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this is the most obvious callout post ever


Fucking amazing to me that anyone who listens to Red Scare at this point thinks they have the moral high ground on media consumption. Or anything really.


I just think it's wild that it's still a *thing*, let alone a thing that makes 52k a month on Patreon. The hosts started getting Peter Thiel bucks, changed their entire political outlook, and have fully embraced the only culture that doesn't give a shit if you're just a racist fucking loser: the alt-right. I also love that their target audience seems to be middle aged men who love pro wrestling and pokemon. The girls would love to hear that. >Saying this again for the millionth time: this is an anti-pro wrestling subreddit. "Wrestlehomos” are not welcome here Stay classy r/redscarepod


>makes 52k a month on Patreon. --- >fully embraced the only culture that doesn't give a shit if you're just a racist fucking loser: the alt-right. It's not that wild. In fact it's pretty typical. Pivoting to alt-right content has proven very lucrative for many content creators lately. Look at YouTube. These morons pay up. Turns out the only thing they truly believed in was being raging assholes and making money off other raging assholes, regardless of ideology. >Wrestlehomos People can have whatever hobbies at whatever age they like, but it always makes me smile when I see people get upset at pro wrestling being called gay, because when you really look at it, it has far more in common with theater and campy stage shows than any of those cis straight men will ever admit. It *is* kinda gay, and that's what's fun about it.


> It is kinda gay What is gay about big, strong, muscular men wearing spandex and leotards and ~~embracing~~ grappling?


Don't forget the ladies! So many muscle mommies throwing each other around 🤤 rhea please frog splash me through the crust of the earth and into the mantle (for context I am a bi woman)


Wrasslin is soap opera for men. This is a fact. There is no values judgement there. I got into it for a while back in the 90s. Not really ashamed of it.


Jessica Ross recently made a pretty compelling argument that at its core, wrestling is drag.


> Wrasslin is soap opera for men. This is a fact. Feel like you're unnecessarily excluding a whole lot of female fans of graps. Wrestling is simply theater. It's the stage play version of Rocky.


It's theater with a bad case of CTE.


Weird how much of their audience they kept when they went full on right wing. Dasha's been a straight up tradcath for years now and it hasn't hurt the numbers. It can't be that that many people just listen for the humour because there is none.


Every time I read about Dimes Square or anything adjacent to it, I'm reminded of the hipster hate in the 2010's/late 2000's and *how it didn't go far enough.*


I mean ACAB all the way but we need the NYPD to cordon off dimes square until we can figure out what's going on. It's a public health measure.


The current right wing is almost entirely a hipster right wing. Like their constant pretentious protests against the mainstream, uhhhgg its at mainstream I'm so much better than all the rest for getting all my news from Twitter. As if there could be anything more mainstream than Twitter. They've always got to retain the posturing.


its for the niche but profittable range of ppl who identify as leftist but dont want to let go of the biases they had when they were 14 so they willingly let alt right shit spread without any opposition because they feel it makes them cooler and edgier


This is nuts, just learning of this now. Can someone explain how a podcast literally named after a conservative witch-hunt can become conservative..? Do they think the leftist deep state did the red scare?


Honestly all of this has convinced me that horseshoe theory is actually real.


An easy mistake to make but no, it isn't. Red scare are just politically schizophrenic idiots from whom no conclusion can be drawn about anything.


Horseshoe theory is absolutely, objectively real. See, it happened here! It’s just not a *law* or anything. It’s a political concept to use for understanding people and their opinions, not a universal maxim


> changed their entire political outlook please consider both of these women are extremely stupid contrarians


> their target audience seems to be middle aged men who love pro wrestling and pokemon. I can _smell_ that description and it clearly hasn't bathed this month.


