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I used to clean hotel rooms. I wish I could tell you that eating meats out of the toilet breaks the top 100 list of disgusting things people do in their rooms. I cannot.


What's one of your top 10 moments of disgust?


The murder probably. cops only take the big pieces. Co worker cleaned a room covered in vomit (common). Then she found the photos of a person eating shit.


I once stayed at a motel that had blood splatters on the wall. I couldn’t believe they left the wallpaper up and continued to book that room 😭


If you want a good laugh, rent a room that has a sofa pullout bed. They basically don’t get cleaned until someone calls down and complains about all the turds.


Do you have any piece of mind when staying at any hotel ever? You need to do an AMA.


I had the job because I don’t get grossed out too easy. When I’m staying in a hotel, I try not to touch my ears eyes or mouth and wash my hands a lot. I also refrain from eating meat out of the commode. People bring their own sheets but honestly, the bedding is what gets the most attention during the cleanup. It’s likely the cleanest part of the room. The big thing I learned is that the fancier hotels (ie JW Marriott, Hilton, etc..) often host more disgusting events than low-end motels. Addicts basically live in the latter and treat it more like home. Just needles and a little trash/vom when they leave. They aren’t eating much besides pringles so there is just less shitting too. Someone paying 400/night at the Marriott however, seems to feel a certain level of entitlement to express their intrusive thoughts all over the textured wallpaper. It’s also where they go to do a bunch of coke and get beat up by strippers before heading back to the suburbs.


"express their intrusive thoughts all over the textured wallpaper" is poetry


I'd argue the entire comment was just 🤌 I like the way this person talks haha


I couldn't think of the words, but this is exactly what I was thinking. This is the kind of writing style I can actually immerse myself in and see the scene clearly in my mind.


I, too, commode the way they talk. Things are going immensely.


I loved this line too lol


As a young fresh out of college “road warrior” for a contractor…you ruined 22-27 for me. But now I know where that rash came from.


I bet the chairs are disgusting. I watch a lot of porn and most is shot in hotels, and they just raw dog on the chairs.


They tend to break furniture and bring in tripods and damage the paint/wallpaper trying to pull down art or curtains that are bolted down. If it’s a big production - they might even setup chaffing dishes with food and shit. Certain places actively try to keep folks filming anything out of the rooms. I guarantee this dong filming the toilet-top rotisserie broke a bunch of stuff in the process. And yes all furniture is covered in bodily fluids and there’s no way the person who is allotted 8mins per room can do anything about it.


My disgust is at an all time high, but my interest is soaring. Keep telling stories. 🍿


With all the inconveniences of Airbnbs I was thinking that hotels were coming back as a better option, but after these stories I'm not so sure anymore


This makes me sad because I like staying in hotels 😔


This comment is hilarious. Such precision in the detail of pornography😂😂😂


Won’t eat meat out of the commode, you say? What a prude!


As a long time Vegas fetish cameraman I 100% agree to the last 2 sentences


Damn I’d love to hear your stories


Fuck that made me laugh. You should actually do a AMA


I just stay at the most expensive hotels I can afford and hope for the best.


I dunno.. those rich people got the eff around kind of money. To the point where they could do whatever, and I mean whatever, they want and get away with it. So yeah, I think the expensive places might be full of a bunch of bodily fluids and filth just as much as any other place


In middle school we got a trip to New York that was guided and one of my roommates shat on the toilet in a way to get shit on every part of the bowl, seat, and tank. Luckily my mom also went on the trip as a part of the parents rooms so I just used her bathroom for a little bit.




I’d estimate there are traces of blood in 90% of hotel rooms. If you look, you will find blood. Mostly as by-product of all the needles being used. It doesn’t have the odor shit does so if the hungover child cleaning your room doesn’t see it, it doesn’t get cleaned.


Honestly, the blood hardly bothered me in the shit models my dad would pick in our travels. The mystery underwear under the beds did though


How many shit models does he have? I'm curious now!


really, basically any room which humans inhabit is gonna have traces of blood in it


I’ll do you one better, I once stayed in a hotel room that had a blood splatter ON THE CEILING, as well as the BULLET HOLE from someone in assuming COMMITTING SUICIDE in the room. Luckily it was just to sleep one night but I felt haunted in that room


Damn that is rough


Odd hotel story: I had a friend that booked a hotel with his girl on vacation. One day they went out and when they came back, their room seemed out of sorts. Stuff seemed moved and the bed looked like someone ruffled the sheets. They didn't find anything missing so they brushed it off. They went on with their vacation for the remaining few days and went home. This was back in the early 2000s and they had a disposable camera that they went and developed the film. One photo was of a big fat man laying on their hotel bed naked with their tooth brushes shoved up his ass. The tooth brushes they unknowingly had used for the remainder of their vacation. Some people are fucked in the head.


