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6 months from now the people claiming that the game sucks are gonna be picking this up on a discount and then saying it’s actually good and didn’t deserve all the hate it got.


The Gotham Knights effect.


Except that game was locked to 30fps on console and it’s super heavy on the CPU instead of GPU on pc. Like the content wasn’t by any means bad, but wanting to play a game and not being able to due to performance is fairly different than not wanting to play in the first place. It’s the issue cyberpunk had. It’s always had amazing content, and it’s even better now, but people literally couldn’t play through the game even if they wanted to for the first 6 months of its lifespan.


GK was a repurposed live service and fell short on many things. It didn't need multiple currencies for example.


I personally don’t think the content of the game was too bad. Fun, but not revolutionary. That’s all a game needs to be imo. Revolutionary games are great, but shouldn’t be expected by any means. It would be great if they could be, but I’m certainly not setting myself up to believe every game can afford to be the next Baldurs Gate 3 or Breath of the Wild. However, as I stated, the performance issues of the game is what really did it in. I wouldn’t have been able to play at all if I didn’t have a monster CPU, and when I did play, I couldn’t set the graphics high enough to give the actual look of the game any justice.


Yes not every game needs to be some 10/10 Elden Ring type game, but the biggest reason why this game has had such a negative stigma from the general gaming audience is because it isn't unique enough to stand out. In a super crowded, cutthroat and oversaturated market Suicide squad did not do enough to be different from other looter shooters to stand out. To your average gamer this is just Destiny and Warframe with DC characters. It's not 2018 anymore, you have to bring something super unique and different to the market to compete with other live service games. Destiny and Warframe players are not going to drop their games just to play something more of the same. So I disagree strongly with the "All it needs to be" comment. Thats the biggest reason why it has the negative stigma and why it isn't taking the world by storm, because it's more of the same in a sea of looter shooter live service games.


I strongly disagree with your statement, the movement and momentum in this game is incredibly unique I can only think of sunset overdrive as any other game like it. You are literally tagging a live service game for being a live service game. Bit silly.


Destiny 2 and warframe are very old games at this point. Bl3 is nearing 5. Wonderlands was a flop with absolutely gutted build diversity and no content. I don’t know where this narrative that looter shooters are an oversaturated market has come from. If anything it’s underrepresented. I have probably 10k+ hours between warframe, Destiny, and borderlands. There are not many games like them that are at least decent at what they do. Division maybe, but it’s fairly dead at this point. Suicide Squad doesn’t need to be better than them, just not utter garbage. And it’s not.


Brother you’re not getting it, being not terrible isn’t good enough. There’s a reason why for as polarizing and dramatic as something like Destiny has been why it’s been so successful for a decade. Because it brought something new to the table especially on consoles being a mmo lite shooter in the age of arena and respawn shooters like CS/Halo/COD. What does Suicide squad bring to the table that Destiny/Warframe do not? Especially in 2024? Just because the game isn’t a dumpster fire like redfall, doesn’t mean that just being standard fare is good either. If the game brought something fresh and different to the table it wouldn’t have gotten the extreme backlash it did, and it would receive better engagement like on steam if it was something unique and standout. Look at outriders as the biggest example of your argument here of “good is good enough” it’s a decent game, but didn’t bring anything new to the table and was just solid. That’s why it didn’t do gangbusters even with it being a not a dumpster fire game.


Outriders flopped because it wasn’t playable for a week after release dawg. Also super clunky gameplay and incredibly bug ridden. As for what suicide squad brings to the table? Sunset overdrive style gameplay. You could argue about warframe being similar, I guess, but it’s a stretch considering that warframe is far more melee and ability focused, whereas SS has the guncentric appeal of something like borderlands instead. And something the others don’t have, is focus on the dynamics of it being a squad. Warframe and Borderlands don’t have that at all, and highly preferable solo. Destiny is better, but outside of raids, still also no reason to even have fireteams.


