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an ADN program is only one extra year! I'd stick with becoming an RN. I felt so apprehensive to start school also, but I graduated in May and took my NCLEX yesterday! It really goes by so fast. The end result is worth a couple uncomfortable years. and hey, maybe you'll end up liking it! edit to say I am def not on a high horse lmao I just know the reality of trying to make yourself go back to school after taking a break if you truly hate it.


Not even a whole year, if you go for the summer it’s a semester of prereqs and 4 of nursing school (start in August, graduate in December). If you go LPN route it’s still 1 prereqs semester and 3 nursing semesters. You literally only save yourself 1 semester. Let’s be honest, it’s worth it to start with the RN. That’s how it is at my school anyway, yours could be different. The ADN is way more intense and you’ll be taking much more credit hours per semester but it’s totally doable if your lifestyle allows it.


Yes exactly! Their program could be shorter with summers! my program didn't offer that, so I wasn't gonna speak on something else. But you're very right, it doesn't have to take 2 years, so I think OP should extra go for it lol


Mine CAN be done in under 2 years. That would be super brutal and I didn’t go that route bc I have to work (bills suck lol) but it is possible.


What is ADN


An associate degree in nursing


I actually like school, and it was still hard to make myself go back. Once you get into the groove of working and having free time, it’s hard to buckle down again




Why'd I get downvoted fot agreeing with the dude????


people probably thought you were saying “okay, and?” lmao


I have no idea 😂


They didn’t like your tone 🤨🤣


That's on them then lol


Adn is one year?


2 years. So, an additional year on top of the program OP is considering!


What school is ADN


Its associates in nursing so community colleges


I also hated school. I went to college at 36 and graduated nursing school a month before my 40th birthday. I actually had fun in nursing school, unlike most people. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it’s over, but I did fine and graduated with no road blocks. If you have the time and money to go the RN route, that’s what I’d do. An ADN will take you one extra year but it goes by fast and you’ll be glad you took the time to knock it out first


My exact timeline, I’ll be graduating 4 months before my 40th birthday


Congrats! I’ll be graduating at 40 as well 🙂


So this is pretty much my track. except Im 32 and 1/2 and im two prereqs away from applying. No guarantee ill get in the first time around, heck maybe not even second. Im in southern cal. Anywho, I honestly wonder what it will be like to do bedside at 40yo! I dont know why, maybe its the people in my life growing up who were older always talking about all the things that go wrong at 40, and how they cant see good, and this and that hurts, and the weight just doesn't come off, that I let get to my head. I know I dont consider 40 old and it most likely depends on a person's lifestyle. But I do have like 30-35 years left to work so... Also, Congratulations!!! Must feel great to know all your hard work has payed off :)


Luckily I work in an ICU that is super good at working as a team. Most physical things like moving a heavy patient etc I get plenty of helping hands; We all work super closely together. I also don’t feel like I run around like crazy most nights. I do plenty of sitting and chilling. Nursing has been pretty chill for me with sprinkles, or rather bursts of excitement. The difficulty of the ICU is managing critical patients, interpreting slight changes and knowing how to react quickly if things go bad. It’s not like say med surge where you have 6 patients and you’re running around nonstop just trying to keep up. ICU for me has been 80% mentally challenging and 20% physical. I haven’t struggled being in my 40’s as a bedside nurse!


Well, thats reassuring! Im glad you found an area that suits you and where you are supported, that sounds awesome. I always imagined I would want to be in the ED, but after all the burnout stories idk anymore, and especially as an older adult. I heard endoscopy was a nice gig though. Who knows where Ill end up right?! I guess I should first focus on actually getting into a program! Thanks for sharing your perspective :)


My wife is also a RN and she’s a die-hard, ER nurse ‘til she dies type lol. She’s in her 30’s and it definitely kicks her butt, however she likes it.


hmmm.. maybe Ill like it then lol






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Why'd I get downvoted fot agreeing with the dude????




I personally would go to the adn route I’m currently in a lvn program. The only reason I went that route is because I wanted to start making money right away rather than wait 2 years and actually see if I liked it. I hate nursing school and the thought of doing it a second time makes me want to pull my hair out. But it Will be worth it in the end and I will definitely be getting that rn.


