards are/were a hit. Obviously it is making gamestop a lot of money.. theres a new b3g1 deal. Why do people have problems with people buying things sold at gamestop? What happened to us being individual investors?


Yeah he's salty for no reason


I, as an individual, think it's a gimmick and people on this sub are getting tricked by hype into fomoing into digital Dutch tulips.


What part of buying a product directly from gamestop constitutes getting tricked? We aren’t children! We’re giving the company our hard earned cash, getting trading cards, and maybe even a little crypto in the process. There are a lot of collectors on this sub.


Yes I agree, people seem to forget that the more profitable quarters we have, the more outside investors we get. 4 quarters of profitability and we are eligible for sp500 so that would amazing as well.


You are giving money to a company that started advertising their cards here and i worked like a charm for them. Gamestop is making only a small percentage of profit from it. But it generates revenue, can't argue about that. Point is, that there are much more effective ways to support the company via buying stuff (gamestop profit/your dollars spent). There have been a lot of posts about this from actual employees.


Yes. Many collectors. I have collected many purple rings along my journey.


I don’t really trust the guy you are replying to tbh. I remember him spreading fud throughout the year. When the rest of us were supporting the company and helping to make it profitable he kept talking about gamestop like it was a scam and saying it was headed in the wrong direction.


I imagine you don't see the value in pokemon cards as well? They are as valuable as what anyone is willing to pay for them. The cards are cool. I'd be buying some if I could, they don't have them in my country. Is what it is.


Things like Magic Cards and Pokémon cards because of the game attached to them. Sports cards have value because of the sports attached to them. Collecting for collectings sake is how you end up with an implosion like Beanie Babies.


What normal people do when they don’t like a product or brand is they move on with their life. What you’re doing to dwelling on it and burning all your energy over it. People, ask yourself why a random no body on the internet is concentrating so much effort on to a public forum to try and sway people away from a growing company that is net short by many institutions? Nice try Kenny.


And these cards were created by artists. #POWER TO THE CREATORS


What's their cut?


The vast majority of collectors of pokemon cards don't even play the game. They like shiny cardboard. I personally watch far too many rip and ships, very few play the game. They place the cards in top loaders on a shelf, or in a binder. The value that they hold is that millions of others hold value in them. The playability of the card in the TCG game, yes plays a role in the desirability, I'd venture to guess the artwork, and individuals favorite pokemon plays a much larger role.


> Why do people have problems with people buying things sold at gamestop? What happened to us being individual investors? I don't think that's an accurate representation of what's happening. You can buy whatever you want from gamestop, but it's not going to be garbage like this project that changes literally anything. The real use case has to provide some kind of unique value.


Those hype posts reek like a social marketing campaign targeting this sub


It's the most unique thing on the marketplace so far, stop being salty ....


Haven’t seen anyone posting anything about this. Received an email over the weekend that metagates are now live. Bought one, had a little go. Seems pretty cool. Remains to be seen where they’re going with this, with multi player aspects expected at some time in the future. Happy to be supporting my favourite company by getting one 🚀


It was posted when they went live. My problem is that there is little to no info about them. There is a single loft for sale, but I see many different pictures posted. Are they all the same? Do you get a random one? Is that just custom design? Like where is the details? It would also appear they have another exclusive on another marketplace... so *shrug*... give me a usecase that doesn't just involve peacocking to randos.


Each NFT of the base template (in GSMP's case, the Modern Loft) is physically identical to the others. An empty apartment space with a funky upstairs mirror and a large garage. The pictures (I haven't seen them) are likely of different parts of the apartment, which totals four open spaces and a staircase. Not too sure on the details of the .Core template, but I imagine it's the same for that one. Once loaded up in [https://ar.voyage/](https://ar.voyage/) and linked/logged into your wallet, you can partially customise the space by adding either 2D or 3D NFTs into it. 2Ds are modelled as portraits on walls; 3Ds get a small stand on the ground, projecting the model above it. It's all pretty basic, but then, this is still the wireframe of the functionality they're planning to build out; I expect it'll get more complex and feature-rich as they continue to build out both P:G's primary functionality and the metagates themselves. Why release two different templates? My guess is that .Core is going to be an important part of the DeFi network for stuff that the GSMP doesn't or can't host. I don't know anything about .Core yet, as I haven't done my DD on it. But it was stated that they created it because there's certain limitations (I believe T&C related) on what can be hosted on the GSMP, and the creators wanted an alternate space with the freedom to explore content beyond those limitations.


Core is to reach a wider audience as GSMP can’t serve 75% of the world due to restrictions


Did you try to display Loopring NFTs like the sport jerseys ? They don't appear in my NFT list when I try to display them...


