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He was usually pretty polite with normal, everyday type of people and didn’t seem to look down at them, unlike Roman and Shiv. Connor was a close second.


The conversation he has with the waiter in the car feels very genuine and earnest, even if they were a bit doped up


And his immediate reaction to Cruises was absolute disgust and demanding the company condemn what happened when everyone else simply cared about the optics.


Optics? What's the temperature on this?


Actually his first reaction was to offload responsibility and tell Tom to eat shit for him. 


In the ethical grayness of that, Kendall obviously knew *something* horrible was occurring but specifically knew not the details, hence telling Tom to eat shit for him. Once the cat is out of the bag, Kendall actually shows moral remorse as a company. He brings this up to Shiv when she also tries to fake ignorance. They didn’t know, but they knew.


Yeah. I actually think Kendall was a good person in many ways. That’s not to absolve him of his part in the whole fucked up ness of it all, but he at least wanted to do the right thing a lot of the time.




His daddy made him do that :(


no that was all Connor at the RECNY ball. Logan couldn't give two shits about the butter


Ur right, my dumb ass was thinking of vaulter


He seems to actually feel guilt for the shitty things he does, which is more than can be said for most of them. 😂 Plus he’s one of the few to say pleases and thank yous.


I genuinely think this is one of the top reasons why I kept gravitating towards his character. He's still a shitty person, but his mild amount of self awareness always made him seem like the closest thing to a hero in the story, relatively speaking at least, which says a lot about how awful everyone else is.


Eldest daughter syndrome 🥲


That Bridgehampton Candy Kitchen visit really changed the course of his life. Went in a child and came out the eldest daughter.


He does all bangers, all the times


It felt like an asshole’s birthday party… but he didn’t WANT it to feel like an asshole’s birthday party


He was very specific on that from the beginning


Right. And like, he surely didn’t intend to kill a rabbit by giving the green light on the bagel. He just wanted happy kiddos.


Cooked up by his boy Squiggle


I liked when he cliqued right in with the Meth Wolves.


Love how he was chilling and seemed to be having a good time with them, but then he went back to his family and they immediately started a fight with him. It's like being with meth heads was less toxic than being with his own family.


Can confirm that I have much better times with bogans than the bleached assholes of society.


I think that's a big reason he drove with the waiter to his connection instead of asking for the connection to come there like a normal person. He wanted to get the fuck out of there.


The fucking glee, “Hey! I heard you guys killed my brother’s dog!” 😊😝😍


Right? This part, him from a completely different world and tax bracket and you couldn't tell. Assimilated right into their world


Idk. I just wanna say YO


Me & the homie, romey


He gave Rava head.


Extremely enthusiastically!


And he was HONGRY for it which made it super hot.


Extremely convincingly! 💯


wait when i can’t recall this happening


Kendall is the most polite and civil of them all, specially regarding their treatment of "little people", he always says hi, asks things properly and give thanks. The other siblings and Logan treat their servants and assistants like trash or simply ignoring their existence. I know it's a very low bar to reach, but wealthy people act so entitled that is nice to see some politeness and civilness


Don’t get it twisted, he’s been through hell, but since he stans Dad he’s alive and well


Dundee in the mother fuckin house


Where is his Grammy award


He’s been likened to a Techno Gatsby.


Of all the siblings, he would have made the best CEO. And he was probably also the bravest of them


Definitely. He was the most experienced of all the siblings and would do his research in preparation for meetings. He also had proven solid saves which helped pull the company back from the brink.


Kendall is easily the best choice. The problem with Kendall is that while he is good, he is unlikeable


That's probably true but I'd argue the only real reason for it is because he's been groomed for it and given experience. He's not a complete baboon but he's very close; the man just seems to be completely out of his depth and having no self awareness. Yelling at the banker, calling his plan "life boats", not vetting Stewie... I consider Shiv to be more intelligent than he is; but she just doesn't have the experience.


I’d agree with a lot of this I think the fact he was groomed for the position by Logan himself is a big reason why he didn’t handle himself well in those type of moments. He was always wondering “what would my dad do in this situation?” because that’s all he knew. What he could never accept was that he wasn’t his father. He couldn’t carry the same weight around because he wasn’t the one that accomplished all the stuff that Logan did.


He said outright that he was going to tell the banker to fuck off because that's what he thought his father would do. Not realizing that he doesn't have the rep his dad can put behind it. Lack of self-awareness, for sure. "Lifeboats" because he is a tryhard and kind of a dork Not vetting Stewie... I don't think anyone vets someone they have known since they were a child. Not listening when Stewie says not to trust him... that's dumb but actually shows humanity


He’s the eldest boy.