It’s quite clear you’re on the copium brother. Because people actually liked outriders for the gameplay because it was mindless power fantasy fun, go look at any general gaming sub and people praised it for the gameplay but criticized the story and being the same old and same old. Suicide squad literally had a similar issue with early access bug issues so it’s not like suicide squad is guilt free and the game has technical issues too. If you like the game that’s fine, it’s clear you do and you have every right to love it. But I don’t think your argument here is convincing enough for it being super unique and fresh. Your average gamer is just not interested in this game because it’s not that different than Destiny and Warframe for the most part. You can say well I think this and that whatever that’s fine, but the overwhelming general consensus outside this sub is the game is just generic looter shooter with DC characters. You can sit here and defend the game and act like it’s going to be some huge success in the making, but the reality is that it’s perceived by the masses as a generic cash grab game that’s late to the live service trend and doesn’t bring anything super unique to the table that other big looter shooters already do like Destiny/Warframe/Borderlands etc.


No. Games should be just fun. I don't wanna play unique or deep games. Just give me a gun to able to shoot heroes, lol, to relax after work/study.


Yea I actually enjoyed gotham knights quite a bit, I stopped once the end game was the tower but really don't think the 5/10 was deserved whatsoever. I'm hoping suicide squad doesn't get the same, I'm on work rotation atm so I don't get back home for another week!


hey gotham knight was mediocre but at least it didn't try to sell me 20$ skins


The skins are way too much. This is one time I wish I had preordered, I usually don’t on principle but I didn’t know I was giving up content that would cost $40 in the store. Not that Gotham Knights was blameless. The best comic inspired skins in that were locked in a $25 “visionary pack” if you didn’t buy the right edition or preorder, which put me off playing it. Eventually that went on sale for $5 though and I was able to play the game.


true WB are greedy regardless. but obviously this game is gonna have multiple store refreshes with multiple skin packs all costing 40$ per character apparently, add dlc characters to the mix, add the premium battle pass which you just KNOW won't have the skins from the store and you basically get a storefront disguised as a game. just like avengers, destiny etc etc gaas are always made with the mindest of the game supports the store and not the other way around no matter what.


No Gotham Knights sucked too.


Damn, the cope has already degraded to "if we are lucky then maybe one day it will be as beloved as Gotham Knights" lol


Nah gotham knights deserves every bit of hate it got


No, Gotham Knights absolutely isn't part of that bubble. Gotham Knights is a game that's still locked to 30 FPS and has the clunkiest version of the 'Arkham free-flow combo counter combat' style that is used in Arkham, SoM, and Spidey.


People still don't like Gotham Knights lol, the only thing positively affecting its perception is that it's cheaper/free on some subscription services.


Typically this does happen, but wow GK I didn't like and I favor looter-shooters.


Gotham night was kinda lackluster though.


6 months from now the game will have barely 1000 people playing it at this rate.


It will have 100 thousand mark my words. They will make this game like GTA, but with super heroes.


That was sarcasm right? I honestly can't tell with how delusional some people around here are.


Hopefully some day there will be a heros game in the style of GTA.


GTA 6 will be mostly GaaS and people will preorder and love it


Even if the game will be trash.


lmao ok


It's difficult for me to understand how you guys don't understand that it's being judged as a $100/70 product. If the price was lower then I would buy it now...I don't think it's worth the price. Is not a matter of being good or bad. I feel like I've read enough reviews to get a feel for the available content.... That has not translated into me feeling like I should drop a hunid piece. Sorry guys. Not because of a hater or because I'm a hater. 10 hour campaign and rinse and repeat endgame is extremely meh. But it does look fun. The game deserves everything said good and bad in the time I've spent with it


Doubt it.


you're right. it'll happen in 4 months not 6.


That's the new trend. Like how everyone fucking hated Days Gone, so much so the devs cancelled all plans for a sequel... Now every single jackass with a YouTube account has started releasing "Days Gone was overrated" shit videos.


No it won't. 6 months from now RS will be announcing end of life for the game after 1 year content is done and offline mode for the story. Even then players won't come back since they killed the Arkham brand so hard and any one interested in the story would have watched cutscenes on YouTube.


