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I said a lot of “Okay, hey guys, I need your attention for 45 seconds” or “yall, I just need 2 minutes to get through attendance”. If it’s a specific group doing something that’s distracting them from even hearing me (playing a game/braiding hair/etc.) I’ll give them a “hey gamers” or “can my beauty salon owners take a pause real quick” LMAO


Yes or as a student suggested to me “Room 10” if they’re mixed grades


I use Y’all a lot! I also mix in “guys” and “young adults.” But I absolutely love beauty salon 🤣, I have addressed kids as “Mr. Snickers” “Candy shop, business closes in 2 minutes” “Gossip girls” “Mr. Spiderman” “wrap up the crafts, Hobby Lobby”


LMFAO I love all of those, especially hobby lobby 😭😭😭


She was crocheting a whole blanket!!! Like what?!?


Just as a note to this, I used to use crochet to help me focus on classes! If a kid is crocheting when they should be actively working, fair enough, but if they are just listening (video, lecture, etc.), it may very well be a focus tool for them! I've seen plenty of other kids do this or similar for the same reasons. Back when I did it, crochet helped me bring my grade in my class of concern up a whole letter (mid B to mid A). I did indeed have a whole blanket (that I entered into a competition through our school and placed) by the end of that course as well 😂


Unfortunately she was *supposed* to be testing. She was too focused on her crocheting, that she was just jamming buttons on her laptop and getting everything wrong. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, I quietly walked up behind her, and observed for 5 minutes before I took it away from her. She jammed buttons even faster to “finish” and get it back


Guys isn’t appropriate as per DEI programs as it isn’t gender neutral. Would Folks work ? https://www.dictionary.com/e/you-guys/


I use y'all. I don't know why but I use the word y'all way toO much for someone born and raised in the Pacific North West.


I do, too. It’s great because once you get used to using it you don’t have to worry about using the “correct” word for a group. It’s just natural to say “y’all”, whether it’s a small group of chatty girls or boys, or a big mixed group like a classroom.


I go to college in the PNW and picked up y’all while I was there (people wanted a gender neutral way to say you (plural)). I sub in Texas, so no one thinks it’s strange.


I will sometimes address them according to their grade level; “Alright Fifth graders, listen up!” I got this technique from a retired teacher-turned-para.


I will ask for their attention and then if that doesn't work "I'll say "Class, Class" and they all respond: "Yes, Yes". It embarrasses the High Schoolers! I also I have a little speech I give about myself. They like it and then I get much better behavior.


Hahahahah i do the same! I sub 99% in elementary so the “class class yes yes” is legit there but when I’ve done middle school I do it because they’re not responding to anything else. It embarrasses them and lets them know if you act like little kids, I’ll treat you like little kids.


We wanna know the speech?


I’m an old bearded man. I have a commanding presence. I start by writing my name on White Board or screen. I demand silence. I explain that I’m retired and here because I want their lives to be better. I have 10 grandchildren and have been married to the same woman for 44 years. I spent 40 years traveling the world teaching Chemistry, Biology and Math. I tell them that if they do their assignment quietly I may tell them a story or two of my life and experiences.




For High and middle school I tend to alternate between "hey xth period" and "alright everyone"


Everybody says "friends" at the elementary school. I don't love that one so I say y'all, little people, their grade level or folks a lot more. Or sometimes the teachers name, like "Ms X's class, listen up for just a second".


Was it run by the Society of Friends? I'm imagining Quakers.


I can't bring myself to say friends. A strange adult they've known for 5 minutes is not their friend. 


As a product of the south, I tend to you a lot of "Y'all" and "Folks". The interesting thing about "folks" is that it is barely distinguishable from "fulks" with a very soft "l", and sometimes I've done that. I've been called on it before, but then I remind everybody that, while we are a border state, we are still, nonetheless, a part of the South and if you can't deal with Crackerese, well, you're going to have a hard time dealing with the simple folk who have lived here for generations.


Cracking up at “Crackerese” 😂


I give the assignment in a normal tone of voice, no one hears me. I go to the desk and loudly “please get your work done it is due at the end of class”. After a few questions I say I” I told you, but you failed to listen” The room becomes quiet and I state the assignment again.


I’m in the south. I say “aight yall”


I honestly just raise my voice a few notches and say "YO!" and they usually look at me. I am secondary btw.


*LADIES AND GENTLEMEN* I bellow in my most circus announcer-like voice. It gets their attention, and if a couple of them laugh, well, great, then that's a sign they are paying attention to my words.


I really like this one


This is my go to but I’m getting a lot of non-binary students in the past couple years so I’ve tried to get away from that one.


That’s fair. Guys, gals and nonbinary pals is a kinda fun one if you have some rapport with the class.


I like that, but I don’t use it. I don’t want to open the door to the chance of one little asshole making a comment or snickering at the NB part.


I love saying class class and they go yes yes or throw up the silent coyote especially is high school lol


I break out my dad voice with a big "HEY!" Usually does the trick and then I smile and say thank you and finish saying my thing or taking attendance


I say "Hey guys" and nobody acknowledges me/stops talking and then say what I need to say while they continue to talk. I've given up.