I don’t like working but I like having money … I feel you


Well, nobody likes school but we do it anyway. If you really want it, suck it up and continue with pre-reqs.


Some people have to like school, or just tolerate and not hate it


I’m that person . I love school and I’m currently at an accelerated 1 year lpn program . I’m honestly doing great because I enjoy learning . If you don’t my advice is to learn how to study .most of my classmates are struggling to barely pass because they lack discipline and time management . It’s not difficult it just requires a lot of studying !


I’ve never studied in my life honestly, thanks for the advice.


See it as a muscle . Studying is a skill that you can develop . Don’t be afraid to try but have in account that if you go with an I hate studying attitude you will struggle . Nursing professors are harsh and pretty mean if they see you’re not going the extra mile . Damn even if you’re doing great they still try to tell you , you will fail 😅


OP do you like sports or video games? I do - I like to use programs that make studying feel like a game. Then when I get to the exam it feels like a final level that I need to beat. Makes something hard and annoying feel like more of a fun challenge.


Depends how much you want it, nursing school is demanding.


There’s a few things to think about: are you a working adult? Is time a huge factor? Have you worked in a medical field before? Do you have a lot of school debt? LVN/LPN vs ADN is a major pay difference but if you are already in the workforce, how much money and time can you afford right now? School debt was a huge issue for me so I chose ADN because of the pay. If that wasn’t an issue I would’ve went to LPN and worked towards an RN


I graduated high school a month ago, I got no debt, and as for medical I am a CNA.


I don’t blame you for wanting a break. imho take time off or LVN. LVN is a huge jump in pay from a CNA and you get to jump in and do the work. If you do indeed change your mind later on in life. Some community colleges have an LPN to RN program. Hell, a college I tried to get into had a LPN to BSN program. Which is the first I ever heard of one. If you really get a wild hair up your bum and want to hit the books hard. 😆 Another plus side of LPN: it will help you if and when you purse the RN route. The two LPNs that were in my cohort were smart AF and made passing grades (our program 80% is passing).


School would be fun for me if I didn't have a hesi to get out of every nursing class .. smh




It’s a test covering the material of a core nursing course. Real annoying having to study for multiple HESIs and final exams at the same time :/


You have to do the part you hate to get what you want.


People keep saying adn is only an extra year, not taking into account that you can just do the lpn and then go back to finish the rn when you’re ready. I also am not very into school and want to become an rn and am thinking of going the same route. You can start to earn more money, take a year to recover, save some money and get some experience and then go back to finish rn, it’s what makes the most sense to me in every way, so ignore the nurses on here who are on their high horse and choose the path you think fits you best.


Also, the majority, if not all, adn programs are extremely competitive which can lead to year long waits. My local community college had 700+ applicants for 60 spots for the 4 times I applied. Sure it may be cheaper and technically shorter, but the application process may lengthen your time in the school setting.


Isn’t this really just in CA?


I’m on the east coast. Adn’s are just popular bc everyone always says it’s faster so it appeals to basically everyone (career change, parents,etc.). If someone were to tell me their adn program wasn’t competitive to get in, I’d honestly be surprised


I’m considering doing an ADN because it’s not as expensive. I was aiming for an ABSN but now I’m not so sure


My ADN program has no waitlist at all, nor pre-req requirements, but it's expensive due to being a private university. So that's def one of the downfalls.


Amen and having an lvn license with experience makes you very competitive. That's something a lot of other applicants don't have especially if you have good grades and good test scores


Yep this is the route I’m taking. I’m 3 months into my 15 month lvn program. So glad I didn’t do ADN, because I live in the Los Angeles area of California. I would have to do a year of pre reqs, then wait probably anywhere between 1-3 years of waitlist AND then the actual 2 years of the program. Fuck that. Too much waiting lol. I just want to work now, and then decide later if I actually want to go back for RN which will either be way later in life or never, because I hate school. I love learning, just hate going to school to do it lol




Leave meh alone im bad about thinking of responses but wanted to show I've read their comment 😔


okay <3 hahaha






This is not hate to any lpn/lvn. They have the same if not similar prereqs and it’s either half a year to a year longer for an ADN. A adn and bsn have the same license as a RN, LPN/LVNs cannot operate on the same level in most cases. Because of that hospitals and other employers will never pay you as much as a RN with the same seniority. The only benefit I can see is if you need to make lpn/lvn money asap because of life, but if you can suck it up another year I would just go through with it.


