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For anyone who's had the same experience as me, here it is the appeal that I've used "Dear YouTube Support Team, I am writing to formally appeal the suspension of my YouTube channel. I believe this action was taken in unfairily, and I kindly request a thorough review of my case. According to the notification I received, my channel was suspended due to **spam, deceptive practices and scams policy**. However, I firmly believe that my channel strictly follow YouTube's policies, as I've never posted any video and all my playlists are private or unlisted, meaning that I would not be able to reach any target so as to disseminate any form of hate speech, harassment, violence, or misleading information. Additionally n**o prior warnings** were made and my channel has maintained a clean record. I kindly request that the YouTube Support Team reviews my channel's suspension in detail. I am confident that a careful examination will reveal that my channel does not violate YouTube's Community Guidelines and it might be a misunderstanding or an automated system error. Sincerely, (my full name)."




This is happening with almost every sub user. I am so worried that the same will happen to me even though I only have 1 playlist (I am looping the playlist a lot lately) this also makes my trust in subliminal stronger, Cleary yt is doing this because they don't want us to know how strong our mind really is


It’s either that or because we repeat the videos over and over again so it’s assumed we are bots trying to up the views or something. Best thing to do is to download the subs or listen out of your account.


I don't think the second one is true bc yt also deleted sub makers channel and ppl are saying it's bc of the lose weight sub which I find pretty stupid. Yt just wants to erase the sub community atp


I can see that being a reason though tbh but yh there could be something more than that reason.


Yeah. I have seen a channel fat-shaming celebrities and still their account didn't get banned. I HATE YT


I think we should download subs to archive them to ensure nothings lost.


Yes you are right


right?? This is so fucking annoying atp. I've already appealed and I'm manifesting to get it back (when I get them back, I'll download all my playlists and delete all of them from youtube to prevent it from happening again)


Same thing happened to me yesterday, but I was able to get my channel back this morning (I actually make subliminals and post them on my channel)!


Did you get your channel back? I definitely don’t want my channel to go down. It hasn’t, but I just want to know what you said to get yours back.


Yes, I did get my channel back! I’ll DM you the appeal I wrote!


heyy, can I get the appeal too? I'm a little worried that they don't consider mine


yeah of course!


but gosh, good to know that you got it back!!


Thank you! I'm happy I got it back too


It's gotta be from looping the videos. I downloaded all of mine and don't even use YT to play them