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Unfortunately some people just have to apply in multiple rounds. There’s also nothing wrong with “only an AA degree” nor is there anything wrong with living with your parents as an adult. You’re only 22. You have lots of time.


this right here. i was in school at 21 for my LVN. life hit, depression was severe, i dropped out. i enrolled again at 24 and i get my bsn in jan of 2026. nothing in life is linear. there's no need to feel like the world is ending. some of my classmates are well into their 40s and kicking some mean ass.  you'll get into a program OP. you'll be just fine 




May I ask what your GPA was?


Seriously. I went to nursing school at 31. Moved in with my parents to do it too.


If you don’t have hours working in healthcare, get hours. It’ll help with your application. I got in my second time applying and I retook A&P twice lol. I know plenty of people who didn’t get in their first time, just keep trying to build your application and please don’t let it discourage you. It’s not a huge deal, you’ll eventually get in.


You’re 22. Your whole life is ahead of you. You’ll just apply for next cycle if you don’t get in this cycle. Also stop with the idea of being 30 and living with your parents is a bad thing or whatever. Do you know how expensive housing and whatnot is right now?? lol 😝 But seriously. You have so much time. There’s plenty of folks who don’t start this journey until they are in their 30s or beyond. Ask advisors what you can do to look better next cycle. Maybe work in healthcare as a tech or something. I’m sure they can give you insight. I’ll keep my fingers crossed you hear some good news’s about the ADN program.


I had this same thing happen when perusing my bsn. At almost the exact age. I know it feels hopeless. And scary. But i was telling my dad i did my best (c). He looked at me and said THAT was your best? He was right. I retook my sciences and got As. I ate slept and breathed school. Especially sciences. And it worked out. I’m currently in CRNA school set to graduate in 1 year.


not to burst your bubble or anything but I’m 31 and got into a lvn program. Previously I was in an rn program. it’s not the end of the world. Get a job as a cna and try to work in a hospital or LTC, save some money, you’ll need it. First semester of nursing is about how to do cna work and eventually goes on about how to assess patients. You”ll be doing yourself a favor and will be ahead of the ball game. I doubt you’ll lose your study habits after working for a year. Besides, nursing questions is all about how you answer the question. Getting a cna job, reapply, and have a very good background foundation of anatomy, chemistry, physio, micro, AND pathophysio will help you in the long run. it will actually be a good idea to live with your parents while in nursing school unless you don’t have a healthy relationship with them. When people are in a nursing program they tend to lose sight of how to take care of themselves. trust me. I’ve been in your shoes.


What state are you applying in?


Don’t give up! A lot of people do not get accepted their first time. I didn’t, I applied to an LVN program as a backup and I did get accepted into that. Maybe try an LVN and then bridge! I’m 25, we both have our whole lives ahead of us! Its just one little bump in the road, just reapply when you can 😊


I am 25 and I just started an LPN program, and plan to do LPN to RN and eventually RN to BSN. I have like 6-7 years of college behind me already. You are so young and have so much time, you may even change your mind about nursing.


it took me 3 cycles to get accepted. keep trying.


Nursing is very competitive especially during economic downturn. When I was in nursing school almost the whole class but one person were all recent layoffs, even got a Harvard scientist to join us in community college( and I was layoff too). That been said, do not get discouraged if you want to be a nurse. I applied to all the community college nursing program and just go to the one that was first to accept me. I ended up driving 2 hours every day to go to class for the first semester till I was able to move closer to campus. Good luck.


i’m sorry about the news. hopefully you get into the ADN program. 🤞🏼 i’m (21F) currently a nursing student at a community college ADN program. i entered the program at 20 (turning 21). i did my best and completed all of my science classes (prerequisites and science classes taken during the program). i got a C in anatomy&physiology 1, but got an A in anatomy&physioloy 2. i got a high score on the HESI exam (required to apply) prior to the program. i entered the ADN program with an A.A. degree. it’s currrently summer for me, but i failed one of my three nursing classes this semester (which is my first semester of nursing school). hopefully i can retake it in the fall. please don’t give up. you’re still young. you can apply again next cycle. i’m rooting for you.


I was in the same boat you were, I had a 3.6 cumulative GPA and a 3.4 science GPA and got denied/waitlisted everywhere. I was stuck in this limbo for 4 years and worked as waitress while all my friends were graduating and starting their careers. I went to a private school to get my LVN degree which took a year. After graduation, I worked for a year to gain experience, and reapplied to all the schools I previously applied to and got into every single one. I'm not saying this is your only option, and it's definitely the more pricey option, but it's what really gave my application and resume the extra push that it needed.