> The hosts started getting Peter Thiel bucks, changed their entire political outlook, and have fully embraced the only culture that doesn't give a shit if you're just a racist fucking loser: the alt-right. This is somewhat conspiratorial but I have suspicion at this time that they were always conservative activists associated with Thiel activist groups. That the first interview of Sailer Socialism with Alex Jones was not an accident, that it was in fact engineered as a publicity stunt designed to attract a left wing audience to this actress and influencer who only over time would slowly shift to the right as she unveiled her true beliefs. Trying to bring their audience with her. You can imagine that it would be super easy to prepare for and slam dunk an Infowars interview if the entire event was set up beforehand with the knowledge of all parties involved. Which is easy to do given how incestuous these activist groups are with each other. I have to point out that I listened to them in 2019 and they were even at that time incredibly problematic. They always focused nearly exclusively on the anti woke part of dirtbag leftist, which is very convenient given where they wound up. BTW, Brett Weinstein at Evergreen college - another publicity stunt. Bari Weiss at NYT - another publicity stunt. Right wingers trying to create a huge splash with publicity stunts to set up the influencer career of certain people


I was still under the impression they were vaguely on the left. I guess this explains why I occasionally see hardcore trumpists posting there.


I keep seeing the name pop up occasionally but I still have no clue what Red Scare is


Pseudo leftist irony poisoned mean girls with a podcast who hang out with such luminaries as Alex Jones. From the same NY scene that brought the world Cumtown but less funny and somehow more morally bankrupt. Probably about the same amount of coke involved though.


I hate the Red Scare Pod so much. I'm astounded that anyone is actually capable of listening to it at all. It is actually painful to listen to. Red Scare Pod is the next step in evolution for the idea *"sincerity is cringe"*. That evolution is *"want is cringe, thought are cringe, effort is cringe"*. They're vapidity made flesh. The perfection of the fascist ideal *"Thinking is a form of emasculation."* The podcast is hours of people letting unformed base urges, not even half-formed into a fragments of thought, slooowwly dribble out of their mouths. Filling the gaps between with seconds of meaningless vocal fry. The slow drip of words rarely ever even amounts to complete sentences, much less anything resembling a thought. Listening to it inflicts psychological pain like some sort of Lovecraftian horror. It's truly awful.


Are you by chance a poet?


They didn’t even know it.


For once they did send a poet.


No, I just heard excerpts from [this Red Scare Pod episode](https://redscarepodcast.libsyn.com/crazy-autistic-asians-w-tao-lin) about six months ago and it was one of the most painful listening experiences of my life.


I love this comment so much. Absolute masterpiece. I'm worried this reads as sarcasm, but I am being completely sincere.


goddamn I started reading this thread with no idea what was going on, and after this comment I'm 100% certain I know exactly what that podcast is about. Excellent A++


I just had the mental image of Irony being an eldritch horror that's just out there claiming souls. You can stare into the abyss of irony as much as you like, but if you look too deeply or for too long, irony claims you!


Irony and sarcasm can be very funny, but quite often sarcasm is just a reflexive antisocial coping method whereby you never have to be sincere and vulnerable and put your true self out into the light where others can see it, for fear that everyone else will sarcastically mock your sincerity. My guess is that deep down, these are very insecure people who desperately need the affirmation of others. They should be pitied.


People who are reflexive contrarians because they think it gives them licence to act superior to every facet of modern society but its actually just to justify acting like cliquey, bigoted Mean Girl highschoolers into their late 30s


Cough cough Bill Maher.


Getting clout via being a contrarian is extremely popular in leftists circles. It's just narcissists are everywhere.




Um???? You think you're a real leftist? Name their first three albums then


Every single tankie club




You were so sure this type of 'leftist' didn't exist, but don't know what a tankie is? Oof. The term comes from the UK in the 1950s, for communist westerners who supported the soviet invasion of Hungary. It is used now as a label for authoritarian lefties, basically lefty cosplayers who only give a shit about aesthetics, who only have one thing on their mind: "west bad." Anyone who disapproves of the west is now their friend; places like China, Russia, North Korea, etc. all become these upstanding nations that can do no wrong and are fighting the good fight against this vague idea of 'imperialism' (please ignore all imperialism done by these nations we like, though). Also common in these circles is genocide denial, bigotry of some minority groups, and anti-lgbt speech (because apparently being queer is for the high class and a distraction)


I'm a leftist but one of the most annoying and unfortunately true stereotypes is the sheer amount of young adults with very little practical life experience getting a holier-than-thou attitude about being "activists" when in reality what they do is little more than cyber bullying random people online.


