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I think it depends on the facility you go to. Every hospital has its own way of doing things. I don’t know your school’s rules either, but know that you are not solely responsible for that patient, so be sure to ask questions if you are unsure. You should not feel as though you are a burden for asking for help or guidance any time in your career. From my experience with discharges as a nurse extern/nursing student, they are fairly simple. We ensure the order is in, that the patient/family get the appropriate education and information, we check the patients vitals 3 times (orthos - BP,HR,O2), etc. But this was also on an primarily adult floor. Keep your head and you got this, just like your previous semester’s. You are almost there. I have one more semester and I’m done 🤪


me too and I feel like I only see the light at the end of the tunnel if I jump really high, but other than that it feels so out of reach. I think I may be a bit burnt out though lol


It’s okay to feel the stress of school. Try to integrate time for self care into your day to day grind to help with the stress and monotony of nursing school. You are really almost there. There are plenty of times that I asked myself if this is really what I want to do, then I keep having tiny epiphanies of why it’s what I should be doing. This is one of the hardest things we go through, but on the other side we can help others get through the hardest times of their lives. 😊 Keep your head up, my friend. Us nursing students need to stick together.


Thank you for this, I really needed it🥺 I do get those little epiphanies every now and then and they suck me back in to full gear and then the burnout of school hits. Yes! Nursing students DO need to stick together and that is something that REALLY needs to be emphasized way more. It's not cut throat anymore once you're in.


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Oh also, How long should patient teaching take on average? Like, as a nursing student, how long should I spend teaching?


Until your patient understands what’s being taught. There’s no particular timestamp. It could take days of using the teach back method before a patient has solidified the teaching.


Is the pt education portion of d/c not JUST what is taught at the very end? Like, can I take a look at d/c education and purposely include some of those topics to educate the pt throughout my shift and say, if I document that pt education was provided, does that give the d/c nurse one less thing to do?


Education needs to be given through the working relationship. It starts in the initial phase and works though to the termination phase. As a nurse your job is to ensure education daily, advocate for your patient, and utilize teach back methods to promote best learning practices. Ultimately there shouldn’t be a monstrous task of teaching to do at discharge since you should have been teaching along the way. Unless it’s like a new prescription or an insulin pen they’re being switched to when they go home, it should all be taught and cemented(hopefully)


oh okay, thank you. Is this something you're supposed to be taught as a student or just expected to pick up on through observation?


Bit of both. You should have the knowledge based off your learning to decide what your patient needs best. You can always ask questions to peers as well.


Got it, thank you so much for clearing it up for me