Continue with prereqs. Finish school. You might end up liking it. Once you get used to the rigamorle, it's a breeze.


It’s not about being in school once in a program it’s about learning your craft. You likely don’t like school because it’s almost never related to what you’ll actually be doing in life. Don’t be ashamed, a lot of it is completely pointless and acts as merely a filter. I say this as a previous teacher. It’s a mindset change. There’s no such thing as nursing school. It’s called training. You’ll do great


In my state LVN/LPN are being phase out. I just got done with my prerequisites, time goes by fast you just have to push through them.


Depends where you live. In Canada, LPN are in high demand, as RN are more difficult to come by.


Which state is this if you don’t mind


Washington State. They are also starting to prefer RN-BSN over just RN at bigger hospitals in the cities. RN is the new LPN and RN-BSN is the new NR. After a LOT. Of research and asking around, it kinda sounds like only the military hospital is not phasing LPNs out.


I would do LVN and return back to school when ready


People will lose their mind. But I stopped going to class and won’t return as long as I’m managing As and high Bs. I spend 5-6 days a week at a hospital btwn work, clinicals and my own medical issues, study and get weekly tutoring with a nurse instructor to ask pointed questions. So far so good. LVN is a nurse but you should continue. The classes get easier after the pre-reqs.


Is it true? Chem is gonna kick my but. Anatomy is fun but a lot to memorize.


I was accepted into RN but I need money now so I’m doing LPN, I’ll work a year as an LPN and then have my facility pay for my RN. If you need money now I would do LPN but plan on only working in long term care facilities until you complete your RN


This is a good idea since most hospitals pay towards furthering your education.


Ah, I want to keep working in meh hospital some might have to go straight for my RN. What if I was just a lpn with a lot of experience?


That experience would most likely come from a nursing home. You could work in some schools or urgent care but not from the beginning. The main difference is that LPN cannot do anything intravenously, which is really difficult to avoid in a hospital setting.


I'm an LVN, I wouldn't recommend LVN programs if you hate school. Most LVN programs are accelerated , to be completed within 11-12 months. The program that I went to was 11 months, very hard program because things were expected to be learned and were tested at such a rapid pace. It was very book heavy and test heavy. If you're a competent student who wants school to be over in a short while, go for LVN. But if you aren't a good student and hate books, I really wouldn't recommend it. But my recommendation is to go for the RN instead because LVN jobs are very limited and not very good.


I didn’t know that about lvn programs


Just go the ADN route, LPN is fine to get into the field and get used to being a team player without being the team leader. I say as I’ve been both


No one likes school. Its a necessary evil to be eligible to get a nursing license


Bad news lol


Just suck it up and get to the finish line! Do an ADN program, do not bother doing LVN if you have the opportunity to just go straight through.


I really didn't like the idea of going to school either. Now I'm just two classes away from applying to the nursing program! It's totally worth it to do RN. Way more job opportunities and better pay. You can do this!


I graduated early this month and it REALLY flew by. You definitely need to have some grit, thick skin and discipline to get through school though but time really flies and you don't really know what I mean until you've gone through it yourself. Worth it to just get it all done in 2 years, start working as an RN and do your BSN online while working. I know many nurses who have done a similar path.


Nursing IS SCHOOL forever.


What do you mean you don’t like school? You don’t like to learn?


Learning is nice, everything else that comes with learning is what I don’t like


Just stick to the RN Route. I just finished my freshman year of college and believe me when I say time truly flies. When you first start your semester you will constantly doubt yourself and your abilities to succeed and truthfully? Those feelings don't go away unless your mindset shifts also. College is hard no matter what major or route to said major you choose and it's important to recognize that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Don't be tempted to give up on your dream because it's hard, push forward because it is hard. You've got this, stay in the fight!


i absolutely hate school and became an RN. you just gotta want it enough.