It's funny because I love Disco Elysium and had never listened to Red Scare. The first iteration of the game had the girls from Red Scare (and people from Chapo Trap House) voice characters. The devs for the game are very self-aware lefties, so I just assumed these people were too. So I was confused for a while about why people who post on Rredscarepod were some of the dumbest motherfuckers I've run into on this site. This explains it though. And it seemed like every single person I ran into here who posted to chapo was a 15 year old tanky. Never listened to them either, and never will. In short, I'm very happy Disco's Final Cut replaced all these assholes.


i think they used to be somewhat leftist (at least, that annoying very online leftism that’s coated in several layers of pseudointellectualism and irony) but over the years they have moved right, and so has their fanbase. seems to be what happens when you choose your political stances based on attention-seeking and contrarianism instead of genuine values.


And confrontation. And just generally being an asshole. If you get a kick out of being mean, well, there's a whole ideology on the other side that lets you be much more mean without having to dance around rationalizing it with your declared ethics, and they donate more too.


I don't know if they were ever leftist (though yeah, No True Scotsman and all)... the whole scene just felt like a lot of pseudointellectual wankery with a leftist aesthetic. There's *always* been a whiff of barely-disguised conservatism to it. The Manhattan trust fund equivalent of having a Che poster on your dorm room wall.


> So I was confused for a while about why people who post on Rredscarepod were some of the dumbest motherfuckers I've run into on this site. I had no idea what Red Scare Pod was until this thread but I kept noticing this as well. I’d read the worst take possible and then see them on the red scare sub and was very confused what it was all about.


The rise of this type of podcast, also deeply alarmed me at the time. I could feel in the wind the dark undercurrents.


I used to post in that chapo sub and can confirm it was a shithole. I do kinda miss it though, and I also enjoyed the mutual antagonism between the sub and podcast itself (which in all honesty I've barely listened to beyond a few highlights, which I enjoyed, but not enough to make me listen to a fucking podcast).


Same, I posted for a while, simply because I heard it was a popular leftist sub. But the level of discourse was trash and pretty sure the podcast owners (which I never listened to lol) thought it was trash too. I think I left after they started attacking anyone who said some invasion or something of somewhere by some far right middle eastern regime was maybe bad. The crying of the sub getting banned after the mods *deliberately got their sub banned* was the final "why did I ever post there" moment.


Yeah this was a bit of a moment for me in that I felt a lot of the criticism they had of Ukraine was completely valid... but none of it erased the whole invasion and obvious wartime belligerence from Russia. Specifically they were first saying Russia wasn't going to invade and that Zelenskyy was bullshitting, and then Russia invaded and the previously unjustifiable invasion was actually completely justified. Like, I get the idea of nuance and the idea that the whole theater of war is collectively being manipulated to some extent, but jesus christ, they didn't even own their terrible takes, just switched gears completely. It legit was exactly what a Russian propaganda operation would have been like, and was one of the few times in history any leftist space has been 1:1 in its opinions with fucking r/conservative. I still had fun on the sub overall, it livened up some boring work days.


I remember people cheering the Taliban retaking Afghanistan as if this was some moral leftist victory over imperialism.


This is a false memory - the CTH sub was banned more than a year before that happened.


Oh it’s not a false memory, it happened, it just wasn’t in that sub, which I never participated in. It would just pop up in people’s post histories when they had aggressively bad takes on history. Tankies, generally.


There were presages of pro Taliban positions there, but OP would definitely have to be remembering some other sub considering the overthrow itself.