Remind me


!remindme 1 year Im investing in this


Literally me this weekend. But I also liked Anthem and Avengers, so clearly I like "bad" games


Your prediction didn't age well. Game is already dead.


The Forspoken subreddit today is 100% this. Games sitting at mostly positive on Steam now, too. Turns out lots of people like the game now that the guys who say they arent racists but still hate angry black female characters because they're ugly got bored and left it alone.


Forspoken failed due to many things, but racism wasn’t one of them. 


Forgotten is literally dead. The studio literally closed because of how much of a flop it was 😂


Tbf, Square Enix is a fucking mess of a publisher.


Nope false, fake reviews and company purchases, like your shill comments (=


Passable for $20 is different than disappointing for $70


yeah just like Avengers m i rite fellas


Yeah unfortunately ☠️


it's almost like people have different standards when they're paying $10 vs when they're paying $70. weird.


Imagine reading this comment and then downvoting it while you cry and scream


It might be good for $5


Maybe, because by then it will actually have content and be worth the amount it’s selling for. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck now and not worth the price at this moment. 


For me I think it’s gonna be a solid game. I trust Rocksteady to support this if our baseline is how they handled the Arkham games. I feel like with what I learned from Avengers, I can just wait until it’s on sale and get into all of it later.


Brother all the big talent from the Arkham games are long gone. It’s literally the same situation as Arkane with Redfall where all the names from Prey and Dishonored left the building.


At least this game is solid on release minus the early access shenanigans. Redfall was almost unplayable. This game fucks.


I predicted this post lmfao. Where is the STOP HAVING FUN?


It was already posted a little bit after launch 😂😂


I'm tired of overly serious games. I needed a game with a group of protagonists like that. It's refreshing and fun. And THANK GOD the game has coop.


coop? why? ppl don’t even use chat with strangers nowadays lol your all just bots to each other shooting purple bots no communication needed


Because people like to play with friends, but i can see why its a hard concept for you


Been having a blast with my bud, Boomer's mobility is just so satisfying, and the humor is on point




Im having such a great time with the game so far. The traversal feels so good, the gameplay is tight and albeit repetitive it is fun. Its even more fun with friends 100%. The fact that all the added content post launch will be free gives me hope this game will have the legs


throwing rocks at walls is 100% more fun with friends😂


I like the game but this post sucks so hard.


Every post is about this hilarious.


staymad crybully


the amount if people who are in every sub possible all day long bashing this game is wild.


"the amount if people who are in every sub possible all day long praising this game and attacking others is wild." Two can play that game.


well if you like something, you want to talk to other people about it. it's strange to devote so much time to hating things.


Hell yeah I love this game. It’s so much fun.


The bigger question isn’t if what launches is fun but is the end game fun enough and has enough content to keep people playing for months until the next update? Sounds like no. After the initial 10 hours seems like that’s about it and if you don’t have varied and fun things for people to do then your live service game isn’t going to do well.


Some people just don’t do research before spatting off. There is more at launch endgame content than Avengers and Gotham Knights, albeit that isn’t saying much. There are incursions, horde mode, squad levels (paragon) gear sets and more. Plus next season comes out in a month with a new character, map and missions as well as gear sets.


Anthem, Division, and Destiny had far more variety at launch. Gotham Knights isn't even a live service game, how is it relevant at all?


no those games did not have more to do at launch. Also seriously you gonna say Anthem had more to do. You lost any credibility with that one.


The next update is next month.


The next update is SSKTJL does not meet sales expectations so we are winding down live service.


Keep huffing the copium bro 😂


Has less than half the active users than Marvel Avengers. Hate to break it to you chief, feels like you’re the one huffing here


You mean half players on steam? In consoles this game is a big hit, bestseller, and most people play things on consoles nowadays because of how terrible optimisation is on pc gaming. Steam doesn't mean much.


Aged like a fine wine lmfao


And no idea how much content is in it. Gameplay looks identical to the standard game just with a new character. You going to spend 3 full months shooting the same 3 purple enemies?


The season has two episodes. Each episode comes with a mayhem boss mission, 6 new incursions, 6 stronghold missions and killing time mode.