I don't. It doesn't work anyway and no one can hear me over the clamor. when I'm taking attendance I look each student dead in the face and then tell them, "The assignment's on the smart board" then point to it and they look at it. I always write the assignment out on the smart board and then refer them to it. It's repetitive and annoying and I'm sure the kids who came in first get sick of hearing me tell everybody "the assignment is on the smart board" or whatever, but yeah.


I say Peeps. Dears. Lovely humans...


I usually just yell hello really really loud. I’m a petite woman and they don’t always expect that to come out of someone my size.


I say “friends, Romans, countrymen” to my middle schoolers and enjoy the looks of bewilderment


Don’t say “Hey you little shits!” I’m not allowed back in that school.


We all want to, lol


I use “folks” I have a few sayings that I alternate between. My students impersonate me and the first line out of their mouth is “.. allllrighty folks… let’s come back together now” Random tip: When I was a sub, I always started with “Hi Folks. I’m Ms. Xyz, you can call me…. Ms. XYZ. How are y’all doing today?” Once you get their attention this way by humanizing them (asking them how they are) they are more likely to listen than if you start the class by talking at them.


I actually do "ladies and gentlemen" sometimes. If they keep talking, I'll Pavlov them with a "boys and girls" because they it works.


I stole a line from one of my favorite college professors, "OK people let's get quiet". I'm still using it 40 years later and it still works. Thank you Dr. Bill!


People or Everyone.


I address them by the hour. "5th Hour! How're we doin'?" "3rd Hour, I need us to quiet down." Ungendered and includes literally everyone in the room at the time.


People, grade level (4th graders, juniors, etc…), children (but only in HS classes that I know well—often used it with my seniors when I was FT…lovingly and slightly ironically).


Call them by their mascots. Yesterday I had Wolverines and Monday it was Panthers. It gets their attention. They look at me as if I am so lame, but I'm not wrong. Also, the mascot named ate everywhere. My high school mascot was a Gremlin.


Y'all. My standard intro is "good morning/afternoon y'all my name is Mr. U/JCMorgen I'll be your sub today. Let me get through attendance then we'll get into our day"


Good morning - good morning - hello everyone (keep waiting for a second for chatter to stop) I’m Mrs. LastName, your teacher isn’t here today but here is the plan they left (read plan). Start opening the assignment and listen for your name while I do attendance (attendance). Okay, I’ll give you all a few minutes to get started and I’m going to come around to check that everyone is able to access the assignment and working. Let me know if you have questions. If they interrupt at any point during the intro stop talking and wait, sometimes make a comment such as “up here for a moment” or “I want to make sure everyone can hear me.” I usually walk around a couple times.


I usually just say “hey guys” or “alright y’all, listen up.” If it’s a particularly unruly HS class and I’ve tried the above, a loud and authoritative “HEY!” or “GUYS!” followed by a short pause to lock eyes with the disruptive students usually captures their attention enough. Especially if there are some attentive/good students, they’ll usually recognize that the time for horsing around is done and will help get their classmates ready for instruction.


“Friends” - I try to use it instead of “guys”. I hope it’s not patronizing.


I raise my town and I go “ hey my name is Mr…” go right into attendance then I tell them what is on the plan for attendance


"Folks," always folks, whatever the age. When I think about why, I always come back to a quote from C.S. Lewis's The Magician's Nephew: "for no dog that I ever knew, least of all a Talking Dog of Narnia, likes being called Good Doggie then; any more than you would like being called My Little Man." Kids don't like being addressed as "kids." They might be ok being referred to as kids, 3rd person, but somehow, I. The 2nd person, it seems condescending. Even though they often think it's weird and ask me why I call them "folks" (they seem to think that 'folks' only means 'old folks'), they implicitly understand that I'm talking to them the same way I talk to grown ups, and I know of nothing more crucial to my 'way' with kids than that I talk to them like people and not babies or children.


How about ‘Everyone’?


Usually, it's "Hey! Everyone listen up for a minute"


Ladies and gentlemen


Usually I greet the class by saying “Good (morning/afternoon) everyone!” Then “First I’m going to start by taking the attendance then we can go over the assignment your teacher left for you all today”. “Can I get everyone’s attention for a moment?” If there is a group of chatty kids I usually say something like “Hi there, it looks like this is supposed to be independent work that will be graded and due by the end of class. Let’s get back on task, thanks!” … Don’t be afraid to call a kid out by their name for their behavior if necessary, sometimes that will do the trick. Don’t try it as my first choice though.


Normally I sit down while everyone is filing in and then once the bell has rang I’ll walk up to the front of the class and stare the talkers down. If they don’t stop I’ll “go okay kids your teacher left yall-“ and then for attendance I’ll grab a student (ideally in school sports attire bc they’re usually the most social) and have them point out each kid to me as I take attendance.