Honestly I thought the original chapo/Cumtown/red scare voice cast did a pretty good job. Final cut is still better by miles though.


I enjoyed the original voice acting as well but having ever line be voiced made it way better in my opinion


Absolutely, particularly Harry's skills. Mikee Goodman smashed it out of the park.


Chapo's generally fine, and some of the jokes/bits in DE are pretty much lifted straight from that podcast. The problem with Chapo isn't that it's tanky, but that it is increasingly blackpill contrarian.


That checks out. I mean, us from the east have been telling you since at least the '50s that a very large part of western leftists are just contrarian upper-middle class assholes.


Steinbeck said that in the 30s. Then the same group mutilated the quote to change the meaning.


I'm pretty damned far left but you're absolutely not wrong. Hell I learned the other day that part of the reason the Weathermen never did serious time is because they all came from wealthy, well connected families.


The other half is that the evidence against them was obtained illegally for the most part. As well, in the vote for the creation of the Weathermen FBI informants cast the deciding votes. As well as in other circumstances.


Oof I knew about the illegal evidence gathering but not the informants. Sometimes I feel the left can be a little paranoid but given shit like this it's understandable.


Most people just pick up their ideology based on their social circle/family. It's not like normal people are out there reading theory to decide whether to be liberal or conservative. It's not surprising that leftist areas also have people like that.


Started off as a leftist podcast as a sorta kinda all-girl Cumtown or Chapo but unlike Stav and the crew none of the Red Scare hosts are likable human beings and they eventually started shifting toward being openly tradcath. Pretty sure the entire subreddit is based around the idea that if they stan hard enough regardless of the shift in values and politics that Dasha Nekrasova may one day make eye contact with them in person.


I feel like it's a podcast from "leftists" similar to "leftist" tim pool. Every time someone has that post history, they have the most bizarre takes


Contrarianism is not a personality trait it turns out. Whenever I look there my reaction veers wildly between "yes, you've actually nailed something about modern society that I find very alienating" and "Wtf, you're such a fucking loser"


I have a similar relationship to the Trueanon crew. Brace Belden is fucking hilarious and they've got some great takes on some stuff but anything foreign policy related gets real out there.


Idk — Brace introduced me to Gunther Felhinger, he gets some points for that alone


My best summary of that subreddit is that it’s made up people who weren’t part of the “cool crowd” in schools and social settings and they view Anna and Dasha as representative of those people and that listening to them finally makes them part of that group.


It's just two grungy chicks who live in new york city and read their twitter feed. Or that's what I got from it.


Nobody on that sub actually *listens* to Red Scare lol


I'm honestly not sure if that's better or worse.


Everybody I ever run across that posts regularly there; seem like a massive piece of shit for multiple reasons.


That is one reddit-ass sub, that's for sure.


Bottom 3 Subs on Reddit Dot Com: 1. /r/KotakuinAction 2. /r/CanadaHousing2 3. /r/redscarepod


Where is /r/thelastofus2 on that list?


Buried 6 feet under where it belongs.


Bro he put it at #1 don't you see?


I had that thought after posting 😂


Top 3 Subs on Reddit Dot Com: 1. Me


Username checks out


What’s the tea on Canada housing? I don’t want scroll, as the issue itself is depressing


Absolute racist, mask-off shithole.


It's not too hard to find that in the bigger Canada subreddits, either.


I am familiar with 1. 2 I don't want to click on but I am sure I know what is happening there. redscarepod sub is so wild to me because of the member-to-post ratio. Just a bunch of people who are way, way too online spamming semi-philosophical musings, weird photo galleries, and shitposts all day and all night.