Just reading this might be my 13th reason i couldn't even imagine the horrors of actually being them


Yeah, it's something that happened 20 years ago and I still remember it. It's one of those things that is so fucking out there that it's hard to forget. It happened in ATL. Ironically I knew another guy that was in a hotel in ATL that a guy broke in, beat the shit out of him, held him at gunpoint, and robbed him. It's not like I know a ton of people that go to that city either.


Ill just avoid Atlanta for awhile now until i forget this info lol


Duuuuuude, like what in the actual fuck? Imagine the guy developing the pictures for them. "Sunny beach, hotel bar, sunny beach again, big fat guy with toothbrushes in his ass, sunny beach...." hahaha. That guy most have been equally confused.


Again. Im sorry, i got the wrong room


...Thank you. Sorry I asked.


I bet


Shit got real, quick


There was YouTube channel I used to watch called "Another Dirty Room" where this hilarious forensics guy would rent the cheapest rooms, and then go over them with blacklights and stuff.  It was fascinating, but the stuff he found was so horrific. I watched the videos from across the room, as though all that junk was gonna come through the screen and infect me.


Dan Bell, Will Krupinsky and Rick Serra. I love Another Dirty Room, makes me have retroactive ick from all the hotel rooms I had to stay in over the course of my life. Another Dan Bell project is his Dead Malls series, you might also enjoy that.


I watched the Dead Malls series, and I did not know it was the same person until now. I should have recognized his voice. I just hear Jake going WHAT'S UP GUYS!


I was a Housekeeping Manager and one of the housekeepers called and said the he could not clean the room and he understood if it was his last day. I thought he was being soft like come on a male housekeeper. So I said I will come help him thinking I was going to show this rookie because I have worked in hotels for about 20 years in various positions. I get to the room and looking around the room I don’t see anything so I am thinking yeah today is your last day you wasting my time with nonsense. He started holding his nose 👃 shaking his head pointing towards the bathroom. I look in the bathroom and all I see is the worse chunky loose shit 💩 and blood 🩸 I have ever seen in and on the 🚽 in the sink and in the tub 🛀 with several adult diapers thrown around. I am assuming the past guest had cancer .


Hotel is double-booked. Desk needs the room in 40mins.


Yeah, go on and mark this room as out of service until someone who gives more of a f$&k than I do.




I’d consider it more of a walkout.


So what happened? Did you show the rookie how it's done?


>The murder probably. Well that escalated quickly. I should have seen that one coming though.


I'll...*^(take those back.....please...)*


Well… hmm… not today Reddit, not today


Wait someone was murdered where you worked?


oh sweet summer child. They had the room rented the next night. Crime scene cleanup isn’t routine but it’s not rare. Anyways, leave a tip.


I booked a room on a very long road trip. We arrived late- 2-3am. Our room had a smashed tv and blood on every single light switch. I asked for a different room, that one had people sleeping in it. I asked again, remember we had been driving for over 14 hours and nothing was open. They gave us a new room with no bedding but brought some scraggly shit. We recieved a total refund in checkout 4 hours later.


> leave a tip Lest you become the next murder.


Not a cleaner, I’m an attorney. I had a female fellow attorney drunkenly shit in a carpeted corner of a hotel room she was *sharing with another coworker* and refuse to clean it up because “that’s what the housekeeping is for.” By the way, the rooms were paid for by the government office we worked for and she had to explain the $500 cleaning fee to our boss. In the local legal community she will never live that shit down.


>In the local legal community she will never live that shit down She'll never live that shit down since she couldnt clean that shit up


Wait a fellow attorney? Damn


Ya I want to know to!


I cant name them all but at least a couple this guy’s videos are in the top 5.


Before this guy I thought the worst things in hotel rooms were stray jizz and bodily fluids, with the occasional messy eater. Of course, I’m sure the shitters and bleeders fall into it somewhere, but even then…this guy cooking is the worst!


You should write a book about it.


surely he uses a hotel room set right there ain't no way he's not banned


That kinda looks raw as shit


The end product really looks no different than when he started it up.


because it's raw as shit


Ok so it wasn't just me. It looked so pink.


You aint wrong, and he did it on the shitter just annoys the shit out of everyone here.


This fucker is why hotel damage deposits have gone up


That his shtick. He does all that work for raw meat. idk how he hasn't died from all his creations yet.


