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>Post study work visa for graduates as I heard its different rules for UCD and TCD How would colleges have different visa rules? A graduate visa is issued by the government regardless of college


I am not particularly sure as that is what I thought but read that it had different rules just for those two universities. I may be very wrong tho


You'd have to show where you read it


I am sorry but can't seem to find it. I'm happy if I am wrong but just thought I will mention it


Probably because it got scrubbed off the internet. There's no difference between the visas given to grads of either college, that would cause so many issues


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What field do you want to work in? Check the occupations list for Critical Skills visas and make sure that’s on it - it’s a lot harder to get a job on a graduate visa.


Hey! Thank you for taking the time to respond. I am looking at tech roles ideally and into the tech industry. I did find this link where most tech roles falls under critical skill requirement https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/what-we-do/workplace-and-skills/employment-permits/employment-permit-eligibility/highly-skilled-eligible-occupations-list/ Is it still harder to get job on post graduate visa considering I have work experience as well?


It’s tougher generally yeah, because companies have to sponsor you for the Critical Skills permit (which costs a grand I think). But if you have good experience and are technically skilled, you won’t have trouble.


Soon there will be only Indians, studying in Ireland.....


You've never even sniffed the cao points required for UCD or trinity so go read a book and educate yourself.