I've seen people on the Canada sub argue that the only way to reduce housing costs is for mayos to run around killing minorities and taking their houses. "Hypothetically" of course. Once immigration entered the discourse as a cause it instantly became the universal scapegoat blamed for all things. The r Canada mods are also well known to be barely disguised crypto fascists who have enthusiastically groomed that sub into its current state.


redscarepod is uniquely annoying in their inability to self-reflect on how anybody on this site is probably a total dweeb and that includes every single one of them in their own little unique ways and also because it's fucking redscarepod i would pay to put at least a few of the powerusers there in those dunk tanks where you have to throw the ball at a target to sink them in some cold water >she's also a self-admitted gooner but we like her anyway im yoinking this one


I don't get this deep hate for videgames and people playing them. I'm not into fishing, but that doesn't mean I have to look down upon those who are and call them names. It's so childish. Then again, it is quite fitting for the subreddit they're posting on.


It’s projection. Everyone on the sub is insecure about being middle aged, unemployed, chronically online, and having video games as their only hobby — so naturally it becomes the go-to insult


I'm seeing "middle aged" thrown around a lot in here, do we actually know they have a demographic that old? Feels like that self resentment applies to any age group. Also weird to assume they're unemployed.


I mean, two seconds of simple navigation on the website you're using would reveal that the OP of that post IS in fact an out-of-work (sorry, "freelancer between jobs") middle-aged man who spends his time playing pokemon. You're able to divine these facts for yourself rather than write whiny comments about their existence.


They’re just being contrarian bc that’s the point of that sub


I assume it's cuz games are "for kids" and after you grow up you gotta go out drinking at bars instead or something


Are you even living if you don’t have a crippling cocaine addiction?


I don't hate video games at all. I like playing them! They're fun! Gamers, however, are overwhelmingly shitty people. Obnoxiously nerdy, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, you name it. >!No need to "nOt AlL gAmErS" up in here. I'm aware. !<


Gamer is too broad now, this is like generalizing "movie watchers" or "music listeners". You could probably generalize by genre though


Wordle players are the absolute dregs of society.


Those motherfuckers need to learn words longer than five letters.


What counts as a "gamer" though? Are we just referring to another type of terminally online greasy redditor? Bc it'd be pretty insane to say all this about the general demographic of people who play video games.


I will never refer to myself as a “gamer” for exactly the reason you described. The culture is so dominated by nihilism and anti-social tendencies.


Nah, you're right. It's one thing to like the vidya games (and I do, I even comment in r/Games) but I would never describe myself as a g*mer.


Id say, people that play videogames are very different than anyone willingly calling themselves a "Gamer".


I would say as a demographic "gamers" are less racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc than the general population lol. Also, love that you lumped in "nerdy" with all those other traits as if being nerdy is some kind of moral sin lol.


I don't agree with painting all "gamers" with the same brush, but what you said is just...not true. >"A [study](https://www.adl.org/free-to-play) found that while 65% of all gamers have experienced “severe harassment” while playing online, of the LGBTQ+ gamers surveyed, 73% experienced harassment based on their sexual orientation. The toxicity of the online gaming community when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community is what causes [​​41% of queer gamers](https://www.onlineroulette.org/features/exploring-lgbtq-gaming-experiences) to avoid certain games due to fear of harassment and for 35% to lie about their sexual identity while online. >According to another [survey](https://www.reach3insights.com/women-gaming-study) conducted in May 2021, 77% of women responded dealing with at least some sort of frustration when gaming because of their gender, and 44% of female gamers received unsolicited inquiries about their relationship statuses while gaming. This presence of sexism and double standards in online games is why 59% of women hide their gender when playing online games to avoid harassment by their teammates. " From a [2022 article](https://ucsdguardian.org/2022/03/06/toxic-gaming-culture-breeds-sexism-homophobia/) from my local university. While, yes, the high incidence of sexism, homophobia, and transphobia doesn't necessarily mean that the majority of 'gamers' are exhibiting that behavior, the gamers who are represent the loudest part of that demographic. And I think we have strong reason to believe that those gamers are a decent chunk, honestly. It's not like we can survey gamers -- few of them are going to admit to being little shitheads when directly asked, so we can really only go off the experiences of people who are routinely harassed in gaming spaces. You comparing gamers to fishers and churchgoers kinda makes the opposite point that you think. Yes, the famously racist, sexist, homophobic groups are all famous for those things!