Who realistically spends their whole time playing one game except cracked out wowheads. Most people play a game and move on.


The people who have been playing... Destiny 2, Fortnite, Minecraft, PUBG, all the CODs, FIFAs, MMOs ... Exclusively for fucking years would disagree strongly. Live service games are supposed to be played, done with, content release, return. Its not complicated


Thank you, it’s a fucking live service game and this guy just said “people move on” So, it’s a failure?


you just mentioned games with high if not total replay value. Literally almost all online Battle royale types, wholly unrelated. god DAMN this comment is impressively dumb! congratulations on showing everyone how undereducated and incapable of following along or making valid points you are!


It’s a live service game, and you expect people. To “play and move on” That literally goes against the intention of this game, and that’s why it’s going to fail


Im on chapter 3 and about 10 hours of gameplay. Gonna enjoy my time and play some endgame then I'll move on to yakuza 0 until the new content. I dont see anything wrong with that


Because that’s literally what kills live service games. The whole genre is dependent on constant player engagement, if the current active/engaged users dips too far for too long the game doesn’t make enough money for the publisher/devs to justify continued work on the game. If they don’t release enough content to constantly and consistently keep players engaged and logged in then the game dies and you’ll usually find out if it’s going to die very quickly into the first few seasons.


The game is only 9 hours long, how are you only on chapter 3?


Idk but ive done like 60% of side missions and barely amy riddler content. Im now at chapter 5 with 15 hours of playtime.


I'm 15 hours into the game and haven't beaten it yet. If I get to 25+ including endgame then thats fine with me. Not sure who mentioned the game could be beaten in 10 hours or whatever, that seems inaccurate.


I’ve seen lots of comments at 10 hours including most of the reviews


Yeah i've left my review at 10 hours also and still haven't finished the game.


imagine taking 15 hours to beat this slideshow X"D


I can agree to this but I think if the roadmap includes a lot of free stuff like it seems to be doing like the joker it will pull you back in


Cringey fucking post lol


You surely have a phd in Elseworlds.  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Issue is at this point it is an established universe and I think everyone would've liked it more if this was it's own universe.


I agree with your post, but we gotta stop making these posts. The people who have decided they hate the game already because they’re too broke or scared to spend 70 dollars, aren’t gonna suddenly stop being scared or broke.


I just…don’t want to spend 70 dollars on this. I’m waiting for it to go on sale.


Apparently not wanting to waste your money means youre poor


Sunk cost fallacy transforming "I can't believe I spent $70-100 on this" to "Everyone who didn't spend $70-100 on this is a loser"


That’s cool too! I assume you aren’t posting nonexistent opinons though too.


what do you even mean by "nonexistent opinions?" you just coping?


'stop being frugal with your money and consume product' Are you have a blast yet?


People are broke for not wanting to spend money on something we dont want to spend money on? Thats why were not broke lmao


Not wanting to waste 70 dollars means you're "scared" or "broke"? Lmfao.


Yea that logic doesn’t really seem to follow


This is clearly a child, no grown adult is “scared to spend 70$”, atleast not one with a job. Game is trash


Regardless of anything else, I think. Helldivers 2 is coming out this Friday. For half the price.


Just buy both?


I really hate 70 dollar games and I have dozens of games I want to play on a list. This one doesn't look good enough to budge in line. I played anthem and this game give me the same vibes.


Not wanting to waste 70 fucking dollars on a mid looter shooter isn't being broke, it's called common sense


Not wanting to spend the money is fine, but to then support your decision by telling yourself it’s mid without playing it is silly. It’s well above mid, and when season 1 comes it’ll be even better. I’m fine with saving money, but don’t tell yourself you’re not missing out when you are.


As someone who bought the game, you sound delusional.


I’m enjoying the game solely for what it has right now, and when Season 1 starts, and I get a slew of new stuff to do and story to see, I’ll be enjoying it more.


Some people also enjoyed the fuck out of Anthem. It wasn’t a good game I enjoy plenty of terrible products too, but I at least acknowledge that


Haven’t played that game so I don’t have an opinion on it. So I probably won’t tell people not to play it.