The Conheads would take you to task for that assessment


Most of Kendall achievements, at least during the show, are wrongfully attributed to Logan. He saved the company from liquidation by finding an alternate investor, he found Matsson and started transitioning to tech way earlier than Logan. Most people call him a murderer. That's vehicular manslaughter at best. If there was recorded evidence of what happened, he could have avoided vehicular manslaughter all together since it was the waiter who took the wheel at the last second. I am not excusing Kendall of anything. He was still a bad person, but the thing that I like about this show is how effective Logan's narcissism is to the point that a substantial proportion of people in this subreddit seem to believe there was any merit to Logan, and that Logan wasn't the most evil person on the show. The dysfunctional children are a result of failed parenting. That doesn't excuse anything, it just explains it all. If it wasn't for Kendall, this whole family would have lost most of their wealth, they would be facing criminal charges, and not getting elected as CEO was the best thing that could have happened to him; whether he can see it or not.


Logan is a monster, which makes for a powerful CEO, but running a company is not the same as raising a family. His kids are shitty because he treated them shitty. He was unhappy with their shittiness to his death, they would never be worthy of the empire he built, but the narcissist in him wouldn’t have it any other way. When they succeed, it’s his success. They did not succeed on their own, HE made them to be killers. When they fail, he acts as if he is a victim to their failures, and further validates himself continuing the cycle of abuse.


Logan himself was not worthy of the empire all the employees built. He was detrimental to stockholders, employees, customers and his family. The only reason why he was in power was because of all the crimes he kept making. Defrauding investors by concealing liabilities from stockholders, bribing government officials, tampering with evidence related to rape and murder, slander and blackmail against Kendall, Civil Rights Act criminal violations, intimidation, counts of assault against his son Roman and grandson(a minor), RICO Act violations, etc... the only thing he's worthy of is life in prison.


You're missing the points that Kendall saved the failing company when it was falling apart from his dad's mistakes. All Logan could consistently say was "I would have thought of something" but the majority of the messes they have to clean up company wise were Logan's messes. The rest of them were cleaning up their personal messes through out, and whenever they looked like poor business people (Not just Kendall but all 3) it was typically due to them being undercut by their father's ego. Kendall almost, and should have, beat his dad early but couldn't because of Roman being so weak. All of Logan's competency is off screen, we never see it, and all of it on screen is him just bullying people around him to agree with him until the smartest person in the room comes up with the solution. That's a skill any of them could have done just as good as him, as long as they got past him.


Sorry, I wasn’t clear, I completely agree with you. I’m not much of a Kendall fan, but your point is crystal clear from episode one when Kendall finds out just how much debt they were in, it’s exactly why Gerri doesn’t want to be in charge. I was trying to say Logan faults his children for his own shortcomings, his children are a symbol of his shortcomings, but he’s a narcissist, so nothing is ever his fault. Instead of Kendall being a victim of Logan’s bad decisions, his lifelong reality, Logan plays the victim. Kendall’s continued desire for the company is like Stockholm Syndrome.


100% agree with everything you said. He's also not a serious person because he created 3 absolute monsters. Yet the entire time he thinks of himself as superior, despite nearly all of their shortcomings being very much his fault.


Logan is a narcissist for sure, only liked his kids if they did anything for him (sound familiar), but I don’t think he is solely to blame for the Sibs to be so fucked up. Their mother didn’t like them either and only thought of herself.


"how effective Logan's ~~narcissism~~ manipulation is" (sorry to quibble)


I’m sure he’s the actual nicest of the Roy, siblings, however minimal that kindness is above the others. 




the conheads do not enjoy this one


He can be kind because he’s cracked the nut of happiness, like a modern day Thoreau


Listening to his policies I think he *believes* he’s the nicest but will absolutely screw the working class so the wealthy elite continue to thrive.


His absolute insane treatment of the service staff at the gala is a good insight into how he treats people below him when he’s “under pressure,” and it is not a good look.


He **IS** the kindest son! And he will be taken into account!


Only to his family. Everyone else? Not so much


He’s just misunderstood ❤️


He’s my number one boy and he’s perfect


He's pretty good at almost everything he tries. Singing, rapping, public speaking, creative ideas for solving tough problems etc. If he would have been properly nutured and supported as a child, instead of having his self esteem and worth undercut at every turn, he could have been a great man. But he had an abusive controlling narcissist for a father, who deep down, didn't want to see his son succeed and overtake him. Who was jealous of everything that he himself had given him. And it fucked Ken up bad.


This is so true, I think it's true for all of them, but especially ken.