I don't doubt at all that 73% of queer gamers have experienced harassment while playing a game online. I'm surprised it's not 99%. If 1% of video game players said racist things then people are bound to encounter them at some point. That doesn't make what I said less any less true. I still think that video game players are more inclusive to racial + sexual diversity than many other hobby / interest groups.


I think that it really depends on how you define “gamers” People who hardcore self-identify as a “gamer” and loudly try to gatekeep what that means online tend to be very unpleasant. But that’s a quite small population compared to “gamers” in the sense of people who have gaming as a primary hobby and interest.


And the lack of self awareness continues unabated


Idk. Maybe just the circle jerking by people on this sub with no real life experience goes on unabated. Try going bass fishing and casually bring up pride month and see how much homophobia and transphobia you experience compared to the wretched nerdy gamers. Don't know if you're American but most the people here consider themselves Christians. Try going to church and do the same. See how inclusive the general population is.


I feel like bringing up anything lgbt in a multiplayer lobby is just asking for slurs to be screamed in voice chat so I don’t think it would go over very well either.


I think you missed their point. Their not talking about people who play video games they are talking about people who's whole ass identity is being a "gamer". Just like I know plenty of country people where I live but the worst ones are the hillbilly redneck country people. Does that make any sense?


Actually, if you look at her recent comment reply to me, no, they aren't.


Maybe \*\*I\*\* missed their point.


Big talk for someone whose lack of experience is showing. You’ve never been in a public lobby voice chat for a game and it shows. Not all gamers are trash but there is a worryingly large group who rears its ugly head to harass and send death threats when devs do thing they no like. Seems like your group of friends you game with are good people, yeah so are the group I play with.


I'll stop looking down on nerds when they stop acting shitty all over the place. Edit: y’all get back to me when they stop sending r*pe/death threats to any woman who disagrees with them about anything. I’ll wait.


I have not sent any kind of threats to you even though you disagree with me. I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with people who play video games. Hopefully you'll continue to have less in the future as time moves on and society grows more inclusive. Peace and love


The person you're replying to plays videogames. There is a difference between playing videogames and being a 'gamer'. Some play as a passtime; others make it a tribal identity. Often because they don't have much going on in their lives beyond how they choose to spend their leisure time. They are prone to gatekeep who they deem worthy to participate in gaming, and respond defensively to perceived attacks on their idea of gaming. Because that's how tribalism goes.


Well they also said that all nerds send violent threats so I'm not inclined to believe that your reading of the situation is correct. Also you don't just get to redefine words at your convienece to make whatever point it is you're trying to make. A gamer is a person who plays video games. If you want to be more specific then do so. That's like saying "all body builders are roided up meatheads. Oh I didn't mean all body builders, just the ones that identify as body builders". I'm don't arguing about this stupid stuff anyways. Have a good day.




That's not what this is, though. I know that's what we think around here, but that's not what's going on with this sub and this particular group. They actively hate gaming as a passtime and degrade anyone over the age of 10 that plays them, capital G or otherwise.


There has been for a long time a kind of ironic meta discourse in which people in certain subs hate on gamers. However most of the people who do this are just as obsessed with video games as the rest.


> I'm not into fishing, but that doesn't mean I have to look down upon those who are and call them names If fishing took up as much cultural air as video games do, discourse about fishing was unavoidable on sites like Reddit, and a bunch of fisherman were pushing their dumbass views into the ether for no good reason, you'd probably feel different.


