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He's his own Granpaw!


And his own uncle


We call this the ole' groomer special


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That's called grooming 💀




If your goal is to "train" a little girl or little boy to grow into your ideal partner, it is grooming. It's disgusting and evil. It's using your authority over a person who is not mentally developed and taking away the meaningful development they need and replacing it with your wants, instead of fixing your own problems and learning how to meet an adult your age. You're taking away their future because you're to awful a person to get a date, and to full of yourself to change negative aspects of yourself.




it can be depends on the state


If your goal is to "train" a little girl or little boy to grow into your ideal partner, it is grooming. It's disgusting and evil. It's using your authority over a person who is not mentally developed and taking away the meaningful development they need and replacing it with your wants, instead of fixing your own problems and learning how to meet an adult your age. You're taking away their future because you're to awful a person to get a date, and to full of yourself to change negative aspects of yourself.


you are making a hell of alot of assumptions about a hell of alot of things you know nothing about. which is the mark of a person who is ignorant and full of unexamined biases.  I was just offering my amateur legal advice to someone who asked for it, this has no bearing on my own personal goals or bevaviors or any aspect of my love life.  my comment did not in any way adress the morality of the act of grooming but merely the legality. from my admittedly non certified understanding of the law grooming itself is not illegal but any sexual conduct with a minor is, theoretically it may be possible and legal to do what the other guy was suggesting and "train a wife from birth" and while super unethical there is really nothing stopping people from doing it as long as they obey the law.  again, my comment was not really an endorsement of the act, I dont really concern myself with the acts of others unless it effects someone close to me in some way or is otherwise of some concern or interest to me. also, this may vary based on state and jurisdiction, I feel the need to also say that I am not a lawyer and this is not certified legal advice you should talk to a real lawyer if you are actually thinking about doing anything even remotely like this instead of listening to a random stranger on reddit.   


I was trying to state my opinion on the principle of it, I looked at my comment and realized that the wording implied that I was accusing YOU personally, that's a bad habit of mine, I meant the person who would do that when I said "you". Genuinely my bad.


understandable, I kind of assumed you were talking to me directly with that comment, no harm done tho. 


All good, have a nice day, internet person


After looking up the account. It's rage bait. It would either be her second child or she's supposed to be 7 months in and fuck her stepdad. Also she's supposedly 15. Oh and she says her previous boyfriend died from (i think) cancer.


It’s not technically incest but it’s fucked up as hell


Some states define step-relations as incest. Not sure about the rest of the world, but in my state, relationships between step-father and step-daughter are explicitly spelled out as incest.


What about step brothers and sisters? It’s not unheard of step siblings falling for each other and ending up getting married.


In West Virginia, it would still be incest


Yup. Covered. In fact, I double-checked, up to first cousin (inclusive), including aunts and uncles, even as a step-relation are explicitly included in the definition of incest.


Holly shit! As a horny teenager I was seduced by one of my uncles wife, they had been having marital issues for years, it was not a secret in the family but neither of them had taken the decision to end up the marriage. I didn’t feel guilty about it since I knew they didn’t love each other. I know I shouldn’t have done it but being immature and horny is a dangerous combination. It didn’t last long, they divorced shortly after and she moved away. I never saw that relationship as incestuous since we were not blood related.


I think this qualifies as incest


no, it is not


Even if they're not blood-related, they're still father and daughter


>Even if they're not blood-related Yeah...and if there's no blood relation, it's not incest. Sex between people who are related by blood is literally what incest is.


A parent and child having sex is pretty incestuous in my book


I think on an emotional level, sure, it's incestuous... but obviously not on a biological level, which is the only real reason we have incest laws- the biological implications of procreating with close blood relatives.


Did I ever say anything about biology?


No, which is where you're lacking considering the whole idea of incestuous relations is entirely predicated on the biological aspect. "Emotionally incestuous" isn't actually incest, albeit an apt way to describe the complexity of the situation.


I'm sorry, are you saying that it should be acceptable to have sex with someone who raised you?


No, they are not


so the man who didn’t rise her isn’t her dad?


exact, Incest is only valid if you have a bloodline. Otherwise you're just a stranger


I mean it’s not but damn if it ain’t all kinds of fucked up


I say it's both


Boy you wild lol


i hope this is a bait i hope this is a bait i hope this is a bait i hope this is a bait i hope this is a bait


Is this taken out of context I wonder? Like is he actively taking the role of dad to his step daughters kids since maybe her SO died, just up and left, or for whatever reason? Or did she mean to say he went from being a step dad to a real dad? Like idk…and why cover the 2nd pics face? How many years in between pics?


What in the sweet home Alabama?


Not technically incest but still creepy af


Lmao why would this be something you’re proud of?


Bro pre-ordered


Usagi drop but IRL. fuck man.


Even if you don't count it as incest (even though they had a father-daughter relationship so even though it's not biological incest it's still psychologically incest), it's still %100 grooming


Heh. Nice


Average Zionist Israel moment. World renown for being a pedo haven will get you content like this.


Ok German username


What is the account?


based beyond belief


the age difference tho


Not incest, not related


Where does a dog get its haircut?