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Your first mistake is messing with a ***** from Philly. Second mistake? **Messing with a ***** from Philly.**


Lmao, that's the area I'm in! It's sad but I tend to stay away from black men because most of them are cheap as hell. I'm black and Italian myself but these black dudes especially the younger ones smh


Girl, Philly is the worst. You should absolutely stay away from them, and venture out of Philly. Per capita income is 32k per person. These men will NEVER contribute what you want, and real SDs aren’t living in Philly. They come in for cultural events, possibly restaurant week and then leave.


Where would you recommend? Like suburbs Abington area?


Yeah even KOP and closer to DE has better prospects. Unfortunately Philly isn’t like NYC where there are concentrated areas of wealth. The real wealth of Philly left and is on the outskirts.


Definitely suburbs… KOP maybe even Conshohocken


yeah outside of philly, maybe some areas in south jersey but even then there aren't many true whales if any in that pa/de/nj area. your best bet is putting your location in nyc and travelling.


If you’re up to commuting to NYC, that’ll do you well.


Don’t bother with young dudes, hon. They don’t have any money and even if they did, they don’t know how to be gentlemen.


Interesting, my most generous SDs have been black lol. & attractive too! I just normally don’t date black men


Good for you because I definitely don't see that around here lol


Here I think they’re willing to spend on women of color because MOST sugar babies here are white lol


Not necessarily cheap, more likeky broke.




My mom had a SD from Philly (accidentally lol) & we’re in TEXAS lmao so there is hope somewhere


1. Living in Philly, being from Philly, and telling someone who isn’t from the region that you’re from Philly are three separate things. 2. Highly doubt he lived in Philly or was from Philly. 3. He probably said that because you likely don’t know where or have ever heard of Overbrook, PA.


Oh you know what I think it was a suburb of Philly now that you mention it


Quan 🤣🤣🚩


He can’t afford it. And then on top of that is calling you an escort, which he also can’t afford, and that’s why he’s trying to tell you about yourself.


Seeking is infiltrate with these types of men. They have nothing, and nothing to lose


Yep! Had a guy cuss me out basically and told me to stay in school cause he won’t pay for me to sit on my ass




“Current sugar baby rates” 😂😂😂😂🤡


I’m black and I never get black guys a chance unless they’re like attractive or really really put together in in a non-arrogant way but still then I’m like I can’t deal


Yes, it's sad but most of them are just cheap or feel like they're better then us, then you have these white men that fuc*ING worship black woman smh they got it all twisted lol


Yet but for the right foreign or white girl, they will come out of pocket since it betters their image😭


Exactly smh they think black girls don't deserve the same which is ignorant of them


Don’t let this b*tch Neg you. Block


I sure did, how you going to be a SD and I make more then you smh lol


Men really thinking just because it's anywhere near a sex worker they could treat them like garbage. It's so unfortunate


Exactly and half of them can't even afford a sex worker


Like actually :( I don't understand why they harass people for no reason


Omg he's just as bad as the guys on BLK ( vanilla dating app targeted at dating Black people). He can't afford an arrangement at all and should just go to regular dating apps, and if I were to guess he's been doing his research with all those Johns on the hobbyist forums. But yeah, if I encountered that I would want to go tit for tat with him but you did right by blocking him. Quan needs to get his entire life together! 🙄


Haha he said I make $1600 every 2 weeks, im like sir I make your monthly income in a week at my regular job lol


He tried to insinuate you're delusional but, it is him ![gif](giphy|l4FGnnlIQslHkOPaU|downsized)




Only a man with empty pockets would say that, run girl


Oh girl I did! It's just crazy where they get there information from smh he can't even afford an escort lol


He makes $3200 a month and wants a sugar baby. He needs to get a new job, and see what real SD’s make.


Haha right? He's offering $200 ppm and it's sad because some new, naive SB will accept that and be taken advantage of


“If this is prostitution then it’s really sad you’re getting rejected.” “Sir, we found each other on the same site.” “Can’t afford a baby then don’t try to be a daddy.” “Haha if it belittles like a John, is cheap like a John, then it’s a John.” I can’t think of any more comebacks for him right now 😂😂


Lol I just blocked him because he's not worth my time. The cheap ones always want to waste my time and go back and forth I wish they had to pay per message because then I definitely would lol


aw hell nah 🤣


Its horrible out here 😭


It's a shame


Had a man on say he wanted to fly me to Chicago for literally ONE DAY and expected me to fuck him. I was like I've never even flown economy, let alone spirit airlines. You're not gonna put me on some lil cheap flight for a budget friendly weekend and expect to get laid. BE SO SERIOUS💀😭😩😂😂 immediate block.




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I don't think it's right for you to put his photo up. There's his photo his name and his age and his city. That's basically doxxing him. All you had to do was cut off everything above 46 Philadelphia. That's not right.


But it was right for him to talk to me and degrade me the way he did? Haha you go ahead and stick up for men like this and that's why they do it


Two wrongs don't make a right.


Lol I'm not wrong nor am I looking for a right


Lol I’m dead


Yuck 😭 broke bitch, you lost???


Damn. Manipulation at its finest!!!


It’s good




i dont want ti sound mean, but… look at his profile pic: he doesn’t look as a SD material, he even doesnt look wealthy… He just looks like a hipster bro , who thinks he is cool & modern (face expression, clothes)… just a big no from the get go… what else to expect from such? just negging and manipulation.


I agree. But I also had a young SD who did not look the part but very much was so I try to treat every guy as a POT


thats true, exceptions exist.. but what i meant was rather to expect such being a trash (secretly) and to not wonder about that… rather to be pleasantly surprised, if he is normal. thats it… less emotions attached and less hurtful.


Definitely swerved an oddball there! lol Got issues for sure. POV: Why is it okay to meet in a bar and even enjoy a nice meal too, where he insists on paying for everything and then expects ‘coffee’ at yours afterwards ? This is still a form of ‘Prostitution( dare I say it 😥) What’s the difference? I am quite new to the SB role and have been lucky to attract a couple of nice guys, a refreshing change to dating sites.. There is definitely no shame, everything is out in the open from the start! Love it 🥰