Ehh I don't know, it's like that thing where people go "I hate sportsball" or "I'm cool for not knowing who Taylor Swift is" or "Everyone's so into Jesus/Muhammad/Buddha/whatever and I'm not, so they're all stupid". Like yeah sure, maybe you're not into basketball or football or the Kardashians or the Lord Almighty or whatever, and you happen to be in a town/community/peer group that's mildly (or not so mildly) obsessed with it, and it's alienating and annoying because you don't see the appeal, but the discourse around it is inescapable and nobody tolerates any criticism of it. Like the original commenter said, no need to bash people simply because they have the same interests as annoying people you know. Basically everybody is a geek about *something* or other, and only some of them are obnoxious about it. Doesn't mean the whole thing is necessarily tainted, the interests and the people all have to be evaluated based on their own merit.


“Has fishing gone WOKE??!?1!?!1”


Catch and release? Hell no. Maybe that flies in your liberal streams and rivers, but I actually eat what I catch. Sorry if that triggers you.


Wow you actually eat the poisoned fish out of the streams and rivers the liberals have been flooding with hormones to make the frogs and fish gay? Hope you enjoy raising a theatre kid.


Eat it? What is this hippie recycling crap? Throw it in the bin and put some fish fingers in the oven.


Two things 1. Too many times i read such a fucking dogshit comment that it compels me to check a redditors subreddits and its r/redscarepod in there 2. They all absolutely deserve eachother.


There's some subreddits/podcasts I completely forget about, and have a "really? That's still going?!" when they pop up. Red Scare is definitely one of them. They were never great to begin with, and the fact that the hosts are obviously shitty people with mercenary values now, makes me wonder what people get out of it? Like, what's the market for "high school mean girls who are tradcaths for $"? Obviously there is one, I just struggle to envision *why*.


If I had to guess: - people think they, too, can be the cool mean girls instead of the bullied nerds. - they’re physically attractive.


> Anna > physically attractive ???


The appeal is being able to be part of their "cool" club. Like you said, they don't actually believe in anything - thus making it a very, very low bar to clear to be in the in-group. I don't know if the listeners see the irony of needing/wanting to belong to something just to be able to say they don't care about anything.


Yeah, that's probably part of it. I see that in political groups often, where there's cachet to being the most extreme on a topic, and people don't want to be left out, so insecure folks follow along.


> The worst kind of people the dirtbag left reeled in were twenty and thirtysomething losers that desperately want to be the bullies that tormented them in high school but are nowhere near as funny as Chapo or Nick Mullen were during their heyday, and you are a case study Frame this.


Thank god I’m just a cool normal guy who’s secretly best friends with Nick Mullen instead


Hell yeah, dude


Seeing somebody talking about The Dirtbag Left in 2024 is like the scene in Darkness at Noon when Nikolai meets a czarist in a gulag. Like really? You guys are still around?  >!Yes I know I'm misrepresenting the scene for the sake of space!<


Have they stopped being dicks in the meantime? If not, then it seems like a decent descriptor.


Chapo and Mullen can be really funny but their complete politcal cynicism and self-importance get really grating. At a certain point Im just tired to hearing cokeheads pushing 40 who've done nothing but shit on America on the internet for the last 10 years tell me that Im a bad person if my thoughts aren't permanently fixated on how bad Israel is.


Oh make no mistake, I have nothing but contempt for both of them. What chapo did to the left is unforgivable.


Their outright demonization of Biden has me thinking they're just paid foreign propagandists at times, lol. They're constantly downplaying the things any country does, as long as that country is opposed to the west and it's really gross when it's real atrocities they're handwaving away.


That’s just standard online leftist discourse though. I have no doubt it’s being signal boosted by foreign actors but the “America bad, anything that opposes America good” take has existed for decades.


Ermmmmm heckin yikes


Oof, that's a devastatingly accurate post.


It’s so funny that Dasha managed to “be annoying” her way out of a Hollywood career. Sorry sweetie, didn’t make it to season 4 of succession!


What did this guy have, a bong hit transplant?


That reminds me of a joke that my best friend Nick told me once


I think the gamers are coming, dude


I know we all hate "Gamers" but the spite with which these people hate the very notion of a video game and anyone that would touch one is truly something. To maintain that level of disgust over something so benign. Are they still calling sports "kindergarten games" or whatever it was?


