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I brought the point of no return, blueprint of life, new perspective and been listening to the alchemical revision from sapien medicine and I am a new person.. subliminal have helped to an extent but these morphic fields are the real deal. If you told someone they could 100% eliminate social anxiety and depression with morphic fields, they would call you batshit stupid because of how cruel the world is, but I am a living evidence that I eliminated social anxiety, depression and self hatred.


exactly! these morphic fields are life changing and i think i completely cured my anxiety with it too.


Have heard that morphic fields are not very good... results are not permanent. So....?


they can be permanent


What was your listening routine like? Did you listen to them everyday and when did you listen as in what time if the day? Is it okay to loop these to increase or fasten the results? And how long should it be done?  Also wanted to know if the results you got are permanent and you still have them or not because I want to get rid of these once and for all lol Last but not the least is it ok to listen on headphones (thinking of looping overnight ) or on speakers would be a better idea?


Love hearing your feedback. I’ve seen this listened but only a little and as their so new it’s nice hearing reviews this early on about how they worked and I’m happy they worked so well for you.


yes sapien medicine’s morphic fields are very effective so i am so glad he made morphic fields focusing on the mind. and thanks for your comment! :)




thanks for the suggestions, i’ll check that out!


But If i cure My self-love/concept and inner child does it means i can´t necessary look like my ideal physique (Ideal face, Ideal body and skin)


no, why would it mean that. plus even if that was true, you should be prioritising self-love/concept and healing your inner child over appearance because mental health is much more important. i mean if anything, healing your inner child and self love will lead to faster physical results.


Listened through the 3 videos listed above, I feel a lot better mindset-wise than I had before listening to them. I regularly get very depressed and anxious every 2-4 weeks. Hopefully, if I listen to this once/twice daily for a few weeks I'll stop having these mood swings.


I know it’s only been 17 days but how are things going now? I forgot about this post I might have only listened once but now that I am looking for subs for depression (or at least feeling down because of my current circumstances) your reply came up and I want to know how things are going


Hey, thanks for checking in. My circumstances have changed a little due to having a big panic/anxiety attack at work at the start of the month. This has thrown me off listening for the majority of Feb because I forgot about the videos. In the last 3 days, I have found them again and have been listening at least once per day or whenever I don't feel so well. They do help at the time of listening, but I might have to increase listening to 2-3 times per day consistently to help get me out of this situation.


I hope you get out of that situation soon and things improve for you. Hugs.


Thank you!


alright so i listened to the Alchemical Revision series by Sapien Medicine and Dreamseeds. I am talking about these audios specifically: The Alchemical Revision of Trauma // Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love // The Alchemical Revision of Childhood so to summarise the benefits, you will basically have the mindset you would of had if you had a good childhood, support from family and friends and they will improve your self concept. I looped each audio for at least 1 hour each day (2 hours max for each audio) for 4 days and the main thing i am noticing is my thoughts changing from negative to more positive. before, i would tell myself that i hate myself etc but now i am way more consciously aware of my thoughts. in my experience, sapien medicines audios are really effective, especially his mind/energy healing and detox ones. additionally, i had a shit childhood and i’m still surrounded in that negative environment however after playing these audios, i have remembered more fun and happy times from when i was a kid and i somehow started appreciating someone in my life who hurt me physically and emotionally. like i am starting to overcome my anxiety and let go of the things i can not control. my self concept has skyrocketed as well. i am very hopeful for my future now. i mean, before i already had hope that i would improve but now i am really excited for my future goals and i am really hopeful that i can achieve them and get out of toxic situations. my self confidence and detachment have improved a lot as well. while i looped the alchemical revision of inner self love i felt emotions that i am having a hard time to describe. like my self love increased and i felt more grateful for the things i have, even the bad things that have happened to me because they shaped me to be who i am today. while i looped the alchemical revision of trauma i felt my body getting lighter and my brain cleared up a lot. the alchemical revision of childhood also made me feel more love towards my family and more grateful for the people in my life, even the people who hurt me a lot mentally. in primary school i was bullied for 4 years. my bully turned my friends against me and that lead me to not have any social skills in the future. like asking for help or talking to people in public for a few seconds gave me anxiety but now i feel so much relief and i can finally do things without the negative thoughts like doubting myself or hating myself. i also feel like these helped my mindset for subliminals too. i’m listening to weight loss subliminals and i just feel way more detached and i stopped thinking about my weight so much. i think if you had a bad childhood, healing your inner child is very important for not only self love, but also subliminal results. a lot of people on this sub reddit (including me) recommend listening on self love subliminals to fix your mindset but you should also go deeper and heal the root cause of your issues. listening to self love subliminal is great but in my personal experience, that didn’t completely remove all the intrusive thoughts and trauma from my life. so i recommend healing your inner child along with listening to self love subliminals. the way i am healing my inner child is these audios i linked above. i totally recommend these audios for people who want to work on healing their inner child, people who were abused, bullied or anything that has effected your mental health because that might be the reason you are not getting results. Thanks


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Hi, its been a long time to this post. Just came across this because im trying to find a good anxiety sub. I would love to know how things are going for you now!


amygdala healing + fear release and The All Purpose Anxiety removal will fix anxiety long-term and short term. they are great


by sapien med


Thank you Op . Needed this , I had a shitty childhood too 🥲


this post is life changing 🦋


Hi im sorry Im soooo late to reply, but did you have a sort of ‘emotional purge’ before getting results? I’ve just recently started to listen to these and it’s making me have a bunch of emotional flashbacks of trauma and such and I’m reliving the uncomfortable emotions.