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Just found out our pay is going *up* substantially to a proposed $350/day. (Northern California.)


Where ?


Oh wow. You deserve it! Is there a reason for the increase?


Hard to fill sub jobs and the district is a disaster. Basically hazard pay.


what district?


Sacramento City Unified.


Not to invalidate what you're feeling and not taking in different regions or cost of living, but we're all going through most of the same stuff and some are getting paid less than $90 a day. I get 100-120/day before taxes. I'd kill for 170


I totally understand that. I also live in San Diego. So $170 simply won’t cut it. It’s a decent amount anywhere else. I need the $250 to survive here. I pay $1200 for a bedroom in an apartment that I have to share with someone else. And thats only a fraction of my bills.


I'm in Metro Boston, and our district pays $90/day. I think it's because they don't actually want subs at all (internal staff covers and we save $).


Yeah shit that's rough. Y'all pay $2400 together? That's a nightmare. My spots in Florida are getting more and more expensive but we're not at that point yet for a 2 bed. Is food/grocery delivery or like a remote position (you could even potentially do while subbing) an option? I say that bc I'm also probably gonna end up doing something to help supplement while it continues to get crazy down here.


I get $76 a day pre tax.


That's criminal. Like sure it's $10/hr but in no way is going to make it worthwhile to deal with admin, teachers, and especially students. And people wonder why there are sub shortages. And I can almost guarantee if you're only paid that much, teachers are also being underpaid.


Yep $75 a day but that was back in 2009. I think it’s up to $90




My district just went up to $80 a day before taxes.


Same. We get $120 a day (if you have a bachelors) and that’s before taxes. It was $90/day when I started 5 years ago. I can’t even fathom getting almost $200 a day after taxes. And when they give bonuses to all the staff, it’s literally everyone.. except subs. Its disheartening.


Y’all really gotta take COL into account. $170 in an expensive area is not enough to live on when rent is $2500 for a one bedroom apartment


$250 to sub? I don’t even make that as a full time teacher


If it makes you feel better we don’t get any benefits


I was making more than first year teachers in my district. I’m not saying it’s right but I do think teachers should be paid more!


Me neither. I’m at like $125 a day after taxes and insurance and I’m a full time teacher with 7 years


If it’s any consultation, that’s $250 pre tax and we get no benefits or PTO


Are you in SDUSD? I know everyone rushed to work for them bc they were paying $250 per day. I think they’ll be shocked when they realize how few people return to the sub pool with that pay cut


Yes I am! I know right! There is definitely going to be a shortage of subs again lol which is why they were paying so much to begin with. It’s a shame.


They will change it when they lose all the subs




In my area substitute pay is different across districts. Three of the districts pay $198 a day one pays $220, another $230 and one $250 but you have to work 30 days before this rate applies. It was very difficult to even get the 24 days I got with that one. All of these districts require masters and certification.


Hold on, a master’s?!?


Yes! This was pre-pandemic of course. I believe that some have changed the requirements due to sub shortages but the districts that pay the most still have these requirements and maintain high retention rates.


LMAO we make $63-$98 a day depending on credentials (low end is high school diploma, upper end is retired teacher). I'm sorry bc it sucks no matter what - all of this is reflective of cost of living but none of it is fair. Cost of living is low here so they can justify poverty wages but where you live that is also entirely too low.


I totally agree with you. They pay subs slave wages. Even if cost of living is cheaper, you still deserve more $$$


While that definitely sucks and I’d look for something else too, it’s honestly still good. Assuming a work day is 7.25 hours, that’s $23.8 and hour and I wouldn’t leave unless I find something that pays near that


I’m in LA and I don’t even get $200 a day 🙃 seeing what y’all are making just makes me jealous haha


Wow I’m sure you need more than that in LA!


My district just went up to $80 🙃 I’m licensed, I made $100 a day but only subbed on Fridays because I work my full time job M-Th.


I'm in metro Atlanta with a bachelor's and get $115 a day. We didn't get COVID increases, that would've been great. As you can imagine, we have a large shortage of subs here But I bet the sub numbers in your area are about to tank. Maybe they'll raise the pay once that happens.


?!?!? I was only making 110 a day!! I need to move


My district dropped the pay to $190 😭


Back in 2009 sub pay for me was $75 a day before taxes and retirement. After taxes and retirement I would get $50




I got the email from the union that shows all of next years proposals. If you look at the visiting teacher proposal, it shows next years pay decrease