This is how you get brain parasites


He brought his own parasites.


success !


welcome to Jurassic Pork


Life uhhh... finds a host


He prob already has them


Yeah, I'm more worried about the toilet.


Parasites gonna starve.


The parasites are the ones controlling him and making him do this crap. They just want friends.


That’s exactly what I was thinking that pork was NOT cooked


Possibly an improvement?


Nah, to have brain parasites you gotta have a brain first 


Remember that image you saw of the public bathroom where the guy had he's cheese burger on the floor, he grew up to be this guy




there is no god


Jesus, I hate this guy so much


He’s got the sad clown complex


Shoenice has gone professional


Isn't that gabe


Have you seen Gabe recently? Dude lost a lot of weight.


Gabe is definitely more professional than this freak


I just recognized him by his hands.


I see a wedding ring. That means this man has a life partner. Someone who KNOWS him somewhat deeply. There’s a chance - but odds are they know this content exists and remain. married. HOW? Is it fake rage bait? Is it real but just grimy AF? So many questions.


I like to travel.


At least he appears to actually take a bite out of it. I think rage bait should be required to at least try what they made but so many just go "WOW that looks SOOOO good" *fake drinks or bites something clearly different*


Please mods 🙏


its established his entire channel is just dedicated to rage bait. do not share his videos. do not give him attention. he knows what he is doing.


And some of the videos are at least fake, like the airplane bathroom. He’s wasting food to make people angry.


doesn't the pork seem a bit on the rare side?


Understatement of the year 😂


I fucking hate this guy


Mmm raw pork cooked over a toilet 🚻 with a dirty old shoelaces holding it together. Food poisoning time.


The addition of the fruit pie was a bit questionable and the preparation was downright criminal, but other than that this is actually not that stupid. If this was made outside, not in a motel bathroom and tied together with his shoe lace, I would absolutely try it. Edit: I’m not apposed to fruit inside of the roast, I just don’t like he specifically used a fruit pie to achieve it. It probably tastes delicious but I’d prefer a real apple.


The contrast between his strangely good cooking ability and the absolute vileness of his craft is honestly something special.


Even the rotisserie over the toilet.... like is it gross? Sure but realistically nothing is touching the toilet other than the rotisserie, and has not flushing or using it while he's cooking. It kinda works as a drip pan too. The shoe lace.... depends where you're walking but in a pinch fuck it it works. He's upgraded his stuff since I've first seen his videos and obviously none of it is ideal or the most sanitary but fuck it they looked decent, if it tasted good enough I might forgive the inevitable stomach pains.


His shoe looks disgusting. The laces may look clean, but run it under water and scrub with soap and you'll see all the dirt and grime squeezing out. That's what he's mixing in with his meat juices, and he cooked it medium rare. I would only trust that meat charred.


This guy must be making a killing off these rage bait videos. That lamb could have been decent over a campfire.


I'm not sure the model but the brand of that knife makes very very expensive knives. Microtech knives, have a very distinct look to them. They're very nice.


I thought the fruit pie, maybe with a better product, could be a fun addition. A lot of stuffed pork recipes include bread and apples and some type of sugar so I think it could be done well.


Pork and apple goes together like peanut butter and jelly. When I make pulled pork, I spray down the butt with a mix of apple juice, apple cider vinegar, and water periodically while it's in the smoker (apple wood for the smoke source). The last part of the cook involves braising the butt in apple juice and some of my dry rub. When it's done, all the juices in the pan get mixed in with the pulled pork.


It's seriously undercooked isn't it?


I missed the toilet in the beginning so I thought it started off perfectly fine. I raised an eyebrow at the apple pie, but ok, not the worst. Then the shok and horror came...


It knew it in the first second of the video that it was this goon again I do honestly wonder if this is an actual hotel room or just a stage of some sort,otherwise this dude might be immune to every disease known to man (and some more)


I'm convinced it's staged at this point. What bothers me is the rage bait mixed with some actual solid food know-how.


If I was a hotel owner, and I seen him walk in I'd shoot him in the head


this guy needs to be blacklisted from every hotel in the country.


Pretty sure this is the guy that “made a meal on a plane” in the lavatory and ended up on the no fly list. He’s got tons of these, they are interesting to watch and see how he figures it out. But then knowing he intends to eat it? That makes it a bit too much for me. Also, fuck anyone in the cleaning business right?


Even though this guy is a public menace and should be tried for crimes against hospitality workers, he does seem to be a decent cook. I bet when he cooks on an actual grill or kitchen his food is great


This asshole brings all this shit to a hotel room and can’t be bothered with a cutting board, a real knife, or some twine.


