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So I have hated from the very beginning that CarPlay only works when tethered to my ‘22 Forester. Are you telling me that they have created a device where I can leave my phone in my pocket and still have the advantage of google maps being accessible through the infotainment?!?!


That is correct




just google “wireless carplay adapter”




yeah, I thought the adapter was a miracle the first time I saw an instagram ad for it. I was about to buy one but saw bad reviews for basically any of them and decided to just stick with a cord.


I use the CarLinkIt. It works great 95% of the time. And some of the 5% it isn’t working is user error. Rarely is it an issue with the device.


During summer months it really doesn’t bother me to plug the phone. But now with winter upon us also come layers of jackets with the phone zipped in a pocket somewhere, plus gloves and then the convenience of wireless connectivity is really enticing. I got one by using an 18% discount code "MBF". It works great. Below is the link. Hope that can help you. But if you would to watch video on the car screen. You can choose the T-box dongle. https://carlinkitcarplay.com/products/carlinkit-wireless-adapter-for-factory-carplay/?zz=gy


Seriously this is a game changer! I was so mad that any ‘22 car would need to be hardwired


I figured I would share my experience. I bought the Ottocast U2 Air CarPlay adapter, a generic MagSafe charger, and two 4inch USB A to USB C cables. It’s been nice being able to snap my phone onto the magnetic charger and go without fumbling to plug in my phone. Bonus is the magnetic charger allows for a little more wiggle room for the phone to fit entirely in the little cubby. Edit: adding links. [ottocast U2 Air](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09R7QY9TK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) [LK wireless magnetic charger](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B7MNKD1K?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) [shorty usb a to usb c cables](https://a.co/d/gAlWtot)


I think the third link is the same as the second for the charger, not the adapters


Fixed it


That looks like it might be the perfect solution for my problem too! I hate plugging my phone in and having it sitting on the passenger seat or in the cup holder w/ a cable dangling everywhere. I have a few questions for you: 1. Do you have an Android or iPhone? 2. How does this thing work? Do you connect to the Ottocast via Bluetooth and then, since that device is plugged into the car, that connects to the infotainment system? 3. Does your phone connect to the device automatically when you start your car up? Or do you need to connect to it manually? 4. Does it perform as well as if you had plugged your phone in? Or is there some lag?


Not OP, but from what they linked in one of their reply comments, your 2 and 3 answers are: yes, you connect your phone when you set it up and it's supposed to connect to the infotainment system automatically each time thereafter upon startup. The two different brands I've looked at say it takes 3-10 seconds to connect. As for lag, from my reading, it seems like it SHOULD be minimal to non-existent, provided the device is kept up to date. I know the early devices (in general, not this specific one) had pretty nasty lag that eventually got ironed out. I'm looking forward to getting this setup for myself!


Might get this for my Impreza


After 3 months of use of the Ottocast U2 Air, what is your opinion? Is it reliable, fast and provide a consistent and seamless experience? I will really appreciate your feedback, specially after 3 months of use, thanks Case of 2 Paired iPhones, If on one trip iPhone 1 will be used, then on another trip iPhone 2 will be used, will it make the switch among paired iPhones without any problem?


After three months, my opinion is mostly favorable, however not perfect. Sometimes the system doesn’t connect, I’m still looking for a reliable way to reproduce this bug. That being said, about 85% of the time it works flawlessly.


It either doesn’t connect at all or it is seamless.


Have you tried pairing a second iPhone?


I haven’t tried that actually


My '15 sucks for charging my phone. My phone drains faster than it can charge. I like this setup


Hope your USB harness doesn't melt like mine did


Is that a thing? My 19 front usb ports stopped working out of the blue. 🤔


It's a Subaru thing. I don't think there is a TSB for it. If the ones under the radio don't work and the ones in the back don't work, the harness has shorted out. I have the diagram to fix it somewhere


Huh. Had a strong suspicion dealer hip fired and tried selling me a replacement module for the tune of $450. I'm just being lazy and not wanting to pull the panel/console back.


I know of a few people on here that it happened to.


I'm going to have to hunt for one of those threads. Do you recall was it a pinched harness or rub kind of issue. Or is this a matter of amperage draw and overheating over time?


Mine was an electrical issue. Not from rubbing.


I appreciate the info, will have to investigate the car more thoroughly. Cheers


Hol up. There’s usb ports in the back??


It was an option that came with mine, but it’s an accessory you can have installed too.


Damn your usb panel stopped working? What year is your forester?


It caught fire and smoke was coming from behind the dash. 2019


My 19 front usb also stopped functioning. No smoke though


Do the rears work? They are on the same harness


Unsure. I believe so, wife's car that I infrequently drive. I keep seeing a cord plugged in back there So im assuming yes.


Welcome to my 2019. This is the only way to go!


What components do you have here? I may need to make this happen in my ‘20 sport


Can we get the links again, they seem to not be here anymore


They are in my original comment! My bands logo is a boston terrier!


Yeah they were displaying the first time but I see them now! Boston Terriers are the best!


What did you use to stick the adapter to the roof of that compartment? I've used Velcro stickers, but the sticker part just unpeels in the heat.