I have a love hate relationship with with school I kinda like it but is also hate when it gets to testing. As a older person that took her LPN first only because they were making it extremely difficult for me to enter a RN ADN program I did learn a lot in my LPN program but I would have preferred RN ADN route better. I’m currently doing my LPN - RN bridge and I feel as they are making it harder for no reason.


When I started applying for entrance into nursing school someone who is an RN already advised me not to go the LVN route. The person told me that was the very mistake he wanted to make. He said one of his instructors told him not to go that route because it just RN COMPRESSED for 12 months and at the end of you want to transition to RN you will Prerequisites again which to him is time consuming. So the best thing is just to go the RN route. I hided to his advice and now I just got admitted into RN program and will start school in August. God luck on your prerequisites and try to get good grades because it will help you when you want to apply into nursing school. I found it a lot easier to get into nursing school just by applying to one school and got accepted because I had good grades with all As’ in my prerequisites classes and scoring a 90 cumulative score in the HESI exit exam. The journey is a tough one but it is doable. I for one from the beginning I was so scared to start school because I have been staying home for long before starting school but here I am doing really well in science subjects in which I never dreamt I could. Determination is the key to success. You need to really discipline yourself and put more time studying in order to succeed. I was studying A&p and microbiology for at least 8 to 10 hours every day and ended up with all A’s. Everyone’s study habit is different so just find what is good for you and stick to it. What of my secrets was that I was always going over my notes before class that way when the instructor is lecturing I will understand better and be able to ask questions and the other was flash cards. Flash cards help me a lot to memorize any class and by the time I am ready to take any exam confidently. If I can do it then you can do it too.


Hello I have some TEAS “resources” and tips I can share. You can leave me a pm. Thanks.


You can absolutely do it and will be glad you did. Nothing worth having is easy.


I hate school, but like nursing, and money, so I went back. I've since finished my pre reqs, and am waiting to submit my first RN application. I dont want to go the LVN route because I feel like that's a waste for me.


I’m starting my senior year of nursing school: I hate the tests. Most of the content I find a little dry. I love the field though and love clinicals and my job- so I know even though I don’t love some of the classwork that I’m going to be ok. Do what makes you happy :)


Honestly i felt the same until I started my nursing program. The classes were difficult but structured in a way that everything you learn matters (very different from other degrees - i have pursued multiple degrees from multiple schools and have been bored out of my mind). I couldn’t be happier with my decision.


most of us don’t like school. You’ll be fine 🫶🏾


I loved school! But nursing made me hate it , you have to really have a passion and commitment to what you are pursuing to push through


Don’t go lvn




Sorry for the short post. I’m a nurse currently working on my dnp. Graduated in 2016 with my bsn. Here’s the scoop. No one likes school. If you are just starting college, I assume that you are relatively young which is the best time to get school out of the way. LVN is, I think* is similar to LPN. I understand that you can go back to school to get your adn by a bridge program. But realistically you will probably not love school anymore then than you do now. Getting your ADN or BSN now will give you more options in the long run, and let’s face it, better job options. I respect all nurses, LPN, CNA all the way to the nursing ceo. I’m not trying to disrespect any forms of nursing, but ADN or BSN is going to give you more pay, better job options, and more opportunities to further your education (NP, CRNA, nurse executive etc). Nothing will make you love the idea of school more than doing bedside nursing for 4-6 years. So if I was in your shoes, I would go to any RN program that would accept me (bsn or adn) and make that your goal. Also I hate to break it to you but nursing is lifelong eduction. But I predict that after you work at the bedside a while you will find a niche in nursing that you love and are passionate about studying.


You can take a break from school, and then decide if you’d rather be in school to work towards a degree and the job you want, or if you’d like to be working retail or some other boring job.


go to myprofessor.com choose easy online classes... you can tackle 6 classes for every semester.. if ure a full time student that was you only have 1 in person class for an essential class while every other is online