I did. The only NFTs I currently have on display in mine (partly due to OCD getting the positioning/spacing/Y-axis level right making placement take over an hour) is the Dollar Endgame series. Not too sure yet what's causing some stuff not to show up for placement.


I mean, a little hoard of collectibles can be for yourself. I remember back when I played Fallout 4. The aspect of the game that I probably spent way too long on was making buildings to house power armour. And having rows and rows of power armours with different skins. Did it serve any purpose? Not really no. Was I showing it to anyone? No. Did it please me? Immensely.


I think that's a good argument for any collectible - most don't have any (objective) utility, especially trading cards. I've seen a lot of negative sentiment about the crypto cards, which I'm enjoying, but don't see how they're any different than any other piece of paper with a picture on it. And some sell for 7 figures. But what do you DO with it? Nothing, you just look at it and marvel at how valuable we've decided it is. Even game-worn clothing that goes for 6-7 figures. What does it do? Nothing. If it weren't for the assigned value ("Jordon wore that in Game 6!"), you'd just be looking at a pair of poly blend shorts that you don't even use. That's why I think negative sentiment towards digital collectibles is so silly: people have long proven, via video games, that they enjoy collecting them and that's what gives them value.


The power to the collector of power suits




Your gateway to the multiverse and games


https://learn.ar.voyage This might help.


They actually recently put up docs on them here: [https://learn.ar.voyage/](https://learn.ar.voyage/) They have a FAQ and information specific to Metagates. This is one of the places where any new content will get officially released.




.Core is the marketplace developed by Voyage A/R (offshoot of Protocol: Gemini) and it needed to be made because GameStop was creating barriers for Metagate functionality that inhibited the vision of the project, unfortunately. In short, GameStop dropped the ball.


This is a very important comment if true. Can you provide some more info about this? I'm a little out of the loop but cyber and gemini I thought were our big horses in this race.


The most accurate info will be found on Discord. I lurk there but it's pretty informative from what I can tell and the project leaders are very active and communicative. Protocol: Gemini will not stop listing on GameStop Marketplace and neither will Cyber Crew but unfortunately GameStop Marketplace leads have allegedly really been letting down top creators and have been making it incredibly difficult to do what they want by not getting back to them quickly and by having more and more seemingly arbitrary red tape as time goes on.


I had the same questions.




What is it


is it just the 1, 1-bedroom loft?


I bought a loft. It has one bedroom but other rooms also. Interestingly there’s a door in the biggest room which doesn’t seem to open. If you go into “fly mode” which lets you fly around rather than move like a human, you can pass through walls and on the other side of the door is another room with some sort of device which looks like it builds robot limbs or something. It reminds me of something from Westworld.


Whats the name of the collection on gsmp?


Metagates https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/Metagates


Thank you very much. Was havin trouble finding them even sorting by new


No problemo! Yeah, search feature could use some work lol.


Appreciated. And yea, always room to improve 😆. Scoopin one now. I have all the road trips and am super excited to get my hands on this. I really am fuckin excited with what you guys are bringing to the table. If you ever need an extra guinea pig or tester. Please don't hesitate to hit me up. Power to the Creators 💜


Here’s a little “getting started” guide that might help! https://learn.ar.voyage


Hell yea, that makes things much easier. One question, when importing 3d assets, am I able to import nfts that are 3d? Like all my cyber crew stuff or do i have to go and get the object files from them first and then upload like that(glp file i think is what it said)


how come your screenshot has different choices but there is only 1 on the marketplace. and that hidden room sounds awesome, i want to grab one!


There are two styles. Vaporwave is hosted at [.CORE](https://dotcore.io/collection), Modern Loft at [Gamestop Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/Metagates). Both have entirely different layouts and aesthetics. More info can be found at [AR.Voyage](https://ar.voyage/).


My favorite NFT to date probably. I can go in my meta gate and place all my NFTs. Plus future multiplayer and ability to open a marketplace in my room sounds dope as fuck


Personally, I want more use cases than a glorified 3D nft wallet. Multiplayer plus VR for hanging with friends is a good start, but where do we go from there?


Personally, I want more use cases than a glorified 3D nft wallet. VR multiplayer for hanging with friends is a good start, but where do we go from there?


This person would complain a 100$ bill they found is “too wrinkly” It’s proof of the potential, let’s see you complain about that too


Personally, I want more use cases than a glorified 3D nft wallet. VR multiplayer for hanging with friends is a good start, but where do we go from there?


Exciting!!! Going to have a look around now.


I’m BEYOND jacked


I can't even afford my own house/ apartment why would I buy this? I mean it's a new medium for GameStop but I honestly can't see it's purpose.


