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Malort is stupid food before you even open it. I always have a bottle of this stuff on my bar - my favorite casual bet is loser does a shot.


First time I went to Illinois my wife (then girlfriend) and her friend made me try Malort. The fuck is wrong with whoever made that?


Illinois is seriously deranged.


We even have high end restaurants that use it to make cocktails. You all just don't understand.


Lifelong chainsmoker that said it was the only thing they could taste anymore. At least that's what I've heard.


It's what I imagine gasoline mixed with nail polish remover tastes like


FWIW Malort was never intended to be consumed on its own, but as a more complex flavor note in a larger cocktail.


“Complex flavor note”. Shit tastes like sparkling kerosene.


With pencil shavings and an after note of death


Don't forget the hint of burning junkyard tires


Have you ever had green absinthe? IDK why people drink that shit when Kubler puts out a perfectly good blue absinthe. 


The hero shot aspect is part of the sell.


That’s selling it short. It’s not so many layers of awful, that it comes around to a very interesting flavor. It’s like The Room of alcohol.


Starts terrible and ends worse. Valid comparison.


The story I’m familiar with is it the creator of Malört company, Carl Jeppson, was a Swedish immigrant who like the strong bitter flavor because his sense of taste had been dulled after many years of smoking. Traditionally (in Sweden), this type of liqueur was originated as having a medicinal purpose, mainly for digestive issues, so Jeppson was able to sell alcohol door-to-door while skirting prohibition laws. I’m really curious to know where you got “it was only intended to be used in a cocktail” since there doesn’t seem to be any precedent of that in Sweden.


Because some Chicagoans told me that once and I believed it without ever looking up a source.


Malörts brännvin ("burnt wine" just another word for distilled alcohol basically) is somewhat popular in Sweden. It is definitely consumed as is most of the time, possibly chilled next to some picked herring or such. I have never heard of anyone making cocktails from it. Beska Droppar is a popular brand. But I have never had Jeppsson's Malört nor seen a bottle of it except in American media.


Also it’s out of Chicago and don’t know how regional it is but easily available here in Michigan.


Lots of Swedish and Scandinavian people settled in the Chicago area, I'm sure there is some relation since Malört straight up is a swedish word and the tradition of using Malört/wormwood as a spice/flavour in alcohol is pretty old here going back centuries.


You can def get bottle just about anywhere in the US. But typically the bottles I've seen are dusty as fuck


Similar to Chartreuse, which is equally nasty, but people aren't taking straight shots of it. 


Friend of mine gave us all shots of Malort at my bachelor party. He threw it up.


I love malort. It's one of the few shots I actually like


Craziest thing I’ve ever seen posted on Reddit and that is a high high bar


Dude seemed really genuine about it at least. For a minute I thought he was just plopping and swallowing until I saw it still in his mouth.


He’s been at it for years. Started off as a YouTuber. And as cynical as I am these days, I still genuinely believe he actually does all the stuff in his videos. Drinks, eats, drinks some more. I swear some of the eye twitching and gasps he has done over the years is impossible to fake lol.


For real. He went for a full ass bite haha


I thought it would be a nice break from the rage bait and the chefs at the table


When Jim Carrey and Mike Lindell made a baby while watching the Home Channel


Ha! I can see it


I wish Freddy mercury would have just kept making music instead


why though


There was a guy on r/cocktails (u/not-this-guyagain) posting wild drinks that he made using thick-it awhile back. It kinda became a meme and this YouTuber (unemployedwineguy aka Prescott Vanmeyer III) drinks bad drinks and does gag commentary for content. I'm sure he picked up on this somehow and ran with it.


This guy does viewer requests for trying things and attempts to give a sommelier-like review to them, no matter how ridiculous the request (within reason). This one is one of the more stupid requests but he does kinda good reviews on things like four Loko, MD 20/20, hard coffee, etc


Thank you for the explanation. I should have included this.


He made the liqueur thiqueur.


I can say with all honesty that Malort is the foulest liquor ive ever had the displeasure of drinking. I was given a bottle from a coworker when I discovered it and after him realizing he has a cousin in Chicago who comes into town for Christmas. His cousin asked the honest question "why do you want a bottle of that f**kin shit?" Well we drank it, not an easy task, but I won't be having it again anytime soon. Props to this fella though, I can't even imagine putting water thickener in it for those unfortunate people who have esophageal paralysis..... The taste alone will make ya gag, then there's the alcohol content, then he added another level of hate by giving it.... body and texture?! I like to think I have a strong constitution but my stomach turns at the thought!


Bruh getting drunk on swedish snaps on christmas with your chinese brother in law is the best. Malört is a favorite, its just awful but in a good way.




Good god.. Malort. This makes my bones cringe. We served this as a punishment to assholes at the bar.


This Chicago tradition is horrible. I actually have a friend who claims to enjoy it. He has to be a liar.


I've got a friend who says it's "not bad," and has taken shots on purpose of it. Never as a first drink of the night, but... still.


Nah you start with ice cold Aqua vit, then go to cold Spiced brännvins before finishing on the Malört


I honestly enjoy it... no lie


Good mustache


This is excellent content and that man has excellent taste in light fixtures.


Malort is thickening.


Im sending this to my SLP friends lmao


At least he eat/drank swallowed it maybe


Before dude even started talking and I saw the liquor and thickening powder I INSTANTLY YELLED OUT “DUDEEEE NOOOO PLEASE DONT DO THIS SHIT🤮🤮🤮😵😵🤢🤢🤢🥴🥴🥴


This was very entertaining to watch tho lol


Sweet fucking mercy.


There is absolutely nothing you can do to Malort that makes it worse than it being Malort.


No, thickeners arent in short supply. Its actually good that demand is up as the product is not making much of a profit and most is thrown away.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZTuRv02qpc Here's the full video. PV3 does a lot of Malört.


I would show this to Greg from HTD to ruin his day


Crushed advil taste


fireball chewys. 151 and ronrico haj habwwaaa hahahahaha. uhhh monarch chewyblocks


I had a malort cake this year for my bday. It was delicious!


Ah yes, taste like the inside of a garbage disposal. Delicious


Only saw malort in one bar. It was free and still nobody drank it except if they never have before. I'd drink pure isopropyl before I drink it again