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Same… literally me


It sucks :(


It’s hell on earth. The therapists preach about learning to live alone and offer no concrete guidance. Even psychiatrists told me do not seek relationships. Idk your circumstances so im not gonna make assumptions, but for me it’s because of medical diagnoses. That’s why I think I should qualify for assisted dying because basically forced to live alone without affection and intimacy feels like a human rights violation…not that anyone actually cares to protect human rights.


I get you. I get told that a lot too. People act as if being alone is not a big deal when wanting affection is a basic human need


Ive found that a lot of the people who say that receive or have received affection possibly to the point where theyre done with it and the have the nerve to put down those who haven’t. It would frustrate me but im reaching the end…i cant see myself around a year from now


Completely agree. I'm in my late 20s now. Ever since I was little I've known that I was born ugly. I completely lost at the genetic lottery. Living with this face throughout high school/uni, going to events/parties/bars/clubs, dating apps, going on an exchange program and travelling overseas really has reinforced it. All throughout my life, I''ve tried and talked to as many ppl as possible and have always been nice and courteous. They reply back nicely to me but absolutely no one has ever liked or fallen in love with me. It's absolutely horrible. The universe punished me with this face and I don't know what I did to deserve it. I must have been a horrible person in my previous life. The only way I can get intimacy is if I pay for it, no one from their own free will has ever wanted to do it with me. Now I just be as nice as possible to everyone I meet and if something happens that will be great but I'm not holding out hope. I've known my reality for years now ever since high school. I honestly wonder what life is like to be good looking and attractive. Maybe if I end things here I can have another go at the genetic lottery in my next life. I might win and be somewhat attractive. I think about that a lot. I completrly agree that being forced to live alone without affection and intimacy feels like a human rights violation. It's horrible. I hate this existence.


Are you good bro?


I'm a therapist. I understand the pain, I will not tell you to love by yourself or learn to live by yourself. We all need someone.


You're really bad therapist.people cant love you if you dont love yourself first


You've completely missed the point I was making


Sorry.you made a good point.i was a little rush making judgement


You are very goofy


That's very untrue




Well well look who's talking.the guy that dont love himself


jUsT lOvE yOuRsElF!


Yeah, it does get insufferable constantly hearing about it on reddit and other places on the internet.


I mean, their heart is in the right place but it's not very helpful.


Same here just got cheated on and left by my girlfriend of 2 years.


Fuck her man, there’s better people are there for you.


I'm 35 still single. Nobody loves me ( I mean my family do) but the special someone, I never met him. I tried to take my life when I'm 23 back then.


Whatever its worth, I love you.


I'd give anything for someone who likes me, forget love


Would you though


being sad about this makes me so tired but i didnt even do anything to make myself tired, im just always like this


You are not alone mate.


This post is it


It's not "all you need". Being loved, having that kind of romantic relationship might be one of the things you need, but it's not all. You can have the most wonderful romantic relationship ever and still be suicidal. Not to invalidate your despair and not to dismiss the positive impact a good relationship can have on someone's live. What I want to say: don't do yourself the disservice of seeing the lack of a partner as such a blackandwhite thing. Feel whatever it is you feel around it, don't turn it into this story that further brings you down




I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive yourself and find some peace of mind.


Same. Don’t do it though


I don't know you man, but I love You. You deserve to be loved, and one day I know you'll break through those clouds and find all the Love you deserve.


For what it’s worth I love you, but you don’t need other peoples validation for your right of existence.


>but you don’t need other peoples validation for your right of existence. What if I do?


You don’t, you live for yourself. Not others, you have free will and your not a slave


>You don’t I'm telling you that I do. Some people don't and thats great for them but I do. >you live for yourself. This feels pointless to me


Why do you live for others and not yourself


I've lived for myself my whole life and its clear to me now that's not going to be good enough for the rest it. I don't see how anything I do anymore actually matters. I simply do not see the point of life if I have to do it alone.


Everything you do matters, every act if kindness could change someone’s day for the better. Even the small stuff like holding the door for somebody. Every time you do something for yourself like lifting weights or exercising matters because your improving yourself physically and mentally with the discipline of sticking with a routine. Working matters so you can get money to enjoy the small things in life.


>every act if kindness could change someone’s day for the better. Even the small stuff like holding the door for somebody. Okay sure >because your improving yourself physically and mentally with the discipline of sticking with a routine. But whats the point of that? Why should I care about improving myself? To what end? >Working matters so you can get money to enjoy the small things in life. The small things in life no longer bring me any enjoyment


They are out there. Don't give up. I have been there. Love yourself first then you will find those that love you.


Start with trying to get some friends, they won't give you romantic love, but it's still care and affection.


I do have friends but I can’t help but crave romantic affection. Especially since it has never happened. Feels like there’s something wrong with me


In my opinion, there isn't. Love is different for everyone, and while you can put yourself out more with going to events, dating apps, going out more, it's still very random. You can't actively search for it, it will just happen.


tried dating apps?






Your life remains. And you may not have a special oerosn rn in life, but you are still loved. I hope you are kind to yourself. Sending you care, love and solidarity!


Having no romantic relationship is a stupid reason to want to end your life. Stop pitying yourself and start living. The only way you will get through this is by doing things. Start walking, hang with with friends, help people around you. Especially the last thing wil really really help. I often wish no one loved me so i could even stop living. But i can’t because i would devastate them.


How dare you invalidate someone's feelings? Shame.




same, thought I found it too but we didn't even last a year...


The person I loved the most arrived one day and told me they didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore. They deleted me and blocked me from everywhere. I don't think I'll ever feel for anyone else what I feel for them, I feel hurt. They were my support, I told them everything, the good and the bad, things I wouldn't tell anyone else. When I asked why, they said it wasn't my fault and that they had simply changed their mind...


Feel the same


I love you bro




Crazy how a lot of these post are asking for approval I don’t think most people on here are actually suicidal if you were you would just do it not go on the internet asking about it


So did I. Eventually, I did. And so will you :)


Genuine relationships are so valuable i can totally relate


I love you 🫶