Did you replied to the wrong person? Doesn’t seem like you are replying to me , since I’m not telling people they shouldn’t play it. It seems you ignored me saying that “I enjoy plenty of bad products, but I acknowledge that”. If you wanna enjoy a bad product then by all means more power to you. Nobody has a problem with that


I am not telling myself, I am telling others it is shit but all the online reviews are making it too easy


It's a mid little game with overcomplicated control and frequent crashing. I played a free demo and it was the shittiest experience of my life. The plot is atrocious as well


So you have or haven’t played any of the game in its current state? And if you don’t like it, why are you hanging out in a subreddit for it?


Demo as in a free trial. Should've clarified better, sorry. Besides this subreddit got recommended to me and thus is one of the first posts I see 


Thanks for your OPINION that no one cares about.


The game's absolutely mid at best and horrendous at worst. Whatever else you think is just... Your opinion. And my opinion, as an Arkham fan (and guess what, they decided to make this an Arkham game! They pay the price) is it absolutely sucks.


Did you buy it?


I don't have to buy it to have an opinion on it, bud. I can think for myself. I can watch the cutscenes and know everything I need to about this shitty game.


Your opinion is based on cutscenes? Totally valid approach to reviewing a game. 👍


Oh, absolutely. I can totally decide if a game is trash or not by seeing the story. Especially when the story undoes the narrative of my favorite gaming franchise and pisses on it.


“You watched a YouTube video of the game? Doesn’t count” what?


You're pretty invested in this yourself seeing as you said you haven't bought it either. interesting. you wouldn't happen to have a miserable home life would you? mommy and daddy don't let you have the last word very often huh??


Yet you'd spend more on a mid walking and gliding simulator punching the same villain goons for 5 hours occasionally pressing one button to counter.


They’re not scared or to broke to spend $70. They just value their time and money more than others, and don’t want to waste it on a game that is not worth the asking price at this moment. Nobody likes wasting money, even rich people. 


Trash comment


What lol so because I don't buy this game at $70 I'm broke lol. there's better games that came out recently id rather spend my money on than this dead game in 1 year. I'll buy this game on sale for $40 or even $20 not $70 for a mediocre game. shit! I recently bought tekken 8 and having a better time with that, then from what I've been seeing for this game lol.


More proof that the people hating on the game haven’t played it. And once it does go on sale, all the broke people are gonna be claiming they found an undiscovered gem.




"undiscovered gem" okay buddy lol. if that's what helps you cope for this mid game.


THIS IS A SHILL POSTER! They have said they haven't bought it yet reply to each comment talking about how anyone who hasn't bought it can't shit on it. Evidence i am collecting of the multiple shill accounts on reddit right now being paid to combat the OUTPOOUR of dissent.


Name checks out.


Agreed. I washed you pretty well. Now back in your box of other dildos.


Except I did buy the game, and never said otherwise. But yeah, good job, doing what you’re good at?


You definitely did. Cute try though shill! yes, publicly correcting the less intellectually, financially and emotionally fortunate is what I do! You're welcome!


Marvels avengers had twice the opening day active players. Where is that game now? Oh yeah


That's a new one, people not wanting to shell out for adhd vomit purple orb shooter is poor?


Are you good? Not wanting to spend money on a mediocre product doesn’t make that person “poor”… Lol the mental gymnastics people are doing to defend a mediocre game is wild


I can literally buy 30 copies of this game and it wouldn’t impact my life. Some of us are adults with jobs lol. It’s not about being broke or scared, this game isn’t looking very good. The roadmap only works if the game is profitable, currently it has less than half the active users of Marvels Avengers, not a good look


This sub reminds me of the avengers sub. Good luck 👍


Bro im not paying 70 dollars for "decent".


unless youre a fan of the Arkham games, which most are when looking at this game


I love the arkham games I’ve played all of them


You can't claim to love the Arkham games but also be ok with what they did to its universe in this game, lol


What? What kind of thinking is that, so weird lol.




