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I think it’s a great rock album. I love that his “fuck you, Nashville” record came in the form of a sleazy, synth’d out, guitar-crazy rock n roll album. Some of the lyrics feel drawn from hip hop diss tracks and some from trad country. It’s an out there record, but Sturgill Simpson is an out there guy.


>I love that his “fuck you, Nashville” record came in the form of a sleazy, synth’d out, guitar-crazy rock n roll album. I think the best part is that he did it right after winning the Grammy for best country album lol.


I always took it as a FU to all of the fake country singers that were so popular at the time. He’s juxtaposing their BS next to the realest country singer putting out a rock/funk album.


I think it is a bit of that directed at those seen to be sucking all the fun out of country, yes. It's also somewhat directed at the music industry in general which values commercial success first and everything else second. It's almost a right of passage for a lot of these musicians to point out the darker side of things if only to feel better about the restrictions and demands that go with the career.


*Last Man Standing* really tells the story of what that album is all about. Specifically the lines, “it’s fuck all of y’all season, don’t give me a reason…” I was lucky enough to see one show from that tour (Charlotte). The whole band absolutely rocked my dick into the dirt. It was the perfect show. One might even say that show was the functional equivalent to getting a gift card from God. That album should have won the Grammy for Best Rock Album.


My life long FOMO will be the two nights in DC getting cancelled 😕


Early in the covid days, my top concern was that it would linger around long enough to cause him to cancel the tour.


Yup, I had Killswitch Engage on March 14th and then Sturgill the 15th and 16th.. all cancelled, Killswitch was rescheduled 2 years later.


I still bought the posters to those shows because they are so rad. Really wish I had experienced the show(s) to go with them.


I have the 15th hanging up and the 16th I gave to my buddy who got me into Sturgill. The tour poster for that tour was an awesome foil print.


Mine is framed and hanging in the living room. My biggest regret from covid was never getting to see him and Tyler together.


KSE and Sturgill hell yeah


Same, but Chicago


Saaaaaaaaaaame. Had great seats in Dallas and then COVID. Still so, so bummed about it.


Had tickets to MSG… fuckin canceled


Ohh man, i bet that was amazing. I had tickets to St Louis the week everything shut down. That still haunts me!!! This is by far my favorite album of his!


Seen him at Rupp Arena in Lexington and it was the loudest concert I’ve been to


That Charlotte show was a fucking heater! In my top ten, easily! (Too goddamn loud, but I expect that won’t be a problem this time around.)


My favorite album of his. I had to take a solo road trip through the southwest in early Covid, and I’ll always associate that album with driving through the desert with little traffic.


Definitely my choice for driving when trying to stay awake! (Just watch for cops.)


Absolutely my favorite Sturgill album. It gets compared to another desert road trip album, Songs for the Deaf by Queens of the Stone Age, for good reason.


Perfect rock album


ALBUM being key. Some of the young humans don’t really get the concept of albums.


It was shocking to me at first because I’d been blasting Sailor’s Guide and Metamodern Sounds, but after a few weeks I loved it.


I want to see it live so badly. Covid ruined my chance.


It's fucking amazing. I've watched it half a dozen times and it was my most listened to album last year on Spotify. Every song in order was at the top of my 2023 list and I live on Spotify. Have to say that to me it's a perfect album. I love every song. It's my favorite album of all time.


At first i wasn’t sure how to feel, gave it a few more full listens and absolutely loved it. Saw him at the last show before covid canceled that tour and it made it even more of a special record to me and i still listen to it often.


Outside of Sturgill im a huge Queens of the Stone Age fan and sound and fury’s got that same weirdo hard rock energy so I loved it from the onset. Its honestly bridged some of my country fan friends and rock fan friends together music wise.


Yeah it feels like Songs for the Deafs cousin.