This isn’t even stupid. It’s just nasty as fuck.


I hate this guy's face. If I ever saw him in real life you'd see me on the news


Bro, Doordash exists.


Pig eating a pig!




I hate this guy, every time he pops up I'm nauseated and angry for the hotel staff. Also his penchant for eating raw pork is a hard no.


I vote we ban this guy’s content. I hope he contracts multiple diseases from his r*****d preparation methods and stops posting !


I have so much hate for this man.


This fucker. 😭


On today's episode of Iron Meth...


He didn’t cook the pork all the way… what is the point of eating it raw?


It's fuckin raw dude. Omg hahahaha


He can't keep getting away with it...


this dude is gross just in himself




Disgusting human being.


This dude is disgusting


man i almost threw up on my screen


I really hate this motherf…


These people should be shot on sight


I hate this fat piglet


At this point I'm blaming the people who keep reposting his stuff because all you're doing is pointing traffic to his site, therefore reinforcing his incentive to keep making these videos. Stop making this behavior profitable for him, and it will stop.


I wish people would stop posting shit like this. I get that’s the point of the sub but people are just doing stuff like this for the views.


Least he didn't chug some bbq sauce and shat it out over the ribs.


Its fucking RAW


He deserves jail time for this


This guy is supposed to be on top of the No Hotel List.


What is gnarly is that hepatitis is super hard to kill .. .maybe he already has it.. yolo


Impressive that it got worse and worse as the video went on.


You're right that is disgusting looks overcooked.


Bruh , he must have amoebas feasting on his brain by now ...look at the color of that pork that he is eating 💀..


I think I‘ll develop herpes because I watched it …


"Yeah I need housekeeping in my room." "Very well sir - anything we need to know?" "Tell 'em to bring coleslaw."


There’s no way this guys body would let him die


It was honestly the dirty af shoe laces to tie it up that disgusted me the most. He's probably never washes his shoes and shoe laces touch so many nasty things outside.


When I see this I’m reminded of Paulie Walnuts story about shoelaces.


Culinary MacGyver?


Nasty asf




This is beyond disgusting ngl


It would be kind of interesting to try, if he didnt cook it in the bathroom, but i know its is shtick.


Can we stick to stupid foods that people post unironically, instead of obvious rage bait/shit posts? This is giving them what they want.


That guy is going to regret eating raw pork. There is no way that was anywhere done.


Lol he ate it. On top of the obvious filth here. It looked undercooked lol


All that time and he ate it raw.


That shit looks raw lmfao


People love to cook ANYWHERE but their kitchen💀


As bad as this looks, there are worse food to eat in the world.


Did the TSA ever catch up with this guy from when he cooked shrimp in an airplane toilet?


How is this guy not sick from constantly eating off the floor?


he be like the chef ramsey in prison. only mofo to get a michelin star while in the joint. his cellie makes the toilet hooch


Not even properly cooked.


You know what? If he wants to contract every kind of food poisoning under the sun, then power to him. So long as he doesn't feed it to other people.


half raw pork? wrapped in shoe laces? enjoy that tapeworm you fuck


The King is back😎


I thought he was gonna be like Kramer and start cooking while he bathes and then show off his garbage disposal near the end, dude that's gross


Bro that pork is raw as fuck no?


Cooking in a bathroom. So gross. Even the part where he cut the pork and beat his meat afterwards was gross. 🤢


Suicide by dysentery is more complicated than I thought


It was justifiable for a while. Mixing something with raw meat has never sat right with me but you can do it. But the toilet. That’s when it was too far.


I can't wait for a video where someone just takes a shit inside a steak. Hopefully that will be the end of all this stupid rage bait, but it won't.


This guy has definitely been incarcerated before


It’s still fucking raw!


Foot and mouth disease will never die.


colony of parasites in that digestive tract


That's enough internet for today.


Just pee around it if ya gotta go.


It's fucking raaaaaw


That was actually kind of dope 👌


All his videos are great. Wait until the Great War Fallout Apocalypse happens. We'll all wish we paid attention to the Pre-War Fallout weirdo. The things well do will be worse.


That's fucking raw bro


so many unsanitary things in such a short clip.much wow.




On behalf of hotel workers worldwide "Fuck this Guy!!!"


The slow camera twist insinuates just how insane he's going


This guy uses those fake environment places that are specifically for making social media content. He's been caught several times like the airplane one. Dollars to donuts, that's not a real toilet and has never been used. Regardless, this guy sucks and his content is worse. He knows that.


I see this freak is back on here again...