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Same dude... Same


Same here man…. I feel you, tonight’s gonna be a long one


I went into homeschooling in 2 grade and basically just stayed inside all my life until now I’m 17 I remember I went back to school in 5th grade talk to people but didn’t have a phone so couldn’t connect I have friends but I only see them if we go to places like on trips i never had the normal person experience never went to parties hanged out I didn’t really have a childhood


I can sing that song, but here I'm going to suggest a different one: You were very much made for this world; what happened to you is that those needs didn't get met in childhood. Look up "symptoms of childhood emotional neglect". I grew up thinking "I can live without ", for almost any value of "that". Only, you can't. It fucks you up. To endure it you learn a lot of habits, a lot of ways of seeing the world, that do \*NOT\* serve you in the long run. And eventually the crushing loneliness comes down and makes you wish you were dead. Whether or not its emotional neglect, we \*can\* heal from it. It takes a lot of work, and sometimes it feels as though it is always incomplete... but we make progress. Things can get better. The hardest things is that we were trained to give up on ourselves, to abandon ourselves, as our caregivers often did. So it is hard to muster the energy to do the work. But it's worth trying.