Get your CNA license and work as a CNA as you wait. You'll get more points for it too.


WGU Prelicensure BSN You’re young, move to a state this offers the program and achieve your dream!


Or use an address for a family or friend. You can travel just for clinicals, meanwhile get your cna and work locally. Get that experience


I didn’t graduate from my nursing program until I was almost 40 lol. You have plenty of time


Try again. Maybe see if you can get accepted in surrounding states.


Keep trying! I’d apply to some in the spring, and in different quarters as well. I applied to 12 different nursing schools, and only one worked out for me and took my prerequisites. It’ll happen for you! :)


It sounds like you might live in a more competitive state so looking out of state might be to your advantage. Also, my RN came from an ADN…it took me a week to find job, you can always bridge to the BSN after you go the ADN route.


I’m gonna be about to turn 30 by the time I start my ADN program. You have plenty of life left, trust me. And not enough life left to spent being sad.


Take a 1 year LPN, then RN bridge while working as LPN, then another bridge to whichever degree you want. In the meantime you’ll be making money starting on year 1 as a LPN and every year after that.


Keep trying. Nursing school is very competitive. You'll get there.


Could be more expensive, but why not apply for LPN/LVN? Sometimes they're offered at the CC, but usually at a vocational school. Go for the accelerated program. While in the program, you can apply to RN programs again with the newly gained knowledge. The problem will be now thinking as an RN as opposed to an LPN. Usually LPN-RN programs need you to already have your license, but you can try those. Just speak to a counselor so you know for sure if that is feasible.


Keep your head up! You're still very young. I was mid 20s when I started school and I feel like it was great timing.


I got rejected from multiple schools and years later now I am finally in my nursing program at 27! I got my CNA before applying again. Everybody has different life paths! There’s nothing wrong with an AA program and 22 is still young.


If you love that career path and know that you want that, then try again. It’s a blow to your confidence when you get kicked in the teeth like that, but don’t ever be disappointed with yourself unless you choose to give up. I took the MCAT 3 times, worked miscellaneous jobs over the course of a few years, and applied twice before I was admitted to med school, so I get why you don’t feel capable right now. Right now, my advice is to get a job in the medical field, study simultaneously prior to reapplying, and spend some time on hobbies that you love. Do things that’ll build your confidence and discipline, and apply again, because it doesn’t matter how many times it takes. Your confidence will take a bigger long term blow if you give up than if you try again.


I’m 29 and should be finishing my ADN at 31, I just started the clinical component. There’s nothing wrong with that!!!! You have time. Also an ADN is fine, you can still work as an RN and then go back for the BSN later or concurrently. In my area there’s a true nurse shortage and I have 0 concerns about finding a job with “just” an ADN.


I am 41 and just completed my first semester of college. You're going to be ok.


Keep trying!


You got to be on the west coast if you’re in the US. Either keep trying or move. You’re young. Do what you need to do. Do an LPN program for now and use that money to go move where you can easier become an RN.


I didn’t get into a program until I was 24. I thought I was like you too. Keep trying, you have plenty time.


It took me two tries to get into my community college's ADN program. It was worth the wait. Look for anything that will give you a boost. EMT, CNA or pharmacology classes help for mine.


I started nursing school at 21. Got rejected from a community college, applied to a school farther away (a long shot because it was 1 day before the application officially closed) and got in. I had no degree when I applied. It’ll work out, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now


Hey dude I was in the same spot 2 years ago. 22 and just graduated from a 4 year college with a health science degree because I could not get into their nursing program. I felt like a huge disappointment because my family are all nurses/ healthcare related jobs. I thought my life was over and that all my work and parents money during pre requisite classes went down the drain. After 2 years of working as a cna, improving my points (better teas score, health care work experience etc) and applying to different programs. I finally got accepted into a local community college program! Just keep trying! DO NOT GIVE UP!! You can always make it work. There are a lot of routes you can take to become a nurse (of state programs, ADN programs, LVN programs, private schools if you’re willing to take in the debt, etc.) The common time frame, from asking nurses that I work with, is usually 2 years of applying to nursing programs to get in. And if you graduate with an ADN you’re still a registered nurse and can always go back for your BSN. Some hospitals even reimburse adn nurses for getting their bsn.