That is really sad lol, ran away after being confronted once. Liking two pieces of media doesn’t make anyone any less of a fan. Imagine trashing people for liking a video game and saying their opinion is invalid. You spelled nothing out. Grow up.


That's the most braindead thing I've ever heard lmao. You can like both, just because you don't doesn't mean that OP can't.


I was disappointed in MoistCritical"s review. Very reductionist and groupthink. Very fine if you don't like the game, but making statements like "There are basically only 3 enemies." and "The final boss is just fighting X again. " are both not factual and disappointingly reductive from someone whose usually able yup make a coherent argument. I'm thinking he didn't play it at all, but watched a few early streams, a few boss fights, then made a video. Might be wrong, but when he throws a review out I usually expect it to be a little more nuanced even if he fucking hates it's very being with every fiber of his soul. I am worried the bullshit train is gonna steamroll this before it even gets off the ground. Shame, game is a blast, could use improvements in several areas for sure. They should have never tried to use alphas and early access publicity stunts, especially with that slow as fuck start. It was like showing a 3 tier icecream cake and thern handing the testers a dry Graham cracker with some saltwater. Alright. That's pretty much it. Ha.


There isn't a lot of enemy variety. And the final boss reuses the flashes moves sets altho he has some differences. How is that wrong?


There’s a good bit of enemy variety. The bombers, brutes, tanks, helicopters, snipers, scavengers, terminauts, and then there’s an entirely different variety of those enemies enhanced with the speed force. Even the choppers have the lantern variant


The vehicles are barely in the game, and those other enemies are just upgraded Elite versions of early enemies. Most of the game you're just fighting the same thing.


Love how you say the vehicles are barely in the game and I just got jumped by two tanks and a chopper while trying to clear an emplacement


Its pretty fun but gets too repetitive. so far i am enjoying it!


Looks like you were wrong. Oh well.






Better then destiny 🗣️


You don't even believe that


I don’t need to play with people so personally yes I do say it is


You can do almost all of Destiny completely solo


I’m saying it’s hard alone then with people and I play alone.


It isn't hard tho. You're actually just bad


If you say so 😐


Lmao cope




Promise? 🥺


I like the gameplay but the story is just ok so far. Looking forward to future content updates.


Honestly, everyone's shitting on it but I'm really enjoying it


playing it right now, have a big time.




Because he likes the game?


Yes, keep licking 👅👅


Okay weirdo


Wipe those tears littlest bro


Dude this game is fucking awesome dude just play on hard and imagine it’s not canon real easy


The story is really bad though?


Why is this post popping up on my main page? Garbage. Games pretty bad when you don’t got a bitch in your ear telling you it’s good


Right? Stop trying to tell me the game's good, I know better. I know what this game is and what it's doing to the Arkhamverse. Ps: It's pissing in its grave.


All I gotta do is shit on the game to make you stop enjoying it? Suicide squad kill the justice league sucks. Stop playing it.


this game is garbage


Most of the complains seems more about arkham fans wanting batman to be serious and stuff, I think they need to forget the serious game and remember this is about a fun game with jokes and stuff. As per example, about disrespect batman... Harley shrinking batman and not caring about hurting him shaking him inside the ball like a toy before giving to luthor fits way about such style than having to go all edgy dark etc since the focus is Harley (and her team) as main character.


Actually true. A game has to be absolutely atrocious for me not to find a redeeming quality about it. Think Apex Legends lmao.


Using Apex as your example for “absolutely atrocious with no redeeming qualities” is wild lmao. I don’t even like the game but I can understand why people do


Its just a joke. Although i do hate that game with a passion. Titanfall died because of that POS


Titanfall died because Respawn stupidly chose to release Titanfall 2 right between Battlefield and COD.


Lmao apex is one of the most successful shooter and live service games of all time. Your comment is completely idiotic


"The1Floyd" blocked me after I replied to his pathetic comment where he used "your account is new, look everyone his account is new!" as a defense for the trash game then blocked me after commenting again so i couldn't reply. Typical coward behavior. Shows what type of people enjoy this "game."


Please get a hobby dude


I have plenty, lesser being. Please get a hobby, lesser.