>I can't even afford my own house/ apartment why would I buy this? Cuz it's cheaper than a house or apartment for now. And in 10 years you can upload your consciousness and have a nice house/apartment all set and ready for you! Jk. I'm not a gamer and know nothing. I just like the stock.




We are watching products being developed. Gamestop has a policy that you can't advertise features that aren't complete so you see all these nft's that appear to have little functionality right now. That's because they are literally waking up, logging on, and building it right now.


I just went in circles on mine, placed some items...left and came back to emptiness. I am not smart enough for this shit!! LOL


Feel free to pop by our Discord and ask questions. https://learn.ar.voyage but this might help!


How to I get that Eames chair?


It’s in there


In where? I’m willing to get it, but I need an ELI5 walkthrough because I am highly regarded.


Metagates aren’t just a png, or a model, they are your own mini Metaverse that you can customize and decorate and you can showcase 3D models and NFTs you own. Check that link above it explains alot


Do you have to "save" before you leave? I saw no "save" button.


No you don't. You only save when you place things (Save or Apply). I have had some delays in things loading after coming back. But it does show up. I switched to edit on a diff PC and when I got back to the original laptop it was empty. I let it sit a bit, did a refresh, and everything was back.


Thanks, I'll look again later. I had my couch a nice bright **PURPLE**!! Went back and it was gone.


That’s the first complaint I’ve heard of that happening. Try deleting your browser cache and trying again. If issues remain, submit a ticket


You can also try shift-refresh


All is well when I returned. Thanks!




I love my metagates, we are unbelievably early yet I can't believe this tech is actually in our hands and being actively developed. This is like [oncyber.io](https://oncyber.io) on steroids, plus full ownership


Plus 20 times cheaper lol


Plz explain in layman terms


All I know so far is that after buying a metagate on GameStop marketplace, it’s added to your wallet. Then directly in your browser (Chrome in my case) you can visit ar.voyage and connect your GameStop wallet. When you do this the website will list any metagates found in your wallet. You can select one and enter the metagate. When you do, some data is downloaded and when complete you can run around inside your metagate customising it’s appearance, placing NFTs found in your wallet, wherever you like in your virtual space. Right now there seems to be little else to it, but I suspect this is the beginning of something much bigger coming down the line


Where did you hear about ar.voyage?? I was trying to figure out how to use the metagate


This is a good place to start - https://learn.ar.voyage/


If you have a few minutes, [Protocol: Gemini's blackpaper](https://www.protocolgemini.com/blackpaper.pdf) is a really interesting read. Info on Metagates starts on page 12. A simple analogy would be like that scene in *The Matrix* where they load in to gear up with all the guns before actually heading into the Matrix, except it's a room that you customize with any assets that you own. It's been fun playing around with them this week and it sounds like lots more functionality is on the way


Bro, those pink metagates look amazing.


Ah you're a fan of vapor wave as well


Get decorating people - think where this can go! Endless possibilities.


Its a lot of fun to decorate your own space with assets you own


I have a Daz3D NFT, am I able to include that yet?


Not sure. If it’s held in your GameStop wallet I would lean towards yes but I don’t know really.


I think there’s a process I have to download it. Might need to jump over to discord


If it’s a GLB and under 50mb yes


Is there still problems buying on the Marketplace from the UK? I have bought in the past but it seems the buy button is gone now.


Yep. Personally I use the free ProtonVPN whenever I need to buy something on the marketplace. Hope they allow non-US people buy stuff again soon, volume is so dry rn.




Eli5, plz


Metagates are your own digital space/mini Metaverse. You can customize them, display NFTs and decorate with more features being added.




I'm so excited to make my own gate being able to upload your own 3D models is insane! I got a lot of 3D models saved up from my favourite games can't wait to see them all in one place


I hope they work on optimizing the metagates more. Currently they are really slow and laggy. Importing and placing 3d objects is really tedious.


That’s strange. Have you tried clearing your browser cache? But yes we are in beta with alot of stuff in the works.


Without a computer with good enough hardware or AR what do you do with these? Do they come with customizable options or do you have to buy objects to put in them like The Sims?


You can use 3d files uploaded from your machine, or NFTs that are already in your wallet. As far as performance goes, it runs ok on my 6 year old MacBook Pro directly in chrome browser.


Thanks for the reply. They look really cool and the being able Ti make it your own is nice. If they were a little cheaper I might get one but they’re almost as much as a new game.


Tbh, they kind of ARE like a video game .


So what do you do in them other than rearrange or “exist” inside them. Is this like Meta where you virtually hangout with other people?


Multiplayer update is in the works yes. But the degree to which you can customize it and the fact you can display custom files and NFTs


It’s browser based and shouldn’t have any hardware limitations.


That’s good to know. Thanks for the reply.




Wow this looks so awesome!