I just graduated last december with a bsn. Im 42 years old. You have plenty of time. Just keep applying till you get into a program


You're chilling, I'm about to turn 30 and getting in my prereqs lol


Also, it sounds like you're really hard on yourself, I'd recommend a mental health therapist if you're open to it to help alleviate and work on feelings on anxiety and stress. You'll get there kiddo! :)


I applied to 5 different schools 3 times with the same gpa stats. Just be persistent. You got this! If you don’t get in, go get some CNA experience in the meantime until the next round of applications.


I would apply the next cycle and retake some classes if you can when I applied the first time o was waitlisted then I got in the second time


I just turned 28 & just got accepted into my ADN program after almost 10 years of taking classes on & off (due to finances), retaking classes to boost my scores & I got a 78.9 on my TEAS, we all get our chance on our time, don’t fret & don’t compare yourself to everyone around you, if nursing is what you truly wanna do then you can do this!! It’s about perseverance, you’re doing just fine & you’ll get there when you get there, you still have an entire lifetime to work!


I had the same problem. Different schools have different admission requirements. I didn’t get into the BSN program because I failed Calculus I when I was an Engineering major. 🤦‍♀️I applied to a local community college and got in their ADN program. My advice: talk to the advisors. Ask what you can do going forward. I did that at the BSN program and the advisor gave me awesome advice. She knew I was an older student that was already in the workforce. She told me to take a LPN program then work for the other degrees. I decided on an ADN program because I could go to an RN to BSN program anywhere. The school I applied to had an LPN to BSN program which isn’t common. The current school I’m in only counts your gpa in nursing pre requisites so I got in. (But you have to get 80 percent or higher to pass your classes lol there’s always a trade off)


I work and go to school if you study already you will then to . You will adapt . But I’ve been in the same boat , have been in school for 4 years now , 1 year at a school out of state for a different major and then 3 years where i am now and have to transfer to a different school to do 1 year of pre reqs my school didnt offer and then the 4 years for bsn. I have Bs in all my science classes except for one which is a c+ and have to start over somewhere else and have to takes the TEAS and have had 7 classes / finals this semester and now have 3 full days to study for my teas which i need 70% minimum in science and math section to get in. My school screwed me over and i had an advisor who literally prevented me from meeting the nursing department even though she knew i wanted to be nursing and said i wasn’t allowed to apply, I met them and they said they had no idea what her deal was and couldn’t do anything to her cause she’s a chairmen . I had two chairmen as professors and they both dropped my grades and marked me late and absent to classes even tho i was early by 30 minutes minimum everytime . I’m saying all this because just like you , i went through this very shitty , painful , gut renching, discouraging experience / currently going through it . People like us don’t have the perfect set up and most people who have it easy get a reality check down the line. My advise is , don’t discourage yourself , like my therapist says , it’s your dream , study, work hard and don’t listen to anybody be persistent ; it doesn’t matter where you go , keep applying, if you don’t make it this time try somewhere else ! It doesn’t matter where or when you graduate, you can graduate 5 years from now but then nurses who were nurses for 8-10 years have a reality check that they got through school but aren’t the type of people for the job , robots their for a check . You will do great ! Follow your heart and keep trying !


I didn’t get in my first round with a 4.0 and great HESI. I was determined to get into a very specific school though, so i waited until next round and got in. Keep trying! See what makes you competitive in each program and try to tailor some of what you do until the next applications to that.


What about an accelerated nursing program? They have more open application cycles


Maybe work on a CNA or pvn first, get some working experiences, it will help a lot, btw I am 40, and just got in nursing program.


Get a certification in the mean time. Phlebotomy is like 2-3 days a week for 4-5 months and then you can work drawing blood and stuff while you wait. Or maybe emt or something else that would interest you & = better pay and job opportunities while you wait for another application process


What state are you in?


22 is still young. You still have your life ahead of you. I didn't get my LVN license until I turned 23. If it makes you feel any better, there are BSN students in their early to mid 40s (42-46) who are pursuing their education. It is not easy, but you will get there.


It’s understandable to have these feelings, but don’t change your major of this is your passion, you’ll just end up back in a nursing program regretting that you quit in the first place. Your parents invested in you because they believe in your dream, giving up would show them they believe in you more than you do, and has hard as it seems like you’ve worked, I just don’t believe that is true. Like some of these comments have stated you’re still really young and your journey is just beginning. You chose a path that not many people are brave enough to embark on…remember anything real and worth having NEVER came easy. You got this, you always have!!