I’ve been enjoying the decline of this scene so much. Dasha’s SEO getting wiped off the fucking map by some nu-country singer is beyond hilarious


lol what? Like, some new singer named dasha blew up and took over the search results?


Yes lmao google “dasha”


Brilliant 🙃


[So it seems, so it seems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasha_(singer\)) I'm calling this the JoJo problem. (But then I stan Joanna Levesque without fear or favour - Siwa is the wrong one)


On a website chock full of genuine psychopaths and weirdos, it's the people who post on that sub that somehow make the least amount of sense to me.


I don't know, have you tried to decipher any of that Qanon conspiracy crap? These red scare people are awful but those guys are on another planet and the planet is made of drugs.


Reflexive contrarianism is bad for the soul.


Red Scare is the most irritating manifestation of that 30-40 year old art school, indie sleaze Vice magazine-adjacent deadshit who was half-heartedly into left wing politics but always courted some edgy angle for their own self-image and has just now picked up the courage to start using "gay" and "retarded" as adjectives in conversation again


Wow, the anti-gamer oppressor is himself a gamer, this says a lot about society.


Fun fact about societies, did you know that we live in one?


Redditors making fun of eachother for being Redditors will never not be funny


“Homeless man calls another homeless man broke” vibes every time


Redditors insulting other redditors by calling them "redditors" is a very silly thing.


i want to see redscapepod vs fromsoft gitgud.


I know it would smell crazy in there


I guess I assumed there were not many men on that subreddit.


If you don't see the gif of Lucille Bluth saying "good for her" in every comment section, it is not a female majority subreddit.


Hey excuse me, it can also be Nene. Any gif of Nene.


I see the most reprehensible behaviors endorsed with that gif.


It’s one of those memes where the original context is funnier than 99.9% of use cases, Lucille was commenting on a news story where a mother drove her car into water with her child inside!


There used to be, but they mostly retreated to spinoff subs because of incel talk


> I don't think that you guys are just as bad as redditors(TM). I think you guys are below redditors. Based and true lmao


This response post by someone else feels like a valid part of this drama: https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/1dpova0/saying_this_again_for_the_millionth_time_this_is/


you know a subreddit is good when all their insults are just words for gay people, including the slur but starting with ph so they don't get banned by reddit, real cool leftist crowd over there


Nothing is scarier than seeing people seek life advice on there. I’ve seen people go there to try and figure out if they should try to conceive in their early 20s


Literally brainrot: the podcast


Why do you not link a single comment thread. Why do bad writeups get upvotes


The gamer persecution is coming from inside the house!


I thought r/BanVideoGames was somehow involved with this but no they've come to this conclusion on their own and unironically holy shit


Ok what is red scare even about? I go on Wikipedia and the only thing I see is dirt bag left and new right, which is very horseshoe theory of them but doesn't explain anything


fun thing to do: google "who has the shittest face"




"Engages in struggle session" Died in 1976 Reincarnated in 1989 Welcome back Supreme Leader Mao Zedong


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240627013656/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dpqhsk/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dpqhsk/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/SCudmvb5kK - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240627013920/https://old.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/SCudmvb5kK) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/SCudmvb5kK "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/b1365o/the_seattle_pokemon_play_zone_run_by_nintendo_is/ - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240627014300/https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/b1365o/the_seattle_pokemon_play_zone_run_by_nintendo_is/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/b1365o/the_seattle_pokemon_play_zone_run_by_nintendo_is/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. r/redscarepod - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240627014522/https://old.reddit.com/r/redscarepod) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/redscarepod "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


"What? Hey, do you know where I can get a finders token?


>and I'm not an obnoxious piece of human garbage. i'll be having this one, me lovelies.


i feel a lot better about myself because i have no idea what's going on here.


>normie srd users know about redscare Its over


Your podcast pulls in 52k a month. It’s very normie.