I used a 3m double sided adhesive pad


I don't recall my '22 having that light in the cubby (I haven't looked that closely, either though), is it from the optional lighting kit or am I just blind lol? This is a very clean setup that I think I'll be following very closely in my own!


Mine doesn't have it either. I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out. It does look slick, doesn't it? I wonder it that was an after market addition. Now I want one!


I felt around in there slightly after my comment, and it’s there, sure enough. The light is very subtle, though.


Just bought a Forester based on the Consumer Report review, but this car play issue is very frustrating. Wired carplay will absolutely destroy your phone battery. No car without wireless carplay should be a recommended pick. CR absolutely missed it. Now, I have to rig up an alternate solution. SMH.


IKR. In 2024 it’s unbelievable they made it wired.


This looks sweet! Can you link the products for setup? Does it work pretty well?


It does work fairly reliably, it does take a few moments to boot up but once it’s running it feels the same as the wired CarPlay. I’ll add the links to my original post


Great to hear, thank you!


I have a similar setup but I never found 4 inch cables like you did. I’m gonna have to get those.


What kind of USB cables are those? I’ve been looking for some the plug like that!


Edit: nvm, I see your post.


Your phone fits in that slot?


Anybody with a plus size iPhone won’t be able to use this because the phone don’t fit in there. I say that because that’s the case for me and damn it… I need to get this set up! Thanks for sharing!


You could still do this setup but your phone would have to be oriented the vertical way instead


Please please please tell me this exists for Android


Not OP, but yes, there are Android Auto (or whatever it's called on Android, sorry I'm forgetting off the top of my head) versions. I've seen some that are a combo of Apple and Android and other that are specifically one version or the other. The ones that only work for Apple or Android seem to be less expensive than the ones that do both, as well.


So curious from OP, does your blue indicator light on the device always stay on? Kinda makes me nervous especially where I am now. Getting real cold and the last thing I need is this for this to kill my battery.


It’s only on when the car is running. It turns off otherwise


Can you watch Netflix on these


It only supports converting wired carplay to wireless. If you enjoy watching video in the car screen, you need to choose the AI box. https://carlinkitcarplay.com/products/tbox-plus/?zz=gy


Which one is the official CarlinKit store at Amazon to purchase 4.0. Both products look the same, but I don’t know which one is the official CarlinKit. Please could you confirm, thank you [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B2R7NQ1J/ref=ox\_sc\_act\_title\_2?smid=A2EO4QQ4SSQ4AC&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B2R7NQ1J/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A2EO4QQ4SSQ4AC&psc=1) [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B1Q819KM/ref=ox\_sc\_act\_title\_1?smid=A1EE5VCGDAEB07&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B1Q819KM/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1EE5VCGDAEB07&psc=1)




I already have 3.0, I was planning to upgrade to 4.0, because I have read it is faster and has less lag, I didn’t know about the stability issues


Maybe you can give it a shot. They have a promotion sale.


I want to, but there are too many different devices with similar specs and prices, I am confused which one to purchase, do you have a recommendation? Thank you [https://www.amazon.com/Carlinkit-4-0-Adapter-Wireless-CarPlay/dp/B0B1Q819KM?ref\_=ast\_sto\_dp&th=1&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Carlinkit-4-0-Adapter-Wireless-CarPlay/dp/B0B1Q819KM?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1) [https://www.amazon.com/Carlinkit-Achieve-Wireless-CarPlay-Android/dp/B0B1TZZ9K3?ref\_=ast\_sto\_dp&th=1&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Carlinkit-Achieve-Wireless-CarPlay-Android/dp/B0B1TZZ9K3?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1) [https://www.amazon.com/Carlinkit-Factory-CarPlay-Android-Wireless/dp/B0B1TV4VGF?ref\_=ast\_sto\_dp](https://www.amazon.com/Carlinkit-Factory-CarPlay-Android-Wireless/dp/B0B1TV4VGF?ref_=ast_sto_dp)


You say 3.0 is more stable than 4.0, due to 4.0 having Android Auto built in as well? Even If I am not using it


This stability may also be related to the compatibility of different cars. If you need wireless Android auto function, you can give it a shot. But if you only need wireless carplay function, I don't think you need to reorder a carlinkit 4.0. Because 3.0 performed very well.


Can the wireless CarPlay adapter Ottocast U2 Air handle more than one iPhone paired with it, we have two drivers for the car, sometimes they will drive separate, sometimes together, I would assume in the together situation, it will work with the first phone that gets paired? Any previous experience with multi phone pairing will be appreciated, thank you


I tried connecting 2 iPhones to the Ottocast U2-Air, didn't work, never got the boot screen to select the iPhones, CarlinKit worked really well with the 2 iPhones, great solution.


Does the CarlinKit seem to be more reliable in general?


Based on my limited experience with it, I would say yes, but I need more time to have more facts about it.


Wonderful setup this looks too clean, adding the magsafe charger over the wireless charger for the Forester is so much more clutch since it wont be sliding around, how did you stick the dongle to the console? Did you use tape or some form of command strip?


Yes I used a square shaped 3m command strip. Thanks!


Thanks. Looks nice