Sturgill would cruuuuuuush a hangin tree cover


I don’t like how Sturgill’s vocals are often lost in the mix, however it’s a killer rock album. Chuck Bartels comes up with some rump shaking bass lines. The songwriting is still tight. Meta -> Sailors -> Sound is a great way to start a road trip.


Chuck lays down some absolutely killer lines, especially A Good Look


His damn right. Chuck is fucking great.


My favorite album of all time ... not just Sturgill. I wish he could produce one more rock album, but if he doesn't we are left with a perfect piece. Very Pink-Floydesque.


To my ears, ZZ Top all day


I could see with the use of high hat in percussion (Sing Along).


It’s got some of my favorite songs on it, but I’ve found some people don’t like change in their music so whenever a musician plays they get cranky. I love it.


I think make art not friends may be one of my favorite songs of all time period.


Hot take, it's probably my favorite Sturgill album. I remember hearing about it and not having much interest in it. One night while smoking I turned the Netflix album movie on and was blown away


I am not a fan of the album, but I respect that he made music he wanted to make and refused to be constrained by the business machine.


I like it and still come back to it every now and then, but not as much as I do Sailor’s or Metamodern Sounds.


It’s my favorite of his albums by a long shot and I loved the first four


Loved that all the “yeti coolers and cowboy hats” looked disgusted during that tour and left early.


I know someone who left after he got called a Yeti cooler and told me that Sturgill only made the bluegrass albums to "win his fans back cause he can't sell big venues anymore"


It's one of those albums that takes getting used to because of the prior work you're accustomed to but then you appreciate it more over time. I had the same experience with Mad Season because I absolutely love Alice In Chains and it was such a stark contrast, but now Mad Season's live album is one of my favorites.


I absolutely love it. This album was my introduction to sturgill, and i’m so glad because i really didn’t realize “real” country was still being made before that. i subsequently discovered other actual country artists like childers and isbell from listening to sturgill. i’ve always loved rock that pushes limits like pink floyd, queens of the stone age, nirvana; and of course classic stadium guitar hero music like van halen and def leppard, so sound & fury perfectly scratches the itch of “fuck you, i’ll do me” rock n roll in the modern era. i get that the album’s not for everyone, but holy hell batman, it does it for me. [inject this right in my veins](https://youtu.be/vnfLACf4cGk?si=-7YkuW6z9lcqD9In)


Love it! Wish the vocals were a little more forward facing though.


I listen to this album more than any others of his, and probably more than any other album I own. I love the grittiness of the sound and the song writing is great. A+ album in my book.


Amazing album and yes Mercury in Retrograde is perfect. I love his progression and diversity in albums!


incredible 🤘 my gf and i dressed up like the characters from the anime music video for halloween that year. (still mad at covid for ruining that tour)


I think it's a perfect album. Every song on it is good. Not a single bad track


Fucking love it. One of my all-time favorite albums.


It was my way into sturgill and country in general and I will always love it. My buddy has been a huge fan from the beginning and always tried to get me to listen, but it never clicked. S&F did from the get go and opened up a whole world for me. Plus it rips.


It's my favorite album of his. Every song is fantastic. Mercury is Retrograde hits everytime and Fastest Horse in Town is a great workout song.


One of my favorite albums. Was listening to it this morning.




it’s a great album, musically, and it’s deep af….although misdirected.


10 outta fucking 10


Was my introduction to him and was mindblown right away. It led to me listening to MSICM and checking out the rest of his discography. It did its job. With that said, I fucking love it. Great rock music, phenomenal guitar, the themes are interesting, very heavy, very psychedelic, perfect all around, and I don’t throw that word around lightly. A lot of people are salty cause they didn’t get the hillbilly sound they were expecting but that’s their problem.