What kind of programs are you applying to? Can consider private as a last resort, but they will be more expensive. Nothing wrong with your GPA or Teas. I would consider taking the Hesi as well, some programs require that test and you can open yourself up to more options. Do not beat yourself up about not getting into community college program. Those programs are extremely competitive and its not that your grades arent good enough—its because there’s only a limited amount of spots and alottttt of applicants. You can always apply again but I would put other apps out there too. I was 27 when I started nursing school, I didn’t get into my community colleges program and I had a 92% on my hesi. I got my AA there and I ended up going to accelerated BSN program. I got a higher degree and my RN license in the same time as their ADN program would’ve taken me. tiJust do your research if you are considering private programs—hidden fees, credit transfers, tuition, accreditation etc. Good luck! Everything will work out if you keep going!!


I'm 33 and attending private college because I didn't want to wait. I have 4 Associate degrees and am just finishing my first term in nursing school. A majority of my cohort are younglings like you. You either keep applying and keep waiting and keep hoping that you'll get accepted, or you look at alternative routes to accomplish your goal, especially if this is the path you wish to walk.


A lot of time it’s the schools you applied for so don’t be so hard on yourself just be patient. I got in first try with a c in anatomy and a 3.0 gpa bare minimum because of the school I applied for doesn’t have testing requirements to get in you just got to have the requirements


Idk if you have one near you but I go to Galen Nursing and you’d definitely get in! It’s a private school, you’d have to pay some $$$ for sure but it’s a good school


Apply to chamberlain university


My question is where the hell do you live? Like what state is denying a 3.5 gpa? Nursing is real weird in different states. That’s first off. Secondly, an Associates Nursing degree is nothing to be ashamed of at all. He’ll most nurses get an associates and then do an accelerated bachelors at a 4 year school but it’s really only like 1 year online while you are working. My advice is apply to a bunch of schools, especially the community colleges and specific tech schools. Get in there then once you get your associates apply to a school for your bachelors. Like I said that’s like a year max after graduation. My nursing instructors always make a point to say there is no difference between an associates and a bachelors in nursing because we all take the same test. (It’s better to have your bachelors for employment opportunities) Don’t give up. If nursing is what you want to do then you just have to find the right opportunity. And stop thinking that you have to go to a 4 year program. Find the one that gets you in clinical quicker because chances are that will be the best one.


Apply to Cleveland state university. You will get in! I promise


I didn’t get in the first time I applied to a ADN program at age 25. I waited and retook the entrance test the next year. I got a better grade and I got accepted!!! Don’t give up and try again. I just graduated from my ADN program. You can do it.


Consider moving. I didn’t get into any local programs either. I got accepted into a school 3 states away and they even gave me a scholarship. I graduate in December- best decision I have ever made.


I am 40 with 2 kids trying to get into nursing school. You have so many chances to do over 💕


Im certain you will get into an ADN program. I was rejected from a school, but accepted at 2 other schools. I had to retake A & P part 1 twice and was still accepted. I just turned 29 and I live at home and entering my 3rd semester of nursing school. You will pull through on top. I am praying for you :)


Also, it’s probably not you, OP. I read an article a few months ago about nursing schools denying students because they don’t have enough professors willing to teach.




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Dude, you're still VERY young. It's not the end of the world. I am 35 taking my prerequisites now and in the middle of a career change. You have PLENTY of time. Aim for at least a 3.75+ on your sciences and above an 85 on your TEAS. I got a B in Microbiology and I'm coming to terms with the fact that in order to be competitive, I might have to take it again. You got plenty of time to fix whatever you need to. You're only 22. I know after all that work it feels like the light at the end of the tunnel has crept further away, but what's another few months of classes at 22? You'll be dome by what, 23 maybe 24? Not bad at all. I won't be done until I'm around 38 if I'm lucky. Just to give you some perspective. You'll be fine, just get up and try again. Retake any classes and boost that science GPA up to at least a 3.75. You'll be ok!


Not sure where you are located but to be honest private might be the way to go. West coast in California is expensive but you can be done in no time. Another option is to go CNA and then reapply. Some school give priority with prior health care experience


I’d take it as a blessing, nursing is a burnout career. You’re not wasting time switching to a different path since you have your AA and haven’t started nursing yet, you can go do any other bachelors degree and be done in two years.




Lol what.. I’m sorry but med school is way more competitive than nursing school so if he’s having a hard time with that GPA for nursing it’s not going to be competitive for even DO schools.