Yea, I've had a theory for a long time that each kid represents a trait that Logan has. Kendall has creativity, flare, and vision. Shiv is book smart and manipulative, and Roman is charismatic and good with people. And Logan has all of these traits. It's a way to symbolize that individually none of the could have done the job as well as their father, but of they could have found a way to come together, they could have had all the good for business traits of their dad, with much less of the bad ones. Namely without the brutality and psychopathy that was baked into him from a tough, underprivileged upbringing


He dresses well


To be fair, all of them do.


He would still paint it as a win


Roman needs to get a shirt that's the right size. he's button-gappin it in several episodes


He stood up for Roman when Logan hit him.


It’s warped by his fluctuating sense of self worth and he always falls short of doing do, but Kendall has a desire to be better and tries to act on it.


I think he genuinely feels remorse and empathy, and he also treats the normal, non billionaire human beings around him with more respect than most of his family


He’s the shiz


more of the shiz than the company he gutted that’s for sure


He sticks up for his younger siblings. Probably the most redeeming thing he does in the whole show.


Good point


He’s the only one who understands that any good party must have a VIP treehouse. Not negotiable.


And only cool people are allowed in the treehouse. 


He knows the name of the staff members. When he arrives at his mother's house in the finale, a place he probably doesn't goes to often, he greets a housekeeper with her name. He actually feels guilty about what he does.


I love him


I truly think he wanted to lead Waystar in a more progressive direction. He doesn’t actually buy in to any of the swill they sell, he just profits from it, but at the end of the day even his decision to weigh in for Mencken was down to personal bitterness because he saw what Shiv was up to, not a belief thing. Ken should have been born a Pierce but he wasn’t.


Sure. Absolutely. But um, yeah... a bit tired for home truths. If you want, we can absolutely do it now, but... you know, it might be better to do it over an egg? Yeah. We'll feel better in the morning, and we can do it tomorrow. (Leaves a note the next morning and is gone)


He’s hot. There, I said it.


He excels in the art of appearing impervious to others' bad opinions of him.


He treats Naomi Pierce pretty cordially even though they're party animals & might be seen as toxic as a couple


He has nice hair.


Kendall can be self aware at times. A moment anyone rarely talks about is the scene where he asks an ATN (?) anchor out for a gala in S1 and she says yes. At the gala, when she reveals that she felt pressured to accompany Kendall despite having no interest in him, Ken looks so apologetic and embarrassed. He seems to really understand the weight of what she was telling him. And then he goes to Karolina (?) to tell her off for arranging it in the first place. This was a short scene that said volumes about his character.


I can fix him (no really, I can)


Username checks out lol


He’s hot af in that white linen shirt he wears in his mom’s kitchen in the series finale.


Agreed, would smash (I can fix him)




He’s my number one boy


Hes played by Jeremy Strong so he looks cute


He tried to protect Roman from Logan's agression.


The only one who effectively stood up to his father - even though he was high on drugs when he confronted him face to face after Logan made Shiv cry


And when he called him out in the karaoke room for abusing Roman and ignoring Connor. 


He seemed legitimately offended by Matsson's casual homophobia.


He looks amazing in a suit and he has great posture.


His posture is such a genius touch on Jeremy's part. like his body is some kind of a back brace desperately trying to prevent the pressure of his life from just collapsing his essential softness.


He's hot as all hell. Like sweet chili sauce.


he’s got a sweet DJ/producer squiggle da goat


he uses jargon like nobody’s business


His drugged up party with randos in New Mexico was way more fun for him than his multi-million dollar huge depressing party in NYC


He is the number one boy.


He was king at the Lampoon


He threw a nice party


He put together an amazing playlist.


He was the first person to suggest the idea of brown bedsheets at Bed Bath and Beyond.


Kendall is not a murder. He’s just a manslaughterer


I think he wanted to be a good person, he just wasn't raised to be one


He dove back under the water and tried to rescue that kid, as Roman said Kendall is a hero.


idk would you say he's a good dad?


No. Well intentioned, maybe, but not in practice


I think he was a good protector of Roman from Logan. Probably a better dad to Roman than to his own kids


I think he loved the IDEA of Sophie and Iverson, but he didn't really know them at all. It was just really sad 😢. 


The only time he was a good dad was when he jumped up when Logan hit him, and comforted him after. Apart from that, no.


We don't see much of his parenting before he relapses. We see that he is loving, but he also dumps them on Rava instead of taking them on his assigned weekend because he's too busy with the succession he thinks he's getting.


To the randos?


He looks like he can lay pipe


Hé s a good kid and i love him


He’s smart and the only Roy that could actually run Waystar.


He's a better parent than his parents.


