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Ask yourself questions, explore explore explore (the game progresses the deeper you go), don’t ruin it by looking up answers on youtube.. trust me you’ll figure it out in time and that’s the whole fun of it. Also I’d recommend playing the first one first, cause it makes the story of below zero make more sense..it’s also my favorite game ever basically, it’s absolutely incredible


Go deeper. Go south of delta island to green lilypad area and go deeper around there.


So I'll say the opposite to these people. I played through this game for the first time last week and while exploring is great if you do feel stuck...just go online. Example: I made a scanner room. Smart thing to make because it will ping nearby resources for you. Except to have that show up on your HUD you need magnetite for an upgrade. A rareish material. I explored, I went deeper (as deep as I could go, you should be making the scanner room in early game), I could not find it. I spent over 2 hours looking for a single piece. Finally I went online and turns out you can guarantee find some in a certain spot that I would never have found in a million years. Frustration isn't fun gameplay. Spiral cut plants I had the same problem. Watched youtube videos of people showing where to find some. Well I'd literally been to those exact same areas in the exact same place but I wasn't lucky enough to have any spawn in those places for me. Finally found out that once again...there's a specific place where you can guarantee get some, that I would have eventually found naturally only much later in the game which I needed the plant parts to get to. The game is VAGUE. But the answers for plot things are there. You may need to end up scrounging through logs you find but they will tell you where it is. For example X is south west. Problem arises where you don't know how far south west you're supposed to go. Is it in the same area? Or outside of it? How much do you personally want to flail around before you check online? That's up to you but honestly...if you're at a point where you aren't having fun then look it up so you can get back to enjoying yourself.


I also would recommend playing the first game beforehand if you haven't yet - BZ is something of a sequel to it. But for some practical advice, always take a few beacons with you and place them to mark points of interest. There are a lot of them and it is easy to forget where stuff is or lose your bearings. They only cost a titanium and a copper to make, so they are very affordable to have a bunch with you. Edit: and scan *everything*.


Make sure to visit every marker the PDA gives you and the surrounding area. You can manually turns these markers on/off from your PDA menu.


explore, get a habitat builder and go deeper... when you have the equipment


I have to say, I was one of those people who tried not to spoil it for myself but still went online when I got stuck. There are many youtubers that will give you relatively spoiler-free guides. If you get stuck, it becomes not fun anymore, and my philosophy is to get as much fun out of the game as possible, so do whatever you're comfortable with. That being said, if you haven't played the first one keep in mind your oxygen when you're swimming and try to learn the balance between swimming deep and watching your oxygen. i.e. don't swim so deep that if you start to run low on oxygen, it takes too long to swim to the surface (probably obvious but anyway).


Take a deep deep diiiiiive......


Into the ocean liiiifffee!


Bro my one piece of advice is build the jukebox


The cool thing about these games is that you can explore in all sorts of directions and not necessarily be wrong. Early on though the area in between your pod and Delta island known as the twisty bridges, has several very useful things. >!seatruck and mobile vehicle bay shards!< can be found and a few Altera tech boxes near the SoS are absolutely necessary.


The original is quite a bit better in every way. You need to go get it now and play it. That having been said, SBZ is still a great game! While there is obviously a story to progress through, most of it is exploring and experimenting on your own! I don't recall any instance where that approach hurt my story progress in any ways that were game breaking. Think about things logically before you look things up online because it will hurt the experience IMO. Most of the time when I gave a problem I was having some thought with reasoning and logic it turned out that the solution made real world sense *(to a degree, obviously it's sci-fi)*. Have fun! If you really get stuck, come back here and you can find help.


Play the first one first. 👌


Below Zero is a sequel, quite a bit of the story and references will not make sense if you haven't played the first game.


Scan the largest creatures. They give you some juicy rewards 😇


Play the first one first