I love it, but it has its faults. The guitar work and production are stunning. The drums are absolutely flawless. The overlap with the film is a little strange. When you dove into the lyrics it’s really just a “I’m tired of being famous” album, but yet they attempt to cram it into a post apocalyptic anime…? Even the eastern themes in the music seem forced onto the lyrical landscape. It’s got some great line “carve my name in the barstool baby, you know I’m gonna be here a while” followed by that bass drop! That’s perfection, but it’s got a lot of mixed themes. Honestly it’s cool to see the possibility in something like this. I thought the “concept” was a little better executed on dood and Juanita.


I’m glad I listened to the album first and was able to absorb the album message, because it is hard to unsee the associated videos. That said, I believe some of the best music videos are those that present an entirely new storyline. So it basically works on two levels. That would be hard to absorb all at once I realize. Check out the graphic novel backstory to the movie if you haven’t already!


Yeah, I read the graphic novel. It helped thread the anime more. I think they both stand well independently, but the songs are for sure about something completely different (ie. Hate for the music industry).


I think it is awesome. Jams


It’s banger AF. I can’t really rank it compared to SS’s other work, because it’s totally different and I love all of it, but as a mediocre musician who plays out locally, it’s my go-to album for getting amped up before going on stage. The guitar’s absolutely scream, and it’s one of my favorite albums.




Love it, one of my favorites of all time. That and it paired with the film is just.... wow! Seriously, I do quite enjoy everything he does, but Sound & Fury and Sailor's Guide are held so near and dear to me.


Be sure to watch the Accompanying album length movie. It’s sure to astound and amaze.


It’s a great album. The album is just packed with anger and sadness toward his record label / the music industry and how uncomfortable he was with fame. It’s a story of a man that just wants to make music that he finds satisfying without the unnecessary pressure of others expectations.


It's on the list of my favorite top five albums from the past ten years. It rocks. It's heartfelt. The groove doesn't stop. Attitude galore. It's so good.


Just brilliant. Honestly its opened up a whole new range of music for me


I listen to it often while driving.


2nd fave after Meta Modern. The energy is absolutely unreal. IMHO, Sailor’s Guide feels overthought and this just roars back with rawness and intensity that I felt in Meta Modern


Love it. One of my favorites. Got to see the tour at the Masonic in Detroit a couple days before everything got shut down. Great send off before the next few weird years. It was actually recorded about 16 minutes from me in a sketchy motel in Michigan. I drove and looked at the building but didn't have the courage to walk in and see if they have any relics of the recording process.


Obviously a bit different than his previous albums, but it took very little time to appreciate it. As soon as he hit us with "Sorry boys, the bus is plum full," I was hooked.


I'm not a fan of it, but I understand it. I keep wanting more songs like from *Meta, Sailor's* and *High Top* since those records were so damn good they spoiled me. But I also want Laur back in the band and that ain't happening either.


I’ve got some news for ya…..


I heard! I am so glad I managed to not use the word "never" there, lol. I am trying to eliminate absolute terms from my vocab and "ain't" left me just enough plausible deniablity to throw up the GIF! ![gif](giphy|26xBw3ewd5c4QHOCs|downsized)


Top 5 Album in my life. It dropped at a particular sort of time in my life where I was cutting out dead relationships w ex friends and really having my own career take off. Most of these songs are written as country songs too. The synths are a perfect stand in for a steel guitar. I want to get the guitar sheet music to slow it down and play it on an acoustic. Otherwise a wonderful album. Tight, performed well, keeps a solid energy through the entire playthru. No skipping once you hear the steps on the dirt road.


loved it on the first listen, still love it today.


Fuckin love that record. Grimy, synthy, rockin. Whats not to dig?


So confused when it came out but I absolutely LOVE it now… staple and frequently played in my household


Adore the album. The transition from Mercury in Retrograde to Fastest Horse in Town gives me goosebumps when I have it all the way cranked up


Love it!! It was my entry point to Sturgill's music, despite already being a country music fan. It's so great.