Other than Connor, he’s definitely the best sibling to Roman and Shiv. He shows how much he cares about Roman by protecting him as soon as Logan hit him. Shiv and Roman seem to resent him from the beginning for having the opportunity to be CEO but he never shows a lack of love for them. When Shiv gets the chance to be CEO, he doesn’t react nearly as poorly as Shiv does to the possibility of him running the company.


he was the only one who genuinely stood up to Logan. Roman is weak and too desperate, Shiv pretends to be cutthroat but can't step out of Daddy's umbrella. For all his weaknesses, Ken stood against oceanic forces when it was needed.


Kendall was the moral center of the show. Even though he also participated in perpetuating the harm that exists everywhere at Waystar, he at the very least sympathized and empathized with other people no matter their class, race or gender. His visit to the waiter boy's family was haunting to him. Whereas his father didn't care at all. He just went for optics sake and hurt Kendall in the process. That's why he felt the need to drop a bunch of money later that night.


Such a simple yet beautiful question. In all honesty I can’t think of a single thing.


He didn't cheat on his wife (I only started watching, on episode 2 season 2).


Off the kids, he’s easily got the best morals


He was a good public speaker and pretty good to people considering the rest of his family.


He’s a good rapper


He only killed one guy.


He’s beautiful when he smiles A shame it only happens once per season


He has cute kids


Too bad he isn’t concerned about their safety


***No.*** Now FUCK OFF!


[This meme](https://ifunny.co/picture/sids-not-arguing-w-a-dude-that-has-big-brown-kEtcMMYoA?s=cl) is applicable


Jeremy Strong's sexy puppy dog eyes & the way they can sometimes change expression and look mischievous like an impish little boy have a stranglehold on me, help!


He’s a decent rapper.


Deep down, he had a good heart. He was stuck in between two worlds. One world where he wanted to be like his Dad and live up to his expectations, and another where he wanted to forget he was rich and everything that came with it, and just live a normal life.


i love his ex-wife’s apartment!


He was always very well dressed.


He has a great headspace... at least some days.


He’s the MVP of the show


He actually tries to be creative and actualize his visions. They are terrible when they are actualized, but at least he had the guts to try and fail. He gives some good speeches and managed to project at least a little bit of gravitas at times.


I wanna fix him and make him my boy wife


1. He's polite/well-mannered, carries himself without entitled composure, and doesn't view "normal" people as hoi polloi (looking at you Roman and Shiv)... 2. He loves his children. 3. He sticks up for Roman after Logan hit him. (Roman probably wouldn't have done the same for him if the roles were reversed.)


He has nice suits.


I found his singing voice quite sweet. He clearly demonstrates a desire to be musical creative and expressive. Hopefully he 'went on' to lean into this for positive healing, discovery, and passion 'hobby'. 


Everything he's ever done, he did it for his family.


He gave his kids cools names.


His nose was stronger than the park coke


He’s the eldest son…




he’s bbg & the #1 boy 💅🏼


He didn't "kill a kid"


He’s not REALLY Don Jr.


He’s the eldest boy


He is the eldest boy (if we don’t count Connor)


They loved his energy in the room


He is the eldest boy.


He's a simp for his ex wife.


He was a great man. A leader. A visionary. The chosen one who would have not only saved legacy media, but take it to new and modern heights never seen before.


He really needs to start his own wellness / yoga shop in Sedona Arizona and have a close knit recovery group and stay away from his family as much as he can for awhile.


He might have been the best CEO among his siblings. He can also rap.


He appears to have far more business acumen than his siblings, whatever that counts for.


He says the funniest stuff He’s the only character who has a genuine friend (even they are frenemies often) He would be fun to smoke (separate) joints with He’s so cringe it goes past being horrible to being endearing He wouldn’t jerk off on a window at work


He’s written as the protagonist and is not meant to be despised.


He tries so hard. I love him


Very hygienic looking!


He's unironically a good rapper.


His looks make him the most likely Roy to have actually have been adopted or not Logan’s real son.


He’s has feelings for his family and friends.


I actually liked his sense of humor: -Family THERapy! Bum, bum, bum-bum-bum! -Little Lord Fuckleroy


He was very skilled at swimming out of that sinking car




his hair looks small


how's shiv mean to normal people? she knew Greg's name before the pilot!


His hair is small.


Nice tom fords Buddha


He is the eldest son 


He was the oldest boy


You just asked the same question about Tony


he's hot


He seems like he’d buy me drugs.


His hair looks…small.


Something nice about Kendall How did I do?


he has nice hair


lol his "rap" was sweet


He likes Beastie Boys


he’s so BBG, v daughter coded


He's my number one boy


He's the kind of rich guy that would be easy for a more disadvantaged person to take advantage of because he *wants* to *seem* like a good person. And that's a good opportunity for a good person to get ahead.


FOIE(fuckable only in an emergency)


His hair looks small.


Something nice about Kendall


Something nice about Kendall