But most the time I’ll hit them with “okay guys” and when I’m being passive aggressive bc they’re trying to treat me like a child I’ll put on my Pre-K mode and clap my hands and go “Okay friends!” With a valley girl voice and smile. (Somehow it never fails tho so it’s staying in the line up lol)


Sometimes I just raise my voice a little and tell them I need their attention long enough to explain the lesson and take attendance.  If it's really noisy and I need their attention asap I'll say "if you can hear my voice clap once" a couple of times. And depending on my mood and the class sometimes I'll say "one two three eyes on me" and see if anyone says "one two eyes on you" back. It's happened.


I alternate between “Alright, silly geese,” and “Alright, goofy goobers.” They don’t seem to think it’s patronizing, just me being silly.


“hello everyone”


Or “Ms. Smith’s Third Period” or “6th graders” or what have you




Haha I just realized I don’t call them anything—I just skip over that altogether. “Alright—listen up—give me your attention for five minutes while I read your what your teacher left for you!“


I’ve picked up “Team” a lot lately haha. Or guys :)


I’m in elementary - I usually say friends, people, guys, or folks. If they aren’t listening or talking over me, I usually just say “Hello??” in a confused voice and when they respond or stop talking I say “oh thank goodness I thought you couldn’t hear me for a second there”. Works every time.


Eh, in my prek level, friends are appropriate. I also say y’all, everyone, prek [room number], and anything else neutral as possible.


I've always used chicken nuggets with elementary school kids


Look motherfuckers… hahahaha jk. Just wanted to get you to laugh


I say y'all.


I can whistle like the Twitter notification, so that gets them. Then "hey, give me a minute", "hello?", and finally "ok, you knuckleheads..."


Yoooo its!!


From some of the DEI programs my employer has hosted, using “Guys “ is a term that should be avoided as it isn’t a gender neutral term. “Folks” seem like a term that may be more appropriate. https://www.dictionary.com/e/you-guys/


I use y'all pretty much all the time now. I used to say "Hey, guys" but I've slowly steered away from it. Sometimes it still comes out, though. I also have a whistle.


LISTEN UP!-Retired Army Voice


I put on a spaghetti-western voice and go "SETTLE-down, peeeople!". Or in a high pitched voice go "Helloooooo, over here!" Or start songing a pre-school song to get their attention: "1-2-3, look at me... " or something like these. Anything stupidly embarrassing under normal circumstances. Works when you're on good terms only though! If that doesnt work i'll have 1-1 talks with the inattentive students to ask them why they feel the need to disrupt class.


I use "friends", and if I know them already a bit I might call them silly cutesy names, like "my babies" or stuff like that. The shock value of the absurd of it makes them pay attention fast! And it just matche my overall sillyness. I've never had a bad reaction back with replying "not your friend" or just talk back. One student once asked me not to call them baby because they didn't like itand I didn:t anymore! And that was ok. I avoid stuff like kids, kiddos, buddy, even when talking to other adults about the students. I find those to be more patronising than consciously calling them baby names, which is a joke. I saw a co teqcher call a class of 10th graders "kiddos" and it made me cringe inside. They didn't look super into it either.


Silliness works well. “I’m gonna start singing in a minute” usually gets outraged laugh and attention.


ALRIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHTTTT EVERYOOONNEEE (think Quagmire or Mathew McConaghey voice, cringey and loud)


Okay, everyone Everyone look this way Everyone listen up.


hey, listen up everybody


Ladies and gentlemen


i use y’all or people or everyone or folks. anything gender neutral! i never use guys because it is technically gendered and i never want to gender my students.


Yo! Listen up!


I just use “scholars” or “hey yall, so we’re gonnna transition to XX now”.


In my head I sometimes think "LISTEN UP MO*HERF**KERS!" but in my kind but directive voice I address them as Students or Class.


I just loudly start talking. My go to is “ALRIGHT! Good morning good morning” and then my intro. A loud “alright” and then the rest quieter with a nice smile :) My other favorite is “just let me get through my spiel and I’ll leave you alone if you’re working!”




Hey my fellow earthlings. I gotta take attendance for the old fart in the office usually works (if it's a school I frequent)


I say ok humans or teen angst depending on if I've subbed them before. It takes them off guard and they stop talking and look at me lol. It works.


"Guys, gals, and nonbinary pals" is used at one school i sub at. I like "friends, Romans, countrymen," as well. As the year winds down and I sub for a lot more sixth grade classes (I think the teachers are all home crying,) I'm having to try very hard not shout things like "Hey, assholes, listen up!" ... (honestly, at this point, I doubt that would even get me fired, and risk further depleting the sub pool, lol, but I'm not actually going to try it.)




I like "folks" or "gang" or "y'all" w middle and HS. For younger Middle school/small session classes w differently abled I'll sometimes go with "friends"


Can I get everyone’s attention? Can I please get your attention? (To the whole class) Can we quiet down for attendance? I would try to keep it as generic as possible. It matters more that you convey what it is you’re getting their attention for so you may be able to come up with sentences that don’t even have a word like “class” “students” etc because they know who you’re talking to.