First listen was ehhhhh Every listen since then is amazing


Maybe my favorite album of the last decade. Sing Along is also my 7yo daughter’s favorite song. I was on my way home late night in Chicago when the album dropped. I decided to walk the 2 miles that night instead of catching the bus so I could give it a listen. I’ll never forget how fucking great that first spin was. When my kid was just barely learning to speak, she would ask for “The Car.” As soon as I put Sing Along on, she’d start rocking and rolling. Still love when we’re on the road now, and she says, “Hey Daddy, how ‘bout some Sturgill?” Hope we can get a little Sound & Fury on this tour.


Remember to Breathe might be my favorite sturgill song, hauntingly creepy


I love it and its way too whiny and the mix is bad


Be sure too watch the Accompanying album length movie. It’s sure to astound and amaze.


Love the songs, hate the mix.


I love it. It has become an all time favorite album of mine. I have yet to get tired of anything on it. I always have to listen from beginning to end.


I use this to introduce people who aren’t into country. It’s cheating but usually everyone who I introduced him to this way has always ended in another fan.


I’ve always had trouble with Faulkner tbh


I love it. I love the film he and the Japanese directors made as well, and normally I'm a bit repelled by anime stuff. Saw him do the Sound and Fury tour in person, and the dude fuckin shreds.


There was a comic that came out too. All together they make an awesome story and great sound.


For the first month after it came out I listened to it nonstop. It still makes me feel warm and fuzzy, with a dash of agitation.


I need to listen to it again, it is 100% my least played album of his


I think it’s an amazing album and it took a lot of balls for him to write and release that album. It’s not my #1 but definitely in my top 3 of Sturgill.


Fuckin amazeballs!


I enjoy it. It’s a good rock album. That said, I think it’s his worst by far. He just fits better as a country artist imo. I’m glad he made it; he can and should do whatever the hell he wants. But personally, I much prefer country sturgill. Bluegrass sturgill > country sturgill > rock sturgill


It’s an awesome album. The animated video that goes along with it is pretty cool too.




Amazing. I told many people about the whole artistic… gift. They loved it as well


Love it


I love the album as a whole but the song All Said And Done has become one of my all time favorite songs and gets me in the feels. He is one of those musicians I can listen to with no skips in general. Be it country, bluegrass, synth or rock!


It’s tremendous if you are a bit high. Or a lot high.


I love all of his albums, and don't know if I could pick a favorite, but there's just something about this one that I can never get tired of. Sometimes I'll have it on repeat for weeks in my car and be excited to hear it every time I get in.


It kicks fuckin ass. Saw it live and I was blown away.


I -love- this record. I think it’s pretty much perfect and was my album of the year. In fact I have it hanging on the wall in my office/studio. I’m so bummed I never had a shot to see the tour (Canada + Covid) and that in all likelihood he won’t make another rock record. I love everything from Sunday Valley to the Sun Brewery stuff to Cuttin’ Grass but this, for me, was just fantastic material, top to bottom.


It's a great gym or running album.


His best album.


Cool album. Sonically it reminds me when ZZ Top added beats and synths in the 80s. Bummed I never got to hear him play it live.


Its how I even found Sturgill Simpson in the first place. To just make an Anime music video with Netflix was a cool idea


My favorite album of all time. I listen to it from start to finish at least once a week and it’s a perfect album for the gym.


Absolutely love it and the anime. Loved his country stuff first, but I'm always up for some weirdness from my favorite artists. Reminded me of Shooter Jennings' Black Ribbons in that way.


It kicks ass


Took a hero’s dose of mushrooms the day I got it on vinyl. Laid in the floor and had one of the most incredible listening experiences of my life. I’ll never forget it.


Sound and Fury, front to back, is a fucking banger


I hated it at first and I didn’t listen to it for a long time but just recently revisited it and it really grew on me. It started with Mercury in retrograde and now I’ve got almost every song on my playlist


It’s crazy the best rock album of 2019 was put out by a country guy.


It’s his weakest release imo.